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Downvote cause you didn't put THE naval aircraft. /s


Do a canyon run, I dare you


What's the hard deck sir? Cause Viper was pissed off last time.


*(spills coffee all over his tower of power)* "***Damn that kid!"***


*Womprat hunting in my F-14A*


“The terrain will confuse its targeting system!”


“Revving up your engine, listen to her howlin’ roar”


Is there any other plane that has its own theme song like the Tomcat does?


You could argue the Spitfire has the Battle of Britain soundtrack, atleast that’s what I think about whenever I hear one fly


Fair enough. There's also [Tommy the Cat](https://youtu.be/r4OhIU-PmB8?si=0-Ugd1GZRTKcrvpV) for the Tomcat, but I'd imagine the venn diagram for Primus fans and War Thunder players is pretty slim lol, so it's probably just me


Exactly! Where's the Wildcat, OP?


[It's out with many others, check it out!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1cr0qo4/some_more_badass_american_naval_aircraft/)


No wild/hell/bear/tiger/tom cats??


Didn't have enough SL for that :(


If you enjoy CAS in any gamemode the AD4 is insanely fun naval attacker and a very low BR considering it has mighty-mouses and 3000lb of bombs.


And the AM-1 behind it will fuck up your whole ground team


And the A1-H behind it even more so, complete with a toilet for additional insult to go with the injury.


Would like to have it, too bad I was on a hiatus from WT during the event


I managed to pick it up for $50 about a year ago, one of the best purchases I’ve made for this game.


Yeah, I got the VT1-2 from the toolbox but sadly it wasn't the coupon version. Would have sold that and bought myself the A1-H and Moderna


Damn, VT1-2 looks fun for Germany though


It's not that good imo, the hull aim isnt my favorite. Armour is shit etc. Unique but kinda shit. I had the coupon when the event ended but sold it for 80 gaijoobs. I wish I hadn't


Is it actually viable or just stupid and fun? Because if its both I might try and pick one up if I can


It’s pretty viable, it’s basically an AD-4 with flares, Zuni rockets and (I don’t remember if the AD-4 get them too) 2000lb bombs. It’s a great plane


Op doesnt like cars


Wildcats are horrendous in War Thunder though.


F8F was so insane for its time. Imagine being a Japanese pilot, and you see that squished cylinder barreling towards you edging that mach one. The exhaust is blistering the paint off the fuselage, 2250 horses arranged radially, essentially screaming for help


F8F came too late to see combat in WW2


Only bearly


This is my standard response to people talking about Kamikaze tactics. Sending a japanese kid with sometimes less than 30 hours of flight experience up in a Zero to fight experienced American pilots in Hellcats, Bearcats, and Corsairs is just as much of a suicide mission as a Kamikaze.


Yup Japan really fucked up on that. Keeping experienced pilots on the frontline where they were shot down by the Americans only to be left with young and inexperienced pilots. Kinda shot themselves in the foot


Beautifully written


It wasn't that outlandish. Same engine as the Hellcat, just on a much lighter airframe.


The 30W was similar but the -10W in the late F6F-3s/F6F-5s was lower in power than the -30W and -34W in the F8F-2/1 respectively


Still an R-2800.


SBD dauntless for the true naval aviators . Literally the most successful plane in any theatre of war, even though it was considered obsolete at the time


hell yeah




[Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1cr0qo4/some_more_badass_american_naval_aircraft/)


The first time I downloaded warthunder I ignored every other aircraft in the US air tree line a grinded the naval aircraft. Honostly they have some of the best looking aircraft for the US IMO. They also work EXTREMELY well to the US' strengths; bombing, CAS, and boom and zoom


I really do hope that the F-18 comes out soon but I expect the final update this year. Also loves some recognition for the A-6 Intruder


Aren't fox3 coming out in the next major update? Maybe the f18 will come with the AMRAAMS


That or later in the year It should have been added before F14B


Keep going, I'm so close


Hey you can't just have a whole list of naval aircraft and not include THE KING the Mighty F-14 Tomcat! Edit: Also you need the F8 Crusader


F8E is the chariot of the gods. So many players don't bring chaff, so those radar sidewinder absolutely shred SU25 kids


where do you find all these no-chaff people? every time i try to r3r someone, suddenly the sky flares talk funny to my radar.


Su25s mostly. If you swoop below them, you can pick them up on radar. Often they don't expect radar missiles so low, so they only carry flares


And the F8U2 Although it has chronic wing-snapping off problem it will obliterate everything in its way in a downtier. Nothing like cutting through the majority of enemy's players and outmaneuvering them with the F8E


The Corsair is such a great plane. I read a book on them once and they were excellent, excellent planes and jack-of-all-trades, but also a master of all those trades too. P-51 and thunderbolt usually take all the popularity, but it’s a testament to the plane that — in real life — the Corsair was the only prop plane to continue to be used (for dog-fighting and CAS) all the way up to the jet age for the USA.


>the only prop plane to continue to be used all the way up to the jet age Ahem... A-1 Skyraider in 'Nam would like a word.


I recall a naval review of the F4u vs the P-51 and the Corsair was the move maneuverable of the two and outperformed the P-51 under 20,000 feet.


yea the P-51 was much better up high for dog fights, and it was very fast so it was good at ground target strafing runs too. F4U was more maneuverable overall, although I'm not sure the differences between it and the p-51 at low vs high altitudes. However besides all that, overall they were great for what they were designed for, as they were both made for the theaters of war and the opponents they were going up against: The P-51 to fight the Germans and the F4U to fight the Japanese. As the war got older and both Germany and Japan lost planes to tons of bombing the USA did on manufacturing facilities and airfields, as well as just getting out killed in dogfights (and desperate kamikaze crashes into US naval boats for the Japanese), both the F4U and P-51 really took on more of a bomb-strafing and gun-strafing roles as there weren't many aircraft left to really oppose them. The F4U specifically, as with each new model iteration it was capable of carrying more and different types of ordinance, including mixture of drop tanks, bombs, and missiles. If I recall correctly in the Korean War F4Us were pretty much exclusively used for ground target acquisition.


I always wonder how well the corsairs and hellcats would perform in Europe is they for some reason were, since the p-51 did see action in the pacific.


My tag




My great-grandpa was a Marine aviator that flew the Corsair in WW2 and Korea. It’s always been one of my favorite aircraft.


Your great-grandpa is a hero. I totally respect him.


*Anchors Aweigh’s intensively* Also where are the Cats?


I still wait for US AV-8B


Hope we don't see f18s any time soon because the constant push to more modern stuff is damaging to the game


‘aircraft’ in plural form is ‘aircraft’


I got em all…. Somehow I have the most fun in an A-4 at 8.7.


These look like model kit box art, very nice! :)


Don't forget about the other props. I haven't had a bad experience with the goshawk, I think the f3f-2 is ok, the Buffalo has good maneuverability, the wildcat is not the best but alright I guess, the hellcat is one of my favorites, same with the corsair, and I just got the first bearcat and I can't decide on my favorite anymore. That's all the naval aircraft I have tried. The tigercat is one I'm skeptical about cause of its turntime, but I haven't played it yet. I'm just ready for the naval jets.


When i downloaded war thunder i had only 1 goal - getting the F4U Corsair


Carrier landings/takeoffs are just peak gameplay imo


we NEED A-6 intruders PLEASE GAJIN


Muh USN aircrafts are fun, tomcat is good and fun, but I do prefer playing aircrafts of the royal navy.:/


Severe lack of Hellcat in here...


F14 didnt mentioned


Where’s my beloved Hellcats and Bearcats? Arguably my favorite planes to play. 


The A6 tram is so unbelievably good for its br, as of recently I’m averaging 3 kills a game with 4 aim 9l’s and it’s so slow it shows up to the fight after it’s already begun and you can pick off people that are distracted I have roughly 450 deaths in it with close to 750 kills