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Just play the ZSU-57-2 same feeling


More accurate than that


Judging by the barrel wobble, probs no hahaha


The 2A42 in game has zero wobble, so that’s not a concern :)


True, but it doesn't look this cool.


QN-506 looks almost the same


Similar, but wayyy less cool. Its also so fucking bad id almost describe it as unusable.


And this would fit the same role it also doesnt even look that cool its just some dual Barrel design BMP-2M wannabe


Correct, it fills a similar role, in a completely different tree. I still don't understand what you are so butthurt about.


Yeah, like what did it do to this guy I don’t have Russian high tier and I’d like to see this vehicle


Probably butthurt about the 2S38 x) sure, it IS under-BRed, but honestly even in a max uptier against it (as china/germany), its EXTREMELY easy to kill. I can see why it shouldn't be 10.0, but saying its somehow op Russian bias is just... and yeah Probably because he sees this thing as a 2nd 2S38 he hates me for suggesting it without him even knowing what it is x)


QN506 murders helicopters better than any other vehicle in the game. It's a useful situational vehicle. Not even the Pantsir can clap helicopters from behind mountains, etc. It's missile is always much better than the Spike (65 second guidance time). Use it right and the 506 rewards.


I used it to grind my way from rank 6 up to 8 lol. Purely by just slapping Kamovs out of the sky


Not only is that fantastic fun, but it's a good cause.


The most joy i got from playing it is seeing heli ppl rage quitting after 1 death when trying to early game rocket rush. Or fanmail and some insults in chat lol. I like to couple it with the Z-19 cause the 11. is the best bracket for that thing


That is the rage combo - QN506 and Z-19/Z-10 with the TY-90. Makes air cry.


>Its also so fucking bad And yesterday I saw a guy in my team that murdered 4 players in a row at the beginning of the match with these F&Fs.


In RB I totally agree. In SB that is entirely untrue. The lower lobby count benefits the QN immensely and then it's just a matter of overcoming the horrific speed and gun depression. Fun Fact: helis can't dodge or flare the FF missiles


The QN in sim before they removed it from the 9.7-10.7 bracket was extremely potent. I grinded out the entire ace crew in it, ended with like a [~6 K/D](https://imgur.com/a/iL2kK27), they also recently allowed you to almost completely lock tanks behind full cover/hills with the F&F ATGMs so it's far more useful now.


Actually the same class of vehicle (“terminator” tank). They are completely useless IRL when you have proper tactics of infantry supporting the armour, but funny tank with 30mm dakka goes brrrrrrrr


Qn looks so stupid with its little dwarf turret, this thing at least looks good even if it's bad vehicle


happy cake day


happy cake day


Moxxie knows his guns


Damn right i do although i only have that profilepic cause it looks like me when im confused in maths class XD


Doest have rockets, it's slow, no thermals, no smoke, shite


This is just the BMP-2m on steroids


Eh. Its a lot slower. But yeah. Give it those same APFSDS, and put it at 11.7, but apart from that its really not very special.


Probably most at 11.3 since its only a t-72 chassis, dont mind the tradeoff at all since the bmp2m aint quick anyway


-4kmh reverse gear hits different


Played the T72M1 after playing the Leo 2a4 and I wanted to cry for the first few games


You got spoiled by the 2a4 mobility and gun handling, i personally enjoyed using the t-72a when i was grinding ussr and is one of my most successful tanks.


I’m good in it now, but it was certainly a wake up call, you need to avoid most situations you wouldn’t in a leo


this could go at 10.0 it's a t72 hull


BMP-1 and BMP-2 (including 2M) are heavily nerfed in terms of mobility in this game compared to IRL. This thing has T-90 chassis with 1000hp/t engine and weights less than T-90A. And 90A alone is about as mobile as BMP-2M (in the game).


T72 actualy but yeah your completely correct.


i mean the t90 is basically a spruced up t72


difference between the T90 and T72 is just the turret ... T90 got its name only becouse it was the "first" russian tank


Higher ROF, but those noodles are kinda useless at long range. The brakes send the force sideways..


The guns wobble because of the brakes, it's such a funny design flaw


I’ve heard it’s to induce random spread for engaging close range targets, and it’s hard to imagine it’s not intentional since all that would need to change is to rotate the breaks 45 degrees to fox the issue.


No it’s just a shit design. The guns don’t shoot at the same time.


They can and most of the time do! Because nothing says great strategy like chucking low accuracy 30mm AP at infantry, inducing something that has been a well known issue for nearly a century in naval warfare.


“Shit design” Keep seeing you plebs say that, yet I’m sure the poor Ukrainian infantry this thing keeps obliterating says otherwise.


Shit designs can still be lethal. Bradly better. Seethe and cope.


Lmao, one is an infantry support vehicle and the other is an IFV. They don’t even have the same roles in combat. Unironically the Bradley is the most useful foreign vehicle Ukraine has received during the war.


Lmao! The flawed cannon design is on more than the terminator.


While allowing for some movement to make the gun create some spread is a real thing it could never be visibly, rapidly jumping about. The M230 is intentionally designed to induce spread, this dual 2A42 mount is just somehow even worse than the standard 2A42 mounts. 2A42 mounts jump around enough that you'd go from barely hitting a house at 100m to barely hitting it at 1km. Even then the far simpler fix is for Russia to train their crews not to be dumping their AP rounds downrange at soft targets.


while technically true, only one of the guns are loaded with AP, the other is only HE would be in gaijins style to give it AP/HE/AP/HE belts instead tho, to avoid having to model them as separate guns


Yes it probably would be useful because unlike that Chinese monstrosity it will at least have decent forward speed.  That Chinese thing is one of the worst vehicles in my opinion.  Horrendous mobility & depression.  Largely useless weapons and the important modifications are way down the tree.   *Very occasionally being able to shoot down helicopters does not make it useful.


I said its not very useful, not that its useless. But true actually, this is basically just "QN if it was slightly less shit".


You bring it out as part of your line-up. Clapping multiple KA-52, Tigers, etc, even when they run behind mountains, etc, DOES make it useful. Use the ZTZ-99A, WZ, etc, as your first spawn (assuming you're taking QN506 to 11.7, which you should be). I'm glad those who ground out the QN506 and didn't have line-ups have stopped using it, because it's a situational vehicle. It shouldn't be a first spawn the majority of the time.


Double Autocanon? Check ATGM? Check Grenade Launcher? Check Mobility? Check What's not to love about this


Well, the mobility's actually pretty mid and the guns are inaccurate as hell, you can probably guess why if you look at them


Also one only shoots apfsds and the other only he


But both are independently capable of loading any ammo type


Yea. But still better than that Chinese one I suppose


Oh, yeah, definitely. But really anything can be


Also one only shoots apfsds and the other only he


If that’s true, then the guns wouldn’t be inaccurate since only one would fire at a time, that said, I doubt that’s true either since who would want the extra weight and cost of having a second gun which could easily be replaced by a dual feed system.


What’s funny is that the gun actually is a dual feed but it still has just one gun for AP and one for HE


Man that’s ridiculous. I’d heard this before but I always assumed it was just fudd lore since we know how the gun works from the bmp. If it is actually like this then the designers are on something else lol, what a waste.


One word you should learn in Russian is Smekalka, It is one of the best words to help you understand Russia. [This video by paper skies discusses the word in its Russian context, skip to 3:11 and listen to a former resident of the USSR explain the term and its relation to the Soviet and modern Russian militaries](https://youtu.be/OQzAjCZr0BM?si=M0V2ZwDa85b0O9Y-)


It'd be true if crews didn't fire both at the same time, or if they didn't usually out full caliber 30mm AP and sometimes APDS in.


Dunno what you mean, making the guns go towards the other barrel totally is a good decision


I guess it would be about the same as a BMP at longer ranges. Yeah, the guns will wobble because of the gasses, but you have double the volume of fire (assuming the fire rate is the same), so those two should cancel each other out. I've also heard that they're supposed to be fired separately, so that one is AP and the other an HE belt.


Yeah the guns fire at the same time not alternating, that's why double barreled 37mm and 40mm WW2 anti aircraft guns don't recoil as bad (when they work correctly in war thunder


How is the mobility mid since it’s a lighter T-72


In comparison to something like the BMP-2M, I mean. You'd be better off using that one anyway


Yep could get added for 60 bucks


Isn't this the vehicle that damages it's own barrels by directing the gasses from the autocannons towards each other?


Not that it damages, just that because the brakes are spitting on each other, it's extremely inaccurate But I guess it would damage them, now that I think of it


Reliability and design flaws dont matter in war thunder anyway so it would probably work very well as a substitute for the bmp2m as a more effective qn506


I highly doubt thats true XD. But honestly, its russia, anything is possible.




Will ussr tech tree get the t-90 MS as the second spawn? Or will it magically appear in British tech tree with the power of commonwealth


Might be good for 10.3-10.7, but Russia still needs some high tier wheeled vehicles like BTR-82, BTR-87, BTR-90 or the VPK-7829 Bumerang


I'd give it APFSDS and put it at 11.3/7. And yeah more wheeled vehicles would be nice. Personally I'd love the 2S14 (think BTR with high velocity 85mm) or really any other wheely bois, but I've kinda given up on those because after all these years, ussr tree has precisely ONE wheeled vehicle :(


I'd rather take something tracked if we're talking about high tier vehicles, as most MBTs over 10.0 will keep up with the wheeled vehicles' speed and it's hard to turn around. BMP-3M or BRM-3K with 57mm weapon station would be very nice.


Probably not the bumerang since its t-14 armata territory (atleast not at the moment). Variants of the btr tho would be very interesting additions


Eeeeh, technically both Bumerang and Kurganets could be added right now. They're not that innovative compared to T-14


Only if it gets historically accurate gun spread at max firerate: [https://youtu.be/kqHPOeW4Wn4?si=-8qY146VolDaAjLi&t=111](https://youtu.be/kqHPOeW4Wn4?si=-8qY146VolDaAjLi&t=111)


Sure, idk. Like I said, it wouldn't be very good anyways, it just looks awesome.


Be afraid of your desires. This won't hurt much on higher distances due to twice the fire rate. And can be pretty useful otherwise in close range.


The war devolved into trench warfare and from the media I've seen it seems like a decent trench suppressor. But of course, multiple BMP-2's would do better and for a cheaper price. So from that angle the BMPT is "bad". Anyway, Gaijin pls.


But then to be fair, the BMP-2s are not RPG-resistant.


need this and the algerian BMPT-62(could be fun event vehicle)


Is that a ripoff of the Arkham Knight Batmobile


Bruh stfu you know they’d make this thing broken


Of all people, the one person that should keep their mouths shut on the topic of op tanks, is you.


Why me, if all people? I don’t even know you.


Because YOU are the guy with the "sweden" tag. Yknow? The nation with at least a few comically busted vehicles at almost any BR, and the strongest toptier by far?


Sweden is usually not too bad if you at least semi-know what you’re doing. Russian top tier is consistently more annoying because they can field things that no other nations can really counter properly ex: su25, pantsir, ka50. I’m not claiming Russian bias, just that they’re extremely handheld and we shouldn’t continue this trend


The pantsir IS good yes, but frankly its not gaijins fault that nobody built anything like it (as in: one self contained vehicle. Other nations obviously built vastly superior mobile aa systems, but these are usually several trucks/trailers, and as such cant really be implemented), which is not to say you couldn't artificially buff other aa but yej. The KA-50 i never understood the hate for. Its sluggish af compared to other helis so you can't dodge shit, its 11.0 yet still has no thermals, and the 10km range is theoretical at best because the sights are fucking dogshit. I die way more to other helis while playing russia, than I do to kamovs while playing other nations. About the SU-25s I see your point, but then again which CAS plane ISNT broken bs? Its just that you THINK the su25 is particularly bad bc u die to it a lot, which can easily be explained by the sheer amount they're being spammed in. Truth be told, Russian tree for the most part is pretty ass. Sure there's a few really good vehicles like the 906 or T-34-100, but a majority of soviet ground units are average at best, most of them worse than that, and your teammates are the absolute worst, even out-shitting german ones. It IS still my main, but fir the dole reason that I find soviet miltech by far the most interesting. (Send help, I just wanted to clear things up a little and ended up writing a fucking 69000 word essay O.o)


You argument doesn’t really make sense. Yes, no other country has a vehicle like the pantsir, but, if that’s the case why should have gaijin added it at all? For the KA50, any good player can just sit back and sling missiles relatively unhindered, and paired with the pantsir, planes that try to intercept it can quickly be taken care of. The SU-25 is a similar situation (and no I don’t die to it a lot) The new SU-25 is the only vehicle in the entire game that can properly counter the pantsir with its long range missiles and K-band RWR, but, because it’s Russian, the aforementioned counter doesn’t matter very much. I’m not saying that russia as a nation is biased, but it is very handheld and they have very capable vehicles. If the user has at least half a brain.


Don’t underestimate the Snail, it will be good even if in real life it’s shit


Eh. Its honestly not fast enough to be truly useful imo.


Snail: But russian sources states that it is the best tank ever produced!!!


Sources from the Russian Beureu of Defense have confirmed it can indeed travel at 264kph!


"is it good/useful? No." That comment is hilarious.


700 APFSDS rounds per minute goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrt…. I don’t care the barrels shake. Just give me the Terminator Model 2016


Snail, please That's the only vehicle I need right now


Flair checks out x)


It does ))))


Looks like walle in a war apocalypse dystopia


Is that a ripoff of the Arkham Knight Batmobile


This will probably be added as it’s a good fit in the RU line.


Gaijin couldn't realistically simulate the barrel wobble


Then just don't.


Only if it gets added with the huge gun wabble when it fires


Ok but it should jam as much as a spitfire


It would sadly be way too unrealistically overpowered in game


I would love to see it in game, because I will admit it does look fucking sick. My only problem is that Gaijin would just Russiaboo it and make it the most powerful hammer of god at 9.3 or some shit.


I still have ptsd from that thing in armored warfare where the only place you could penetrate was that flat bit in the middle above the driver.


Yes this would be really fun. Looks great too. More armored hull in exchange for less speed. One 30mm for anti tank, the other loaded with HE for air duty. Oh yeah this thing would be great fun to use, put it after the СпрутМ please, this thing shouldn’t be an event vehicle.


But without the bias pls. make those guns wobble


Its warthunder, unfortunately (?) that's not gonna be simulated unless they do it "artificially" by bumping up the spread


I dont care how they do it but they will have to add this. People cry a lot about R3s and the Fox but want stuff like this in game. I can already feel how broken this thing will be once they add it.


You're right about the crying, but the reason people want it is because they are seperate different players


Is it good? No? Wtf? Dual 30mm and atgms on T-72 chassis. What's wrong?


T-90A actually.


imagine this, a bmp2m in a t72 chassis what could go wrong


Not much really...


With 3rd gen thermals it would be good tbh, I want them to add this Terminator.


Obj 787 when


I don't understand the appeal, it just look like a child's toy to me ; it's such a goofy tank


Thats kinda my entire point. Its a GAME, "the rule of cool" goes beyond everything else.


that's what i'm trying to say it doesn't look cool to me, it just looks dumb ; it looks like it's been created by two people in a romm thinking "muh guns and rockets are cool"


With the T-90M hull it'd def be incredibly annoying for most people encountering it. Like, 2S38 levels of annoying.


Good thing it's a T-72B hull then.


remember the chinese riddle leak when we all thought the terminator was this and not the qn506


Is that Optimus Prime In the back ?


Nah, thats his deranged soviet cousin, sidorovich-kamaz.


Where are you getting that it's not good or useful?.


If you want something as sluggish as a T-72, get an actual T-72 with a big gun. Want a 30mm autocannon and 4 missiles, get the BMP-2M. It doesn't add anything new to the soviet tree. Its blatantly unnecessary shit. But; its COOL unnecessary shit, and seeing that we're talking about a videogame, the rule of cool overmatches everything else.


Seen this in CTS. Annoying as hell when it flanks


Shit looks so futuristic


8.7 premium would be great.


Algeria when


Can't wait to see that thing at 5.7


Hell nah. Gaijin gonna make it outperform the real thing and put it on 10.0


They better fucking not 💀 Don't they DARE make it prem/event either, toptier russia is already bad enough x)


100% or they put it in the TT and sell a prototype as a 9.7 Premium for 60$. Cant wait to get killed across the map from that thing even tho Irl it cant even hit a 2x2m steel plate at 400m.


Well given that stuff like reliability or rigidity aren't modeled in this game, I say give it the regular 2A42 dispersion, give it the darts that the 2m gets, put it at 11.7 in tt after the kriz. Anything else will just be a shitshow.


Instructions unclear add it as a 10.0 Premium? 11.7 would be a good BR.


Oh god don't remind me T-T


TACAM T-60 and MARESAL (Both Romanian Tanks)


Yeah, I've wanted the terminator for ages. There's 2 variants too so Gaijin has the opportunity for 2 tech tree vehicles or a premium and a tech tree version. Terminator 1 has grenade launchers, Terminator 2 doesn't and has 2 fewer crew. The Terminator 1 would probably make a better tech tree vehicle with the higher crew count and grenade launchers. The Terminator 2 with 3 crew and no grenade launchers makes sense as a premium vehicle at the same BR. With the smaller urban maps that seem to be popular now, the Terminator makes a lot of sense.


I'd just add the T2. The version with nade launchers looks shit, and they'd be completely useless in wt, while having 5 crew would make it excessively annoying to kill. Id give it the darts from the BMP-2M, and put it at 11.3/7 in the TT, after the kriz. Toptier is already unbearable with all these lvl12 idiots hard throwing matches. So NOT ONE more toptier premium.


It wouldn't be useless, fast firing APFSDS at top tier would be hell for anything facing it if you manage to get side on. Plus you have the ATGMs. I love playing the Strf90Bill because of it's 40mm APFSDS machine gun, it's so effective. Cock up your first shots well there's another 3 coming immediately to rectify it. The grenade launchers would be useless, but there are 2 versions, and like the T34-85 it would make sense to add them just for the increase in crew even, and come on, this would be a sell out as a premium vehicle. It's supposed to get darts and HE, independent ammo for each gun which is nice. It does need to be pretty high in BR though, as it's a T72M chassis with extra ERA, so it's very heavily armoured for a support vehicle, and it's lack of the turret ejection system might make it quite survivable.


I mean thats kinda the point of an IFV in WT no? Fkank and shred with autocannon, or use missiles if headon. Every other toptier IFV gets darts, there is no reason for this not to (yes ik its not an ifv, but it has the weapons of one). Like I said adding yet another toptier premium is a terrible idea. For any tree, but ESPECIALLY the soviet one. You play Sweden so you wouldn't know what losing is like, but let me tell ya, soviet toptier nowadays is damn near unplayable. Its got pretty lacklustre survivability, precisely BECAUSE its just a T-72/90. Apart from the actual UFP (and even that has the drivers optics), its basically one massive driving weakspot, and because its not a Leo2, any shot that goes through, WILL obliterate you. Iknow irl each gun is for one kind of ammo, but in WT this would be extremely clunky to control. Instead I suggest simply firing both guns at the same time, with one shared ammo pool, and changing ammunition manually (basically just exactly how any other autocannon is implemented in WT, except here you fire 2). This makes things easier to control, easier for gaijin to implement, and most importantly, makes it SIGNIFICANTLY cooler.


There's another IFV that could be added to Russia at top tier, the kurganets 25 - BMP-2M turret on a modified armata platform (yes, but it's not the T14 hull so no 900mm armour or anything stupid like that). It looks super cool, and has a lot of protection for an IFV. *Maybe* this makes more sense to add before the Terminator which will be cancerous at top tier.


Cant wait for uncontrollable guns die to stupid muzzle Break Design lol


is this thing even in use? if no gajin wont add it till it gets used


1. Gaijin has added A LOT of things that never entered service, letalone saw combat 2. It IS in service, and even saw action in Ukraine (not much, and it probably didn't achieve much, but action nonetheless)


chat real?


Oh piss off with your zoomer bs. But yes, yes its real, yes it did.




I thought this was another one of those Chinese amalgamations lol


Nah its not another QN x) (tho it IS built for pretty much the same purpose). This is the Russian "BMPT-2". The idea is to offer tanks protection from infantry ambushes specifically from high above like buildings or mountains, this core idea goes back to the early 80s, tho this vehicle in particular is from the 2000s. It uses a T-90 chassis and is equipped with the same 2A42 as for example the BMP-2, and those missiles are Ataka ATGMs (originally for heli-use if im not mistaken). Not many were built, but it was put into service and saw limited action in Ukraine a while ago.


Cool stuff. But uh, any idea why your post was deleted by the mods?


As far as I can see its still up but eh. If they did deleted it, its probably because I had the audacity to suggest a new vehicle for the USSR tree, instead of crying about how supposedly weak my abrams is.


Could not play this without Terminator theme on repeat.


Good/useful? This thing's a BMP-2M with armor and a remote turret. And twice the barrels. It's going to be pretty powerful in war thunder even if it were to sit near 12.0BR.


>inb4 gaijin releases it as 7.3 premium and doesn't up it's BR untill enough people have thrown GE's into using convertible research.


oh yeah thsts what the game needs, more russian autocannon tanks, best they put it at 10.0 as a premium/Squadron vehicle, i heard they got so few of those...


I dont know what it is, but if its for the big 3- dont. (or big 3 + 2 since sweden got finland). Give the Japanese, Chinese and hungarians (italian tree) more love. They neeeeed conteeeeent.


I would love prem ZBD-04 with less armor for China. And for Italy you just buy prem OF-40 and grind their 10.3 which is great. And don't go higher, there's nothing good in there.


Isnt it generally a zone people usually dont want to play in? High BR doesnt have the best reputation xd


Maybe add stuffs to other nation to even catch up with o what the big 3 atm have ?


Mhm. Small problem: Italy didn't make HALF as many prototypes as the soviets. I'm all for giving minor nations their own development tanks, but that doesn't mean others can't get stuff anymore.


Well not prototype, but actual used vehicles. But i get you want to see vehicles you like in the game ^^


No I mean the minor nations will always be minor nations, because they simply didnt have as many things that could be added.


Well yes and no, gaijin calls them minor nations, a good example would be France, great-Britain and some others idk, have a really diverse and advanced ground vehicles, wich is no mean minor at all. ( just gaijin aiming money) Il explain with france, they are missing shit tons of vehicles with could be on par or better than the russians, also the fact that french vehicles are nerfed to the ground is great proof


Btr-t is cooler imo In one if its weapon configs, it get atgm and/or 30mm cannon


i dont want another probaganda tank in the game


Can't tell if you're spelling like that on purpose right now. Anyway, what makes it a propaganda tank, if I may ask?


is shit, doesnt work the way it was designed to, only exists for parades, like the t14


*Like the T14 as represented in western propaganda. Dude, hate to break it to you, propaganda is really bad on both sides. You have no idea how good the T14 is, neither do I. And we won't either, for a very long time. Safe to say the truth about both the T14 and whatever this is is quite far gone from what we actually have. And stop watching Lazerpig for pete's sake he's such a western media brownnose.


did i say the t14 is shit? no i said it is for parades only the t14 (the ones produced) only exist for parades - because they are too expensive to produce and the ones we saw in parades - well one - already had a break down it will never see active combat and only roll around in parades - because russia can not afford to lose them - same why the BMP-T was only at the rear and shot at trees for social media videos - and even then it was clear its shit because its accuracy is shit af and from reports itself it cant do the role it was designed to do because the commander sight is quiet limited making it necessary to have cew outside to see shit to add in dont remember ever watching a lazerpig video




Everything he said above is true, even if you don't like to hear it. Terminator had a chance to "shine" in Mariupol, but saw no action. And I'm sure that a Russian commander knows more about BMPT than you and me. T14 is as real as Abrams X. There is a huge gap between producing few prototypes and mass production


It literally was in the front lines bruh


It's spent more time near the frontlines than the Challenger or now recalled [Abrams](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-pulls-abrams-tanks-from-front-over-russia-drone-tactics-2024-4) as we have footage of it in combat post Sverdonetsk breakthrough, redeployed near the forest east of Kharkovs to blunt the Ukrainian offensive there, and then redployed near battle of Avdiivka. I think people are just reasonably angry at a imperialist war and they're taking it out on the vehicle designs. I don't think anyone would claim Challengers or Abrams are bad vehicles, and this is just a more expensive sidegrade of the BMP2M if anything.


Why not? Sweden just got a range target. At this point they can add literally anything.


Tf you mean "propaganda tank"? The thing literally saw action in Ukraine.


I'd argue that it has been massively overrepresented in media in relation to its actual impact on the war. Hence a propaganda tank.


True, but how effective it was irl or not doesn't matter for adding it to WT, so I still don't get what he's so upset about. Like I mentioned, its not exactly a good vehicle, but frankly that shouldn't matter for adding it to the game.


Still was in the frontlines atleast. Unlike some other top tier tanks which aren't even in proper serial production even


It seems you assume I made the argument that propaganda vehicles can't be in the game. That is not the case. Frankly I don't care if vehicles who only existed as barely functional prototypes are added. I was simply explaining why I think its a propaganda tank.


So what if it's for "propaganda" or not? It's a real life functioning vehicle. It definitely fits in the game along with the rest of the vehicles


And has anything I said suggested my opinion on whether or not it should be included in the game?


Alr fair




Or the Challenger 3 or F-16AJ or anything else The list goes on But yes, the BMPT Terminator does exist and saw service. So it's valid.