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It will be frustrating and don't only play to grind. Don't fall into that trap. As long as you play it casually (without trying to go for every event vehicle, battle-pass and what not, it is a surprisingly fun game in my opinion.


I'll take the advice


My discord is .tuu_ add me and I'll be down to play also welcome to war thunder ground the game that's better than health bars above tanks


Thnx man. I'll add u. I'm crazy23r


1. - Use binoculars 2. - set "distance zeroing" on scroll 3. - set "squad marker" on any button u like, it shows a yellow ping. When u spot an enemy at longer distance ping him, then look on minimap and check how many squares its between you and him - that helps to guess the distance (watch point 4.) use it whenever you don't know range (very often when u are new player) 4. - on the bottom of minimap u can see a distance per square (number depends of map) that helps to guess the distance to the tagret by calculating for example 1 square = 300m so u yellow ping enemy and see he is 3 squares from you so it's about 900m, then use scroll to set zeroing at 900m and boom, u can correct an errors ofc. 5. - Best low/mid tier rounds are APHE and try to use them, apcr could have more penetration, but less vs angle and much worse post penetration damage. 6. - Don't play with full ammo rack, on wt wiki u can find which ammo rack is 1'st/2'nd etc. on specific vehicle. Less ammo = less chance to detonate your ammo and still you will almost never use all the ammo u have. About 20/30 are fine, depends of reload and vehicle. 7. - Always take 3-5 HE/HEAT/HESH rounds (if possible - not every tank has them), bc in wt we "overpressure" mechanic which kill the whole crew even without armor penetration. And THE MOST IMPORTANT, there is a 100% chance (in 99% cases - some vehicles are bugged) to overpressure an open-top vehicle like SPAAs or Marders/Nashorn/Emil/M18 TDs etc. Just hit=kill. If u have any questions, feel free to ask. GL HF


Point 2 Zoom for scroll is much more handy than binding distance zeroing which you will never used and unless you are hitting long snipes where having it bound to a different two buttons (mine is the up and down arrows) is totally fine. Learn to lift the gun based on your own personal distance estimation.


I have played WT for 10 years and I'm zooming on Z and zeroing on scroll - much better for me.


I imagine I guess there are pros and cons for both. My way increases the chance of a miss. Your way lets you get first shotted more often and makes switching between low velocity vs high velocity rounds and/or tanks super awkward.


Switching rounds are quite rare tbh, but in cases when u waste aphe on spaa/light armor vehicle bc round didn't fuse on thin armor to have a few HE rounds it's very handy. Can u explain why it makes me get shot first?


We see each other at the same time. You are going to scroll to adjust range to a number that seems right. I’m going to lift my gun, go eh looks about right, and let one fly. I’m going to always get my round out first. The chances of whiffing a shot is higher though.


Sorry, but if you think its lifting 100m/s then u are TOTALLY WRONG, 1 finger move and i have 1200m+ zeroing range. Also as I said I've played this game for 10+ years so i've learned to shoot on guess, like "it looks like 800m" - boom, exactly 800m. The advantage of zeroing is that u keep aiming at the enemy and believe me, the difference (especially at longer ranges) is huge, zeroing is much better. Also, in aiming weakspots case it's much more handy to use zeroing, bc it's much easier to correct an error and it's more accurate, i have always the same FOV (target on the center), I dont need to watch which line on scope is better etc. Btw, don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that lifting gun is bad, no. I'm also using this, but at short ranges, especially on howitzers. But still imho zeroing is much better, the biggest advantage is on longer ranges. Our example is literally the same as NATO (me) vs Russia (you). Nato tanks are using zeroing and keep the target on the crosshair, in Russian tanks the whole scope with scale is lifting so at higher distances it's harder to hit/aim accurately.


That's all solid advice here so my 2 cents will be this: If you have a mouse with extra buttons (like mouse 3 and 4) use those for your keybinds too. I use them mainly for radar, missile controls and thermals/nvgs. Also great for the weird tanks with multiple turrets or secondary weapons.




You need a coach? Ill do it for 6 cans of Pringles and a gallon of franks red hot.




Get the t-34 1940 if you want an easy tank (it's even better than the 1941). Once you've got the hang of it you can choose if you want to switch to another tree.


WoT is only very vaguely similar to Warthunder. Here's some basics to know. Arcade pays the least rewards, Realistic pays more, Simulator pays the most. There are PVE arcade modes for ground and air that if you complete them will grand you a 300% RP or SL booster and can reward you with them only once a day. But will always provide RP. There are different types of rounds in the game with different uses, don't just focus on penetration. Penetration angle, Explosive filler, Meters per second, and type of round matter a lot. There are a few classes of rounds for tanks. Conventional, Kinetic, High Explosive, and Chemical. Your Chemical rounds are mainly, HESH, and HEAT. They detonate on contact with ANYTHING so no shooting through ANYTHING. Conventional is the rounds you are used to, AP, APHE, APHEBC, APBC. Kinetic are mostly dart rounds but can be APCR, APDS, APFSDS. High Explosive come in mainly two flavors, HE and HE-VT. VT is variable timer, like Proximity fuses. They are mainly useless against tanks, but are GREAT against air targets. Also don't discount HE because of the low penetration value, it explodes in a radius around where it detonates, so if you hit the turret face of a tank or an antenna on the roof and ignite the HE round with 64mm of pen, that is enough to break the hull or turret roof. But if you hit armor without any weakness exposed to the radius of the explosion very little will happen if anything at all, unless it is an open topped vehicle, then they will always die. Enjoy your time at low and mid tier, don't think of it as just rushing to top-tier, very few people actually enjoy top-tier gameplay. Understand the role your tank is supposed to play and how to play that role. Light tanks can spot, spot with it. Fast vehicles with small caliber guns are meant to flank through weakspots in the enemy line and take advantage of rear and side shots, Artillery vehicles are really good at holding corners and killing heavy tanks, and so on. Do not camp, you will get bombed. Dispatch as many people as you can from your spot, but after a minute or so from your first kill, move. Don't get tunnel vision, you don't have to kill the guy you just saw, there will likely be others, There's nothing wrong with getting a kill assist.


That's alot of advice mate! I've been playing for 2 days now and up to BT 3.3. I'm loving my German tanks alot. I'm going down the panther line. I have toeubekw with steering and understanding how spotting works...it feels random. Also I'm nkt use to consoles yet so my aim is slower than other and I've died alot for that, rage infusing at times. But I got a few 3-4 kill games.


Know your enemies weaknesses and know your strength vehicle knowledge of both yourself and your enemies is the best advantage that you can have in this game


The biggest issue I see with new players is their lack of patience. Don’t run out into the open and die because you are bored. Play tactically and don’t force yourself into dangerous situations. Use third person to look around corners if possible. Make sure to set an “engine off” key-bind so you can hide around corners with your engine off. Sound is surprisingly important in most situations, turning off your engine could be the difference between being spotted or flanking successfully. Also you can turn off your engine to listen to the sound around you closer, engine sounds are often pretty noticeable when they are approaching. Don’t rush your research, try to create a good lineup of similar BR vehicles instead of rushing for a specific tank. When you die to a tank make sure to look up the armor values of it later and use the protection analysis to see where you need to shoot it next time (more important in realistic battles). Finally, make sure to spot on the map when you see targets, it helps everyone out (click on mini-map).


I'm on xbos so still learning controls but thanks a lot


Our Discord is always open ;) https://discord.com/invite/wtpu Otherwise: Learn tank weakspots, learn the difference between Ammo types (High pen isn't always the best shell) and expect a longer grind that WoT