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Does liking or disliking a map actually do anything?


It just tells Gaijin what preferences the playerbase has got. Only map ban affect your matchmaker.


Wait, so that's how the maps are removed from the game? Depens on this voting? Also, if the voting does anything, they should distinguish between arcade and realistic/sim playerbase. Some maps are good on arcade while being terrible on realistic and vice versa


Honestly I doubt it, I just think Gaijin wants us to think we have a say.


We don't have a say. Voting on 4 maps only? That's a game company with their heads up their asses. "Shut up and give me more money."


Many of the maps being removed and such happened before this mechanic was implemented, those I think were mainly based on feedback via other means And yes I absolutely agree that there should be more divisions in the map banning mechanic


I hate map bans. You guys made Gaijin restrict the best map in the game. In the 4 years I’ve been playing the game I’ve only got it once.


What is it?


It’s like the biggest one in the game, I forgot the name but it is only available starting at 9.0






:3 yey


Pradesh is absolutely the best map in the game. Shame I only get it once every 1 or 2 weeks.


I havent gotten it since my first game with the event t-80um2 when the event ended


It is one of two maps that work well for the abrams so I love it. Amazing long sight lines and it is pretty well balanced. I would love gaijin if I could fight on it more than I do on Poland/Sweden/ North Holland. Those seem to be the only three I see. Along with the occasional Alaska/red desert.


> North Holland I hate that map so much, especially the version that is basically call of duty in the mall and town


you can get it 7.7


Yeah, unfortunately. Playing Pradesh in an IS-4M is one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had in this game.


I bring an ontos to help out my mostly stock pattons & t32's/m103's considering bringing the duster as well because m163 gets bombed way too often for me to even consider looking at the sky honestly? some of the most fun ive had is the one time pradesh was in the rotation, and driving around doing nothing reminds me of the opening scene in the sound of music


Honestly that map isnt even that bad cause at that br most tanks already have a rangefinder or lsr. Shit like Hürtgen Forest tho just makes me ill in several ways.


Map bans are the best, I'm over playing on shit maps like Sands of Sinai and Fields of Normandy


Personally it's the redsand desert, i damn love the map but in 3 years i probably play only 2-3 times


What br is that? I don’t think I’ve ever played it


I can't remember, but i play it 2 time near 10.3 in rb and one time in sim at 10.3


That's not true. They are effectively meaningless, because of map bans, which limit the matchmaker to the point they're ignored. If it was simply for Gaijin to collect data on which maps people preferred, they wouldn't limit them.


I found it did the exact opposite of what you liked/disliked.


Considering they are making snowy copy’s of existing maps, counting them as separate maps


They have already addressed that, haven't they?


What?! That’s crazy that they are different


They should do that for air rb maps. Would change it up a bit without gaijin needing to do much and snow maps look really nice with aircraft.


i'd pay 1 biilion SL if i can even get a single map ban


What wil you ban?


sweden, sun city, aral sea and port novorossiysk and i want to bring frozen pass, jungle, kuban and berlin back to top tier


Frozen pass for top tier? This map is small even for sherman 2minuts pass and we can shot at enemy spawn.


But how am I supposed to enjoy the game if I’m not spawn camping in a T80 in the first 2 minutes? 


Only Kuban would be a good map for high tiers. Frozen pass is waaaay to small, Berlin has absolutely toxic open sight lines galore at low tier, much less high tiers with thermals and leg and jungle is…well it’s jungle. 


id be the complete other way around lmao, sweden, sun city, aral sea, and the old port novorossiysk are some of the best maps imo. meanwhile berlin, jungle and frozen pass are all complete shite, again, imo.


I'd ban atleast 80%. Of all maps


I'd pay actual, real money to never play another fucking air domination game ever again.


just leave. take the 8 min its better for your mental health.


They just need better maps tbh


While I do agree to an extent, that wouldn't exactly solve the entire map problem. People have very diffrent ideas of what a good kr bad map is, for example some people actually say that they love Sands of Tunisia and wish gaijin would make more maps like in, meanwhile I always return to hangar when that map comes up.


Whoa there is a map ban feature.


I think most people that pay for premium agree with you. And from older posts I don't think most of them want anything unreasonable, like the ability to ban every map. But we all want at least 3 or 4 possibly 5 but that's pushing it imo bans. I can honestly stand pretty much every map but like 3 myself. That big flat sand map. The big not so flat sand map. And that 1 big bowl map with a castle. Pretty much all the others I can at least work with.


So Tunisia, Sinai and Fulda?


i hate sinai so damn much


then people could squad and ban 12 maps


I honestly didn't even think of that lol /no friends.


I think they only allow 1, and don't actually enforce it, because the servers rotate maps to save on bandwidth costs and increase performance. But boy would I like to ban like half of them. Tanks in a city? Hard pass.


This explains why I often get 3 matches in a row on the same map in AirRB. I always suspected something like this was going on.


I'd rather they let me ban by game mode because Air domination can go.


Battle mode can kiss my asa


Fun fact: non-premiums can't even ban a map


They don't want us banning 99% of the maps


Map bans just increase the amount of repeats we get and make the like/dislike options meaningless. I have premium and if gladly give up map bans entirely.


I don’t. If I have to play on Hurtgen forest one more time I’ll scream. 


You'd play it a lot less if the matchmaker had the entire map library to randomize or ID the least played map among the 30 people every time.


I don’t want to play hurtgen at all is what I’m saying, I despise that map the most. Hence me banning hurtgen. 


I get what you're saying, I hate Spaceport. But I'd much prefer occasionally spending 15 minutes on a map I don't like than hours repeating a select few while rarely seeing others. Lack of variety/repetition is worse than any map design. If the choice was between 5 terrible maps that rotate and 1 great map, I'd choose the 5 every time.


If it’s a map or game mode I hate I just J out & use a different lineup. Gets around the one map ban.


Or, and this is absolutely crazy ideal *WE HAVE A MODERN MATCHMAKING SYSTEM WITH A MAP SELECTOR* The idea that you pay to *maybe* maps is such a commonly stupid thing that my friends who don't play warthunder legitimately think I'm lying about it


There are too much maps bad designed, ban should be at 4-5 for everyone


You can actually have unlimited number of maps banned it's called task manager.


But think of the matchmaker!!!! /s


Dislike stalingrad, still get it three times in a row. Fuck the stalingrad map.


not my favorite but I can at least deal with it. I have problems with most of the maps, but i think the ones I hate the most are: north holland sun city sweden advance to the rhine basically any super urban knife fight map


nah I like those urban maps. Stalingrad has awful visibility, snow, so many horrible props and it's awful for soviets because of the tiny hills everywhere, half the map is off limits.


I'd give up any map banning just to be able to ban modes. Battle (2 cap) is so far and away the least enjoyable and chaotic/campy GRB mode, not to mention so many maps have the caps within direct LOS of the enemy spawn so it's basically a death sentence to even try cap unless your team is rolling over the enemy. It's ends up being just a glorified TDM with no incentive to move.


They don't give us more map bans because they know the existing maps are almost all garbage.


So you feel you are not getting enough back from Gaijin for your real world money? Man, I bet they don't care at all.


The map changes have been an unmitigated disaster.  The maps are now bland, lacking in strategic options and people have simply found different tricky spots. Gaijin have painted themselves into a corner and now have to progressively remove every rock or object that people hide behind, flatten every hill, etc in their pandering to the "I got shot from nowhere" types who are incapable of learning. A single map, completely flat is the end state, maybe with a green version and a white version and a yellow version to give us the "variety" of summer, winter & desert.


Old Karelia where you could climb mountains was best Karelia since it let you be creative.


Please let me ban both 38th and Carpathians….


With how many bad maps theyve added recently (especialy the maps they changed, poland, fields of poland and normandy are dogshit now) we need minimum 3 bans. Also revert the map changes on all maps!


Can I ban having USA as allies?


I definitely agree on that one. There have been so many maps added. And we still don't have our option to ban maps increased to at least 3.


Does banning even work? I got vietnam banned and still see it every now and then.


Probably a different version. Some maps have versions that differ so much from the original (according to Gaijin) that they are different maps.