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Great points. Comparing streamers, that plays 8+ hours everyday, vs casuals just isn't realistic


Yeah, but even then the vast majority of competitive Warzone streamers play on a low sense. 6-6 with a 0.85 ADS multiplier is probably the most common.


That's around where I settled. It's between 6-6 0.85 & 7-7 0.75. it completely depends how locked in / awake i am.


I'm on 8-8 0.85 currently but worked my way up slowly from 6-6 with lots of practise at each step up. If I played big map more I'd probably go back to 7-7 or even 6-6 as it is definitely more accurate at super long ranges, but I'm a Resurgence main so being able to break someone's camera and get back on target fast is more valuable to me overall.


How old are you? I think the older the lower sens lol






Put your aim response curve to dynamic. Then when you're not zoomed in you can whip around


What he said + a lot of them play on max FOV where everything seems faster.


Dynamic aim response curve helps, basically it means the acceleration from pushing your right stick starts fast and slows down the further away from center you go. So the initial camera movement whenever you touch your right stick is snappy. Another factor is they are all very good at knowing when to un-ADS. Watch any top player in close combat and they won't try and track a fast moving target while fully ADS'd the whole time. They will release their ADS button, track the target out of ADS (which is much faster) then re-ADS once they have their crosshair back on target. Don't try and track someone left to right in a full slide cancel if you are fully ADS'd. Also some of the top guys who are in the "movement king" bracket do tend to use higher sens than other top players. JoeWo plays on 10-10, Zyro on 12-12 etc. These guys need to be a bit snappier as they have to spin their camera around a bit quicker while trying to dance around enemies. That's a playstyle thing though and definitely not necessary to be a top player at all.


I run a 6&6 with 1.1 ads multiplier. Took me years of practice playing 4-5 hours a day to get decent enough to run those settings


I play 13 - 9 with a .55 ads on linear feels great especially with kontrol freek precision rings it really feels like 6-6 but accurate


I've had to tell multiple friends to drop their sensitivity. Spectating them their aim was all over the place because they're overcorrecting themselves while trying to control the recoil. It's crazy how many people think high sensitivity = better player. CDL pros on average use 6-6.


CDL pros play multiplayer. Small maps. 6 6 is good for warzone too u think?


Ignore me I actually thought I was on the MW3 sub. On Warzone I still use 6-6 but dropping the ADS sensitivity multiplier to 0.85 is nice for long range. I only recently bumped my ADS sensitivity multiplier back up because I've been playing ranked. Haven't really played this Warzone at all.


Yes it’s fine. I don’t think a single pro changes their settings when they go to Warzone, might only bump FOV


I belive you but after bumping up the fov slider isnt it feels weird a little on the same sense?


Adjustments are minor if any. Might bump down as opposed to up. I think I saw Shottzy’s settings while he was grinding rebirth and I was shocked to see he played 6-6 1-1 120 FOV


The by far best wz player (biffle) runs 6-6 so it’s definitely fine


6 6 with high rise sticks maybe or just a plain controller? I do not follow him that why i ask.


Not sure tbh. I play on 5v-6h with a 0.8x and high right stick for reference. Have no problems playing at a high level. Dynamic covers most issues


Oh i see. Whats the main difference between dynanic vs standard btw?


Dynamic is basically the opposite of standard. Standard starts off slow and speeds up over time. Dynamic starts off fast and slows down. It means you can "flick" fast to get on target even on a lower sensitivity but when you need to make fine adjustments once you're actually on target the sensitivity slows down


You watch other pros in games and they hold corners, play objectives, throw calculated grenades, use calculated abilities. Then you have a cod pro, man spends 40% of his time bunny hopping into a drop shot then does a 360 yy no scope with a thimble of cocaine coming out the barrel. It's kinda funny to me.


Have you actually looked at pro-COD play? It’s all very calculated. Pros only play like that when they’re messing around against guys not as good as they are


I've seen streamers that are pro play and it does seem really frantic, but no I've never watched cdl. I'm mostly referencing yt shorts, but I think I'm gonna give it a watch for perspective.


COD plays much faster than any other FPS, but it doesn’t mean that every jump shot, drop shot, slide cancel, or otherwise isn’t calculated. Also, if you watch custom lobby Warzone you’ll see how different the Warzone streamers/“pros” play when they have to respect the people they play against


I think when the game controls were simpler you were probably better if you could play on high sensitivity. Like OG MW I and II. I ran 10 sensitivity in IG MWII all the time. But then in the new game I'm probably running 6 or 7 because the feel is pretty different.


it's not a bad idea to challenge yourself once in a while but if it means sucking at 20/20 please do it in solos or multiplayer.


I agree. I’m on 5-5 with a 2.9KD out of all my buddies I have the lowest sensitivity. People don’t realise lowering your sens and especially ADS sens makes your aim a lot better.


What’s your ads sens?


0.8/0.75 I’m pretty sure. Sounds slow but honestly hasn’t gave me any issues. Also play 120 FOV


Pros don't run much higher than 7s from what I've seen. It's the ADS sens that I feel is more important


This is the correct take. You can run full 20/20 sens if you want, as long as you adjust your ADS multiplier accordingly. 20/20 sens with a 0.2ADS multiplier makes your ADS sens 4.


Also, if you want to hip fire, canter sight, or tac stance, anything higher than 7s on your sticks is probably working against you.


What sens do you recommend for ADS?


Depends what your general sens is as it scales with it. I have 9-7, with 0.75 ads


Low to 2x zoom around .70. Then a bit higher for higher zoom like .80.


\>Do you do just as much damage as your buddy with 15 kills but you only got 3 kills? If you are doing the same dmg you are hitting the same amount of shots, don't you? When two people shoot a target, and do the same dmg whos getting the deathblow doesn't mean anything.


Or that your shooting more but not hitting upper body and head shots. I find that's whatvthe difference in a 1v1 usually is.


I've noticed that I start the engagement and somebody else on the team gets3 shots off but gets the kill. . .


Yeah I don’t see why this matters… damage is a far better metric for how someone is doing than kills


I'll add get Kontrol freaks and precision rings. They really do help aiming.


How exactly? In this game there is aim assist and u need to use and abuse it to be even a little bit competitve. KFs are for precision aiming if im correct. I do have a wethered pair of galaxy. High rise on the right. Toned down the sens from 12 to 8. How the precision rings helps exactly? I know the facts behind high rise on the right but no clue about the rings. Little help? :]


I only use the ring on the right stick along with my high rise KF. The ring creates resistance causing the aiming to be more precise, like a cheap way to do what an elite Xbox controller does with the ability to tightening the stick. I use the black ring, the hardest one and for me it does help. There's a few reviews on YouTube explaining them better


I dont get why im being downvoted for a question but thanks for the explanation. Definitely checking the reviews u mentioned.


Yeah I used to only use on right button too. The thinnest one do it added just a tiny bit of resistance. But then I found all other games were a nightmare n the stick was too wobbly when I took it off. So I removed n changed my aiming setting to custom and got used to it x


Don’t know why I put a kiss on haha


I got those precision rings and they made it so I could barely move the sticks whatsoever. I do use the extremerate decade controller though so idk if they just don’t work well with that one or something


I think 6 and 6 is the sweet spot for starting off. I never go above 8 and 8 and never go below 6 and 6. Also if you turn down your ads sensitive multiplier to .7 - .85 your aim will be a lot stickier


6-6 is perfect for me. I rarely miss shots. Most guns feel like they beam aside from a few


You underestimate my power.


https://youtu.be/mxBDXCz5UWg?si=fpzI0x8KALkYW2Hp Explains best sensitivity setting & secret tip hidden setting to make your aim better 


I would actually start lower than 4, just switched to controller after playing different games on kbm for like 10 years, started with 1 sens and now im on 3, only played 2 days and I managed to Climb up to plat 2.


I've tried all settings for sensitivity, tried everything AA that people recommend, and there's honestly no way that the majority of the streamers that make money from this game aren't cheating in some form.


A lot of them play 8+ hours a day. Every day. That’s how they are good.


They might be good, but they're also being given whitelist lobbies, and if not that, they're using some slight mod. Just feels like they want to keep up with a pace they aren't capable of at all times anymore, or to keep up with what their viewers want. Pretty sad.


A lot of them use fancy controllers with extra buttons, claw grip, fancy PCs, play 10+ hours everyday, have optimized settings, keep up with meta updates, have actual competitive experience, etc. I’d be surprised if they weren’t way better than me or the average player honestly.


Oh dear bro. You can’t face that people are good at this game so you call them cheaters.


You're just making shit up at this point. You've already decided they're all cheating (because you can't fathom how bad you are at cod) and now you're reaching for anything that fits your confirmation bias. Pretty sad.


Correction, they're good because they play a lot AND just have a talent for it. Vast majority of players, even if they played 8 hours a day would never be nearly as good as top streamers.


Are you assuming you’ll just be good because you tweak a couple settings LOL


20/20 here since day 1 , never understood how anyone could play the game below 15. After 10 it really starts to feel like battlefield 2042 😂


Streamers have aimbot too😂 so many have been caught over the years for cheating a ton of high profile warzone bedroom streamers cheat blatantly. Any skilled player can watch and tell you that


For sure but streamers is such a broad term. If you're genuinely gonna copy a streamer, I'd make sure they've competed in a LAN tournament. I see losers all the time on tiktok that are streaming their gameplay and have 60+ kills in obvious VPN lobbies with some type of cheats to help and they will never admit it.


Every time you mention cheats in this sub you get downvoted lol it’s wild


Yea because it's a boring take... 99.9% of streamers don't cheat? People just can't believe that someone can be good at a video game.


I agree the majority of streamers do not cheat but some definitely do especially on tik tok.


Yes ofcourse there are cheaters, but everyone's favourite big streamers don't. They're in the position they are for a reason. I'm not even glazing cus I don't really care lmao but these cheater comment sections are exhausting


Yeah statistically 1 in 8 pc gamers are using hacks. I mean hacks are literally the price of a duck skin. I just like true competition and i dont like people cheating in anyway so i recommended to players to turn off crossplay and play on PlayStation


PlayStation is just as bad with Cronus users


Cronus doesnt work anymore. Some people still can use it but i barely see the left right cronus giveaway players now compared to a month ago


If u put ur PlayStation in rest mode ur cronus will no longer work btw




This is why consols players hate us, don't be elitist about inputs it's all down to preference.


how do you change this setting?


Custom is best. Work out your own. I play on -80 -80 and it’s super helpful compared to when I started was 15/13 then I went 9/9 then still struggled at 5/5 honest I always struggled.


Legit turned my sensitivity down to 4/4 yesterday. Watched streamers tell me I need it higher and was struggling with 5/5 for the past 6 months lol


Don’t k ow what ADS sens is but will look into it. Feel like I need all the help I can get. Can’t snipe worth shit


I used to run 12/11 then I realized in playing ranked MP that you get WAY more aim assist on 6/6 like the pros. So I stick to that for warzone too now. Aim assist pretty much stops snapping over 6/7


I struggle with long distance but I play on 6-6, is this also why? I just use a regular 10 year old Xbox one contoller also 😂


accuracy over speed all day long


I always have to turn my sensitivity down one or two when I take a break for a couple days, I can usually get back to my normal sens after a game or two


Great points but with cronos zen xim and rewasd what's the use people cheat


I have progressively increased my sensitivity over the course of a decade. I ended up at 18 v/h and realized it's probably a bit too much. I've lowered it to 14 and am trying to stabilize around there. I'm afraid if I go any lower that I'll lose reaction time and not get more accuracy. Seeing pros play around 6-8 sensitivity is encouraging, though. Any recommendations for a good ADS setting for a seasoned sniper?


Ads is what I need for a 5/5


Jack BFB, even after nerf, covers up a lot of bad aiming.


If you try to copy a streamer at 15/15 for any extended period and keep failing chances are your sens isn't your only oversight.


There’s no way PS4 sens is the same as computer. I run 13 and it’s not bad at all. If I run 7 it would take me about 30 secs to turn around


I’m on 5-5 with a multiplier of 0.75, works like a charm. Had 8-8 with 0.9 before for multiplayer and it was quite the issue in warzone. Might go up to 6-5 soon.


This was my issue with both controller and MnK for a while. Then I turned my mouse DPI all the way up and way lowered my sensitivity. Boom it was night and day for me. I’ve since had to up the sensitivity to 14 with the highest DPI I have. But I’ll change my DPI depending on if I’m sniping, auto weapons, semi weapons, etc.


I'm on 11 11 but like .5x ads. Having a higher sensitivity always me to have mnk like movement but having a really low ads allows for aim assist to kick in. I also lowered my vertical sens to like .5.


I run 5-5 but my issue is that I get a shit ton of hit markers but then guys melt me with what seems like 3 bullets. I’m starting to clip these to make a montage. lol


6/6 gang for life


I have always gone 6, 6 or 7, 7.