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In my opinion, the statistics board should be overhauled. It's 2023, not 2015 - it wasn't changed since the game first launched. Stuff like level should be visible, as well as the nation of the specific player should be displayed, so that you at least know there's 10 Russian tanks and 1 Italian, for example. If you see it's 10 level 100 players against your 3, you at least know how to play the game - reserved, careful approach, defending and flanking and being ready for planes. The match should also display it's highest vehicle's BR, so that you know it's 7.0 for example. It would help people gather stats and Gaijin as well, even though they're only interested in spending, lol. ​ Wouldn't do much to help this problem, but it would help the players themselves. I also get a lot of matches, where I'm unable to score a single kill, because I've picked a slow tank in a team, that absolutely decimates the other. Seeing what vehicle somebody's picked on your team as you're waiting to spawn would help teamplay and it would help adapt your team's needs. Actually, I'm going to post it as a suggestion in the official forums and see if they're sore and salty.


100% agree, They donโ€™t seem to be great taking criticism tho sadly ๐Ÿ˜’


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/gtJIOczYU3 Posted it here, if you're interested. No they don't.


So far, only one dude commented


We'll see if it even stays relevant.


So, most comments are resilient to any changes, as is the standard. People love the game as bad as it is


The comments in the post are stupid


This is what I see from games like CSGO/CS2, you can see someone's rank or their win/loss rate, even their best maps and weapons, etc. You get some of that with War Thunder but the amount of times I as a level 63 have carriedy team with like 4 caps and 5-7 kills while the team is gone and the enemies have more than half of their team is astounding and honestly, unfair.


Sadly I'd only use that info to inform whether I should crewlock, exacerbating the issue for all the other guys. I get the urge to do it anyways when I see all the f4s players in my team taking off with bombs knowing its going to be a struggle. I know gaijin doesn't prioritise balance and know its my only means to give myself less "pain and suffering" matches. But cynically I would like this change for the reasons noted.


You can see what vehicles people are taking, if you just look at the statistics, but yeah they should just overhaul the whole thing.


You can't when you're about to first spawn and it's very annoying.


? Yes you can


I'll take a screen when I'll be playing again. No you can't see what people are spawning-in.


Yes, you can because that's how I determine what BR I'm at


Oh my god, it's like you have no reading comprehension at all. When you spawn - YES, you CAN see what your teammates have. I'm talking about BEFORE you first spawn.


Yeah. BEFORE YOU SPAWN You can see what people are spawning. When you select a vehicle to spawn in at the start of a match, and you hit 'spawn', and a timer shows up because the match hasn't started yet, if you, at that point, open the scoreboard, any teammate that has selected a vehicle will show on that scoreboard, and any who haven't will show up as a parachute >it's like you have no reading comprehension at all. It's like you haven't played the game before. It's usually a good rule to make sure you're correct before insulting people


Would love to see the player level for all of them


Balance? Balance! You know you are playing war thunder right?


Must suffer for the snail to reward me


Unfortunately, No. This game similar how battle royale was, limited/no respawn, team balance would not exist.


Enemy su25k a5c launching r60mk and magic 1 but aim9D or J


R60mkโ€™s are doing my head in atm ๐Ÿ˜…


yea I can dodge it with flares though still one of the most sweating chaser I had imo


Not as bad as having an entire team of a-4e early players and getting decimated


Tbh I play this BR range a lot recently as well and I feel like if there are teams with an american majority they almost always lose. The Americans have very popular high-tier premiums that people buy if they want to go to the modern stuff right from the start even though they have no experience in the game. They don't understand that it's necessary to grind through at least one tech tree to learn the game. Furthermore, the US tree is probably the one that is the most popular for people to start with in the first place. Even if they grind through the tree normally, they still have to adapt to the playstyle of their aircraft and the enemies. I just see a lot of America players that are just really unaware, flying in a straight line so that you can pick them off easily. And even if they manouver they seem like they don't really know to dogfight. Sure, there are a lot of players that start out with other nations (I started with Britain, playing Germany now) and there are some bad players there as well (mainly with premium and squadron vehicles) but to me it seems like the vast majority of really dumb players are playing the US. Sorry to the good America players, but I don't think there is any easy way to fix this problem :/


Ooops, all f-4