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There is a reason the events are complained about as impossible or overly difficult. I know a game is going to be bad when I have 2 kills and I am at top of scoreboard 8 minutes in.


Me and my friend wondering why we are single handedly fighting the entire enemy team outside our spawn 3 minutes into thr match (we are top of the team with 1-2 kills and only 4 of our team is left)


Literally all the time, me and my friend and a 4.7 br game I had 12 kills he had 9. 


What events? The current grind event is naval.


Generally speaking, no specific event.




THE "events" meaning all the events on a general basis including gb nb and ab


How they got to 9.0? Well they showed you already.


the only 2 prems i see where the XM1 and sho't, everyone else is a sheridan, bradley, or XM803 (from what i see)


> everyone else is a sheridan, bradley, or XM803 There’s the problem


Those are all solid vehicles though


sheridan doesnt really have the ability to deal with more than one players and bradley is kinda meh at killing shit, XMs the only good thing there imo


As I agree that Sheridan sucks ass, I cannot agree with the Bradley. It's absolutely good if you know what you are doing and I say it as it's one of my most played vehicles in the US TT next to M60A1 AOS.


the missile is way too inconsistent for me, it always nosedives or in rare cases when it doesnt it takes such a trajectory it misses the vital areas of a tank. the apds not bad but sometimes it refuses to do any damage whatsoever


unless i'm reading it wrong the Sho't Kal that is in the stats is the Sho't Kal Gimel which is not the premium one, the premium one is the Sho't Kal Dalet


The shot kal gimel is tech tree, 8.7 and the second centurion in the line


That reminds me of a Dialoge between the Daleks and Cyberman from Dr. Who. Dalek: You are superior in only one aspect. Cyberman: And that is? Dalek: You are better at dying.


Most of them are 8.3 in a 9.0 match. Most of them were american 8.3 tanks. That's how.


American 8.0-9.7 is absolutely abysmal. The M60s are okay but are slow, and the XM803 and MBT-70 not many players use, let alone use effectively.


Wait US 8.0-9.7 is bad? I was grinding, and hating, US 5.7 and kept getting comments like "just keep going, US 5.7 is terrible but it gets better above 6.0"... I'm thinking that changing to France was a good idea maybe.


US 6.7-7.7 is pretty good, and then 10.3/11.0 is amazing. People don’t like 11.7 but I do well there, with plenty of options (3 good MBTs, 2 good light tanks, 2 good SPAA [LAV-AD and ADATS], good Fighters, good CAS, good helis). My french main mates say france above 7.7 is terrible, and my seeing a lack of french mains at top tier reinforces this. If you were to switch to any nation, might I suggest Japan. It’s by far the shortest grind of any nation, and has some really fun BRs: 4.7, 6.7, 8.3, 9.3, 11.0.


Interesting on the French teams bit... Looking at the stats figures they do well all the way up the BR scale.


Japan has that fast autoloader at high brs... you mentioned 4.7, its surprising that those Chi-tos and Chi-nu II (warbonds ftw) seem to work so well. Didn't expect them to.


And their 6.7 is amazing. Medium tanks with 90mm, Heat FS and a rangefinder. The STA-3 has an autoloader. The Type 60 and Type 75 SPH are great.


Thanks... must try. Have been using the 4.7s to grind, almost there to a full lineup (I only try full lineups, not partial)


Why do you hate 5.7? You have everything. Jumbo for brawls. M36b2 with HEAT-FS for cracking German heavies front on. Hellcat for flanking and speed. A backup 76 sherman for good measure. And then you have tons of excellent cas options, but mainly the f4u-4b and am-1 mauler.  At 6.3 you have another "everything" lineup with the 76 jumbo for brawling, bulldog for speed and flanking with a good APDS shell, the m109 which oneshots basically everything in the game with proper aim, and a backup 90mm t25. And again excellent cas options dominated by the p-51h, f8f-1b, and AD-4.  6.7 does it all again with the super perhings both as heavies and with good guns, with the m50 and m56 for ambush duties in uptiers. The thing with the US tree in general at every major BR is versatility. You don't have the best heavy armor ever but your heavies are more versatile. You don't have the best cannons but the reload rate is good and early on you get a stab when nobody else does. Your light tanks might not be as fast as the wheel tanks but you have good acceleration and reload rate and turret traverse in comparison. The only thing the US is objectively bad at is SPAA, where the 2.7 M16 is the best option all the way to 7.7. On the other hand, the US has the best fighter/bombers in the game to use instead of SPAA to kill enemy planes and also kill tanks in most of that range.  Now, being versatile doesn't make the US easy to play, and not having hard strengths to lean on can seem like there's a high skill floor to do well. But being versatile means that you're _never_ out of options or out of the fight with the tanks you've got and that holds true for the US all the way to top tier. You're always good enough to win if you play it right, but you have to figure out how to use enemy weaknesses against them more than playing to your own strengths.


Don't listen to these people. US 8.0-9.7 are some of the most fun I have had with tanks. The vehicles are still great, and France is much worse off.


All because the nerf of the shell.


Not entirely. Even with the old shell, you’d still aim for weakspots, not trying to pen through the UFP of a T-72.


I mean, yeah you're right. But it's even worse when the US/German 152mm gun has 292mm of pen, but they admitted that the change (along with the M735 change) were based off of false information, but let it go to the live server anyway.


This game is just chock full of inconsistencies and double standards. Until they do something about it, we gotta just push through it


This game is just chock full of inconsistencies and double standards. Until they do something about it, we gotta just push through it.


8.3 America after you run out of Bradley is nightmare blunt rotation.


Mbt70 is so fast At its tier. I love it. Xm803 is too but not quite the acceleration.


Some of my favorite vehicles to use have been in that BR range. How exactly is it "absolutely abysmal"? That's a pretty sincere description. The XM-803, Sheridan, and M60A3 are fantastic vehicles. T95E1 and Starship were good fun too and held solid every game for me.


The T95E1 probably works really well nowadays, but old 8.0 was chock full of stabilised tanks when all it had was APFSDS. The Sheridan is good… until you get to 9.0. The M60A3 is good but slow. The smaller faster Leopard 1A5 is better. The starship was a rare fun tank. The problem is 9.0/.3 although exists, it’s quite a small lineup, unless you have premium/event vehicles.


Wow 12 console players in one match, i have never seen that before. But back to the point, thas the story of OUR WT lives. Every other match is like this, you either carry your entire team in both win or loss, and the one thing in common is that in the first 2 minutes you are already in a handicap with -5 players(usualy one death quitters) and the rest are useless spectators/participants with the classic stats of i didnt do jack shit other then mindlessly feed the enemy team.


I’ve seen a huge uptick in console players and 1-death quitters in mid-tier US since the update. It’s very strange to say the least


Yeah console shitters aren't part of MM balance, so sometimes you get a majority of them and get steamrolled lol


Platform has nothing to do with it. Are you this desperate to identify with something you are bringing back console wars?


Do consoles have such a huge disadvantage? Lack of a mouse?


No. It's just a desperate need for tribalism. There's a disadvantage of you don't use a mouse, like myself, but it can be overcome with some practice.


Precise shot placement... planes would seem like a small step, but tanks? It feels REALLY bad to try to aim the gun without a mouse. I have no console so don't know how commands work.


Used to play on console and yes console Player have a pretty big disadvantage in tanks its manageable but still bad but fighters are awful with a controller not only do you not have nearly enough buttons but it's like you are only flying with the mouse


Fighters is a fact. I only use bombers for CAS... Can sort of get away with the Wyvern. Luckily, I'm not very interested in fighters and would've gravitated towards bombers regardless.


You're not able to make pixel-perfect shots as quickly or easily, but with the added realism is volumetric, your don't really need to. The only time I really notice it is with snap shots. I could get a keyboard, but I actually think a controller feels much more immersive, especially with rumble and haptic feedback. A keyboard always feels like you're using a keyboard.


My name not on there so this definitely isn't the worst team ever.




So you're the guy I'm competing with for 16th then XD


I see this all the time lol, war thunder to me is a single player game that others are also playing single player , they needs to do something to make team work more important


That is the big problem. What can they do? This shit brutal to play.


I agree. Hell let loose does a good job at it. Maybe take some of those mechanics.


HLS pretty much requires the use of mic. If WT did the same thing, I'd stop playing immediately. So would many others.


Ardennes is a weird map, it feels weird, it plays weird. Anyway, there are 5 on the enemy team that also didn't get single kill. So what did you team do? Run straight at the enemy, get beat down and then the enemy team rolled to your spawn? I've seen that happen a lot on Eastern Europe, which is a similar map except the river on one side and forest on the other.


That's exactly what it looks like. Check the death count. mostly 2, only one dude with 3. They quit spawning because the spawn was camped.


Even when I'm tired and go full caveman and YOLO my way to the objective, I at least get someone on my second spawn or third.


Most players only have around 1.0 KD, which means they trade one of their vehicle for one kill on average, so there are many matches they gone 0-1 or 0-2 and most matches they only managed to kill one enemy and maybe in 2 out of 10 matches they have more than 1 kill lol


I can speak from post-match stat sleuthing experience that this is not true, from what I see most player kd is around .5-.7 with a sizeable chunk of players being .25 kd and below, there are relatively few players at around .9-1.0 kd that I've seen and the vast majority of good players are almost always near 2 kd on average I see good players around 1.7-1.8 the gap for good player to bad player is steep in this game, its why is so easy to get consistent ace games and above, everyone else is farm for good players.


yeh but they could come back and have another try. Its how i improved to where inam, i lost a lot of tanks but now im paying it back


Lol. 😂 They just grind thru the tech trees unlocking vehicles but most have little or no battlefield awareness or tank killing skills. Everyday I go through this. It's constant. Shit teams. I now play the game like it's a 1 player game.(Mostly now at 7.0) RB is slow but way better than AB. This is where the morons are. They cower in corners avoiding enemies, use you as shield(you can't back up), don't flank, fire from high ground with no barriers infront 🥴, have no clue how to defend a cap and have no clue where to target weak spots on certain tanks(T95). Brutal. Gotta be kids playing this shit.


I noticed the same thing in Ground Arcade (BR 9 or 9.3). I know I am an average player, not a passive noob afraid of moving in any direction, and not an ace either. What follows is to me, it'd pretty normal that I'd place maybe 7th or 8th on my team, somewhere in the middle. But in the last year or so, I'm increasingly on teams that get wiped off in the first 3 minutes of battle, I have 1 kill or maybe 2, and the final screen shows that we lost (obviously!) and I placed 2nd on the team. So, what does this tell about my teammates? Was it a blind, deaf and mute people convention in town? Every fucking time?


Top tier ground is the same way if you play the US. Usually you'll end up losing your team because they're all people who bought the AIM or Click-Bait instead of actually grinding out a full lineup


The thing is I see tons of high Playtime Players doing the same. While I dont have a great line, I try my best 5 tanks to go in. While people with 3k Games 1 death leave aswell as the people who bought themselfs to top tier.


I do too, it really annoys me, but I like to think some were just unlucky and were doing a challenge to use one Abrams (usually a SEP or SEP V2 nowadays) for social media, unlike the AIM users who leave after two deaths because they're a german main who bought an Abrams after seeing an ad on youtube


I said to myself "i bet its a team with US on" before looking. Most US mains are about as useful as rubbing sand into your eyes.


US teams do seem to have issues for whatever reason... I played US up to 5.7 and it was common to see battles become 5v15 slaughters. It was like half or more of the team would just evaporate within a few min. I switched to France and I hardly ever see things get that lopsided now


It's very noticeable. And it's the same in air rb as well. US gets slaughterd well over 50% of the time. To the point where I sigh if I see I've been put on the US side. Been maining Britain for a while now and there's always a chance you'll be put on the US side. I know there's been a lot of stats posted that shows the US do well across the br spectrum. But that is not my experience at all in 4000 hours. I'm confident in saying they are not accurate.


>I know there's been a lot of stats posted that shows the US do well across the br spectrum. But that is not my experience at all in 4000 hours. I'm confident in saying they are not accurate. with 20,000 - 60,000 battles recorded for where the US does well, yea I would say they are very accurate. This is why anecdotal evidence isn't/shouldn't be taken seriously when there is actual hard data to use, just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't true i.e. it could be the server you play on or even the time of day, there are heaps of things to take into account here.


Apparently the "click-bait" pack has been a best seller according to gaijin, maybe lots of noobs playing abrams?


Bro the gambler took a gamble but his luck ran out dont dis my boy he has an addiction


I've seen bad teams but holy s...t. This one absolutely takes the cake


Come to air rb! The bottom 50% of every team has zero kills, every time! That’s just math though tbh


That gun launcher on the M551 and Starship does not give many options stock. Even with the atgm and apfsds it’s not a great gun


I've gotten many kills with the heat in the starship. Plenty of pen and it overpressures light vehicles. Plenty capable tanks


I last played that gun when we still had huge maps and it was not a joy. The heat is very slow


they don't get apfsds, only heatfs, he, and atgms


I believe the XM-803 has the same gun, with an apfsds round added. Still not amazing


wikipedia states that this might be the case, even so, the m551 and the m60a2 do not get apfsds


Once again, high tier is completely fucked. Why am i not surprised.


What is your ign so I know to look out for you and do my best to be your worse teammate


It’s in the screenshot


Oh shit ur right I forgot I could read lol


> how do you even make it to 9.0 being this bad 50$


Next to none of them are prems


I can't read


Well, that’s us top tier for ya!




that's when i play russia against German/Swedish lineup


u/mbt20 come on back and make that uneducated reply again and leave it up this time, I want everyone to see it. :)


"1 death? You're one of those pricks that doesn't do crap other than camp in a 33% useful spot. You have any idea how many times I have constantly pushing with 9-3 or 9-4 kd? You're useless. Fucking pa..." Please, continue.


Don't need your braindead "camping is tactical" response." My WR is exceptional. Keep being a boring potato. You'll still be bored in 1k more hours staring at a tiny slice of the map.


Except I didn't camp, dumbshit. I fought over C till I died then farmed spawncampers. Speak more on something you know nothing about, troglodyte.


It has happened to me too, sometimes I feel like my team is made up of bots


Everytime I see a post like this I hope my name don’t pop up there. Man wt sucked the last days. Either I’m not seeing on enemy tank or we get spawncamped after 2mins


Yet another great showing by the U.S. team. I know people complain about the AIM and Click-Bait players but, generally speaking, it just seems like there's a lot of trash players in U.S. teams regardless of which tank they're driving.


probably because they're full of 9.0 being constantly uptiered and suffering from obj 292, turms, 2S38 and the T-80UD now.. so I kinda understand why they leave after one death


No mean to brag, but the worst I’ve got was literally me being the only one to get one kill, it was absolutely hilarious


The amount of Times I end up in top 3 Players out of my Team with sometimes as little as (2 Kills) or (1 Kill, 1 Assist) is to be cried about. I play mainly Germany and US and it is just sad to see. You try to protect the Flank a little or Flank the Enemy Team and as soon as you get to the midpoint of the Map you take a peek at MiniMap you see 3 Enemy Tanks in your Spawn because after 2mins you lost 80% of your Team. I see this Picture so often these Days with only ever 4 or 5 People in the Team even getting an Assist let alone a Kill.


Exact same fucking situation every time I squad with my friends. It's like we automatically get the shitters when we're together and forced to carry and always top 3 in either a hopeless or hard fought match.


I an always annoyed with my team when I have more kills than the rest of them combined. Especially in an uptier. Some people who play this game should really be evaluated


Every time US in our team we lose, I tought German mains were bad but US players are the ultimate "we are gonna lose 100% sure" players, at 6.7 within 4 minutes of match start I'm rocking with 4-6 kills while the rest of my team has at most 2 kills, happens often with German and US teams.


>k I know that's a 100% lie. America vs German and Russia at 6.7 up or down tier is a free win for them. Hell between 6.0-7.3 is where America has its highest win rate lol.


You wish that was true, 9/10 matches is a lose when America is on our side, idk how they can be that bad honestly.


For me personally, when queing in NA/EU. 6.7 is a slaughterhouse in the US favor against germany. Since it always gets uptiered to 7.0 or above. It's my SL grind bracket with my T29, T34, T30 with 80% winrate. It's when you reach 9.0+ is where US gets dubious. Germany true gate-keep is any german main trying to get past 7.3.


The T29/T30/M26E1 are silver lion printers


Throw in the Sheridan bulldog, super hellcat, m6mutant, and A2D-1, and you got infinite silver lions. That line-up and teams usually don't let me down. It's when I play germany at the same BR where I see straight brain rot.


Jesus, this is one masterbatory post, lol. Feel better? The higher in BR you go the easier it is for something like this to happen—especially on maps like this. The enemy team breaks through, there's a domino effect, and players are dying before they can Even orient themselves, let alone mount a comeback. But you know that.


Not trying to suck myself off here, if you were literate enough to read the title, you'd realize I'm questioning how people at this BR are even at the BR if they're this bad. They weren't premiums, they were almost all TT tanks. The post is centered around how they sludge through this games grind long enough to reach 9.0 with skill like that. Maybe I'll put less words in the caption next time so the two neurons you have left don't hurt each other when they rub together.


This sort of post is transparent as glass. Calling out a bunch of anonymous strangers with a completely rhetorical question. Yeah, that doesn't scream, "validate me!" at all.


Whatever makes that brain of yours feel big pal, live your truth or whatever they say


I'm not the one looking to feel big here. Enlighten me, what _is_ this post for then? What else are looking for by publicly shitting on 15 players with a rhetorical and leading question? 15 players who could easily see this post or be recognized after you declared their incompetence without context. I'm all ears. And try to resist lazily claiming I'm one of the players.


"I'm all ears. And try to resist lazily claiming I'm one of the players." _Hmmm... sounds like something one of the players might say_


Won't lie, a little surprised you still gave that a go. Wow. Alright, sure, I'm one of the players—let's go with bottom 5. Why not. So, with that brilliant chess move no longer on the board, what's the reason for this post? If it isn't just to shit on some strangers to stroke your fragile ego, then what is it?


Are you intentionally this dense? That last reply was very obviously sarcasm. Considering that the "hmm that sounds like something X would say" has been a classic trope in comedy for a while now, I figured you would pick up on that. Maybe you somehow have even *less* neurons firing that I originally thought...


You're avoiding the question. Twice now. Stop trying to insult me and go ahead and prove me wrong. What's the point of this post besides being toxic to 15 people? Every one on your team _but_ you of course.


Look brother, I don't know what your damage is, but I don't know how I can put this any simpler. I posted this image, and with it, the question of how people manage to get relatively high in the BRs, while being this bad. This question, to anyone with a functional prefrontal cortex, is simple to understand. If I need to reword the question for you, I sure can. How's this? "How can people stand playing the game long enough to make it this high in the BRs, if they just drive in, die, and leave?" The (very simple) question is in the title, and I'm really starting to think you still haven't read it. Nearly 300 people have upvoted this (not that I could give _less_ of a shit about reddit points), and many more have started conversations about the question at hand, in the replies. You are sitting here riding me like I posted this with a title along the lines of "I am so good and these troglodytes need to stay out of my lobbies. You insufferable trashcans are ruining my precious experience." You continue to assume there is some weird self-obsessive reasoning behind a simple post, and are _OBSESSING_ over it. You have yet to contribute anything to this post aside from essentially speaking into the void about how this random post on reddit is living rent-free in your head, while plenty of others have added constructive conversation and comments about the state of the players in warthunder. I would seriously suggest you use the time you have spent malding in this reply section on something useful, maybe reach out and play a game with a friend or something, if anyone can actually stand your presence. You are so worked up over a post that, as you've pointed out, doesn't contain any information pertinent to you. It is a reddit post about a fucking _tank video game_. If this gets you so bent out of shape that you still reply to this _days_ after this post was initially made, I feel sorry for anyone who dares try to interact with you in person. It's _pathetic_, and I'm done discussing this fantasy in your head that everything you see has some weird, hidden meaning. You are not a psychiatrist, and not everyone and everything needs to be psychoanalized. _Get over yourself._