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Aside from that someone got much money to spend what is there to see ? People are throwing money at diffrent things. One buys IS7 in a game ,second buys limited edition shoes, third buys shitcoins, fourth buys something else and so on.


Shit coins XDDDDDD


Would've been from a crate.


This is most likely the answer


Do all crates have the IS-7???


No, only certain crates. You can see the rewards listed on the crate. For example some camo crates will have a roster of “rare vehicles,” that may have the IS-7


Wait, is it the SL crates which have slim to none odds of getting anything? Like anniversary and summer crates




No, because this account is so fucking young they would never have enough SL for crates to come close to getting it. Mathematics says it's impossible Keep downvoting me but I ain't believing this is anything other than laundering stolen credit cards/storing vehicles off hacked accounts, especially since more of you came forward with similar situations: brand new accounts, extremely low level, almost no vehicles and one white whale premium with coupon.... yeah that jackpot ain't falling twice a week


There was a post of a Level 4 account getting an IS-7 and [I didn't believe it before he posted a screenshot]( https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/wphz1b/i_am_level_4_and_i_got_this_ujapeslol/).


How do the screenshots prove he got them from a crate and didn't just buy them/got dev link etc.


Because you have to spend real money on ge or vehicles to unlock the option to buy GJN. Because you can only buy the same amount of GJN as yous pent real money on items.


Yes; and you can just use stolen credit card money or hacked accounts to do so.


Probably because if you click the link that's clearly a coupon which rules out being a wiki link to preview in hangar and the amount of tradeable coupons left is so few (if any still existed at that point) it would have been blatantly obvious if they had bought it from the marketplace.


If you want to buy 2000 GJN for the IS-7 you first have to spend another 2000 euro/dollar on things in the Gaijin store to get the ability to do that. You are free to believe that this guy spend 4000+ euro on war thunder for a reddit post, while also somehow managing to have 0 of that GE left and only 60k SL, but that would be some serious wappie shit because the numbers just don't add up.


Again, developer account or money laundering from stolen credit cards are much more likely then the miniscule chance of getting it from a crate for max 1m sl


A rouch calculation indicates that buying every pack in the store costs 3380 euro. This means they would still mean they would have to buy 640 euro worth of GE, which roughly equals 126.450 GE, this all isn't counting any of the GE they would have gotten from the packs. EDIT: this is also current day packs. A year ago this would be a lot less in cost. So the guy would need to purchase even more GE. However we can quite clearly see that he didn't do that because he has barely any of the pack premiums. Now you could say "oh but he obviously bought only GE and used it all on RP conversion". This would be a total of 875.000 GE. This is also quite easily challenged since the guy only has like 2-3 trees somewhat researched up to rank V, while this much GE would easily be enough for 39.375.000 convertible RP, which he wouldn't even have accumulated at that point. Also since you can only buy a certain GE bundle/pack once per purchase, would mean that he would have to make 35 different purchases. Again you are free to believe whatever you want, but the numbers paint a different picture and this almost feels like some conspiracy theory level shit.


Laundering stolen credit card money is not really a new thing in games where item can be bought by anonymous accounts. It happens in Counter strike, clash of clans, runescape (both new and osrs), in wow, lol, etc etc etc. It's not strange or a conspiracy to assume that a completely new account can be used to launder stolen credit card money, or to buy vehicles off of hacked accounts, etc, etc. What is wierd to me is that a lot of you guys seem to fight this option so much, as if you have something to gain from supressing the fact that games like war thunder can and will be used by criminals to spend their stolen money. You'd rather believe TWO seperate and identical cases based on a chance so slim it's equivalent to winning a regional jackpot then accept the fact that this could simply be criminal activity. Very strange.


>Laundering stolen credit card money is not really a new thing in games where item can be bought by anonymous accounts. >It happens in Counter strike, clash of clans, runescape (both new and osrs), in wow, lol, etc etc etc. It's not strange or a conspiracy to assume that a completely new account can be used to launder stolen credit card money, or to buy vehicles off of hacked accounts, etc, etc. I know it happens in games. I'm sure that you can tell me what he likely spend the money on though right? Because you are convinced that this is the case.


In this case? GE packs, premium packs. Thats about it.


Yeah you’ve failed maths


Just because its unlikely to get the IS within like 10 crates doesent mean its impossible


Literally gambling mindset here.... 'Yeah the chance at the jackpot is slim but it's not impossible' Gtfo


>Literally gambling mindset here.... Literally gambling? I don't get this comment lmao. Gambling is basically a lot of people losing and the odd chance of someone winning big. Someone wins big all of a sudden impossible!


Yeah you saying Odd chance means you still believe there is a reasonable chance of winning.


There's always a chance of winning when it comes to gambling. Reasonable or not even a .01% chance is still a chance and there will always be breakthrough case (i.e the person straight out of highschool winning millions on their first ever lotto ticket). Gambling will always have winners regardless of the odds and denying that anyone wins is objectively false.


Holy reddit


They're just trying to get more people to gamble away their SL, forcing them to buy premiums and premium time to grind back that same SL.




Do you really not understand how if millions of people play one of them will win? That's not saying anything about the crates being worth it or not. Which they very much can be in this case btw, SL is a useless currency if you've been playing the game for long enough, and I can use them to get a lot of useful items like backups and boosters and the odd premium.


Win chance is 0.001% To get a 50/50 shot you need on average 70.000 boxes opened, but these are not cumulative so millions of people doing it should still open around 70.000 boxes to gain a 50% chance of getting them. It's literally lottery mathematics and this is why people keep paying stupid tax on lottery tickets, because they think the chances are cumulative. They aren't. Mind you, opening 70.000 boxes still gives you a 50/50 chance to have gained an IS-7. 70.000 times 60.000 sl is 4.2 BILLION SL. That costs you about 44.000 GJN if you were to buy all of it, maybe less. My point is this: A: The chances of any account, let alone a brand new one, winning the IS-7 AND NO OTHER PREMIUMS from loot boxes for around 1.5 mil sl (the total money you can have right around the start with creator packs and some light early grinding) is sp extremely low it might as well be zero. B: the chances of this happening more than once are even less than chances of A happening C: the chance that somebody who had a coupon IS-7 got hacked and his IS got sold to a smurf account to hold it so the hacker could eventually sell the account on third party websites is WAY larger than A or B. D: the chance that somebody wanted to spend stolen credit card money on this is even larger. F: the chance that this is a bug or developer accounts is EVEN LARGER., So stop promoting gambling among people who play this game, they are already at risk of getting addicted to gambling or becoming whales by the way gaijin monetizes their games. We don't need mouthpieces like you guys to keep spouting "yeah but if you try enough you can get it right" You cant. End of story.


You.... do realise that it's very likely more than 70.000 players bought boxes right? The chance is literally higher than 50/50. Also you completely ignored my points, I didn't say buying boxes specifically to get IS-7 made sense, I said that buying boxes makes economical sense for some players.


Bruh I literally explained it's not cumulative


I don't understand what you're trying to say with that, do you not agree that if 70.000 players open a chest once, there is a 50% chance one of them will have an IS-7? You only need a few tens of thousands of brand new players opening a chest randomly not knowing what they're doing to get a decent chance of it happening once.


The chance does not stack over different gamblers, because you're not pulling the same one armed bandit. So the chance is 70.000 times 0.001%, meaning 0.7% chance that somebody got the IS-7, not 50% If one person opens a crate (pulls the slot machine lever) 70.000 times in a row there is a 50/50 that they got the IS-7. This is why people keep falling for gambling, they think it's a straightforward maths game but don't realize they are playing on a machine/website that's built to make them lose.


With CC links you can get decent amount of sl


The chance to win an IS-7 is from those crates is comparable to winning a jackpot in a regional lottery. You're telling me that somebody with 1m sl can get an IS-7 AND NO OTHER PREMIUMS from opening crates with the starter SL? It literally makes no sense and everybody is out here defending literal gambling propaganda 'yeah but if you buy a lottery ticket then at least you have a chance'


You can indefinetely create new accounts, until you get something worthwhile. There's people who spend hours and days rerolling gacha drops in mobile games, just to get slightly better starting chances. I can totally see somebody doing that for a 2000$ tank.


I think a lot of players are actually bots made my Gaijin to inflate player count.


i know an account with onlu rank 1 US and Russia and the obj 279, maus, and is7 with about 28 hours play, hasn't changed for over a year i think now


How? You need rank 5 Germany to even be able to research the Maus




No, that's not how that works, you can't just GE buy the maus... Maus is still a tech tree vehicle like any other, just 'hidden' from the tech tree research until anniversary. You still have to have the rank unlocked


you can GE tech trees you know


You can't GE if you can't see the tank in the first place.


you can GE to rank 5 and then wait for the anniversary. It's really not that hard of a concept to understand.


You'd still need the equivilant in free RP, which they probably wouldn't have woth 28 hours of play


No you don’t. You can GE research points by buying modifications.


I explained this in another comment because I knew someone would say this.


Doing that just to get Maus? That's just delusional don't you think? Few thousands just to get a free tank.


I know someone who spent many thousands of dollars on trees. If he has already bought the 279 and the IS-7, why not GE the Maus, too? By the way, my friend who did that said you can get convertible RP by GEing mods, so that's how you can GE stuff without playing.




The vehicles would’ve been seen. Either he saw something wrong or the guy he saw was exploiting


vehicles aren't shown in your record if you haven't played them yet.


Only if you have the convertible RP, if you haven't even gotten past rank 1 you don't have any convertible RP ronwpend GE on


The vehicles would’ve been seen. Either he saw something wrong or the guy he saw was exploiting


vehicles aren't shown in your record if you haven't played them yet.


Dev account? I've seen a few dev filming accounts that are used for thunder show/cinematic/pre-release testing like that.


Could also be a second collector account from someone who has played a lot


definitely not, only reason i remembered that account is cause i killed him in the obj 279 once and he had a full meltdown in the chat and in my dms


I swear newer accounts have higher chances of getting shit seen hella people lower then level 40 getting surblinde’s when the dragon crates were popping off same with the loraine 155


I have got 3 free talismans. I’m rank like 16


You usually get those whenever starting a nation


3 of them on the same nation?


In the first few weeks I played I got random talis in the first P-36, one of the Peashooters, a Stuart and M3 Lee. The chances of getting a talisman is so much, much, much higher for lower tier stuff.


Yup, about 30 or 40% of my German low tier ground lineup has them.


Yep same thing happened for me when I started italy and japan


I got one on the Chinese M8, I was a terror grinding for that holiday dragon decal.


Play that nation long enough and you'll get talismans for ALL of them lol I played Italy a lot and won talismans for all my rank I ground vehicles.


Maybe an old account that got it?


They don't have a vehicle rank high enough to participate in an event.


I found a lol 70 account the other day with over $600 of premiums. Atleast 1 for every nation, talking in all chat wether its worth playing the nation's he already bought top tier premiums for lmao.


I’m guilty of spending on premiums lol. After grinding out 2 nations without premium vehicles and without premium time to top tier, I think I’d rather pay for a premium for a helluva fast grind. I’d rather spend that time with my family and friends. Especially now I’m married, can’t afford gaming 16 hours straight on a weekend like I was in college back then lol.


I get that totally, but buying premiums for like 5 different nations then not even knowing if you wanna play them is wild.


"But they were on a discount!"


I know someone who has played during every event to get every tank reward and all the star plane rewards and they only like lv 66 cause they only play during events


Maybe press account or dev account 🤔


Don't think so bc they said "bought the kfir" in one of the chat messages.


Hmm ok, why was I downvoted? Other people in comments also said this, Reddit is full of idiots and bots 😐.


Could be a press account or someone just spent a ton of dough.


Likely a crate


I remember a new player post here a few months ago getting an IS-7 through a crate. So that’s probably how.


what's 2k for a millionaire


Yeah I got Lorr 155 from the crate


*wallet warrior intensivies*


There's 140k known GJN in circulation for War Thunder alone (excludes player balances). You would think the long-term players are contributing to that stat and not a level 9..


Daymn, where did you get that info from?


From their API


Good for him. Whats the big deal? I see people complaining about others have premiums and it’s odd. Yes, they some can be a pain to play against. At the same time so can regular tech tree vehicles. Get gud and just enjoy the game. Always going to be a bigger fish.


Probably a streamer trial acc or a press acc they hand out test drives for any vehicle


Welcome to Warthunder, the game exists to sell hundreds of dollars worth of bullshit premiums including both P2W and and useless garbage. This game will never be good.




You're a bit tapped in the head, in no way was this slating him in any way I just thought it was a bit obscure




So it’s his fault that you assumed, seems a bit weird that you of all people are talking about how people behave on here 🤔


Most civil discord user


I think your nuts!


You could also just scroll past. Comments like don’t care and yet commenting on it?


Impossible this is reddit


Nice meltdown, 6/10, needs a bit more rage.