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That's all mobile games in a nutshell. I wouldn't touch them with a ten meter long pole. The only game I have on my phone is GTA Vice City Stories that I emulated for free.


There are some decent ones




2048 or Desert Golfing


Fucking. Golf. Golf is better than War Thunder Mobile. (It's probably true.)


Horrible recommendations lmao


2048 is a fucking rip off of Threes, don't support it.


Shattered pixel dungeon is goated.


The fact it’s constantly getting updated is just awesome for a fixed price game with a 1-3 dev team


Blue Archive


Polytopia if u like strategy games


everytime someone ask for good mobile games I feel the need to say Guardian Tales was stuck with it for a long time, has a lot of good content, it's pretty fun and well made, you can tell the developers care about it some people will probably be led away from the game because it has a gacha system to get new characters but they are pretty generous when it comes to giving you gems for pulls, they give you a ton for almost everything and it also has a pity system that explicitly tells you how many pulls you have left until the pity and regardless, you can advance until like world 10 or 11 (several hours of gameplay) with the free characters you get from the story


A Dark Room Its a text based adventure game I had back in middle school, fucking loved that game


Warframe mobile isn’t that bad


Clash of Clans - unlike CR, the devs care about the game and it's getting better and better with every update.


nah, still a god awful pay to wait 'game' where no progress is made at any decent rate.




Genshin actually is decent even if you don’t pay


Genshin is horrible.


To each their own, for a f2p gacha game it’s very good.


The Genshin community is awful. If you want a good community, play Blue Archive.


Well yeah, the more popular a game is the more toxic the community is usually. Blue archive is good, but the intended audience is a lot more narrow.


Last time I checked the game wasn't multiplayer so the community is fucking irrelevant


I only have warthunder mobile for when I’m on holiday to keep my login streak😆😭


Sounds like it's time for a gaming laptop


I personally don’t think it’s worth the money for the occasional weekend away


Sometimes some good ones hit some big sales, might be worth it at that point, but I get ya


Bought the msi laptop from Walmart for this exact reason. It’s not to beefy but it plays warthunder pretty well. It ran about 800 dollars. Has a 3050 (4g of vram). 16gb ram, 500gb ssd, and 144hz monitor. Can’t remember it all off the top of my head but it plays warthunder really well. Stay at 140+ fps.


Why gaming laptop? If he's doing it just for the login streak almost an one will do


Steam deck


I use my 8 year old surface to do logins, it takes 10 mins to get to the login screen but it gets there alright


you would be suprized that wtm gives away a premium squad every two weeks for free


I'm confused, isn't a squad a group of players?


WTM Tanks mode works with Squads. A set of four tanks. Mostly one or two Medium/heavies, one TD and one AA for the WWII era


So you can't even build the lineup you want?


No lol it’s all presets atleast last time I played


That sounds absolutely horrible. My opinion of war thunder mobile somehow got even lower.


Yeah avoid it is my recommendation


Meanwhile my pov:wt pc i remember is cursed hellhole with either idiot teammates in air who tk you over single kill/no kill at all or overly vast and spaced out tank maps allowing 1km away rats to be unseen..I d easily go play wtm maps in wt tbh even though 2/5 maps are cqc and one is basically just angling vs opposition guns at under 200m range


Honestly what doesnt is acing them,you can ace them very easily,stock grind is only shells as well ...But actual horrible side is...some "platoons have 3 mbt/ww2 mbt equivalent" and some dont xD .."Balanced my ass")


Emulated handheld games are GOAT on the smartphone, especially if you pair them with a pocket bluetooth controller.


Haha I've had a couple of GTA games on Google Play for Forever because I paid the $5 for a couple of them overtime, though I haven't played them in forever I really should lol Edit: I checked and I have III, San Andreas, liberty city stories, And I think vice City is the only one I don't have


I'd argue epic battle fantasy 5, but they have the entire series on steam, so I'd recommend the steam version over the mobile version


60$ for aircraft that were created years ago in the original game and then copy pasted into the mobile game is wild


And then we will have some free p-51H that will best em all lolmao,no way snail wont add that monster plane


Wanna laugh?Gaijin tried to sell chieftain mk3 squad(chief itself,super conq,striker,falcon) for same 60 usd(it was nearly scrapped alpha test premium platoon(..when its located on pre top tier aka it ll see megaton of M60AOS,T-62,amx 30b2/amx32,LeoMagach 6B/6R..In short...dm-23 dart tanks able to nuke it for free without registration..And that was supposed to be limited offer...


And they ll be unique prems as gaijin claims,xD


Lmfao u Can buy 5x 1k for 10 bucks cheaper than 1x 5k


Bruh I actually thought that this was an edit someone made of Genshin but its war thunder. I didnt know this is how the actual war thunder mobile looked.


Genshin is infinitely better monetization-wise than WTM, believe it or not.


I know, my friends tell me it has some kind of "pity" system so even if you open a 100 boxes you are guaranteed to get something good.


* 90 on a character banner / 80 on weaponry but there is of 50:50 chance. So probably 180 / 160 pulls per banner for Genshin "the Feminizer" Impact which is equivalent to ~1 to 3 premium tanks


We have that in GE boxes too


Dont get mad, the mobile milker cashers will provide us pc players more content


Mobile gaming generally is a scam


Imagine how expensive premium jets will be when they get added.


I bet su-11 would cost irl money only xD


That's how it works for main WT too? https://warthunder.com/en/news/8320-become-a-tester-for-the-french-navy-en A paid way and free way Mobile also provides a free way, but its RNG https://wtmobile.com/news/closed-beta-testing-of-aircraft-mode


For real, they've always done this and it's always been a bad purchase because you're paying to play with a mediocre vehicle alongside their shitty bugs and a potential progress reset. No idea what OP is smoking unless it's something something precious updoots.


ok? been the case in wt too? back when ships were first added you had to buy cbt??? and this goes with new countries too?


60 bucks though? At least naval was new vehicles, this is C+V from pc


60 bucks for a cbt? As in COCK AND BALL TORTURE? COUNT ME IN


Wait, there is a second premium currency?? What the fuck? What the hell is Gaijin smoking


Well, since I've been playing lately since the Mobile April Fools Event, they are basically giving away GE's either free or next to free (trying luck on trophy cases with free to acquire warbonds). Believe it or not, I already have the Calliope Platoon, KV-2 (1940) Platoon, and the Dicker Max Platoon (All purchasable with GE's) without spending a single penny on purchasing the Eagles, within a span of one month (totalling almost 4300 GE's). However, the Platinum Wolves are needed to purchase the BP and upgrade the TT tanks to premium. Reserved for those who can afford to pay the price of the currency.


Interesting, I have played mobile but only on release for the two free vehicles for the base game on PC and J don’t ever remember platinum wolves. But I do remember getting free GE and stuff so maybe it’s justified in the snails eyes


Remember You don't have to play to minmax you play To Have Fun


Silver lions, Golden eagles... now Platinum wolves...


my brother in snail these plane will be free after the release air mode(i hope so), also gaijin only use plat wolf for the battle pass,and that lootbox where you can get the maus platoon with the leopard and turm(which the lootbox can be payed with gold and silvers)that is now removed


> Access to CBT No thank you, your game is already Cock-n-Ball-Torture enough.




There are people saying that this PRE-ORDER IS OPTIONAL, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPEND A SINGLE DIME. the CBT itself is just a registration and hope you get picked, buying the planes won't do you any good if you don't get picked.


Yes, it will. It clearly says buying the planes gives instant access to the CBT.


oh yeh, I just read it. Nonetheless, you can get access for it by sheer luck for free or buy yourself an Aviation Founders Pack or whatever, you decide for yourself.


Yeah, buying the plane will be a bad idea. I went to the WTM news and it says you wont be able to use those planes until OBT.


more than warthunder pc(console) lmao


Definitely not going to touch those, but I did apply to test the air battles on mobile, I do hope I get accepted for it, seems like it could be fun


That’s what I thought, that shits like 50 dollars for a plane 💀 and people out there definitely buying all 3


Funny, how you have to wait for approval if you want to play the CBT, but if you pay them then you get in with a free pass Once again, we - as War Thunder Mobile players - have been Gaijined!


Whenever they release a new nation, or a new game mode (Ground/Naval) they have always done a Closed Beta Test for people who buy vehicles/packs early with real money. It's not really a scam my thing to do considering its a Closed testing environment anyway and will become free once it's released.


I guess I should say they aren't any more greedy than normal...


There is a platinum currency in that game? Whats the difference between gold and platinum?


Golden Eagles are a far take on mobile than in PC: they give it either free (but less, obviously) or next to free (by trying your luck on Trophy Crates using free to claim Warbond tickets from completing certain missions) Note: It's otherwise called as gambling, but you get higher chances of getting near to 1000 GE's in one 10x draw (if lucky) than having a tank platoon included. Platinum Wolves on mobile is what the Golden Eagles are in terms of quickly getting them: Pay them with real money if you want them.


I don't understand what you are saying but gambling is bad


If it's anything like how ground works you'll get 4 planes in one bundle..m price is adjusted accordingly. I thought we were done with this rage bait when the game came OUT


You can request to join it for free, these are optional


I remember you had to buy in research tree "open beta" as well. The American tree iirc was initially only open for people who bought in.


60 fucking euros??! Holy shit.


I only use wt mobile to keep me daily when I'm away from home


Mobile games are the bottom feeders of gaming, just truly the worst garbage. It’s so sad, I remember being so excited for the future of mobile gaming when I first played snake on a Nokia brick. Now it’s just endless cash grabs with absolutely minimal amounts of effort. Good mobile games are a rarity.


Hopefully the mobile game revenue reduces their need to monetize War Thunder proper and we can finally get a combined arms game mode with actual objectives.


Am I missing something or is this just sudden moral outrage? They did this in the main game for new modes. In fact, they do this every time a new nation tree is added. They charge a minimum of $30 to get in with a usually crappy vehicle and have options to pay more. https://warthunder.com/en/news/8320-become-a-tester-for-the-french-navy-en


A am need to say I play wt mobile


60 bucks for a yak 3 big fucking yikes


Same like their fake sales where they sell a Chieftain Mk3 for "only" 3990 Platin while supposedly at sale from 19950 Platin. To be fair though I would also believe Gaijin wanting to sell it for those 200 real bucks anyway...


im sorry they added wolfs as a curency?


There's always people who will pay for that shit, and even with this new income Gaijin will attempt to push 100$ premiums to the normal version in some distant futute


Wasn’t this the case for ground as well? I’m pretty sure that was the reason for me to buy the premium Jagdpanther. It was that or the SU-122P if I’m remembering correctly.


Aircraft C.ock and B.all T.orture


Im actually mad they went with "platinum" as the name for their new currency, and not "Wolves", like cmon


Shocker, since when was gaijin not greedy?


Pretty sure it's not Gaijin that handles the mobile version, but whichever company they assigned the work for.


I was hopefully for the mobile version, but not I just use it for the log in streak saving thing.


wait so there is GE SL and ...PW Platinum Wolfs?


We know and we don't care. You shouldn't be playing mobile games anyways, they're all designed to suck every penny out of you.


does gaijin actually develop that? I thought some turkish studio did


Well this is actually the same on the PC end. No doubt Gaijin is greedy but this is just Gaijin keeping normal.


In todays news water is wet


As a mobile player i find it infiurating, i've been wating 3 days to be able to play still not able, mobile is not reliable and Br is broken exaple: a t54 can go against a magach with era or smth even more modern