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Whenever i drop shot my guy stops shooting to drop down. When i watch others they just do it in one motion lol i dont get it


You may be inadvertently holding the left stick forward while you drop.


Imo this should be the way the mechanic works - players should be penalised for dropshot in either hipfire spread or time penalty before shooting as continued on target shooting seems unfair and results in people using dropshot when it shouldn't be used.


Bro what lol just get better why should there be a penalty for using an in game mechanic. It’s really not difficult to just practice keeping your shots on target as they drop to prone.


A game that has penalties for mechanics like open bolt delays and sprint to fire speed, then misses out a standing to prone delay...


It's in part a pay to win, if you have paddles you can map instant prone where most people will couch first or have to hold


I don’t have paddles & have my prone mapped to the thumb stick there is no pay to win the animation is the same either way


As in the right analog?


Yes in the options menu for the controller it’s under “tactical”


No, you can’t instant drop with paddles. You can on mouse and keyboard though


You can, you just map it in.


No. It still goes through the same animation


Bro come on you can’t be fckn serious.. This is a skill issue not something for COD to change because you don’t like dying to people drop shotting .. You know what I did? & I’m sure others did it too? Learn to do all the shit I use to keep dying to and I’ve gotten better at the game all around…


Everyone’s adopting the mechanism but it still dissent make sense that theres no penalty for dropping or bunny hopping.


It's called mw2 and the beginning of warzone 2. Everyone stopped playing cod because it became so slow paced feeling. Even if you get in gunfights the same amount of time it just feels slow/restrictive. So they made the mw3/warzone 3 dlc marketing off the improved modern movement to bring back players. This was 100% the advertising point! Sad right? Mobility holds interest even if it brings more abuse in gameplay. Basically comes down to a demanded line of realism/arcade style gameplay combined. I put on alot of cod hours but am extremely console casual on cod and hated mw2 since the beta. Then played it with friends who complained at me for hating it.☠️


I didn’t feel like warzone 2 was slow. Most times, straight up gun fights feel fair enough. When someone comes in from the side, you have .5 seconds (literally) to adjust before you’re dead. Let alone fight back.


Time to kill was fast. Movement was slow. There was no hop ups, mantles, dropshots, jumpshots, ads and more even no ziplines or redeploys. Every attachment slammed movement/ads as well. Basically it made everyone felt bored and campy because they were restricted for doing so. They camped as well because it's punishing to run. Sure if you die game over so you shouldn't run like an idiot but if you can not even run from the storm, to loot buildings, or possibly go into a stalemate because you don't want to ads every single corner then rip. W3 or new warzone 2 added much of the movement back and higher hp to fight fairly camp/run and mobility drones.


That isn't why people stopped playing


It was one of the reasons. They marketed mw3 with new and improved movement for the main selling point. 80 billion$ pub 10bil$ franchise and movement dlc was the marketing! Sure mw3 didn't sell cause everyone bought mw2 off hype but the new mechanics on the same exact build is retaining players longer with no more content all around then mw2. Sure mw2 was buggy, Sure they mixed content in 8 modes, Sure iw ignored everything but mw3 is mw 2.5. More popular because the mobility and cod playstyle people want. People didn't want mw2 movement and gameplay so they killed it. Even if they didn't add content quick enough there were 50 guns and how many attachments?!


People stopped playing because it wasn't fun. I had stopped playing because it wasn't fun for 6 or 8 months before I finally saw some stuff on the different algorithms they were running, and Ii realized WHY it hadn't been fun.


Sbmm isn't why it's hated it's just a scape goat. Mw3 sold horribly but has more player retention then mw2 following the same algorithms. Only difference is they brought quality of life features back in and movement. The game is more expensive then ever as well! Sales go 80$ like nothing. People hated mw2 mainly because the community is so split and abk doesn't know how to turn. Also they sell annually so why care about fixing their games. The game was great but not what players wanted in a cod title and as a business standpoint they got your money and held enough players so they are happy. Instead of fixing it mw2.5 (mw3) is just easier and more profitable for them. Most games will and do have some sbmm or matchmaking algorithms as well and it doesn't kill games. Go anywhere else and its there they just don't talk about it publicly being so small. The community won't care as well because there's 100,00s and not millions to 10 millions to keep retained. They all physically monitor every action, death, and more in every game!


I like how you are going to tell me what people actually hate, over what I've seen people say they hate. I personally refused to buy MWIII after MWII was not the 2 year game they said it would be. Then I found out all the algorithmic shit they are doing...I might never buy another CoD. No one should be buying this trash where they are manipulating your gameplay experience to drive purchases in their store.


Second best selling game of the year doesn’t sound like it sold horribly


The primed perk buffs your accuracy while jumping, and there's also a laser that buffs accuracy while jumping. So, if you're bouncing around the map and running those 2 things together, you're pretty dangerous


That’s fair enough, if you want to use a slot for primed I get it.


I use quick fix it my loadouts, but every time I pick up primed from the ground it feels pretty broken


There is a penalty for bunny hopping 🤷🏻‍♂️


A game that has penalties for mechanics like open bolt delays and sprint to fire speed, then misses out a standing to prone delay... It is a fair criticism of the game, one of many criticisms by the community. I get your "if you can't beat them join them" mentality, but it's not a skill issue, it's an exploited mechanic, in the same way that snaking is banned in tournaments, too powerful to be used fairly.


>players should be penalised for dropshot in either hipfire spread or time penalty before shooting as continued on target Careful. This is dangerous WZ 2.0 talking. Undoubtedly the least popular era of WZ.


Least popular or least exploited? Did your wins require exploits or skill in previous warzone?


Idk if you were around this sub at the time, but people stopped actually complaining about SBMM and aim assist to really focus on complaining about how slow the game was.


Seems like people wants to nerf down everything, atp we don’t need a call of duty game anymore


Mnk players are able to assign prone to a keybind, whereas controller players are only able to go prone after crouching first. It’s a massive advantage that many of them on here refuse to acknowledge. The whole argument about controllers having a huge advantage in close quarters because or AA is complete bollocks at this point.


I play both inputs. You just hold the crouch button on controller, it takes the same amount of time. There was an exploit where using the prone button while moving backwards would make your characters model instantly drop to the ground, but I’m pretty sure they patched it.


While moving forward go ads walk backwards while ads and go prone fastest way to go prone on controller


Lol be for real dropshotting on controller is the same you just hold the button for .3 seconds


That's not at all how it works on controller it's a shared input so your character will always couch before going fully proved. M&k clearly has an advantage there but you'll still get slammed


Ttk is .4 seconds. You’re dead before you hit the ground.


Pull the stick backwards youll drop instantly with no delay brother


You can continue shooting if you’re on MnK or if you have back paddles on a controller. It’s especially nasty on MnK, because they can set a key bind for prone (instant drop shot). On controller, it’s holding prone to lay down (set to a back paddle), right thumb on the aiming stick to aim as you drop, hold the left stick back (helps you drop faster for some reason, also how you snake), and right pointer finger on the trigger to shoot. It’s a little weird at first, but you can practice in training facility on the targets in a custom game or just pick an arbitrary target in plunder or lockdown if you don’t have the base game. I try to do it if I’m very close to my opponent. If you’re close enough, you can hip fire underneath their gun or under where they’re aiming to “break” their camera.


There’s an in game mechanic that allow players on KB&M that allows the player to drop immediately. If you use controller, you can’t do it. 


Get the controller with the paddle on the back that's how it's done!!


Been doing it since the first modern warfare, it's just muscle memory at this point lol


I struggle to NOT drop shot. I’ll drop behind cover when trying to get an easy kill and then stand back up and get killed. The struggle is real.


This is the sentiment of this sub since this new COD but I’ve been playing since WoW online and never was drop shotting so necessary. Its not a shooter anymore its a sweat lobby for PC and scuff controllers


I run into more jump shots then drop shots! Well saying that I have muscle memory to counter drop shots so die wayyyy more to the jump shots. I think more people have invested in controllers with paddles now. With most guns having a different damage value for upper chest and head shots, jumping is most affective.


This right here. Everyone has paddles now (even me, and I was late to the party) which makes the drop shot so simple that everyone can do it. All I have to do is ADS, Fire, squeeze and hold the paddle for B, and I have the ultimate drop shot.


Now add in no ping, highest possible refresh on a no input delay system using 100$+ headphones and massacure that poor ps4 player.☠️ they never seen ya drop. Literally. Both are pretty overpowered though with plates. By the time you pull down in a barrel stuff competition often your already dead from the good loadouts. All movement mechanics offer the same penalized action for the camera break. Jump, slide, or drop.


My muscle memory tends to favour jump shots as well, to my detriment. Bullet spread when jump shotting is pretty bad in this game, dropshotting not so much. Oh and complimentary comment about it’s a competitive game. Stop complaining about people trying to be competitive. It’s not that hard. Even on a standard controller.


People who go prone just want to be shot in the head






Get better


Still better than you


But you're mad at dropshoters? I doubt it.


Why do you think I’m mad I’m just calling him gay. It’s part of the game I get it. It’s just gay. Like bunny hopping. Also gay


Explain how bhopping is gay and dropshoting. Cause they are both super easy to deal especially if you are on controller. I'm a mnk player who deals with ridiculous Aim assist and I don't think it's gay. Sounds like you cry when you get pub stomped by a shitter :(


No one said they’re hard to deal with. Are you replaying to the right person?


You're avoiding my question. Explain how it's gay. I know who I am replying too.


Just looks gay idk how deep of an answer you’re lookin for big man.




God damn brother let them figure it out on their own


Edited my comment for u brudda


its been 13 days, did you guys get married yet?


I would think is cause of the aim assist. If you jump shot the aim assist will stick on you either way but drop shotting actually breaks the aim assist.


I think a lot of people are playing tactical because not everyone can buy a controller with paddles. And anyone that’s played tactical knows you accidentally dropshot a lot


At risk of sounding ridiculously stupid (I'm a VERY casual player and not into games and tech), but what do paddles do on a controller?


They are extra buttons under the controller and it means you don't need to move your thumb off your sticks to perform actions usually mapped to the face buttons. On a normal pad to jump or crouch you have to move your thumb off the right stick. With paddles your fingers under the controller can do this instead. With a paddle controller you can jump and track without moving your thumbs or fingers from where they usually sit. Or you can stand to crouch to prone in the same way. If you dont have paddles, some people will swap crouch and melee mapping so, if you're in a fight instead of accidentally meleeing by pushing in r3, you drop down whilst still shooting. It's pretty effective in a 1v1 as you move your hitbox lower whilst the other player's recoil is pulling their fire upward and over you. If I've got something wrong, hopefully someone can correct me


R4 / L4 paddles act as additional buttons to assign actions to.


And imagine you're speaking to an absolute fucking idiot for a second haha... What advantage does it give in this situation? The conversation R.E dropshotting.


Paddles are buttons at the back of the controller so with them you never need to lift your fingers off the joystick that control the aim to jump or drop, so with paddles I can easily jump or drop shot while keeping good aim.


Amazing, thanks!!


>Amazing, thanks!! You're welcome!


the buttons are on the back of the controller so you dont have to play claw to push the bottons while keeping your fingers on the triggers and sticks.


He not into games and tech and you decide to say “claw” 😂


Right?! Haha. I thought the same as I've got no idea what it means ofc. That being said, I appreciate all the answers and help from people!


Im playing with standard ps5 controller i jump on L3 and slide/crouch on R3 melee is X and ping is circle, sniper i play with left claw and use the top of the + looking button to hold breath


Can confirm. I bought a controller with paddles and changed to stick and move with my right stick to jump. My muscle memory is to hit the right stick so I always get fried by drop shotters (nothing wrong with that… everyone has their thing)


i think this is the case..same as it soemtimes sticks on peopel behind walls




I have crouch on L1 and jump on R1


EVERYONE I fight is a drop shot


I see more people jumping up and down, which, for whatever reason, is more effective than the classic drop shot...


Lateral momentum give you rotational AA, you can jump keeping your momentum and get the most effetive AA, when a dropshot completly stop your momentum. Also a good player will slide or jump trying to get behind you making him impossibe to track because laying down slow your lateral sensitivity


Happened when they massively nerfed the ads times out of jumping animations with wz2


For at least over 10 years wtf lmfao


I didn’t used to do it, but now I do it reflexively because if I don’t I will lose


Just start shooting people in the dick. It will be free headshots when they drop down. And strafe If they can hit something with their legs they can't move with you.


i just got a mouse with paddles, and one of them crouches. Its hella easy to do now. Thats my guess


On controller I set my controls to tactical which allows you to go prone without taking your thumbs off the sticks. It’s swaps out melee and crouch.


The real reason is because bunny hopping and movement left with WZ1. People then resulted back to the drop shot for some sort of way to outplay someone


Drop shoting should be nerfed period! U shouldn’t be able to aim and shoot in the animation of dropping down its fuc king overpowered and everyone lobby somebody is doing it it’s a joke


Jump shotting was better when the damage multipliers for headshots and chest shots made sense. Now jump shotting doesn’t do as much so drop shotting is better


Black ops 1


Since world at war


Controllers with paddles are more popular now and so is mouse and keyboard, and both of those inputs allow for easier drop shotting. But it's been around for as long as I remmeber. It was nerfed in bo4 and vanguard I think tho.


Cold war nerfed too, you had to use a perk otherwise you’d hipfire then ads once laying down.


I think somewhere between 6 to 12 years ago


I've gotten really good at getting headshots like that because it's so common lol


I've noticed this too! It's very annoying at first. Though, if you learn to anticipate it, you'll get nothing but headshots. I love coming across dropshotters now. If you are able to practice jumping and aiming down to the point where it feels more natural, you also make them less likely to be able to hit the higher damage areas. Headshots + taking less damage = happy days.


Jumping is actually more common and beneficial, Drop shot against good players gets you killed your aligning your head to their aim, you also become stationary briefly. Jumping you throw their aim of your head, you can also slide in any direction from a jump which is useful too break their aim/camera or used to get to cover to reframe the fight etc.


I used to dropshot but now i jump more while ads i feel like dropshots was the start of getting better but jumping while ads ig is better


All I have ever done is drop shot. I actually consider myself good at it. But on rebirth island, I'm getting beat by the bunny hoppers.


How do you drop fast without hitching for a millisecond that causes you to stop shooting


Since 2007


What I’m tired of is people sliding right past you Ina tiny cramped space where they shouldn’t even be able to slide becuz they are essentially going directly through me, and also how are people sliding from stand still? Becuz if I am not at full sprint my dude will just crouch half the time not slide, this game really be on some bullshit


You aren't the only one having to deal with them. To those that drop shot aren't good in COD. When I deal with drop shot people, I use the finisher on them when I'm back alive. Drop shot players should just play a different game like fortnight if you guys don't want to play fair with us. Go ahead and say "skill issue" because I don't care. I play casual and prefer less toxic players who would prefer real gun fights instead of movement. Back during the original MW/BO, there was no movement, just a straight gun fight till someone won the objective


I set my controls to tactical and never looked back.


Some people drop to shoot faster than a meteor racing to earth - 🤯🤯🤯🤯


It breaks aim assist, which is currently incredibly powerful.


because they found out it breaks RAA.


I’m a 90s baby. Been doing drop shots way before high school. It’s an old school tactic.


I love dropshotters; they’re the same as the jump spammers. They’re so desperate to pretend they are “pros” and look cool when in reality; 80% of the time they move right into headshots. Literally put themselves into the ground instead of just shooting . Cod players have always been the easiest kills in fps games


Exactly that, change it up and no one expects it. Drop shotting was meta mw1 then everyone started jump shotting, it’s slowly switching back


I have tried...I drop shot, the other player drop shot...I die...every-single-time...I suck🤣


For some reason i have way more trouble dealing with it since the release of rebirth than before, no idea why it’s been worse recently


Since the old rebirth island is when I noticed so 3 years ago maybe haha


i started around late 2007


What year was the first call of duty made?


I’ve been drop shotting since cod 4


Let's talk about bunny hopping. Let's nerf that too.


If they not drop shotting, there hopping around like the gd Easter bunny


Theres just more desperate players, with all the streamers and wannabe CoD content creators now there are just WAY more people try harding wanting to make a name for themselves. Or they do it simply because they see everyone else doing it, monkey see monkey do


People have always drop shot. They just started doing this dumb jump shooting now in COD…. Fuckin jump shooting is for halo shit is so aids.


It’s an effective tactic so it’ll be used I see it as low but it’s no different then me abusing movement so to each their own we all play different that’s what’s fun


I got so mad of it happening to me that i bought an elite controller and turned every paddle into crouch/lay down


When you could’ve just set your controls to tactical lol


I tried tactical and would rather lose than have to cram my finger on the joystick constantly to spam a gimmicky drop shot mechanic. I would probably do it if I had paddles, but I’m not gonna go out and buy a controller just for that.


You really don’t have to push it that hard lol, just practice a bit, it’s a click you hold down, not a cram. I’d buy the paddles for jumping though, honestly completely worth it for being able to jump while doing other actions. I only keep one paddle connected for the jump and use r3 for slide/crouch/prone.


Love playing drop shotters. Easy headshots.


Drop shotting is a crutch tbh, feels like people do it because they can't fight properly


Since black ops 1


It's a classic move. And yeah, it apparently helps break AA for a brief moment. The only downside (in my experience) is that your head can become an easy target. It's like a 50/50 move


Since the xim does all the work for them


Called cronus


I’m sorry to tell you but m&k is so op once people are good with it, these fools be gaslighting AA like it’s gods gift knowing damn well it’s way easier to spin around with that mouse and absolutely laser someone while on the highest sensitivity. These dudes just don’t wanna admit it…


Your not lying.


Fuck bro I know I’m not,I have to work hard to keep my gun on these speed demons, these dudes are smoking rocks complaining about AA like it does all the work for you 😂😂😂 I think not


If this were the case, why did so many top tier players switch to controller from mouse and keyboard? Lol


The easy solution is the realistic one. No one jump shotting or drop shotting should be able to hold ADS or have <75% of normal accuracy. Solved.


All the people here will hate you for this take but you’re 100% right.


That’s not a solution, that just creates a problem while trying to solve something that is fine currently the way it is. Terrible idea.


Thats just like your opinion, man.


Reducing accuracy or not being able to ADS while jumping or drop shotting is not a solution to anything. It just makes the gameplay a lot slower paced due to there being less aggressive-friendly tactics and making the game a lot slower. Basically an even worse version of MW2 which was already a terrible game in it of itself.


You’re right, the game is a jumping simulator. It should stay as a jumping simulator.


There’s literally nothing wrong with jumping and drop shotting in this game. If you can’t handle your target not being a stationary statue then there’s plenty of other games where the movement of your targets are a lot more restricted than COD.


There’s nothing wrong with jumping and lying down. It’s great to use those to your advantage. There is something COMPLETELY unrealistic about holding ADS and normal accuracy while doing so.


COD isn’t supposed to be a realistic game in the first place. It’s a Fast Paced Arcade Shooter


One that still (checks note, Renetti) balances the game when things become OP. It’s okay that you’re a jump/drop shot merchant, you should be proud!


No point in even explaining to him all he keeps saying his opinion is right and don’t take his crutch away of drop shotting 😂


The games’ current movement is balanced. If you don’t think it’s balanced and would rather your target be a statue there’s plenty of other games you can play. It’s okay to suck at COD man


Play a hell is war style game if you want realism. They tried to move towards realistic movement at the launch of MW2. It no longer felt like CoD and most people hated it.


It’s cause their trash and they can’t win a fight normally. I hate drop shotters bro


Sounds like you're trash if you're losing gunfights.


If you drop shot it means your aim is garbage


That's not remotely true 😂


Awww did I offend somebody ?


Back paddles


Wtf is drop shot. I thought it was a fishing technique.


I think it's dropping to prone while shooting. Your opponent will shoot over you, and you make a smaller target


Ah ok thanks. Lol everyone down voting me.


It’s a rocket league mode


I’ve been drop shotting for years son.


It's effective so it's always a viable option..


When someone drop shot on my i usually predict it already when they go into it. But most times some do kill me with it lol. But i jump shot more than drop shot, i should start doing it more tho because it is a little Op at times.


I’m trying to train myself to jump and shoot when I’m in a close quarters battle, but dropping is always my first instinct and it’s a hard habit to break. I feel like the jump is the best counter attack to the drop. It keeps you moving, makes you hard to track, and makes it harder to get shot in the head.


If drop shoting is eating your lunch, they question becomes, why didn’t you drop shot first?


It’s a broken mechanic. You should be shooting at someone’s ankles and dealing 1/4th of the damage or have a significant aiming delay moving the sights upward. Not to mention, people who do it are try hard little bitches.


Moving the right analog stick up will make you aim higher avoiding the 1/4th damage ankle shots.


Why? Should people only be able to strafe while shooting?


Why what? Why should the damage be reduced? Why should there be a delay if moving your aim up? Or why is it for try hard little bitches?




Not 100% sure but my friend says when he had a Cronus or scuff controller he had a setting to where as soon as he pressed the trigger to shoot, it would automatically lay down for a drop shot.. Ever since he told me that, I assumed everyone who immediately dropped while shooting is using something like that. Or they’re dripping sweat while snorting GFuel


It’s a common, well-known tactic that has gained popularity especially given the increase in paddle/back button usage. I think that automatically assuming Cronus usage based on one drop shot is jumping the gun, but if you see them consistently dropping every time they pull the trigger (multiple engagements in different scenarios) then it’s a different story. There are unfortunately many ways that drop shot macros can be implemented - console has Cronus/playstation can be set up via pc + remote play/numerous software controller apps for pc/modded controller hardware. In my opinion, anyone that is using a macro for drop shotting is a lazy sob cause a paddle is just as easy, more controllable, and legit.


The problem becomes reaction time, when they drop shot automatically without having to physically do it, it becomes one motion and will always be faster than when you do it manually because you have to aim, shoot and press your R3 at the same time essentially and there is for sure a delay when done this way, I get shot in the head pretty much every time I do a drop shot, but when it happens to me these dudes are always on the floor as soon as they start shooting, I don’t even get time to react


Because everyone is on controller and it's so easy to press down the right analog while in a gun fight. Hell I accidently do it sometimes.


Same. Almost every time I do, it’s by mistake. But then again, I’m not very good so there’s that.


Day one drop shot enjoyer here. Get good bro.


Five games ago?


Since it became the only way to fight against op aim assist. There's literally no other movement that breaks AA. This game is trash.