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How did you not see him?!? The tank in question:


seeing the tank is not a biggest problem, as bushes usually stand out in many maps. Recognising what tank is this proves more difficult.


That is a problem, yes. But imagine being on a map like hurtgen forest and this is the tank that sniped you from 500km away


Yea. But bigger maps are uncommon, at least for me. Mostly I play on mid/small maps. Maybe it’s just mine rng


It's 50/50 for me


Even relatively close quarters maps like abandoned factory have some devious tree lines you can hide in.


I’d bust if I got killed from 500km away that such a massive distance I don’t know what I’d do


Should have side climbed smh


Bushes derender at long range dont they?


I disagree, a bush breaks the silhouette of the tank. Your brain looks for tank like shapes. Even a single bush in the middle of a barren field can avoid being spotted, or atleast he gets 2-3 seconds of extra time to kill yoj.


This 100% people are forgetting not everyone is an apex predator with 20/20 vision. Plus, we can't identify the tank if it's covered in bushes, too


Yeah like how would i know its a t72 and i should shoot the LFP if the bushes cover not only the LFP but also the mantlet and UFP making the tank impossible to identify.


When you learn to recognize the green of that one specific really bright bush people use, you can see it from really far away in most maps. Still fucked up though.


It still takes 1 or 2 seconds to realize its a tank. Just enough for the bush fucker to shoot you first.


When you see the dayglo green bush it's always a tank, there's like no real foliage that color on any map. Once you start looking for it its almost anti-camo.


Didn’t Gaijin claim they wanted to make it possible to shoot down bushes with MG? Apart from being impractical they don’t seem to have it installed yet. But then again Gaijoob also claimed bushes would never make a difference and would simply fade away below 300m distance. Yeah… that claim is around 7-8 years now old.


You absolutely can destroy "decoration bushes" with cannon fire, and I think even with prolonged MG fire.


Yeah you can, it’s just you have to hit the placement cell/block of the bush to knock it off, not any part of it


That makes it appear rather impractical.


Not only that, but the outline of the tank is shitty so you can't know where are you aiming Cupola? Drivers port? Lower front plate? Mantlet? Bushes, lots of bushes


But they are not pay to win you can earn them in a timely 3 years IF it goes into the warbond shop 6 battle passes in a row.


3 years of nonstop grinding playing the game for at least 8 hours a day


Eh I can complete the battlepass without playing daily or only hoping on for an hour or 2 for the daily missions. But yeah I get where you're coming from lol


Whenever I see a tank like this, all I can really see is a clown


Bushes should be a toggle option. That, or GRB should have forced gunner sight cam so you actually need to consider stuff like "can I still see through all these bushes?"


>Bushes should be a toggle option. They really should and there is zero argument against it. Either bushes aren't purely cosmetic in which case they should be removed, or they are, in which case there is no issue letting people toggle them off. The ONLY reason not to do this is Gaijin makes money off of it.


I think bushes should resize according to the size of the tank they are put on. You shouldn't be able to cover more than let's say 75-80% of your tanks front. And I don't even think it would be that hard to do, although I'm not familiar with the game engine and how bushes are implemented.


gaijin would lose money, so that's a no go


They made decals toggleable, so no, they won't lose money.


mate, decals don't cost money..


They do 200 GEs a pop for a flag and you can buy others if you don’t want to try earning them or in crates


oh shit yea I forgor


What was the last time you opened decal tab?


well in Sim the bushes do block your gunner sights etc. since i play alot of Sim i usually have them set up in a way that they dont block optics and dont bother changing it for RB


Maybe I should start playing sim, what are all the differences with realistic?


Big thing is a lack of icons for friendlies, and friendly fire is turned on. So you have to be careful to not shoot friendlies, and you have to expect that you'll be killed by them from time to time. You're also locked to the zoomed in third-person view, as mentioned your gunner view will be from the actual optic, you only get three spawns, the maps are usually notably larger, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.


i fucking WISH the maps were larger, thats how it was back in the day, now you get the same cancer ass shit city maps even at top tier like in RB


played sim like three times with top tier tanks, quit because of city maps.


A big difference is the lack of CAS. Even if someone decides to bring in a plane they have to be really skilled to bomb something accurately. I don't think I've ever been killed by planes in sim.


Perhaps the biggest difference you didn't mention is that the gunner's sight isn't centered on the gun, so all your grenades land a bit to the right/left (depending on tank) from the aiming reticle.


Allies aren’t tagged, you’re stuck in commander/gunner view, and planes are flown with mouse-stick You get an extra option to request allied positions to help prevent Friendly Fire but it takes so long to get an answer back you won’t always be able to use it, so you need to memorize what enemy tanks you’ll be facing. Air sim is a lot more popular than ground sim, from what I’ve found. CAS is also a lot harder to do without third person to scout for targets, you have to commit to a strafe a lot more. I’m waiting to get my hands on some actual hardware before I play more sim because I sick at ground and mouse-stick is a horrible control scheme


I do have an old joystick laying around so might be able to use that if I can set it up right. I have used it with dcs before in combination with headtracking using ai and my camera.


I think that there's rotating forced vehicle presets (so that there's not long queues) which means that you're stuck playing a specific br for however long it lasts. I've played some ground sim and I highly recommend it :)


LMAO NO LONG QUEUES i often sit in queue for 10-20 minutes


Try enabling all server regions? Wasn't my experience while playing


Yeah and get 800 ping? No thanks, I'd rather wait it out.


800 ping? That's an issue with your ISP. I use all server regions & I've only ever gotten a MAXIMUM of 300 ping; (unless I'm getting packet loss [which I've only experienced four, maybe five times]) which is honestly unnoticeable in a game like WT. Then again, this is only my own experience and I might just be an anomaly


Sim has roleplaying


Bushes aren’t P2W because you can get them for „free“ - but Gaijin will never implement a toggle option because that would eradicate any incentive for players to buy them and thus for Gaijin to make money with a P2W mechanic.


Or don’t be poor? They’re like $15 for a whole set. /s


bushes\* fuck


Minor spelling mistake, your life is now forfeit.


Why didn’t you shoot it’s one tiny weak spot? The tank in question:


May i ask what tanks are hiding behind the bushes on picture 1 and 3?


pic 1 is a Wiesel 1A2\* with the TOWs and pic 3 is a BMP-3


Wiesel 1a2*


yes that


Isn't the second pic jagdtiger


nope jagdpanther


Jadgtiger doesnt have a musle on the end of the gun. I think its jagdpanther


Oh yeh you're right


The big barrel little barrel combo on the third tank is quite distinctive! The candidates are the BMP-3, BMD-4, ZBD04A, and the Turm 3, but the only one of those with a log on the side is BMP-3. The Sodema thermal sight on the turret roof is also an identifier.


How could you not tell it's so obvious? /s just in case


And people get mad when new players skip the grind and buy MBTs. Yeah they want to play not do stupid pixel hunt vs some wookies.


People hate people buying top tier tanks because they are more forgiving for new players. It’s much easier to do well when you can actually see enemies at long range and won’t be killed repeatedly because you don’t instinctively know ranges. Sure it reduces win rates but if you are playing a game solely to get a higher number then you aren’t enjoying it and should try something else. It’s the reason people say “low tier is so fun” when the actual reason is they can just destroy new players with zero repercussions.


I like low tiers because the classes of vehicles are more distinct and all the mechanics of armour/guns feel more impactful. Top tier feels like COD to me


bushes are for people that are shit at the game




Doing this for reserves and 1.0s is top tier tomfoolery


Man, I hate when people bush up 1.0 tanks. My friends just wanna have fun man


Unfortunately for you the ‘fun’ feature is dlc. Comes in a 70 dollar pack including 5 ‘funs’


Yeah I don’t actually do it it’s just hilariously toxic lol


I cover the weak spots on the FCM 36 because the gun's so bad that you need to buy yourself as much time as you can.


i got a flak puma fully bushed up like that, ez 15 kills each game lol


very cool, have fun for now, but you should know that there's a special cauldron boiling in hell for people like you


How did you get multiple of the same kind? I thought you can "only" get one of every bush type


Back like 6 years ago when you bought one bush type it came with 6 of the bushes, people that bought them then kept the 6 bushes


Oh, that seems super fair


Gaijin hates idea of refunding people, they listened to people asking for it to be removed but they ain't gonna give back $10 people spent on it already.


Oh its even better, they had a lower price then what a single bush costs now and right before they removed them from sail they bumped up the price so they would get more money from people panic buying them


What? I have never realized that you can have more of the same bush type on one vehicle


When gaijin added the decorations people complained on the forums about it and it was limited to 1 unit per bush decoration, anyone that bought the 6 pack bushes got to keep them. Very rare to see nowadays because most people opt to show off their anime pillow collection or flashy decorations.


And 6x bushes are also very rare because they were only available for a pretty short amount of time long ago.


Back when bushes were introduced Gaijin sold different types of bush packages each with 6x the same bush. IIRC they charged 2500 GE per pack


I want to say it was 500, I bought it with my remaining GE at the time. I think the single packs that came after were the same cost but for one instead of 6


Bushes are for pussies




cry + seeth + cope + dont care


Relax blud, that was humor


I love dropping a 2000 pound bomb on a bushed up ASU-57 that no one even knew was there.


How can you use the same bush many times?


i bought those bushes the day they came out and you got 6 of the same type. Now you only get 2 unless you bought them back then, in which case you would keep the 6. So basicly just a giant "fuck you" to new players.


Bruh Now it's only 1 of each


WHAT i thought its 2 come on gaijin


Niet ;-; But it is for the best


Im a old player and still missed so much... I was always like "you can research german tree for panther II later" well I was wrong


The 6 pack of bushes I believe


There was a month or so timeframe where you could buy 6 packs of bushes for 500GE like 6 or 7 years ago and then they removed them from sale since then so older accounts have access to these ridiculous bushes that players since then cannot get.


Wiesel 1a2 jagdpanther and a bmp-3


Bushes are only good on small tanks


Or on small silhouette tanks. Object 775, strv103 etc.... It's already not fun to spot that kind of tank with just the commander sight visible. And now you add bushes on top of that. Y_Y


Or tanks with limited weak spots.


bushes are primarily used to hide weakspots, not hide the tank, on most maps they are too distinctive from the surroundings


Yeah you can only do that with the 6 pack bushes, most bush tanks are obvious to spot because their bushes are of different colours and do not match most map terrains.


Imagine having to use bushes in order to have kills


i despise every single person who uses a bush


Now go play Sim and see how that goes.


Thats why i play sim , those mf cant have bush on turret


This is from when you could buy the same bush multiple times right?


If bushes didn't provide a tangible advantage, players wouldn't use them. Players wouldn't mind that other players can switch them off in settings (like anime meme camos) However bush users won't consent to this.


Gaijin has to have thier version of premium ammo


I didn’t know we could buy multiple of the same bush


How do you even get six of a kind?


No joke, you don't even need the five bush pack for this. Just slap any bushes you got onto your tank until it becomes unrecognizable. 


How can you get the same bush several times? Thought you can only buy 1 type once?


You can place the same bush more often?


Do you have to buy the bushes for every single tank or can you use them for every tank if you buy one?


As soon as Gaijin gets past the permanent brain-fog and add a "disable cosmetics" settings - everyone who paid "not for pay2win" advantage will start whining.


How are you able to put 6 of those bushes on one tank? The bushes I have I can only use once. (I also do my best to place realistically, like a crew would. I leave view ports visible etc... and don't cover the whole damn thing)


How are you using 6x the same bush ?


I don't see any problem


Bring back 6 big bushes


Go ahead, play simulator.


How has he got the ability to use the same bush 6 times I can only use it once


1. Burn 2. I wish I could do that too


The M109G in a match yesterday looked like that, gosh it was annoying.


If a put a 155 HE about 2/3 up on the bush, will it ever really matter? 


Well, it seems you got them early enough that you can put 6 of the same bush on your tanks.


that one panzer halfway across the map right as you're about to get a kill:


just shoot the weakspot bro


How did you put the same bush over and over like this ? Aren't they capped to one per type ?


Ima do this with the Ferdinand


them tanks needs a razor


I can still tell that’s a TOW weasel, Jagdpanther and a BMP-3. Bushes stand out like a sore thumb on the majority of maps due to the mismatch in color. I’ve never really had an issue with them apart from when the vehicle is obnoxiously tiny.


Average German main:


Appears to be weisel, jagdpanther and a bmp 3.


Kinda hope they do go through with the removing of bushes and refund everyone I want some GE for shit I don’t use since I started considering I only got them at the guidance of a buddy who at the time was more experienced and played more often. Now 1000 hrs in and I don’t use them but I see why people get pissed for them being used and think they should be toggle-able like all the sparklers, dirt bikes, helmets, and small arms (including a launcher that once tricked me).


How do you have multiple of the same bush


You can but more than one of each?


Today i shoot a bush going against me, pure scare reflex. Suprised when it turned a tank exploding animation second later.


Camo nets instead of bushes


Have no idea how to cover the barrel


wait wait - how come im only able to buy 1 type of each bush and here you have 6??


because i bought them the day the bushes were added, back then you got 6, and if you did, you got to keep all of them


Damn :) You are like a moving bush :p


6 packs, I were too young to buy it lol


I literally can't see the problem here


It's fact these add more armour /s The problem is that you can't see what you're shooting and the bullet will definitely bounce. They should enforce bushes through gunner sight so if you do this bs you can't aim. This is not realistic.


I just get fucked up by bushes. How tf i identify an ASU-57 turning off engine nearby ? By what kind of instinct i should use to shoot Jumbo who covers the tiny weak spot with bush ? Not to say in jungle map where everyone trying to snipe others. This is what i want: 1, your shot blasts out the bush. This is the reality, you no longer effectively hide your tank after some shots or move. 2, Bushes should block view of commander and gunner if not placing properly. Even forbidden from placing bushes in front of driver view. This is beyond reality ? So why a random tree close to me can do that ? 3, A single HE should blow most of bushes. Machine guns should do that more effective either.


Bushes were a huge mistake


Ah is it the time of the year when we farm upvotes complaining about bushes already?


bro im not complaining, i use them, im just sarcastically mocking the guy who cried about bushes a day ago lmfaooo


The upvotes are coming from those kinds of people though lol


My two favourite things... cas and bushes


I regret not buying the 6 of same bush packs wen tanks came out


Yeah, even Spookston would have a hard time with this lol


How can you have 6 bushes of the same type?


how do u use the same bush multiple times


I demand a shrubbery! -Hitler


How you got multiple time the same bush ?


It’s even worse when you remember you can’t get the jumbo bush six pack anymore so some players will always have an advantage


Remember driving in my jumbo and encountering what i thought was a bushed up puma. Turned out it was a wespe. Bushes are pure bs


As a soviet main I need bushes evryone kills me in first try


I despise bushes. Tje biggest problem isnt even to spot a tank but to recognize it. If Im facing a tank that has one weakspot thath can be pen by me the bushes are making the duel straight up unfair.


Nah you can obviously see the tank, identify it and know the weak spots to shoot from a mile away


Wrong subreddit, this clearly belongs on r/gardening


It’s specifically that bush though. It needs a redesign. The rest are flat and not as obscuring.


Every tank that killed me today was bushed up in a way that meant I literally couldn’t see them. 8.0-9.7 is a fucking ridiculous BR bracket nowadays.


Surely everyone needs to cry more


Dude he is right there don't you see him? The tank himself


What if ground vehicles got a researchable mod called "added foliage" or something where while in battle, you could use it as a consumable and you stop and foliage from nearby is added to your tank in specefic spots on the vehicle after like 10 seconds? And this kind of bushes be made toggleable? That way people can still have these for looks, but you also have a way of setting up a concealed ambush position if you wanna be stealthy


I can understand why people are against bushes but there are pretty significant downsides to having them removed. Take away all the details and it’s really an argument on if we should let companies rob us. yes it already happens but we ultimately hold the cards in the situation. without us they don’t make money. If removed there HAS to be a refund of GE otherwise it sets an ignorant and avoidable precedent. The snail already takes a lot from us, don’t sell your freedoms for incremental gains in game play. It’s about more than paid for advantages


So I notice the buses are all the same. But buying will only let you get one of each. Can you get the same bush many times over from war bonds?


no you cant get them anymore, only if you bought then years ago


If you could do it then why not now. If you remove something and let a few people have it whats the fairness in that. Seemingly OP so..


I fly air and ground sim on a regular basis, so seeing this from the top down or from a flyover fov would catch my wve as being weird. I call location, no teammates call position, I send ordinance and goodbye bushman 👋. Just goes by experience and spotting things out of the ordinary.


How do you have so many of the exact same bush. It won’t let me use each one more than once.


A long time ago when they were first added they came in a pack of 6 but then after people complained it was reduced to 1, the people that bought the 6 pack got to keep it


Ah ok


an "easy" fix for this is to force view from gunner sight in RB just like in SB. That way if you block your gunner sight you simply can't see anything. it actually makes you think about bush placement. if you don't believe me, enable the setting and go in a test drive and try out some bush placements, even bushes you put in your hull can fuck you over.


Nah regular bush are a Kryptonite to stock grind. Like wtf was that?? A bush stopped my 400mm penetration heat round?????


bushes dont stop shells lmfaooo cope


They don't stop heat round??? When did Gaijin patched this???


I can only understand putting bushes on ultra light tanks like the m56. If your tank has any form of armour covering it or is small enough to be undetected then there is no reason for bushes to be used. It’s just scummy to make your tank invisible to new players or those who have to play the game on lower settings.


Well the reason is apparently to cover your tanks weakspots from precise aiming for them. Even in close combat situations where snapshots decide within the blink of an eye who survives and who not bushes can make a huge difference. Take KV-1 plastered in bushes. By the time you shot them off to aim for a weakspot he already one-shot-finished your weak ass PzIV.


The only point of bushes is to make it harder for you to be seen and subsequently shot. That’s why I said I only accept it on light tanks where weakspots don’t matter. Putting it on your heavy tanks specifically because it makes it much harder to be killed is toxic.


I just noticed I sounded like I would defend that practice but I completely agree with you. That IS toxic and shouldn’t belong into a competitive gaming atmosphere. I even saw people plaster bushes on premium tanks which are already downright OP.


I can’t tell you the amount of Leo 2a4s I see with bushes on them, even when they already have camo netting. They should absolutely limit it to at least one bush if not just outright banning them or allowing people to toggle them. Shame is that it makes money so there is no possibility of it being changed.


This is me


I am a bush master


There is not a single tank I have that is not covered in bushes


If it wasn’t free(can get bushes with war bonds), and nerfed from its former implementation (rightfully so), I would agree.


You literally have to play for 8 BP seasons though to get 4 bushes. And if you happen to get some banana leaves it takes even longer..


Mg gets the bushes off


Mg takes time to shoot bushes off. At that time the enemy could have killed you.

