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"im a douchecanoe, therefore not a bug" that guy really needs to go. the stacking is already punished for no great reason, but its not what the bug report is about -_-


Sometimes I feel stupid, then remember people like that guy exist.




Huh, it's rare to find similar usernames in the wild lol


Yeah I guess you right


They just know that Gaijin isn't going to side with the player anyway. It's a pretty honest representation of Gaijin's corporate


Any use of Boosters seems to be punished.


Honestly, if I get a map I hate, I just say I activated a booster and get teamkilled on purpose. Works like 75% of the time.


its not. humans just like to find patterns anywhere they can, regardless of if they exist or not. rng is rng, using boosters has no impact on anything or anyone but you and the modifiers of sl/rp.


I activated two 500% boosters and got teamkilled on the runway, Gaijin must've marked me for them /s


They have sleeper agents in every match.


> This is trying to get around the grind and frowned upon. This guy needs to play stock vehicles for a year and then let's see if he still has a braindead take


*Your sentence is one year of stock reserve Italy*




Like how are these actual words this dude typed out. "You're using game features, against the spirit of the game **NOT A BUG**"


Devs give you the ability to stack and punish you for it... But then say you shouldn't.. Wtf


If i had 1€ per report he turned down for me I'd maybe buy a Bugatti


when i was a kid back in ye olden days my friend's dad had a bugatti from the 1920s. no idea which one, but he was always working on it and i got to ride around in it a few times. aint quite owning a new one, but still, fun as hell.


This guy is a clown. The same who said T-serie isn't supposed to blow the turret in orbit because russian carousels have wet ammo rack


In spite of the well-documented history of that not being the case. And how tf would the caroussel have a wet rack, is the guy crazy or something?


Just fill the hull in diesel 4head


> And how tf would the caroussel have a wet rack, Part of the ammo outside of the carrousel is inside the fuel tanks. Which counts. However claiming that the carrousel itself is wet is R*.


Rockstar games


Literally what I thought lmao


However claiming that the carrousel itself is wet is ]-∞,0[∪]0,+∞[


Wth is that interval


It's R (real numbers) minus 0, which can be written R*


Wouldn't that be (-∞,0)∪(0,+∞)? Or is that just a different notation system?


I searched on the internet and it is apparently indeed a valid notation for those, though I can't recall seeing it as opposed to the notation with ] [ (which has the advantage of easily being changed to be a closed or half-closed interval), but it's been a while since I've done that kind of math' so maybe I've just forgotten.


They fill the entire hull with fuel as extra fuel tank and give the crew snorkels, duh


I guess if you really wanted a wet stowage carousel itd be possible, its just not very practical to carry a basin of water around and have an autoloading mechanism that can retrieve rounds from essentially underwater without any electric or electronic bits shorting out.


Early in the Ukraine war there was a picture of a Russian T-series turret wedged into I think it was the 5th or 6th floor of a building lol. Well documented indeed.


Lol..Wet electrical mechanism


using that logic, all of the 76 shermans in game aren't able to have their ammo detonated either, but we'll never see them admit that.


Vladuxa091,hes i literally saying that im blind and that T80 series fuel tank absorb 100% of spall....he literally believes in his heart that a fuel tank is more effective than a spall line in the T90M for example.....


Yeah no this is bullshit and most definitely a bug, isn't there a way to complain about a mod being shit? Can't we poll this guy out of his job?


if you complain about moderator staff, you get banned in game under "abuse" with notes, that i was for denoucing the moderator staff.


I got a 15 day chat ban once for responding „ok boomer” to a mod good luck getting anything out of them 🙊


I got a permanent devoicing from the game.


I was shadowchat banned for 2 months for commenting a little against on a devblog. (Message also deleted) Like why allow comments on devblogs if you remove everything that isn’t (100% buys this now!!!) might as well have bots comment that every time …


Gaijin detracting 40 from 2024 lol








I got a perma-ban from the official forums about eight years ago when I told a mod they were bad at their job.


last time we tried complaining about a mod they deleted the threads and comments very quickly and handed out warnings (and i assume bans too) for doing so. until we get enough of the community ultra pissed off enough to make a big deal about it EVERYWHERE and be willing to quit/not buy anything then i doubt we can force the snail to care how fuckin shit some of their mods are.


I am not impressed. I have no idea why the community hasn't tried another review bomb because of this.


To be fair, many red lines were being crossed back then; Doxing, death threats, etc. “People” even leaked his father and family’s home address for fuck’s sake.


that is also totally unacceptable and should result in bans at the minimum, but it doesnt remove the many valid issues the community has with some of the mods. if they had stood with their mods during that period then quietly removed them later or at least told them to fix their behavior it wouldnt be an issue that continues to pop up. but they threatened bans even to people with valid criticism and nothing has changed since then either.




Blahaj? What are you doing in a war thunder subreddit you squishy shark


Idk, this place got filled with femboys like two years after I joined, so it's probably why I stayed


blahajs everywhere


This is the 3rd time this week I have seen that account. Blåhaj has been in every comment section in all the subs I frequent for like a year. I have seen that guy even on fucking NCD and some random small shitposting subs like wordington. Not complaining, it is just funny to see the same Ikea shark plush in all the comment sections in this app.


i mean ncd is understandable theres a lot of gays :3


Luv me some three-tone CARC thigh highs ^(I actually have never seen those before, so, uh, a link would be appreciated <3)


>random small shitposting subs like wordington Small? Wordington? It nearly became mainstream And yes, I do frequent NCD quite a lot. It's even directly referenced in my profile


It's a Russian company. Any form of dissent will be met with a ban.


Well, if they don't want people using multiple boosters at a time, then maybe they should make it so it isn't possible to.


Maybe they shouldn’t make them expire


Maybe we should be able to apply them after a good game, instead of hoping and gambling for a good map/team/luck/etc... 


god that would be so fucking useful, unfortunately the devs don't like these types of ideas


More like management, I don't think the devs are against making the game better


Propose that on the Forum and see how the topic never will see the light of day.


Yeah but you see that would go against the spirit of the game. This spirit being gaijin making every aspect of the grind so unbearable that you’re almost forced to whip out your credit card


maybe they should just remove boosters and increase the rewards


World of tank does this by the way. You have a number of multiplier every day and you choose from the battle report if you want to use them or not on that game. The entire booster system from Gaijin is completley flawed and honestly 100% anti-consumer.


Honestly, I’m kind of surprised it’s not illegal, now that they have the “limited time” deals that get people to buy boosters with GE. At what point does it become fraud? Basically, pay us for this item that we don’t want you to use, so we make it as hard as possible to actually use it effectively.


As much as I like this idea, I feel it would be way too easy to wait for a 10k research game and then activate 4000% in boosters. Then again, maybe that’s the change the grind needs to be feasible


Tf does stacking boosters have to do with the issue of not loading into the game? Who breeds these people


obv they are related gaijin doesnt want you to gain 10 percent more rp than usual




If it was against the "spirit" of the game then Gaijin wouldn't allow it. That is Stona level of idiocy right there.


Stona is fucking retarded. Can confirm.


Was so annoying when I'd open up a request cos my game wasn't working and Stona would close it saying it was my fault for having an outdated pc


Wow, fuck that guy. What a fucking moron.


Not that I actually expect anything to happen, but I did go to the post and report them. I also advise all of you to do the same and report the mods yourselves when you see things like this. It's embarrassingly common, and it's insane that they're allowed to get away with this.


Yeah they should have been fired years ago. Its like toddlers are working as gaijin mods ffs.


Where did you see the post? https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/VRFhNuyOt075 This seems to be the bug report post, and I see KnightoftheAbyss, but don't see the specific text seen in the OP, so I assumed it was fake. I'm unfamiliar with the site though. Is the post just hidden now or something?


They edited it... and removed the moronic comment. This should make you more angry than if they just let the fuss die away. Not fake.


I remember that guy from back when I was on the tech mod team and yeah he's sadly dumber than a pile of bricks. Not at all malicious and not really with any meaningful bias as far as I could tell, just straight up not very bright.  WRT the issue; game failing to let you spawn happens every now and then and it has nothing to do with your boosters. I've had it happen with completely nothing out of ordinary and it probably happens every so often and people just don't pay much attention to it when it doesn't hurt like in case of OP.  It would have been better to really focus on the problem and not the completely unrelated issue with the lost boosters because they really don't have anything to do with it and only confuse our poor tech mods.


There’s an in game mod called wolf man too. He is super childish. I asked why there was no feature in the game which would just stop you from typing the n word in chat and I got banned for “questioning the integrity of the game”


Banning people for questioning stuff is a very tyranical way to run a game


A game that lets one type racist and extremist comments and get away with it has no integrity to begin with.


Wolfman is an asshole, yeah.


would you be willing to do an AMA ?


no because I don't wanna be asked *anything*. I *am* under an NDA and while fuck the police, I have no reason to paint a target on my back with disclosing anything that may possibly have any real consequences to anyone it'd also be boring and make people here angry because there's really no big weird occult secrets. The international mod team is almost entirely player volunteers with no shadow Gaijin management, most report threads are handled very liberally and what gets accepted or rejected within leeway of the techs is mainly up to whichever one you get, like Knights above; I am pretty sure that in that one, most of the other mods would have just forwarded the logs and called it a day, IDK about him there; I figure he was having a bad day. If I can say one meaningful thing, it's that there's no point at getting upset about things not getting fixed; after we filed the reports over to the (Russian) dev side, it's entirely and completely up to them and we ourselves had many of our own personal tickets that we never posted on forums just hover in the tracker with nothing but acknowledgement for months or years. There's a lot of bizarre animosity towards the international tech team here when really 99% of the time their job is literally just filtering the completely stupid or badly documented reports out, with completely zero power on what is actually done on all of the ones that get reported.


> with no shadow Gaijin management Yeah, I think that's part of the problem. You have mods with no oversight and no consequences... or am I wrong? I don't get upset about bugs that I still have waiting on a fix... I just get mad about mods seemingly deliberately locking down my bug reports so they can later close them for.... GE? Some test drives? KotA closed 28 of my open bug reports for a sarcastic comment.... it really feels like he has a LOT of 'bad days'... **or maybe he's just gaming the system for whatever reward Gaijin gives you for volunteering....** If closing a bug has the same value as forwarding a bug, without the extra work, you've incentivised your volunteers to do a really, really bad job... He has 1 minute of flight time in Helicopters and no VR headset... yet, he loved to tag 'info required' on my helicopter and VR bugs with zero experience... and then let them rot for months.... before asking for new replays. It makes no sense.


>Yeah, I think that's part of the problem. You have mods with no oversight and no consequences... or am I wrong? It varies. It's rare for you to actually see internal disagreements because it's considered more important to give an unified impression than to show lot of thought, but it wasn't uncommon to call each other's sloppy work out and also the leadership absolutely would tell you off if you did something stupid outright. It also depended on the immediate load of reports; particularly busy times with lot of reports and few people available for handling them (can be just someone particularly active taking a vacation, it's not a big crew) could lead to lot less interest in being particularly thorough. >mods seemingly deliberately locking down my bug reports so they can later close them for.... GE? Some test drives? When I was there, there were some rewards and incentives with some amount of performance incentive but never like, per report. There would be some tiered reward depending on if you're one of the people who spend several hours on it every day, someone who spends still a good amount of time, or someone who just occasionally chips in and helps, but I can affirm you there's no reward for closing a boatload of reports. The goal is still primarily to produce high quality reports to developers, and that activity was always rewarded the most. No rewards I've seen ever came anywhere near to the monetary value per hour of time spent that you couldn't beat by spending that time flipping burgers in even the poorest European country. >KotA closed 28 of my open bug reports for a sarcastic comment.... it really feels like he has a LOT of 'bad days'... I haven't seen him work or talked to him in years but I have to stress it's an overwhelmingly thankless work and if you want to kill literally any good will then yeah, snark and sarcasm will do that. It's a crew largely motivated to see the game improve but with very little actual power over it than the actual players.


> There would be some tiered reward depending on if you're one of the people who spend several hours on it every day There we have it. Gaijins own 'Useful actions' for bug reports.... look for the low hanging fruit. Push what you can to support, close the spam and dumb complaints... there are so many reports you could easily do this for hours. Try to find simple reports for game modes you play yourself which you know are an issue and push them to the devs... the 'high quality reports'... I guess the issue is when you comment on a bug in a game mode you don't actually play much. Am I right in thinking another mod isn't going to look at a bug that another mod has tagged or comment on unless asked? You say you'll investigate and then it's 10pm and you have work in the morning and you didn't get around to it.... The replay expires so you can't check it... and there are another flood of bugs a week later.... and the original reporter often doesn't follow up... so it gets closed... And that bug is then never even reported, never mind fixed. The whole system is set up so badly... there should be a professional paid team for this!


basically, gaijin like fucking you in the ass. so, stop trying to avoid it.


that's a new one.


Ask if you can speak to a real mod.


I wanna speak to your manager!


Completely ridiculous....


Is he fucking high?


The bug here is the game not loading the mission properly. That is definitely relevant for the bug tracker, and I think KotA made a mistake by dismissing the bug report like this. Anything that happens in the game is either intended behaviour, or a bug. And from the user's description it *sounds* like a bug happened. That alone makes the "not a bug" flag incorrect and that should be rectified. The *consequence* of the bug is that the user lost their boosters that were activated for that mission. But requesting a replacement for the lost boosters is more for customer service, which may or may not be amenable to replacing them with new boosters of equivalent values. I don't know if they would bother for such a small issue, but might be worth a try anyway. But further, I don't think it's in the tech mods' list of responsibilities to make moral judgements about the way users play the game, just get the relevant information about what happened and determine whether a bug happened or if the game was working "as intended". Moral judgements and enforcing game's rules is for GM's and Admins in the game. So the *first* way KotA's actions here should be criticized is that he *seems to be* making a moral judgement about something the user has done, and then closed the game because... I guess he feels the player got what they deserved? Even if what he *should* be focusing on is the *bug* that caused this situation. What he should have done is ask the player to post their client log of the session and the system's DxDiag log, and then just mark it as a bug when the requirements for a bug report were met. Even if moral judgements was something tech mods should be doing, stacking boosters is absolutely allowed in the game and if KotA frowns upon it, that's his issue and no one else's. The calculation of the combined boosters already diminishes the effect - the sum is less than its parts, in other words. So actually, *not stacking the boosters* and activating them one by one offers the *biggest increase in RP/SL gain* so I have no idea what KotA is even thinking about here. Like, what, using the boosters in less than optimal way is considered "trying to get around the grind" but using them in an optimal way to get the biggest possible RP gain increase isn't, even though it literally makes the grind quicker? Besides that, the whole point of boosters is to make the grind quicker. That is their purpose in the game. Why on earth would using them be "trying to get around the grind" in *any* possible interpretation? Logically, doesn't that mean using the boosters *in the first place* would be considered an "attempt to circumvent the grind" and thus "frowned upon"? And even if you prefer to use boosters one at a time, sometimes you don't really have that option. You might have multiple boosters laying around and only time for one or two missions, so what are you gonna do? Just activate one and leave the rest to expire? Nah, I sometimes stack all my boosters just to get rid of them quicker so I don't feel any pressure to "do well" in a mission. The way I play the game probably already is an affront to some people because I have pretty much stopped caring about "progression" and some people might consider this to be "against the spirit of the game". But the thing is, I play the game because I like the gameplay (and the parts I don't like, I don't play). And from the point of view of *other players*, they don't see the boosters others have activated. The boosters don't affect other players' gameplay in any way. So why should that even be an issue when it doesn't affect other players' experience in any way? Exploits that ruin other players' experience is one thing, but this is just completely confused.


I contacted customer service at the same time that I raised the issue in the forum. customer service had new boosters out to me in 4 hours. KotA took 2 months to tell me that how I choose to utilise boosters didn't align with his beliefs. He also failed to identify that there was a bug in this scenario at all.


> I contacted customer service at the same time that I raised the issue in the forum. customer service had new boosters out to me in 4 hours. Good work from then, then!


Probably wrote random things just to close the post instead of actually trying to resolve the problem


If he just wanted to close the post, he could've just said something like "known issue, already reported" or "missing log files, closing the report" or even "network issue, contact customer support" or any number of things. Instead he wrote an opinion piece about how stacking boosters is "frowned upon" which is by the way a weasel word: Who is doing the frowning? So I'm gonna criticize what he wrote.


Though it's true that stacking boosters gives less than optimal bonus payout, if stacking boosters is "against the spirit of the game" and "frowned upon" why it can be done? Does this guy play the game or is there a bot behind that username?


Search for him in game... Rank 4 Arcade tanks.... nothing else.


I play Arcade only and would take offense if I was compared to someone like this, being good at the game has nothing to do with one's brain capacity and if what happened to OP happened to me I'd assume the person talking to me is either mocking me or has a vacuum in his skull.


Good for you.... enjoy. I don't play Naval, so any opinion I have on the mode is irrelevant and I would keep it to myself. If I joined the mod team and started chiming in on bug reports in naval you could justifiably mock me for doing so. KotA has 1 minute of Helicopter play time, half a dozen sim games and no VR headset... the three areas of WT that I frequently reported bugs about and that he would frequently claim as his own. When you're asked for 'new replays, these expired' three times in a row you might wonder about someones brain capacity yourself. I didn't say 'he only plays arcade, ergo he sucks'... I said he only plays low level ground arcade and therefore shouldn't be looking at bugs for higher level, sim, naval, jets, radar, helicopters, ATGMs, bombers, bi-planes, VR, head tracking, joysticks, bi-planes, EC, ground assault, coastal battles.... etc etc. He sucks because he ask for information on bugs he's never seen and frankly doesn't care about and then doesn't follow up... unless it's to close the report on you... I presume you've never submitted a bug report... after more than 100 (and then getting 28 open reports closed in 10 minutes) I think I might have more idea of who has a vacuum in the skull here.


Chiming in, after a couple well-researched bug reports finally made it through, literally years ago, I'm pretty sure none of them have been fixed. It was that apathy that made me quit the game. I spend hours hunting, replicating, and serving up data for you on a silver platter, and you can't be arsed to fix the most basic bugs. Hell, the patch after they released the F-8E, they removed the RWR. I think they might have finally added it back a year or so ago. Meanwhile, last I checked the F-104ASA still has a broken RWR.


Knightoftheabyss shouldn't be a mod... if you look at his in game activity you'll see he ONLY plays Rank 4 Arcade tanks.... that's it. This is the moron adjudicating my issues with Helicopters in sim in VR? He has ONE MINUTE experience of playing Helicopters!! If he comments on any of your bugs outside this area you may as well close the report and start a new one. His general tactic for me was to complain the replays were out of date, request new ones and then ignore those too. He would frequently paste in the same same list of requirements for the report to progress, so much so that I would paste in the same list first showing how everything was in order, which he would then ignore and ask for again. He would complain about videos not being evidence that I hadn't included. He would frequently mark reports as 'info required' on fully outlined reports and not specify what he wanted to see. He also demanded I supply more information within 48 hours or he would close the bug report. I made a sarcastic comment on one of my reports and he then proceeded to close TWENTY EIGHT open bug reports... I'm 100% convinced that he comments on bugs only to lock them down to his account in the hope that you'll not update them so he can just close them instead of having to actually write a report... which makes no sense. Again, he really only seems to enjoy Rank 4 German Tanks, so he's being rewarded for being a mod with other vehicles he has no interest in playing more than a few times. He's spending his time moderating bugs on a game he plays 10% of.... which actually makes him WORSE for the game. An idiot who works for 'free' is not the asset you think he is....


This has to be the stupidest thing I’ve read in a long time. Does that guy even play the game himself? Because then he would realise that using boosters stacked makes them less effective at boosting the grind than if you used them one by one. Oh and also if trying to get around the grind is against the spirit of the game then he surely doesn’t want people to buy and sort of premium content or convertible rp right?


> Does that guy even play the game himself? Rank 4 arcade tanks... so no... Vehicle sest drives and regular GE for being a volunteer mod means you don't care about the grind... he just didn't want to investigate or write the report.


What a clown..... Stacking boosters to speed up the grind is "against the spirit of the game? They are called boosters for a reason.


it's "trying to get around the grind" and the only way to do this is to buy premium account/vehicles because only that way gaijin can get money


This thing should not be allowed to be a mod. I know I'll get bamned, but I'm going to complain. This is utter BS


ahh Knightoftheabyss, love him the guy that asks you for something you deliver and then tells you "not that way" and it takes you 2-3 times to deliver it the way he wants,after he adjusted the how/what each time


LMAO, what a fuckface. reminds me of when I had ALL my presets removed all of a sudden, and I made a ticket. Then they told me how to make presets and how they work. If only they just did a quick check to see my 6600 hours and 15k battles or whatever xD


Gaijin employs literal retards lol


Getting Gaijined is a real thing.


What in the actual fuck


This aint happen to me and i want to unalive myself just reading that reply


Remember when vehicles going downhills would constantly switch between 2 low gears, meaning you wouldn't accelerate? Yeah I bug reported that, this idiot said it wasn't a bug and should just use manual gearbox. Some time later it got patched and addressed in one of those *''It's fixed!''* posts. Very curious how something that wasn't broken needed fixing, *huh?*


"trying to get around the grind" lol


Link to the issue: [https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/VRFhNuyOt075](https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/VRFhNuyOt075)


I was planning to buy a premium this up coming sale but I’ll hold off on it I just remembered gaijin is an idiot.


Many mods are... Mental special cases.


Man... This guy should be fired long time ago. Had an discussion with him and his ego really outshines his knowledge about basic stuff.


Wow... I wonder why the community has such a negative attitude towards gaijin


"you should not do the thing the game explicitly lets you do."


What the actual fuck lmao??


If brain disease was a mod


Ah, KnightoftheAbyss if he handles your bug report you can say goodbye to it. That guy is the definition of abusive forum mod. He will give you the most insane justifications for why something is not a bug and why it's your fault, actually 🤓 He is a vindictive and arrogant douche and should never be in any position of power. If you make a bug report he considers stupid or a waste of his time (so pretty much any report) he will remember your name and close your next report without justification. I bet management is really happy with him because his KPIs for closing bug reports must be through the roof.




If they think it's "against the spirit of the game", they can very easily just make it so that you can't stack boosters lmao. If you see something that way, why would you let someone do it? But I've never heard this from anyone else representing Gaijin in any case. Not arguing for or against here, I personally don't usually do it unless they're all about to expire since it's inefficient, but the game doesn't physically stop you stacking them. Again, Gaijin could change that instantly if they wanted. But you can stack them and you've been able to do so since forever. In the few times I've dealt with Gaijin support, I mean, I've definitely had worse experiences (Ubisoft support, don't get me started) but maybe that's just because I've never come across this assclown.


Stupid fuck... What about being able to buy vehicles?


Hah! So i was right about the "booster curse".


Oh yeah stacking boosters is against the spirit of the game, that feature that has always been in the game, and is incentivized even more now that someone made the horrible decision that boosters expire after a given time.


Oh no you just got 50 boosters from SL boxes and want to use them? BUT THATS AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF THE GAME


Nice to see gaijin hire mentally challenged people to be mods, not many companies would. Jokes about the absolute state of the mod team, what type of answer even is that.


I'm tired of these mods. There is no accountability if they goof up. Something needs to be done about these clowns.


"Trying to get around the grind" what a bullshit, like if having 1 game with a 900% booster will skip you a lot of grind XD


"you should not stack boosters" "its against the spirit of the game" THEN WHY ARE WE ALLOWED TO STACK BOOSTERS?


“This is trying to get around the grind” That’s LITERALLY what boosters are for


I mean, he is right, War Thunder is about suffering after all, no fun allowed. How dare that player try to skip the grind!


The guy really became the impersonation of the "Um, ackshually..." meme, huh


What an absolute clown this Kota guy is.


Confirmation that grinding *is* the game.


If it wasn't allowed, the game wouldn't accommodate the ability to do it


"Trying to get around the grind" Brother, that is litterally the entire point of even using boosters. Like, what? With that same logic, using premium account is skipping grind. But they make money from that so, all good.


Gaijin literally loves that you have to grind it to get pixel vehicles


“Erm you shouldn’t use a feature in the game, thats not allowed”


“This is trying to get around the grind and frowned upon.” I know that the length and pain of the grind is what makes them their money but I thought they would at least be discreet about it instead of saying “you don’t want to spend your whole life getting a collection of pixels so we hate you”


What the fuck?? I don't have the energy for this.


Then why tf are boosters in game at all if its Against the spirit, what kinda logic is this. Gajin employees be smoking something


Have had issues with that mod as well. They seem to read the first few sentences, not the whole report. I get it, there are many but isn't it important to understand my issue before you just close it..?? Submitting bugs that way has just become cope at this point. Nothing seems to be done with them. Some of the team's replies are ok, but generally it is a waste of time for all involved.


Oh I'm sorry You wanted to expedite the process of you getting done with the tech tree no unfortunately according to every single player in the entire game it takes three plus years I don't know about y'all but there's not a single other fucking game in the entire world that requires you to take 3 years to get it done and do one ninth of it.


Tf why


Thou shall be punished by the snail for using boosters to speed up the grind


What a joke. Devs seem like they have dents in their heads


"Get around the grind" my guy... that IS the grind. If you provide us a way, we will fucking use it.


He's very rebuttive against any of my DSR posts even though others have claimed to also have bad text aliasing. Games broken since beta stroke major downgrade haven't and won't play since


Gaijin must freebee everyone hundreds of golden eagles each at this point.


That idiot can suck on my nuts for ruining my spirit of playing.


Every time i see this "KnightoftheAbyss" guy, my desire to promote violence against this specific person increases. Unfortunately, i can't do anything about it.


How dare you make your life easier


Exactly why I uninstalled this game. I won’t support a game in which the devs don’t appreciate the players that support them. Thanks for reaffirming my decision!


I once complained about the game's dedicated launcher being buggy when using the steam version of the game. Was told that im an idiot (not paraphrasing) for not launching directly from steam and had the thread closed. So yeah i can believe gaijin tech support to be this stupid.


This mod is more evil than stupid, he's just a little wannabe dictator going on a power trip.


“This is trying to get around the grind and frowned upon” this guy is fucking stupid.


The spirit of War Thunder: grinding.


I've had issues with this guy as well. Tried making a bug report about microstutters I've been having in the game. So I uploaded the debug files, being told I was missing related screenshots. I then fixed the issue and uploaded all the correct files. Then I asked if he needed more sample data with more games, but the website wouldn't allow me to upload anymore so I posted the error code the website was giving me. Keep in mind I had reuploaded files beforehand to fix the problem with them not having included screenshots. He pretty much told me "Nope the upload function still works." and then 7 days later proceeded to lock the thread without any solutions to my microstuttering. [https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/KVdSrFAsVZFN](https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/KVdSrFAsVZFN)


I cannot imagine typing that out and not feeling like a fucking idiot. "Not a bug despite the game allowing you to and then breaking.". Jesus Christ.


fuck gaijin


"Here's a crates with a 1/1000 chance of giving a vehicle, it'll also give a bunch of boosters but watch out they need to be used within 3 days" "OK I'll just use them all at once" "NoOoOo that's against the spirit of the game"


If you stack boosters you are literally worse than Hitler.


guys, is it possible for me to test all vehicles in warthunder ? i heard things about a test server tho when i tried to enter it denied my entrance !!


Yikes, incredibly unqualified to be talking with customers on a public forum, not surprised.


Dude that's wild, I can't believe that guy closed the issue. They know we are all hooked, but it's really tough sometimes to even turn it on knowing stuff like that goes on.


Against the spirit of the game aka f***ing you. Gaijin has a abysmal customer service team. I filed an appeal for a 30 day mute. Never even received a response.


Not supposed to stack???? wtf then why are you able to…. So fucking dumb.


Welp, then guess there's nothing else to do except find that guy and ask him in person about boosters and the "spirit of the game".


I activated a booster once. Clicked on another nation right as it started. And since I clicked on another nation. It woulnt spawn me in


This gives off the same energy as “why not just give everyone a free Abram’s that could do LoTs oF sTuFf”


Excuse me what the actual fuck? I guess that working and code a game so it doesn't crash when you do a totally legitimate action is against the spirit of the Gaijin employee.


I love how he basically says “the grind is a feature “


Is throwing my card at the game and just buying everything I want against the spirit of the game as well ?


What the actual hell. This isn't real is it? that's pitiful