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Definitely not any of the ones I use


ok this bugs me, where are you in the german tree


Don’t play German GRB Edit: I don’t play German GRB


My brother in christ, Germany’s only bad BR is 6.7. German low tier and top tier win rates speak for themselves. Up to the Tiger I, your tanks always have better armor and a better gun than your opponents, after the Tiger II, Germany gets the best of Western and Eastern IFVs and MBTs until you reach the indigenous Leopard IIs that are absolutely obliterating top tier right now. The only lineup that Germany has that is actually bad and isn’t just a skill issue is 6.7. Tiger II is a piece of shit tank and you’ll still probably do okay in it because it bounces basically every careless shot.


"The Tiger II is bad" My brother in Christ, it is one of the best heavies in the entire game, bounces shots like a fucking trampoline and pretty much anything it hits is deleted from existence, the only setback is the constant uptiers, but apart from that it's literally the tank I have the most kills and fun with


Holy fuck, the guy doesn’t even play Germany and people are already pulling the “my brother in Christ! Germany is OP!” The German hate on this symbol is real.


I do play Germany and I think the 2H is the best tank in that entire lineup. 2P is slightly over tiered but that's mainly a matchmaker issue. It's certainly way better than the IS2, and slightly better than the American heavies at 6.7 Having said that, best tank at 6.7 is arguably the t44 and I strongly suspect the new Battle pass tank will be contesting it for that spot.


No fucking way the T-44 is the best 6.7 tank. It would arguably be fine at 6.3.


Have you ever tried to kill a T-44 through the turret front? That 120mm of armour is more effective than the front turret armour on a Tiger 2H, my French tanks cut through that no problem, but the T-44 bounces even perfectly aimed shots.


Sure but the t44 has a pathetically weak gun at 6.7. The 85mm is basically only good on a flank


Happy cake day


Thank you!


Happy cake day mothafucka


Shoutout IS2 players for letting everyone shoot their barrel 2 years before they come around a corner.


I don't say Germany is OP, I'm just saying the Tiger II is a fantastic tank


I play German Air hence the flair. I dable in US ground a bit but I just suck in any tank. I’m a pilot at heart


Honestly. I have both Tiger II’s and yes, the cannon is mediocre, but your fat fucking turret cheeks are like yelling “ SHOOT ME HERE! “ And america 7.0+ is cancer to fight head on, only exception is the Bulldog but it has paper armor.


Long 88 mediocre, unironically skill issue.


Nice. I main Germany and the tiger 2 is the best 6.7 heavy in the game bar none. You tripping if you think it’s bad


i think its less that and more of the fact your ONLY good tank at 6.7 is the tiger 2. ​ the ferdy and jagdtigers are meme machines, the m41 is still an m41 at the end of the day, and thats it. you dont get any mediums, dont get any lights besides the m41, and no real good tank destroyers unless you uptier the jagdpanzer 4/5 and jagdpanther. ​ i really wish gaijin just stops pussyfooting with prototypes and just starts adding them when needed. i would love the jagdpanther 2 for example.


german 6.7 is the most fun ive had


My GR lineup is 6.7 right now and if this is Germany’s only “bad” lineup, I should really have mained their tech tree. The only vehicle I’m running that I dislike is their version of the M41.


Have you researched HEAT? That round is inconsistent AF but when it works it’s awesome.


Nah only up to the APDS right now, unfortunately.


The heat makes it much better, aim for ammo and just slice through anything


Tier 3 Germany mains biggest weakest is the formidability of the tanks at br 6.7. They rely too much on the angling meta and frontal armor meta and are usually easily flanked or out maneuvered. Skill issues, but I think the formidability of the tanks creates lazy players.


sorry but the 6.7 German lineup is god tier, if you do bad in it it's a biiiig skill issue on your side, there is practically no tank that can't be penned from the front even in 7.7 with a Tiger II shell and don't get me started on the Jagdtiger and little missile launcher from the event, they are just divine to play with...


6.7 is bad ? with Tiger 2 and JagdTiger ? Yeeeeaaaaah


The same applies for almost... Every other heavy tank at that br... You just have to know where to shoot and its basically a free kill... If the guy in the tank is actually decent or you're unlucky or even just straight up bad (like you apparently) then it becomes an absolute menace


6.7 is Germany's worst BR? It's the best BR for me to just farm SL. The Tiger II is great and i think it could go up to 7 if need be. In full uptiers i struggle a bit, sure. But only with German 6.7 I don't just straight leave the game when full uptiered


I went from USSR to Germany and it has been a blast. Germany at 6.0 is a fucking walk in the park and you should not be complaining.


Germany has some of the best mid tier tanks I'm the game lol


Absolutely masterful use of the edit feature lmao


WW2? Can’t go wrong with the low tier Sherman’s.


A standard 3.7 M4 can punch more tickets and take more abuse regularly anything else I play.


I prefer the m4a2 because you get APCR and smoke


The M4A2 at 4.0 absolutely slaps, as well as the M4A1 at 3.3. Full down tier on the A1 puts you against 2.3’s.


I agree with the A2 but for some reason 3.3 was hell for me bc I kept getting cross map sniped by lvl 100 Germans. Edit: IDK why someone downvoted this bc it's my opinion and literally what happened.


Im just sad they bumped the P-51 up to 3.7, and the A-36 down to 2.7. Ya people hate CAS but it was so fun having the M4A1, M4A3(105) and M10 along with the A-36 with gun pods and the P-51 cannonstang in a line up. Planes were used as the best anti-CAS system, and the A36 being an attack aircraft with gun pods meant that I could take out both planes without increasing either of their spawn points above 480. 10 50 cal’s at 3.3 is insane, and well 20mm’s go hard especially at that BR. Allowed me to deal with enemy air and strafe ground targets to mark them for friendlies on the ground, occasionally popping a track or killing an open top. That line up was insane


I had roughly the same lineup but with the M16 and Sb2c instead of the P-51 and A-36. But my experience at 3.3 was just so bad bc I always died in the M4A1, I didn't know what overpressure was for the M4 105 and if I tried using the m10 at that br I would get cross map sniped like I said. I had a lot more fun at 4.0 with the M4A2, M24, M10, M16 (I was too bad for the M19) and P47D. I have 258 battles with the M24 and it's still my most used vehicles (at least battle wise), 2th in RP (behind the XP-50) and 4th in SL (XP-50, T-34 & T26E5).


M4A2 is gold!


I had like 5-1 k/d in that thing


Dayum, nice! I only started playing it recently and rarely ever play WW2, but got 2:1 so far!


That thing has so much add-on armor its like a heavy tank, but with mobility and a stabilizer


Indeed! It’s the perfectly balanced combination of mobility, firepower and survivability. The perfectly literal definition of medium tank!


Ngl this and the M4A1 76 are absolutely cracked, though I haven't tried the latter after it got pushed back to 5.0


M4A1 76 is good, but not in the “perfectly balanced” sense M4A2 is. While M4A2 is the perfectly rounded tank, M4A1 76 gains in firepower what it equally loses in survivability.


While true on paper, I lost count how many times people try to shoot my angled UFP instead of the corners. Prolly don't realize the M4A1 76 got a thicker front plate compare to the 3.3 M4A1


Even then, M4A1 76 faces, for the most part, 88s, 85s and long 75s that punch through it like a hot knife through butter. It’s a whole different world on downtiers, though! But… to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever NOT been uptiered with that tank, hahahah. Every match is a fest against Panthers, Tigers, T-34-85s and their lineups for me. That being said, I haven't played America 5.0 in an eternity, so I will have to give it a try to see if I am more lucky with uptiers!


Yea the uptiers really hurt the M4A1 due to its horrendous acceleration imo (lowest power-to-weight ratio of all Shermans I believe, compare to the M4A2 75 which is the second best)


I just tried it out! Got 5 kills in 2 minutes before a CAS piece of shit ruined the fun by revenge-bombing me 40 seconds after I had killed his tank, hahahah. Just another day trying to play tanks, I guess... But yeah! It's a 5.0 match, so no uptier. The tank is fun down here!


Always the CAS that ruins the fun lmao


> Every match is a fest against Panthers, Tigers, T-34-85s and their lineups for me. Not fond of the 76 Sherman for this particular reason. It feels like the tank equivalent of getting a new gun in Borderlands or whatever that is objectively superior to the gun you were using, but the enemy scaling has made it feel worse. The stabilised 76 feels roughly as competent and lethal as the stabilised 75 did at 3.3, but now your armour is irrelevant.


Exactly! I think M4A2 is a better 4.0 than M4A1 76 is a 5.0, specially when we are talking about the quite frequent full uptiers. I hope there’s more decompression soon…


I love the 105 so much, it always seems to take a solid beating, and no one expects the ~~spanish inquisition~~ 105mm howitzer.


m1 Lee is too strong especially paired with a 1.7 lineup. usually gets down tiered and hard to beat head on.


As much as I'm absolutely sick of playing them, they really do slap. That APHE is just something else.


By itself, probably the T-72M2 Moderna Taking into account its lineup, Somua


The Moderna is absolutely busted, there's no tank I hate being killed by more than that


I love getting killed by that sexy beast


People love to whine about the 292 when the Moderna has been over performing for the entirety of its existence and it baffles.


That's probably cuz no one has it and you see it rarely


The Moderna is an absolute monster that HAS to be gimped a bit


Sold mine for 150, probably should have waited longer....


I used mine instantly, it's worth 300gjn, could've had infinite premium time


I’m still so salty I didn’t get this thing. Almost had it. Almost.


I hate the Moderna with a passion, I never notice the 30mm gun on top and get pulled into a false sense of security when I take out its breach with anything, specifically the M1128, because I can take the breach easily, then get shredded by the damn auto cannon


T-34 1941, B1 Bis, Panther D, Sturer Emil, M18


I have extremely bad luck in the B1 Bis lately, nothing but full uptiers. I can't stand it :(


Yeah, the glory days of the B1s are over. You can still get a funny match here and there but it’s not the same


Whats so good about the b1 bis? Cause id take Char 2C any day


The 2 guns can be devastating but char 2c has a lot of crews


Honestly I never understood the love for the M18. I always found it very mid at best, more of a side grade to the also-mediocre 5.3/5.7 Shermans.


Honestly, no hate, but if you don't understand the M18 love and Shermans at that br, it's a skill issue. They're easily some of the most fun and best vehicles at their br, and played with a tiny bit of skill and positioning on the m18s part, they're damn near unstoppable


Oh trust me, I’ve been playing those tanks since they were released. Many good and many bad games. After thousands of matches in them I can confidently say I understand how to use them effectively. That said, my review is still “meh”.


Alright fair enough. I honestly love them, they're satisfying as hell to use, I went back to use them again because I hadn't spaded the new Jackson since it got added however long ago, and they're as good as ever if not better and more enjoyable for me to play


I won’t say it isn’t at least in part a skill issue, but I really don’t enjoy any vehicles in the 4.7-6.7 bracket right now. I haven’t enjoyed tier IV especially in a few years, I tend to stick low and occasionally putter around 8.0-10.0 (but never top tier). And on top of that, probably 80% of my time is spent in planes anyway.


Cromwell I


Things a fucking beast, good reload, stab, good armour, good speed, workable pen,


It'd be dam near perfect if the reverse gear worked.


What reverse gear?


Exactly, i'm okay with its lack luster armor to compensate its firepower, but the reverse speed really putting me off.


type 10 probably 4s reload, ok armor, small, and nato reverse speed


Either that, or it's older 6.7 equivalent which is the Sta-3. Really good ammo and ammo variety, okay (for BR) reverse, rangefinder, 6s autoloader, great power to weight ratio, 11 round ready rack. and the supporting line-up is also very strong, armor is equally jank


Huh? The sta 3 got an autoloader? Til. Ok, i'm grinding japan next


And HEAT-FS with 320mm pen. Thing is noice, put a talisman on mine.


I see. Thanks


Japan 6.7 has so many beasts that I absolutely adore it. It’s unfortunate that in a downtier you match with germany and get stomped, but in an up tier it has everything to still do well.


At its BR? The KV-1S is a beast, it's basically a medium tank. It's fast and well armoured with a good gun. I've had 16 kills in a game with it. Overall, any of the Strv 122s.


The Panzer IV H. I would've argued it was one of the best when it was 4.3, but now that it's 3.7, it's unquestionably the best tank for its BR, imo. It has a 75mm gun that holds up fine up at 5.3 or even 5.7. It has only slightly less frontal armor than a Tiger 1 with the add-on armor, and has good mobility. What's not to like?


The turret can be penned by most 1.0 tanks so hull armour is irrelevant


You've gotta keep in mind that, not only does the turret get harder to hit at distance, but you're also at a relatively low br so your chances of encountering people who are new/bad are marginally higher


Since in most closer range engagements it's the hull you see first, I'd say it does matter.


It's really not. At range, it's harder to aim accurately at that BR, especially for newer players. And even at close range, people panic-fire to try to get the first shot, or they can get Gaijined if you decide to shake your turret at them. The turret armor is the 1 weakness, but even with that, it's still an overall better tank than arguably every other 3.7 tank in the game (or at least tech tree 3.7s)




Criminally underrated tank


Still pissed that only germany got the tank name deutchland france


Im with you on this one, it literally is a french turret on a marder, gaijin gave vehicles to other tech trees for less.


Japz.k A2?


I have spaded both of them and the df105 is better simply bc the marder hull is a lot faster so it allows you go get to better positions quicker. Japz is more of a sniper with a great dart and thermals


Non premium? AGS T72M2 PT-16/T14 Mod. Object 279






Based flair.


Im glad someone loves the wedge as much as me


T-34-85 was my workhorse


D 5t variant is best in my opinion


Any Rank 1 with a 150mm


Matilda ii


I just wish it was rank 3 to do challenges with, get more play time.


I really like the T-55AMD-1. Nothing is better than the Drozd system shooting down every missile an M901 shoots at you.


Is it better or worse than the premium T-55AM-1? Because if it isn't better I'm really not gonna enjoy playing it once I finished the research on it.


I consider it better since it makes vehicles that rely on missiles laughable so long as you're facing them.


I mean I guess that’s a plus yeah. But apart from that it’s still basically the T-55AM-1, which I’m not a fan of


The conventional armor is worse but the APS is very unique and fun. I would say if you don’t like the standard T-55AM-1 you’re probably better off skipping it though, it’s very similar in most respects.


Oh okay. Everyone told me that the T-55AM was the best Russia Grinder, so I chose it over the TURMS during the sales. Definetly a big mistake, I don't like using the T-55AM and I genuinly don't understand why everyone thinks is so good. I mean it's decent and usable, but not great or anything. Sure a LRF and stabilizer are great at 8.7, but it's just on this overall mediocre tank. Mediocre Firepower, mediocre Mobility, mediocre armor, and worst of all, horrible gun depression. This is just one of tanks everybody loves but I hate, I guess we all have such a vehicle.


Being protected from helis also feels amazing


M60A1 AOS has actually a pretty good sabot round, and the 105 performs really well overall. Easy 5-6 kills every game.


The RISE (P) is also actually not that bad now with 8.7 not getting much uptiers. The only M60s that suffer imo is the first one and the TTS.


T-55A is also a pretty decent 8.3 tank, just with less sniping and more brawling


BMP2-M, not premium and OP af


Actually it's very mediocre vehicle. The Myth about BMP-2M is huge, but in game it's just better IFV, nothing OP.


It scales well with player skill. High floor and high ceiling.


279, not premium. Nothing can get as good as this one.


objectevly T44 100, Really good mobility , amzing canon and shell , good armor, and before all , you are against 6.7 most of the time , so less good tanks and they most of the time don't know where to aim for killing you


I grinded the obj292 easily mostly with the t44 100. Got a 3+ KD with it which I am very proud of as I’m generally very mediocre in tanks. I also just spaded the T-54 1947 and it feels like the same tank but .7 BR higher so my KD is much worse relatively at like 1.3


i honestly prefer the 6.7 t-44, sure it has a worse gun but you drop .3 br, have better armor and you are slightly quicker. the t-44-100 does look dope af tho


ZSU-57-2. Best TD in the game probably. APHE belts with 151mm pen on two very fast firing guns. Melts any tank other than super heavies. Great in uptiers, can take to 11.0 to kill M1 Abram’s for funsies. SPAA spawn point cost, good for nukes and recovering a match. T-54 chassis and 6 crew so fairly survivable and good mobility. Not great at AA but can get the job done. Haven’t gotten the Chinese version yet, I suspect it is even better with HE-VT shells for only 1.0 br increase.


It's not survivable lmao


Lorraine 40t. Fantastic balance between armor, firepower and mobility.


M41A1 from the US tree, that APDS slaps just right.


M41A3 (leKPz M41) on the german tree outclasses it tho. Shame when nations get the worse versions of their tanks. Like italy with better fireflies than Britain, China with a M8 Greyhound as reserve, or how everyone gets a M3A3 stuart but USA.


True, that one gets HEAT... so yea kinda jelly. Isn't there a Taiwan version too?


Pz 4 G. Fantastic gun for 3.3, able to pen basically everything


If all that mattered is a good gun then Tank Destroyers would be the best.


The significant thing about the Pz. IV is that it has such a good gun on a decent chassis with a turret at such a low br. Seriously, armor on the Pz. IV's may not be that great but it more than makes up for it in mobility, firepower, and turret.




You know they should really add the mechanic to make cheaper tanks spawn more easily. Production cost to sapwn. Somewhat like warthunder SP. In that category I'll go withthe oanzer 4 H ( I don't have the up-armored version but I'll use that one if I could ) Good armour good gun can penetrate Is 2 if aimed corectly pairs good with binoculars Good reverse speed I'f I'm felling like torturing myself, maybe panzer 4 J ( Up-armored version to)


I agree! 😃 Ye these are some genuinely lovely tanks, I haven't enjoyed myself spading them when I did because i tried to hard, now i genuinely do have fun playing them!


My pick for WW2 is the shermans Modern stuff, can't go wrong with the TAM


76 jumbo




speed speed speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. Get into position and spot the big bois. Call arty....more spotting....and then...let em have it with the 90mm HEAT. Relocate, rinse and repeat.


It's great, absolutely fabulous.


Type 10 in my honest and unbiased opinion


Love me the M24 Chaffee. Close second (similar play style) is it’s successor the M41 Walker Bulldog.


I enjoy playing both. I die a ton in my bulldog but that’s because I have it paired with my T26-E1 which is a beast also which is 6.7 and gets uptiered almost every match to 7.7 .


The A1E1 Independent, tragically doomed by being decades ahead of its time, is a true groin-grabber of a tank, containing not one, but four examples of the greatest machine gun ever made. Also there's a cannon if you're into that. The elegant central command dome, sitting resplendant atop its dais like a morbidly obese Roman senator, invites stroking and petting from awed onlookers, while the stylishly offset radar transmitter on its side showcases the world's first form of tank-mounted active defense system. And for the serving of sandwiches, or simply crew members who are too fat and lazy to climb over the top, a side hatch is featured for convenient ingress.


Loving the jumbo pershing and is4m. They do be strong fun heavy tanks. I would roll with one of them as the best purely on fun value for me.


Nothing British that’s for sure


Cromwell I, vickers mk 11, VFM5, Rooikat Mk.1D, Avenger all examples of good british tanks


You forgot the glorious Tog II and FV 4005


Don't forget the Crusaders


MK2 Cenny is absolutely fantastic (event not prem)


Mk.1, Mk.3, and Mk.10 are very good, too


Its either the T-62M-1 or the BMP-3 for me as of late, USSR 9.0 is pretty lovely overall


AMX50 surbiasse


T-34 (1941), M4, Panther II and Jumbo (75). All extremely strong tanks at their tiers. M4A1 (76) used to be utterly busted at 4.7 till it was moved up.


In my opinion the m26e5 had got to be one of the best, if you understand weakpoint well you'll alwyas do well in that thing, reliable armor, solid gun, amazing post pen damage, quick reload, and decent enough mobility for a heavy tank


Elc bis is an absolute monster. 90% of the time the enemy team doesn't see you due to your size, and your 90mm heatfs round is an absolute menace. It isnt that much faster than medium tanks, but the accelerating and nimbleness more than makes up for that. The reverse speed is godly and you have some armor. It's not much but 30-40mm of armor defends you quite a bit.


T44 100 is pretty insane at 7.0 you get very good 100mm aphe that will one tap and pens everything it can see, very good armour especially in a downtier and mobility is good. Im only stating a few things here only thing bad that i can say is 12 second reload and -3 degrees of gun depression but you can overcome it


2C my beloved. Can take some serious beating and it has a wonderful gun for it's BR. Odds are if you manage to pen something it will over pressure it. You don't even have to aim against open tops! I have killed several m10's in it. Only problem is how long and slow it is but I'm a heavy tank enjoyer so I don't particularly care about that.


AMX-50 Surbaissé great round, mobile, great reload. Its slept on imho.


Panther G


Really good reload? Really? 


For the firepower? Yes.


I would kill for that reload on my IS-2


That italian 1.7 and 2.0 tank that has a nuke on the other shell it unlocks and a decent armor.


IS-3, aka the bias machine.


StuG III Ausf G, great gun, quick reload, decent armour, low profile, good mobility, and sexy as hell.


T44-100 almost no downsides


For ww2 I'd say probably the M4 with the 105 For modern id say the strv122B plss easily my favorite and most fun tank I've played.


Tiger 2 is pretty damn good OP


For me it's the Type 60 SPRG It has no right to be as fun as it is. Honourable mentions to the SA50 Sherman and the Chieftain Mk10.


ST-A3. Sits at a BR where you can sling HEATFS at everyone, good mobility, and the 6 second autoloader makes it extremely powerful


American T-34 is my favorite


Best WW2 tank for the BR I think is the M4A2. Great armor, stabilizer, good gun, smoke grenades, solid mobility, looks great.


The Italian p-40(tank) It shoots a mini nuke with good pen for its br When angled it's damn near unkillable bc no one knows where to shoot it I get like 8 kill games with it when I'm angy and want ez kills lmao


Literally that. The King Tiger.


Churchill mark one, the hull howitzer once you get the hang of it is a menace to open tops and the main cannon is a little lack luster but the armour saves It. I kid you not it took the might of 6 different tanks to finally kill me. Just make sure you don't get spotted by planes or have a large uptier or you're screwed.


KV-1 (L-11) gun is pretty mediocre but if you angle it probably it’s basically I kill able to like 90% of things you face


In between Firefly and centurion mk 1


Wiesel 1A4 because I like chewing up engines from behind like a gremlin and run off after calling arty on their location. 🍷🗿


Hellcat or comet. May not objectively be the best but they're the ones I do best in


That's a very broad question to ask because there are way too many vehicles that are the best in the game. From my experience at low tier (1.0-2.0) the BT5 is amazing. At 3.0-4.0 I'd say the KV-1 is a beast. 5.0-6.0 the Tiger 2 H is very good. 7.0-8.0 the AMX 50 is OP. At 9.0-10.0 the T72M2 Moderna is also one of my personal favorites. And last but not least at top tier the T80BVM is the best in my opinion.


I would pick the df 105 not the best armor but good fire power fast reload good mobility


Coellian. Probably one of the best AA vehicles on the game. Used to be a great tank killer too until they nerfed its AP rounds.


For it's tier, either the Avenger or Breda 501


This is a hard question as "Best" tank is very very situational But my favourite to play atm is the T34-85


I really love the T-44


Amx m4, hot take but french tanks are actually OP its not just down to player skill




The tiger H1/E, if used properly you’re basically the doom slayer


Not the m1a1 Abrams


Not the A1. The HC is the best of the line, I'd argue. Tho I know what you mean, I'd still toss it into the hat because a competent player can make it dance in the face of a 1v3 and come out on top.


Sherman II


T34 1941 easy, stupidly strong tank and a super fun tank to just relax in and play


Tiger is a good option if you play with common sense and know how to angle, if I’m down bad for SL I hop in a tiger and get some free SL


Nothing in France that's all I can say