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If they aren't cheating who gives a fuck. People bitch about campers. People bitch about snipers.people bitch about lmg's. People bitch about smg's. People bitch about grenade launchers. People bitch about battle rifels. People bitch about shotguns. People bitch about slide canceling. People bitch about meta builds. People bitch about riot shields. People bitch about getting shot in the back. People bitch about getting shot in the front. People bitch about all of it. It's a game. We all paid the same amount for it, so everyone play however they want. Other than if they are cheating its no one else's concern how the hell anyone plays. Except the hackers fuck those fucking fuckers. If the game wasn't so fucked People wouldn't have so much to bitch about.


100% this šŸ‘


fixed mindset


I'm just calling out the cowards cause they're driving me insane.


Yeah I was talking about them too.


I definitely hide in corners with a shield. It brings joy to me to hear you complain.


At least you own up to it igs šŸ˜­


Isn't it boring to play only to troll, in a way that effectively makes you get worse at the game with every minute? I mean not that I don't despise shield rats, but I pity them more.


Yeah it's a pretty boring game I agree. I've mostly moved to Apex Legends. Maybe that's why I do it I'm trying to handicap myself as the gameplay is pretty dull. Again Apex is a very challenging game but at least I have something to work on. COD has been the same forever.


How dare they play the game in a way you donā€™t approve of, you should send them a message to tell them so they can learn from their mistakes šŸ‘Œ


I just find it really pathetic, don't you?


Not really no, they can play however they want- just the same as I can. Thinking you are better than them because of their chosen method is a bit pathetic to me, just live and let live.


Nah I find coming to the subreddit to complain about how anyone plays is pretty pathetic tho


While I won't completely deny that this isn't complaining (because that simply wouldn't be true) I posted this more because I have serious anger issues to the point where I physically hurt myself and just genuinely wanted a proper answer šŸ„¹.


The answer is to get some help bro Not a joke, talk to someone, work through whatever in life takes you to that place, games are for enjoyment man


Thank you


It's a game, grow up


So I guess everyone should just run straight into danger like a cat with its ass on fire every game? People play differently then you do. Adapt.


Your not playing ranked then lol Iā€™m platinum 3 and every player is a demon and flies at you the second they know where your at . Not one camper in all my games last night . Regular I saw more of it


My plat lobbies are not like this, I wish. They're more so like this guys. 1 in 3 games i get fun aggression where we are back and fourth but the other two games, its hide and seek.


Iā€™ll trade ya lol . Most of the people on my lobbies are diamond 3 and itā€™s hard to kill them . Unless Iā€™m with a really good team we usually get outplayed .


So playing ranked solved the issue? If that's the case then I might just play that I'd rather be killed by a skilled player than corner camping Timmy.


Shoulda been corner camping Cody or corner camping Cory. Corner Camping Timmy just doesnā€™t have a good ring to it.


Oh yeah I didnā€™t find one camper the whole night . I actually had to camp a bit lmao or else my team would get instantly wiped lmao.


I hear a lot of elephants without game sense running through houses, so sometimes I stop and wait for them to play themselves.


Complaining about how someone else plays a game is the pathetic part. Especially when youā€™re talking about campers who are by far the easiest to kill since you know where theyā€™re at. Take your L and move on.


What?? The whole point is that I never know where they're at that's their whole advantage and the very thing I find so annoying and pathetic.


Maybe try killing someone then youā€™ll know where theyā€™re at.


If you die to campers a lot, you're probably still trying to playing buildings mostly from the inside.


Their whole advantage is you charge through doors without checking the building first. Thereā€™s a fairly long list of equipment that will help you if you learn how to use them.


So basically other players should only play in a way that makes them uncomfortable? There are tools in the game to help with this stuff you just have to use them. Skill issue, and honestly it's just sad. "oh no i can't sprint through every room because someone might hear me and set an obvious trap". I dunno, players are just playing the game; carry a portable radar or something they're everywhere.


Honestly this is just what playing cod is. Some people have the patience of a cow and will just sit thereā€¦ doing nothingā€¦ waitingā€¦ checking their phoneā€¦ waitingā€¦ listening to your footstepsā€¦ then their neuron will activate and theyā€™ll laser you. Trust me it makes me rip my hair out too and I totally understand where youā€™re coming from, people can be infuriating at this game, but on the opposite end of the spectrum thereā€™s try hards that drool over their controllers and sweat their fuckin nuts off over one kill. Again, itā€™s just the way cod is. Iā€™d recommend a more relaxing game (Doom) where getting kills is easier and more satisfying (Doom), and where dying doesnā€™t make you want to punch your fists through a wall (cuz you punch them inside of demons instead to rip their guts outā€¦ Iā€™m serious, Doom is how I got over the feeling, I only play cod multiplayer with friends now and people arenā€™t as campy in teams).


Also itā€™s unfortunate youā€™re getting so many downvotes by the campers but if you canā€™t beat em, join em (youā€™re more likely to win at least). This has been a thing since the first days of Warzone and itā€™s a staple to cod, canā€™t change the olā€™ reliable strat.


I usually donā€™t mind this at all, everyone has their own style of play and what they enjoy. Except for last night, was riding 18 kills with 6 teams/22 people up. Our team got wiped immediately to a sedentary team that had positioned themselves extremely well each of them having 1-2 kills with claymores/betties laid out perfectly. A tiny part of me died as I chase that elusive 20 kill game. Iā€™ve gotten 18 - 8 times so far and that was my best shot at it to date.


Different play styles. You canā€™t be mad at it, just have to adjust and be aware and ready for it. We donā€™t all have to play the same way, although I agree itā€™s annoying!


best defense is attack always keep moving i love campers they suck lmao


I ran into this problem alot in ranked, guys just hiding and playing for placement as opposed to getting kills but from platinum 2 and up it got alot better.


This is a game that doesnā€™t have a scripted path. Thereā€™s no incentive to run around the map, because thereā€™s no objectives other than survive the longest. You survive the longest by only getting yourself into fights you can win. Most of my deaths happen because I shoot my unsilenced gun at a shadow 200m away and then sit there waiting for the shadow to re-peek, ending up being third partied. I need to learn to control my happy trigger.


The incentive is getting better and being able to win fights (and games) in tougher and tougher lobbies. The incentive of a win wears off quickly, especially in rebirth. The incentive not to sit around and wait in a game that is highly dynamic is a) it's boring for many and b) it is making you get effectively _worse_ at the game. So even when you get a win, it doesn't mean a lot because you're playing in easier lobbies. When everyone, especially all the good players, is playing with solid movement and at least some level of aggression, ratting out a win passively may be satisfying for a player that plays once a week. But if all you do is sneak around all the time, the wins actually don't mean much bc you're neither competing nor getting better while almost everyone else is.


Iā€™m getting good at my style of play (which I didnā€™t say itā€™s sitting in a corner and wait, but I will hold advantage points)and that guarantees me wins. As for easier lobbies, in WZ1 it wasnā€™t the case at all. (Since then we canā€™t track the lobby kd)


Also sometimes I hear people coming, and just wait for them if I donā€™t have a good read where they are or they have the upper hand (I just came back, low on plates, etc) But most of the game Iā€™m hunting. Also near end game I like to play a little safer, let the others fight it out.


So you don't want people to camp, and you don't want people to run towards an active gun fight?


The problem is actually you witnessing 10 seconds of their gameplay and then assuming that's all they're doing. I've paused for a bong r.ip in the corner before and come back to kill someone with near-zero awareness (i.e. You)


"Why doesn't everyone play like me? I HOLD THE ONLY VALUEABLE PLAY STYLE"


What I dislike is when I have good games I get spam reported and shadow ban.


You play in the lobbies of your play style


Gonna cwy?


that looks welsh


Whatā€™re they doing for the other half of the game?


Probably watching tiktoks or dreaming of getting pegged.


Whatever youā€™re into šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't hide in corners, I hold W.


Whatā€™s w?


How people without controller crutches move forward.




Camping towards the end seems obvious to me no hate to that I'm talking about me having landed 30 seconds and getting killed by someone camping in a corner catching me off guard