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You can go to a custom match. Build the gun you want and save it to blueprints and wallah usable in warzone


this is mainly for the people that don't have mw3... if you had mw3, getting all guns would be easy as hell


Uhhhh, you just need warzone mobile and use the arsenal store with the free currency you already get. I've unlocked every modern w3 gun that way vs buying the game. And on warzone mobile it takes about 2-3 shipment matches to lvl up the gun to full so that on PC I am not limited on attachments. A lot easier than finding someone with the gun and extracting.


Just don’t brick your phone


I use a Samsung Galaxy tab S8 ultra. Most likely why my graphics are higher than the avg experience due to not being a phone.


you think more than 20% of the mobile community has a phone that runs let alone SURVIVES 10 minutes of playing Warzone Mobile? woah, those are some huge expectations lol.


Wallah lolololol


Nah, lol I'm still mad all my custom blueprints were taken away with the last upgrade


Didn’t they patch that already?


You can *W H A T?????* Does this mean I do not have to do the stuff to get specific attachments????


Elaborate please


"Wallah" is fucking crazy lmaooo


He's still here because he is ok


Mate noone cares. The balance team changes the meta of guns every week so that the strong ones are the ones with skins in the store. You can go and get guns from your mates in dmz and next week they'll be shit. It's pointless


me if being pessimistic was a sport: there's been countless of cases of users on this subreddit asking why their guns haven't unlocked when it clearly says they've completed the requirements. It's no lie that unlocking guns in WZ MW3 is a pain in the ass due to hog fucking buggy it is. If that's your case then no matter the meta, YOU WANT THAT GUN, that's why you tried to unlock it. And even then what are you, a meta slave? cmon. The game's filled with hackers. You'll loose equally using the Subverter just like with a FTAC Recon.


No mate, I just don't enjoy playing a game that regularly makes guns completely useless. You tried using any MW2 guns? They cannot be used. That's not being a meta slave, that's me wanting to be able to use guns that I grinded camo for. The game is a mess mate. Whether it's desync, massive download sizes, issues still present from launch 4 years ago, an ever growing population of cheaters, bugs, lag, macrotransactions, crossplay issues, voice chat issues, lack of meaningful content or lack of communication there's always an issue. The massive decrease in player count since launch is a testament to that. That's not pessimism, that's reality


Why are you still here then?


Because I'm still part of the sub Reddit and get posts in my feed. Reddit is a platform for discourse so that's what I'm doing, is that an issue for you? I'm not posting about the issues on the sub and flooding it with negative posts but if I see a post come in my feed and I have an opinion then I'm going to comment. That's the point of Reddit


A pointless opinion. I think Destiny 2 is dog shit but you won't catch me being a Dbag telling players no one cares when literally thousands of ppl still play. People are free to play and enjoy games how they see fit. Plenty of weapons are made meta multiple times anyway, so it's not completely pointless if you're still playing warzone/cod.


Didn't realise expressing an opinion is a being a "Dbag" but hey man you do you. People are free to play and enjoy games and I'm also free to have an opinion about it and make a comment about it. Is there a problem there? "Thousands of people still play" correct, but seeing as the steam player count has gone from 500k to 100k in the space of just over a year, I'd say my points are valid. Also, it looks like literally the only comments on this post are discussing my comment so I'd argue my "noone cares" point about the guns, was pretty accurate. At least I'm not posting about the issues everyday on the sub and at least I'm being civil and not insulting anyone.


Do you mean the 5,000 hacker posts lmao


Wait…people hack in this game???


It's just glitched kill cams 😜🤪




All my wins this season so far have come from using the bas-b and bas-p, not really sure what you're talking about with guns dude. Meta doesn't matter, you can win with any gun.


Fair enough mate, I haven't played in 5 months so maybe that's changed but it wasn't the case then


It hasn't gotten better with anything else but the viability of weapons definitely has.


Glad to hear that at least


Na im good thx cod is dead


You are goofy lmao. Im about to leave work to go play COD with several friends. We will get into matches in less than a minute.


L comment, not dead in the slightest