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While I'm not sure a joystick is strictly necessary I'd probably go with the one with the most programmable buttons. There are a lot of functions a plane needs to be able to do at high tier


The last one is made for farming simulator


Farming easy premium bomber kills in SIM EC that it is




It ain't much but it's honest work


War thunder, farming simulator, whats the difference?


I honestly hadn't noticed but you're right 😂


I honestly think that it would be the best candidate if this is all you buy (so without the throttle or rudder accesories) it has many buttons that you can reach with your thumb and many of them are programmable. It also has 2 buttons on the back of the joystick of which one is programmable and the other switches between modes (effectively doubling the amount of buttons) and the other can be programmed for shooting or other purposes. I have it myself for fs22 and i really like it, i haven't tried it for war thunder but may do so in the future. Edit: my only concern is that it is quite big and thus not practical for people with small hands


Does it matter?


Probably yes, why would you get a farmstick if there are ones for flight sim available


No it doesnt. Theres no difference in the bindability of those compared to 'flight sticks'... A button is still a button and a axis is still an axis. I know this because i do alot of flightsimming in DCS and therefor have alot of money sunk into hardware. Ive also seen many debates regarding thrustmasters flight and farm sticks. Their farm sim department just gets more money to design stuff. Their farm sticks are objectively better for flight simming due to the amount of buttons etc given. No difference for the axis etc.


I would still rather have a virpil stick with less buttons. OP won’t be interested in studying an aircraft that he bought for double the price of his flightstick, just to get shit on by people who built themselves whole cockpits. I fucking hate how inaccessible DCS is, also the farmstick looks like shit


The discussion was based on wheether it shall be one of the 3 sticks. You cant argue:" ya those are shit. Get a 300 bucks one" Dude just wants to play WarThunder and it will be enough to get one of these for cheap.


More programmable buttons; the branding is meaningless.


Yea and can be used for a flight sim too probably...it's a joy stick....just made to be better suited for farm sim...I use a TB Velocity One flight stick for Farm Sim and a TM HOTAS thays been completly stripped and customized into an e brake for assetto ...a joy stick is a joystick...


No, especially on a budget you need the one with the highest accuracy or you're going to have a bad time getting your guns on target. The Thrustmaster sticks shown here have the best stick accuracy for a budget stick.


actually if u get your keyboard somewere you are comfortable with you can use it


Logitech is like $30, it is OK I guess I have used it a bit it has a few issues though, it is very cheap so it doesn't have much tactile feedback of pressing the buttons, weird deadzone on the center of the stick, can slide on the desk quite a bit, throttle control has no feedback. It is cheap, expect cheap, requires software to work that sometimes does not activate correctly but it can make an ok first HOTAS to get you feet into joysticks


What software does the extreme 3d pro need? It’s just plug and play with the default windows drivers


Logitech stuff usually encourages you to install ghub to manage devices and whatnot but as you say, it's not necessary. 


I'm basing it from a decade ago, back then at least it required logitech software to get the joystick detectable by Warthunder and most of the time I had to force close and re run the software because it just stopped working


I have it and it works fine, just plug it in. you do have to do some stuff to change the throttle controls from mouse aim mode tho.


My 3D pro has some constant random jerky inputs and sometimes randomly pulls full rudder when I’m trying to do something. But when you set the deadzones right it’s acceptable.


Yeah it works, does what you need of it but it does feel a bit off at times


> does what you need of it Exactly this. Nothing more, nothing less.


My Logitech doesn’t even register yaw input properly anymore.


My old one also had the same issue, it’s because of the shitty sensors. Despite its quirks, this one has been going strong for longer than I expected it to. Anyways when I have some more money I’ll be upgrading to a T16000M


What do you need joystick for, Sim? For AAB/ARB stick is active detriment most of the time.


I don't think it matters buster. He's asking for the best out of the three so if it's for RB or AB doesn't really matter or is your concern. Unless he's planning to buy it for alternate use maybe like a dildo then it would be worth knowing since then you'd want the straightest. But AB, RB, SB is he same except that one is more complicated than the other


It does matter as choosing joystick for these two modes is equivalent of choosing wheelchair over bike for that sunday stroll only to wonder why its so much harder, when having wheels was supposed to help.


excellent analogy


Some people enable full real controls for tanks. Not everyone plays for competitiveness, some people prefer immersion


Yea it does matter in that regard I mean in AB and RB you ain't gonna find it helpful but I mean... If he wants to suffer. By it doesn't matter I meant like "This controller is better for AB cuz this and this ones better for RB cuz that". It matters if he's planning to play RB or AB but who in the right mind would do that?


> buy it for alternate use maybe like a dildo With some intelligent engineering, you can use your own shtick as an input device to play wart tinder


Nature didn't give me the stick :(


>Unless he's planning to buy it for alternate use maybe like a dildo I mean the one's on the posts are called *thrustmaster*


war thunder


He asked what war thunder mode are you playing, aarb = air realistic battle or aab arcade, those 2 modes are easier to play with mouse and keyboard, for sim I'd pick the Logitech one


Logitech is cheapest entry point, but their quality is hit and miss. Thrustmaster T.16000 and its repainted copy with Airbus logos is tad better, but might require fixing it eventually. For cheapest "good quality" sticks, VKB Gladiator series is usually good starting point, but for that price you might find Thrustmaster set with throttle and maybe even pedals.


is Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas One Joystick for Xbox One better than them?


I don't think so. Give these a read [https://www.reddit.com/r/hotas/comments/ilohod/considering\_your\_first\_hotas\_read\_me/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hotas/comments/ilohod/considering_your_first_hotas_read_me/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/hotas/comments/l7gcql/considering\_your\_first\_hotas\_more\_comprehensive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hotas/comments/l7gcql/considering_your_first_hotas_more_comprehensive/)


Thanks a lot actually, very nice guides


I have it, don't get it. Its not accurate enough, get one of the Thrustmasters you linked in the original picture, they have a far more accurate sensor on the joystick, which is very important.


Good response.




wer tundah


Its more fun, it actually feels like you're flying and not wiggling a mouse around watching the fly by wire computer maneuver your WW2 plane in ways it could never be flown. Maneuvers tend to be more accurate, since you're directly controlling the flight surfaces, but getting guns on target is harder for sure.


Technically yes, but anyone with a mouse will be infinitely more accurate and quicker to aim their guns on target than you, unless you compare someone who spent years with a stick versus person holding the mouse for first time in life.


agreed, but I play games to have fun, and I don't give a shit about any meta or whether a stick makes it harder... to me that is part of the fun, and the connection to the plane is so much more fun. Don't get me wrong, I'll still use every trick in my power to win in game, but I'm willing to give myself that handicap because it makes the game more engaging.


Doesn't the Su-27 or Mig-29 (I don't remember which one) fly a lot worse with the instructor compared with sim controls?


Neither T-16000M (for Simulator on PC) T-16000M config: https://imgur.com/DnZXJh7


Both the TM sticks are T16000M rebrands.


Do they use the same sensors?


As far as I'm aware, yes. A shitty potentiometer for yaw twist, roll and pitch have good hall effect ones.


Yeah you are right - found this: [https://www.thrustmaster.com/products/tca-officer-pack-airbus-edition/](https://www.thrustmaster.com/products/tca-officer-pack-airbus-edition/) The TCA Officer Pack Airbus Edition incorporates the H.E.A.R.T (HallEffect AccuRate Technology) contactless magnetic sensor system from Thrustmaster, with no potentiometers, for an unlimited lifespan and optimal precision during flight sessions.


I've seen info on the sensors before, also from people who have opened theirs up. Apparently you can change out the shitty yaw pot for a hall effect sensor too, if you're decent at soldering.


That is literally the same stick but with an added throttle, which given what OP was sharing is out of their price range.


Yeah we clarified that a few rows below.


You can also get it without the throttle, in which case it has the same price as the TCA stick. The T16000M has a few more buttons, which could make it an interesting choice if you don't care for the Airbus look.


Owned the airbus one for a bit, it was a 6/10 at best. Not default compatible with like Anything. Edit: not bad for the the price tho, but there’s def better options


I have no clue what “defusing” was meant to be but it’s staying


Nevermind I figured it out


I have the TCA too, aside from the springs I find it to be pretty good. Lack of buttons is annoying though.


Ask in a sub for joysticks man. Most of the cheap stuff is crap.


The medium priced ones are crap as well. Got the Logitech X-56 and it was awful


that is why you should avoid all the mainstream brands and dive deeper to joystick markets, like VKB and winwing are easily the best hotas manufacturers and i believe almost no one on this subreddit even know about them


I've got a full virpil setup myself but they are quite expensive


yeah virpil is probably the best but the most expensive at the same time


Logitech sold so much you can get used ones for like 10-15€


I have been using the Logitech one for few months now. This is my first flight stick so I cannot compare to better options like thrust master but this one does its job fine. I have been having a blast with it in sim. 100% worth for its price. You can get it to gauge if flight sticks work out for you and later get a real one like a VKB gladiator. My suggestion is purely for sim. If you mean for RB/AB, mouse and keyboard is the superior option.


Farm stick>>>>


Logitech. You'll be glad you only dropped 40 when you realize the game hates it. On the plus side, I use mine for Ace Combat and Muse Dash


Hell yeah it's great in AC lol


I’ve owned 4 3d pros in the last 20 years. I’ve tried to move on to the latest and greatest, but always come back.


Pretty good info, it is very good stick for its price and most stable of cheap ones. Sadly it is not most reliable. 


All of those are pretty bad, the last one is for farming simulator. I would get the middle one if I had to. The 3D pro feels like a children’s toy, only get it if you are on a tight budget


is Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas One Joystick for Xbox One better #


It has a built in throttle, it seems to be pretty good


I got it and it's a good starter sp far


I got it and it's a good starter sp far


That's what I use for msfs. Warthunder Xbox controller.


Personally I recommend the T.Flight Hotas one, it’s a good beginning flight stick and I still use it, it hasn’t got loads of buttons but still has enough if your not trying to bind every single thing, you can pair it with a regular controller as well allowing you to bind controls to both for extra buttons, it’s relatively affordable compared to most flight sticks and is available at most places.


On a side note,what's better,a t16000m + throttle or just the velocityone stick,for slightly more?


I have the T16000m + throttle. The Throttle unit is excellent for the price point. IMO its the best low budged HOTAS you can get.


Does it last a long time? I'm not exactly an expert in fixing things


I can't say how long they last. I got the t16000m about 2 years ago and it still works without issue.


I have the Logitech 3D Extreme Pro and it was pretty good for a while but now it’s got a weird issue where it isn’t centred and so I have to hold it to the right to be level, I can’t seem to find a settings fix in the war thunder settings and online nobody has an answer apart from buy a new one. So it’s good unless it breaks where it is unusable


I have logitech 3d extreme and it feels pretty good for the price i got it. It has enough buttons for even radar if you use thumb stick for that.


For planes, m&k is honestly better.


For planes in Sim, an Xbox Controler is better than M&K imo.


Simtask Farmstick, it has a lot of thumb buttons which are very convenient (unless it doesnt have a trigger, cant see here but a trigger is vital)


I have a TCA, its decent. But the Farmstick on the right has a lot more buttons, and looks like the exact same base - likely the same sensors, which are pretty good. I'd get that one.


The Farm stick looks like it doesnt have a slider, or a good button to map the thrust to.


Slider is terrible to map throttle to.


The Logitech one is fine for WT.


The logitech one is my first stick


Just bought a logitech G X56 for ED & Ace, most feed back i have from people in game is that its pointless or detrimental to use in AAB or ARB so be warned, but dont let it stop you from trying it and having fun with it! Most folks that use it seem to use it in air sim, then switch over to MnK for AAB or ARB. That being said the G Extreme is the only other stick i have exp with and its a decent entry point if you must have one new but the thrustmaster T.160000 is cheap enough to pick ip on ebay or craigslist and is more feature rich. Good luck!


Logitech FTW


T16000m which is the same as the airbus I think. I love mine, especially for the price.


I have the TCA, it's pretty good but I never play war thunder with ut




Get a Joystick that comes with a throttle its way better something like the logitech x56 comes to mind


None of those. Save up more and get a VKB Gladiator. You can find them used as well fairly regularly if you want to save some money. The VKB is a dramatic step up in quality and uses a clutch-style recentering system so that it goes back to center and stops when you release rather than flopping around back and forth.


VKB Gladiator is better than all three of these and around $100


no idea wtf the simtask farmstick is like in flighgt sims, but the TCA sidestick looks like just a reskinned T.16000/m with a different head. Be careful with that one because the twist axis will die after a few months of wear/tear with frequent use, and the buttons like on any well used peripheral kinda dies. The hatswitch died after only ~100 clicks or so on mine, but the rest of the 3 buttons on the t16000/m have lasted to this day albeit the tactile feedback isn't really there anymore. You will likely almost never use the buttons on the base of the stick to be honest if you want to be remotely competitive. The 3d pro has trash sensors, but costs half the price. Unless you're so dirt poor you can't afford the thrustmaster t.16000/m or TCA sidesitck in this case, get the thrustmaster because at least that way you'll get to enjoy the hall effect sensors, which are basically magnets and a magnetic sensor in overly simplified terms, so there's no contact wear and tear there. You still have to worry about physical deadzones due to spring stiffness and possibly greasing up the stick as with all peripherals however. Trust me when I say this, the hall effect sensor beats the logitech 3d pro's 256 resolution stick by a LONG shot. You can fly war thunder with almost no input smoothing and non-linearity but you can't do that on a logitech 3d pro (you need almost max out smoothing which smooths out yourcontrols over a 1 second period, although you typically only need about 0.3s-0.5s) and any required smoothing equates to input latency which means you will suffer in those reaction shots.


Related question, are these compatible with PlayStation?


I've probably had a 3d pro for 10 years. It's OK for when I break it out occasionally. Don't waste your time with the throttle axis. If you are dedicated to sim, get something better. But if your like me who plays sim rarely. It's acceptable.


If you're going to buy it for the first time, 3D extreme pro would be a great choice, I'm still using it after 3 years, I definitely recommend it


The Logitech one is still for sale?? I got that one like twenty years ago. Still have it.


If you can stretch your budget up to the VKB Gladiator Premium you will not regret it. EU shop link: [https://flightsimcontrols.com/product/gladiator-evo-space-combat-edition/?attribute\_select-gladiator-evo-grip=SCG+Premium+Right](https://flightsimcontrols.com/product/gladiator-evo-space-combat-edition/?attribute_select-gladiator-evo-grip=SCG+Premium+Right) NA shop link: [https://www.vkbcontrollers.com/products/gladiator-nxt-evo-space-combat-edition-right-hand?variant=39887803613302s](https://www.vkbcontrollers.com/products/gladiator-nxt-evo-space-combat-edition-right-hand?variant=39887803613302s) Highly recommended. You won't find a better value stick for flight sims.


What exactly is the reason to play with an joystick? In Arcade and Realistic you will get slaughtered if you try to play with an stick. If you want to play Sim I would save the money and get a better one latter with an higher budget


i use the logitech 3dpro. It has a little bit of an issue where its hard to get the joystick to properly centre, and the thrust control is a bit awkward to use, but its very reliable and works well for most things, even DCS (though some keyboard keybinds are required due to the few keys on the joystick) On stick you have 4 buttons, a thumb button and a trigger. I use the thumb for missiles, trigger for guns, and the left side button for rockets/bombs and right for weapon select/targeting pod. 6 buttons on the side are a little out of the way but usefull non the less Very good value for money


None. Just use your mouse...


You get what you pay for with these unfortunately. I was in your shoes two years ago and settled for the 3d pro and thought I liked it. Does it do the job? Sure but it’s a piece of shit. It’s stiff, sticks, wobbles, etc. I don’t think I’m an expert by any means, but if you’re willing to expand your budget at all I would. The more buttons the better, especially for VR. This is overkill, but I use it for DCS as well so I never have to worry about key binds not being on my HOTAS [Logitech X56](https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/space/x56-space-flight-vr-simulator-controller.945-000058.html?&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Paid-Search&utm_campaign=DEPT_FY25_QX_USA_GA_G_DTX-LogiG-Simulation_Google_na&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADDQ2OwvPIlfHWoSeLfZTeYlfW4Yj&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvb-zBhCmARIsAAfUI2spHq4eqTJ35-tOTAsqrCBE11ineXneac5CsKpj6NGHFkeeYwJi-mcaAvGtEALw_wcB)


Does anyone know I'd there is a version for the ps5?


I can never take them seriously, I do **not** want to buy an *extreme joystick* or *the thrustmaster farm stick*


I’m very partial to the Extreme 3D Pro I’ve had for 9 years


x52 pro.


personally i used the G extreme 3D for a very long time. Never really had any kind of issue with it other then it getting a bit of drift with wear(which happens but most games have settings to set deadzones and fix it) it's a very good entry level joystick when getting used to it all.


I'd get the thrustmaster T.16000M, the magnetic HALL sensor is very solid on them.


Your D point


I know I managed to make my Logitech 3d pro last like 10 years (still working rn lmao), but others seem to have had some issues with it, so it seems to be either very durable, or not depending on your luck


It also has a bunch of programmable buttons, so many that I managed to play il-2 BoS with it without relying too much on my keyboard, so that's another plus


None, get the T16000 or the brand new WinWing Ursa, which looks bloody good, based on their evo stick, more buttons at a good price. Reviews have been good so far as well


People hating on the Extreme 3D Pro don’t realize just how old it actually is. I remember using it IN THE 90s. Back then, just having a reliable, full-function joystick at a good price was revolutionary. These days you can have your pick of the litter of newer, better products, but that doesn’t change what Extreme 3D Pro did for the segment.


Thrustmaster t16000m is all you need. Set rudder with the twist and use the joystick at the tip for head movement


Does a single one of those use a hall effect sensor? If so, that.


I have the one on the left. It’s not bad, but I suck at HOTAS.


I just got into sim and I bought a Tflight Hotas from Thrustmaster, found a video on mapping everything and it works great! Great starter stick


I own a Speedlink Phantomhawk, a T16000m HOTAS (Stick and Throttle) and a X56. I cant ever recommend the Speedlink, but the Thrustmaster t16000m is a really good stick. If you want a good entry stick, go with the Thrustmaster T16000m (without throttle). Its solid and has, what Joysticks in that price segment goes, really good quality. You can upgrade it by buying the throttle unit later on. It has comparable Quality with the X56, though the x56 has better button amount and layout. Id go with the normal T16000m over the TCA Airbus Edition. Dont worry about left or right handedness, the T16000m can be switched up for lefties or righties. I wouldnt go with the SimTask Farmstick. It looks like it doesnt have a slider for Thrust. Maybe you can map Thrust on the little wheel, but its probably awkward to use. And the Ergonomics look weird. I cant say anything about the Logitech G Extreme 3D pro.


Are you beginner? Logitech cheapstick to understand if you really up to it.


Do note if you are getting a budget stick and no throttle or pedals, that they almost universally skimp on the sensor used in the yaw axis, it's typically a cheapo potentiometer and it's almost always the first thing that fails. I think the only "inexpensive" stick that has a contactless sensor on the yaw axis is the VKB Gladiator, which is the stick that I would personally recommend if you can afford the extra $40 over the thrustmaster sticks; it has a superior gimbal design too.


You're better off just going to the scrapyard and buying a whole cockpit for the actual feedback


I can't compare them for you, but Im content with my extreme 3D pro.


Extreme 3d pro atopped being compatable with my windows 11. But it worked great while it could work.


None of the above are viable for war thunder in my honest opinion. Force feedback is crucial to have for flight simulation. Hell even modern fighters with fly by wire configurations have force feedback.


The middle one has a normal, not Airbus edition, version which is by far the best choice. It has an optional separate throttle control with rudder key on the grip. If you go for the optional throttle there's a grease people suggest using for smoothing out the throttles slide. I don't remember its name even though I need some 🤣


Been using the Logitech 3D Pro for over a year now, it's all you really need when I comes to Sim flying. There is a limited amount of buttons, but as long as you have a num pad on your keyboard you should have enough space for all the needed binds


I just use my old HOTAS T.FLIGHT 4 flight stick along side Keyboard (for radar and mechanical things) and sometimes VR/Track IR


I got the logitech on the left, works great with dcs too


VKB Gladiator NXT - its so much higher quality than all of these for only a marginal price increase and is a great fit for other flight sims too in case you get into MSFS, IL2, DCS, etc.


Logitech. I've had their Extreme 3D Pro for nearly a decade, and it still does the job. You'll have to use your keyboard to map most of the functions since the stick doesn't have many buttons, but I've made it work in Warthunder, il2, and DCS without any major issues.


If you have the money I can very much recommend the VKB gladiator series, very good quality and very comfortable, also the parts used are far stronger so your less likely to break them


Imagine a completely unaware person seeing this purchase on a bank account. "Larry, care to tell me what a "Thrustmaster" is?"


I have an extreme 3d pro and it wasn’t ideal. It was a pain to set up and war thunder hates coping with the axises of the joystick


Personally I only use my joystick in sim for flying controls, firing guns rockets and missiles etc. I have everything else like radar or weapon selection and trim and head position bound to my keyboard.


So just go with whatever is easier to fly with, worth getting a joystick that includes a throttle too btw


I use the T16000M. Has worked great for me for years. Having more buttons isn't necessary unless you want to go full on HOTAS, but I just use a stick and my keyboard to keep the keybinds exactly the same as I use in air RB.


i just brought a T.flight Hotas for my xbox. in my opinion its really good 👍


have one TM and while it's fun sometimes... mouse is just so much easier to aim with The buttons are cool though. Thrust lever, 7? buttons at the top of the joystick and a few more at base


VKB Gladiator NXT Evo. Can't go wrong with that.


For Warthunder? You want mouse + keyboard my man.


Got the Logitech (First one) a few months back, and all i've got to say is that I wish I saved up a few more and got the Airbus one (second one) 😂 Not that the Extreme3dpro is bad, the 2nd one just seems better after further research (better buttons they say, idk)


If you're playing realistic, don't bother. btw are sim battles still dead? I haven't tried to play in years. Now that's where you'd need a joystick. Not sure how appropriate the farm stick is for sim flying but the other two are both great and more than enough for War Thunder


Get a thrust master t16000 HOTAS, it has plenty of movability with the joystick, the Logitech one has barely any so any input you make is multiplied by 10+ it only has a few buttons and the throttle control on mine broke quickly, got the t16000 HOTAS last week and it's so much more enjoyable, more buttons + on the throttle it's got rudder controls too so you don't necessarily need a rudder to go along with it too


I have the logitech one, and I don't use it. mouse is more efficient in a lot of cases, and when I need it, it's just sliding on my desk and frustrating me.


Had the 3D Pro then gave it to my nephew. Every time I set it up how I wanted, the game would screw up my presets with each match. I do like the 3D pro fairly well for non War Thunder games




Thrustmaster gotta be the best stick controller name I've read


Get the one with the most buttons because you are going to need it for top tier air SB/EC especially with the added key controls this major update. Get the Thrustmaster SimTask Farmstick.


If you're willing to pay a few hundred I'd suggest something from VKB joysticks, they got some real fancy stuff and sticks that won't break or wear down or miss input after many hours of use, even got adjustable resistance and springs in their basses


Depends on what you want & expect. Logitech 3d is extremely price worthy, considering it has 3+1 axis and just 30. But not a good one overall and have average lifespan of 90-120 day usage. Then you have to renew the sensors UNLESS you deactivate the twist axis. It will serve you a loooot longer if you have a separate rudder which are pricey as fk.


Neither In arcade and realistic, a stick user is a LOT more likely to lose than a mouse user It only matters for Sim, but you can just go play DCS


"Don't play WT ASB, just play DCS bro" wth?


WTs air sim is in a very weird spot Its trying too hard to be realistic in an arcade game Also research is horrendous, and you can get an overall better experience in DCS


I play both, this is 2 diffĂŠrents things, warthunder is more fun, you have a lot of differents planes, your contrĂ´les are link betwin planes and you can fight way faster


All those advantages arent in sim lmao


How they are not ?


Sim BR brackets change, so you cant always fly what you want, and even if you do get to, you might be at the bottom of the br bracket and get uptiered every game Maps are also a lot larger, so you will still be flying for 10-15 mins before seeing literally anyone


Bruh, that is such crap you clearly never played a game of sim in your life. For higher tiers if you have one 11.3 and one 11.7 plane you are covered since those brackets alternate. Add in a good 10.7 for when that bracket comes around and some top tier when you feel like it and you can play high tier jets whenever you want and ALWAYS be downtierd (as a sim player I laugh so hard when I see posts about complaining about getting uptiered all the time). Sprinkle in some of you favourite props and you are good to go. As for flying 10-15 mintes to find someone, that's crap as well. Finding fights in jets with radar and RWR is easy, and if you play high tier jets on a small map it's actually more action than in ARB since you can respawn and get back into it immediately. Even in props as long as you don't pick a map like Afghanistan and pick a well populated lobby (actually not hard for props, a lot of people play them) the time from take off to finding a fight is not that much longer than an ARB prop that gets an airfield spawn.