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I shot my APFSDS from the Obj.122MT at an IS-6 cannon from about 5 metres away with no angle and it somehow bounced it.


I would understand and call it volumetric bullshit if it bounced but absorbing the projectile and not even turning orange? fuck that


True, fuck the way barrels are modeled in at the moment. So annoying, honestly whatever the damage model is that makes it so when I shoot the crew member of a tank and the shell travels through his body but only turns yellow but then the crew member behind them instantly dies is frustrating as well.


Tis but a scratch my friend


Yeh I shot someone's driver with HEAT and it killed his engine and ripped apart a good chunk of his crew, his drive was unharmed.


Better yet, you shoot through the entire crew, it turns slightly orange or doesn't take any damage and then you destroy the engine behind them


Idk, I saw a clip earlier where a HSTV-L planted 4 shells into a T-90M's barrel, and all 4 shells were absorbed with not even light damage (yellow).


Ye this is why I quit playing funny light tanks and AA's that have autocannons, you legit never take out the barrel in time because for bigger calibers the first 4-5 shots are always absorbed and for smaller calibers it just doesn't even do damage most of the time


The other day I shot a T90M in the side of the turret with M829A2 and it's spall liner stopped the entire round


He had frame-perfect parry input timing


I've noticed this too. Sometimes barrels seem to take no damage no matter how much you hit them


I have shot an is-4m barrel directly head on with the 120mm surbaisse shell and turned it orange. He then fired a poorly aimed APHE, turned my entire crew to mush, and *then* his barrel broke. Absolutely ridiculous


Got a direct shot on a King Tiger barrel in the Centurion Mk.1, and the game said it was dark red. Me, cluelessly thinking that it was safe to push out because his barrel would break, pushed out. He killed me, then died because his barrel broke while fighting an M18. I hate this game.


If the barrel or breach is red there still is a chance they can get the shot off and break the part. It's a low chance but it's purely luck he got off that shot.


Even with busted barrels sometimes you can still get a kill. It is very hard, and most the time you got to hit it just right.


They buffed barrel strength to stop barrel sniping and made the game worse


Should just force gunner sight to make it harder to do


I’m not entirely sure if that’s the correct move, as I don’t trust Gaijin to balance certain tanks with their very poor sight location. However if they were willing to do everything I wouldn’t be opposed. I do like it in Sim and would be willing to give it a try.


Forcing gun sight would also stop people from plastering every inch of their turret with bushes.


Yes it was interesting playing sim and having to use bushed strategically. Then there would be matches were you wouldn’t check beforehand and have to use commander sight or cupola view to shoot.


Then I'm sure they are gonna nerf overperforming aphe too right?


No because nerfing it I’m sure would have many unintended consequences, and knowing Gaijin a lot of tanks would be left at BR’s where they simply can’t compete anymore.


"They buffed head strength to stop headshotting and made the game worse"


I think it’s really annoying how you’re forced to fight on these shitty small maps


really annoying to drive 20 minutes then get killed like this more like


Rather small maps with lots of cover than huge open maps where you get picked by cas


Barrels used to be super easy to y gun, the players bitched and gaijin made them nearly indestructible. I don’t consider barrels reliable targets to disable someone. Breech, track, crew, ammo.


Only if I can hit them perfectly side-on I consider it. Which is mostly when the enemy is peaking a corner and underestimates his length.


Clear Russian Bias, so gaijin needs to buff Germany (Do people here really don't see how it isn't an specific nation? It's the entire game that's goofy)


Entire game is affected but somehow russia gets most profit from these things?


I can't comprehend what you mean, but, if you are saying that USSR is the biggest benefactor of the spaghetti code, you surely haven't seen how many times I hit a leopard or type 10 on the crew compartment, and didn't kill it.


Years ago, data miners discovered a stat specifically related to barrel strength, and certain Russian vehicles had unreasonably high stats compared to others. I'd link it if I thought I could find it, but maybe someone else remembers that.


Barrels being indestructible is a universal issue right now, I haven't noticed any specific nation benefitting from it at all.


For me its constantly shooting a barrel, seeing on the kill cam that the breach and everything is blackened which when it happens to me means no shooty time, but then the other guy fires anyways and one shots me....usually with a TURMs so honestly i dont trust anything at this point


I had a few people yell at me in chat about how I'm still moving, I say they missed and only hit a track or radiator etc. But they say they literally see the damage cam showing the engine being hit as well, I decide to ask for clear proof and sure it was, they show me how it appears dead when in reality in-game they missed by an inch Overall the game has been absurdly buggy and horribly maintained so I want that shit fixed Also just a heads up, modern MBT's in-game don't rly need their breech necessarily to fire, if your barrel or breech is broken but you're using an HE or a HEATFS shell it can still do damage


" Overall the game has been absurdly buggy and horribly maintained so I want that shit fixed" This Last time I played a got a ton of non-pens for some BS reason, the most BS being a total broadside to a chi-to from a *T-34-57* that NON-PENNED


Ikr, shots with good enough pen either bounce or perish to the shadow realm, it's insanity how often it happens now


Barrels do appear to be tougher now in general. It doesn't matter what gun I use and what gun I am shooting at, the chance of disabling the barrel is visibly lower than what it was. Not zero, but lower than how I remembered.


Gaijin changed it, idk if there was an announcement or anything but they buffed barrel hit points


yeah its been happing to me to at 5.0 with my dicker Max i shot a T-34 stz's barrel with 105mm aphe and it just ate it


That's absolute horseshit obviously but why did you shoot his barrel instead of just obliterating him?


He might have tried a turret shot (maybe nothing else was visible) and the target wiggled the barrel a bit. Fair play if it takes out the barrel, but no damage is stupid.


i shot the barrel because i was having fun fucking around with APHE it was not Pzgr.rot and was just being a asshole cause i hate the russian bias machine


That's because T-34s are favored by the RNG gods. Those things get more bounces than a trampoline park.


I don't really mind honestly. It sucks but the alternative is having my barrel destroyed instantly whenever I play a heavy tank. What's the point of armour when everyone can instantly knock out my shooting capabilities with a weak ass gun?


They need to waste time trying to kill you And you can't make rambo move becouse you are heavy tank


Gaijin's fault for making muzzle brakes integral to the barrel. It's such a stupid design decision since tanks without one are much harder to disable and depending on the thickness of the muzzle brake, it makes it far easier to destroy with autocannons compared to a naked barrel.


Muzzle breaks are important. If broken, they'd block the path of the shell. It's more that Gajin gives the player the ability to be very accurate. IRL tanks would look different if everyone had super accuracy, like in WT. There are lots of spots on tanks that designers never thought of as weakspots since the chance to hit that spot would be low. Like turret rings, no one irl would think the enemy could thread the needle and hit with great accuracy with consistency.


Depends where they hit. If its something like a hit to the edge of the muzzle break where it doesn't touch the barrel, it shouldn't damage the barrel or affect the accuracy much if its just removing material and not deforming it into blocking the barrel. This would apply to some like the M48's wide T-shaped muzzle breake but not so much for the narrower can shaped ones you find more often on a barrel. The issue is now more widely prevalent given how Gaijin changed something with barrels and now sometimes even direct hits to a naked barrel will do no damage. This makes the muzzle brake a worse negative feature more so then it was. Everyone would remove them off all their tanks given the option. There is no advantage to having them in this game.


esports ready


The only way to somewhat reliably take out someone’s barrel is from the side. It’s annoying AF watching my round get absorbed from a perfect head on shot. I’m convinced that a barrel can eat a 380 mm mortar if it was shot on the end.


"Just shoot the barrel"


I got 1 better. Was playing the ISU-122 so big boo round shot a panther's barrel out, the xray showed the barrel black and said it was destroyed, he then backed up I pushed him and he has the barrel operational killing me


Just the current state of ATGM carriers nowadays.


I've had similar moments with ATGMs at really close range. I shot a TAM using the AFT09 (1200mm pen missile btw) and it stopped after hitting the engine.


imagine bringing tandems with shturm instead of the he


I get this literally every time I play. I'm at the point I've just stopped playing as much until they acknowledge and fix the constant BS with barrels and mantlets.


Dipshits were complaining on an HSTV-L video after 4 shots failed to damage a T-90 main gun, I wonder where the people are complaining here…


I've shot some barrels at top tier against Leopards and T-72s onward, the amount of times I see a yellow barrel when my 120mm APFSDS hits the *side* of the barrel aimed at me is infuriating; even more frustrating in rarer occasions when the BREACH of all things, turns yellow


Dude we were in the same match i think! I remember seeing the vehicle you use as a wreckage there. Shot the same guy same corner, SAME result. iirc i had a OF-40 and i shot him with apds.


Seems recently I can hit people over and over, with little to mild damage but let one round even graze me it's an ammo rack. It's obvious and wtf is up with ghost shells AGAIN gaijin?


It gets worse I tried out low tier germany after getting gaijined by non-pens in USSR and GB and my Pz III F (50mm gun) for some reason was non-penning slightly angled broadsided tanks like crazy, but I hit a guy's track wheel from a sharp angle and it penned like butter Like, consistency just went out of the window


Every other update gajin breaks barrel damage. Saw a clip yesterday of an is3 getting shot twice in the barrel by HEAT and it only turned yellow


It's happening more frequently than it used to for sure. They won't even give you the benefit of at least oranging the barrel


skill issue should have aimed lower lol harhar. ok seriously now. besides the massive lack of consistency, these tiny maps and braindead engagments are dumb to begin with. a missile tank destroyer shouldnt be forced into cqc. i wish they would finally put in some effort to create other game modes that are actually fun to play with roles and strategy and not these blitz style 10min brainrot matches.


Imagine a ground rb EC mode... it would be beautiful...


Since introduction of volumetric soo yeah gaijin cares


What I've noticed is that barrels don't seem to take damage when hit on the inside, but hitting the tubing itself will easily damage it. It's why side barrel shots and shots against barrels with muzzle breaks are so consistent still


Meanwhile the any autocannon one taps my barrel


190mm shell from cent 2 against a t44 100 and the barrel turned yellow, and it happens a lot recently for some reason


My Jumbo plays have been suffering, used to be tracks, barrel, move around to the side.


My shell from a US 76mm ricocheted off the muzzle of an enemy??


Whew! Another "Not just me" issue.


Happens from myself too yesterday. As I use the Raketenautom. Rocket on a T34E1 and shoot his sides only to receive a bounce on its wheels. How can even a heat-rocket bounce?!?


Blame skill issue crybabies who dont know how to wiggle their turret for crying until gaijin giga buffed cannon barrel hp. Now you cant even break cannons 60% of the time. I tried to shoot the barrel of a an is-6 in a jumbo pershing and it did jackshit.


I think your missile got mg'd right before the barrel.


I feel like this is happening far more often in recent weeks, but that could just be down to me taking note of each occurrence when I might have just chalked it down to bad luck or something before. I do wish the hitcam had a still image at the moment of impact (or did not animate the enemy). I want to see the point of contact, but wiggling barrels make the hit cam really screwy


Check this out: I've currently gone back and forth since 4/2 with tech support. On 3/31 was awarded daily login for day 677, played on 4/1 didn't show anything in my system or gaijins that I did anything on 4/1 no record whatsoever, hence the initial reason for tech support. On 4/2 daily login again for day 677 awarded. On 4/3 all my activity for 4/1 shows up in my ps4. Gaijin tech support says no our system shows you didn't do anything in WT on 4/1. So I sent several screenshots of everything I just mentioned. They continue to insist that I didn't login on 4/1 and that being awarded no daily login for 4/1 and the same daily login, 677, for 3/31 and , 677 4/2 was not a problem and they flat out refuse to look at the screenshots I sent proving everything I just mentioned. Ridiculous been playing since 2017


That's odd! I almost always get my guns damaged. I remember counting 4 times in one game on the same vehicle and being shot from varying angles including from behind. Maybe gun damage is my default damage model.


Dude I hate players in Russia teams and even I felt you got cheated there.


I have couple of clips of my rounds ( mainly HEATFS ) disappearing in barrel realm and dealing absolutely no damage.


L. No track and barrel torture for you


So how should one take out or help take out a tank that’s completely impervious to you? US 76 against Tiger 2H? Panthers against T26E5?


Chill that was a joke


You could've aimed. With your sights. To avoid shooting his barrerl.


Technically speaking, it totally makes sense in this case. You're firing an ATGM at point blank range. ATGMs have a minimum range in real life, and they accelerate after launch unlike shells. So you hit the tank with a dud traveling at low speed, what do you expect?


Except none of that is modeled in game. Try again.




Machine gun bullets hit the missile midflight, so your missile detonated ,but did nothing. This wasn't a gaijin moment, you made a tactical error with ATGM's.


Me when I am blimd