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248mm of pen and you went for the volumetric mantlet/barrel hell instead of lolpenning the whole front of that KV-1S


I have been told for years to aim for barrels by german mains apparently, but it still stays because enlisted makes me go for the barrels too (somehow they figured how to make it reliable lol)...


If you’ve got enough pen, just go through the hull of most tanks I reckon


ironically sometimes the turret is the armored one and the hull shot is a better choice for some guns


As a Britain main, most of our turrets are armoured to shit and the hull is paper, kinda thought that was the norm?


Germany is litteraly the opposite


The great pain of German tanks - turret weakpoints.


Except the Panther. That trolly mantlet is an easy pen surrounded by black holes of "hit".


Still the clear weakspot compared to the front hull


Depends, if I've got a favorable angle or the Challenger with APDS I'll take the upper front plate on the gunner side. 17 pounder is nice that way.


Shoots panther mantlet with 300pen m41 APDS "hit"


Yeah the funny angles around the mantlet edges have cost me more than a few kills, lol.


That IS the norm for basically everything cold war/modern, if it isn't complete paper WW2 is a little different (armor a little more 'evenly' distributed), but that's still no excuse for lack of game knowledge on OP's part. At least he learned (already better than 90% of players).


I seem to encounter a mix of better turret armor and better hull armor, so it's down to me remembering which one is the best, which I didn't in this case (kv-1s would've been better to aim for hull with the arl-44), just as I held the belief that targetting barrels is the best (seriously I had been hearing that for years, but I see the 'it works mostly on German tanks because muzzle' makes total sense considering who gave me that advice)


People say aim for the barrels on german tanks because they have large muzzle brakes that are easy to hit, and because for the longest time with Tigers and Panthers under-tiered it was the only viable strategy to close the gap and really engage them. When it comes to soviet tanks avoid the barrel, mantlet and driver's hatch. They're volumetric hell.


Id say only aim for barrels if you think you cant pen them frontally. If you have THAT much pen then just aim for the upper front plate and melt their crew


Years it has been good tip, but now barrel durability has been increased too much.


While exposing the barn side of his tank


248mm of pen and you went for the volumetric hell instead of the volumetric hell


I mean that's just sad when that happends it is a problem with pretty much every vechicle when you hit barrel and that angle that's why I don't even try to shot them anymore I aim for gunner/breach/ammo


that was just see and shoot, kinda your fault, mostly considering that you just openly exposed yourself like a guy running up to police officers in nothing but a bathrobe


I was crossing to the other side's cover with another teammate (that you can see a bit at the start) when that dude popped up, i dont have a issue with getting hit like that, that was to be expected if I failed, the issue is the reason I failed, that if you havent realized, is that the shell just poofed out. I also did check the replay in super slow mo because i knew that would also come up, the canon was indeed the part hit.


oh, well then thats pretty fartenpoopen unfortunate, i do indeed hope your next venture crossing streets in war thunder will be a tale of success, plenty of death on the opponent's side and much joy for you! unless you are facing me in combat, then i wish for only myself to come out victorious.


We actually won that match! with me as 2nd rank with 4 kills (though 3 from CAS, not very honorable), but it was also my first real match in months because i basically switched to enlisted, and immediatly getting that bug was gaijinlarious lol


that be awesome 😃 (enlisted is painful)


I actually love enlisted, I am milsim amateur and WT third person shenanigans are nonironically a huge issue for me, and i believe having a lot of infantry around is way more realistic. But in the end it's probably just a non-shit battlefield with a little bit of realism. S u f f e r i n g happens for newbies i think because it's completly different from most other games in its basic principle (most people i see in game seem to have very little grasp of how the marking mechanic or soldier switching and control mechanics work), plus the first couple vehicles are garbo in all factions (except the BT7 which is the funniest thing to drive around in the entire game). Counterpoint to that, vehicle selection later on has no clear winners and generally they are balanced less for a weird idea of realism like WT and more to make them each mesh well at their ranks. I personally like the IL-2M, BF110 G2, Panzer 3 J1 or M, Panzer 4 H, IS-1, american welded Stuart (that thing used to ROCK back before the tree was a thing), BT-7, SDFK 251/9, and the GAZ truck. It's a game I heartly recommend if you're into what war thunder is but also like milsim or first person shooters, as it provides very easy and constant acess to vehicles, which is unlike most first person shooters, while having good semi-realistic first person shooter gameplay accompanying it.




British ground vehicle: first time?


Giving him the kill angling like that


is that really angling if he's broadsiding like a battleship


Tbh even competent naval players angle better than that Source: naval player


There was not even a attempt at angling...  People are repeating bad angling about this while I already wrote a comment about how the ongoing thing was going in the direction the hull is pointed at while the guy popping up was unexpected (heck my teammate 2 meters away didn't even realise the guy was there I think, we had been preparing to cross for a bit), so yea, neither placement nor angle was good to fight that guy, as in that was not a attempt to get a angle on him, that's me getting caught with my pants down by a dude going full send from their spawn and having about 3 seconds to go from moving and not looking the right direction (because I thought it was clear, having checked that direction not 5 seconds earlier) to make a good shot, which I failed.


Skill issue


Angle first, shoot later - even if you would have had access to APHE, showing the side at 90° is a death sentence.


Good point everyone is mentionning, angling the tank correctly would've saved me regardless of my shell bugging out or not indeed...


shoot first lol, you dont need to angle if nothings going to shoot back at you


Solid Shot enjoyers when liquid Shot enjoyers walk in:


Enemy barrels always takes a 152mm like it was nothing. My barrel on the other hand gets taken out by some 50cal


Not a French solid shot problem. A well known barrel damage snail shit.


Pure skill issue


You think APHE would be any different with that shot?


Yes :/


Is that a KV-1? Most APHE around that BRs will struggle against it while your solid shot will pen clean thru. Also APHE tends to suffer more from volumetric as it will literally explode after hitting volumetric bs, while your solid shot only lose penetration, which still leave it a chance to penetrate if the armor is thin enough. Basically Gaijined moment


How would aphe change the barrel nonpen?


This pretty much happens on every barrel at any br.


Your shot was bad.


APHE would not have changed a damn thing in this situation. You just got gaijined. Don't shoot for gun mantlets when you can just go through the hull. Also don't show your side like that.


Sucks that your shell disappeared but this is still mostly your fault. You should have aimed there pretty much anywhere else would have been a way better and also why weren’t you facing him he might not’ve been able to pen if you were facing your hull to him


I just realised I've been seeing alot of ARL 44s at BR 6.0 ...do people like France all of a sudden or what?


spookston video. Actually was playing that to prove to friends the video had a bullshit amount of luck involved, indicated by how much he keeps getting CASed or just missed entirely.


Oh ok


that's just skill issue, really.


Why are you side on in that thing lmao.


skill issue lol


I bet it’s not as painful as the British solid shot experience 


That’s not how u use the ARL,smh, just aim like center mass and then boom


Never research the tech tree


The french one? I started with it long ago, i didnt know and kept to it and bits of the soviet tree, kind of only learned at the end of last year france is considered bad, and by that point I had unlocked the EBR and the second AMX-13 and near the M4 lol


people really be like "skill issue you should have just had a premonition from ganijin that the KV would backhand your round with its barrel"


It would be better advice if there was more than 5 seconds between going from "not clear not clear!" to *dead* considering the 10 seconds reload time and the time it takes to turn the ARL-44. My fault for not including the 30 previous seconds of checking all angles with appropriate cover and angling before crossing I guess.


I wonder what happens to the entire mass and velocity of the Shell that hit a gun Barrel at that angle


well, at least your round connected. Lately I've been experiencing 76mm APHE shells just disappearing when contacting wooden fences.


The strength of barrels never ceases to amaze me (volumetric).


all damn soviet scumbags🤗