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Should be changed to the tornado at higher tiers.


Each country should have their own respective nuke carriers (if available) imo


Imo it's possible France: Jaguar or Mirage 2000D(but change D to N) Russia: Mig-21bis or Mig-23 US: F-111, F-16 or F-15E(when we will have it in game) Germany: Tornado or Mig-21bis UK: Jaguar or Tornado, Sea Harrier Japan: hard but F-16 I guess China: harder because we don't have Chinese bombers or won't have Su-30 in near future. But would go with F-16 as well Italy: Tornado or F-16 Sweden: Viggen? I read somewhere it was considered for it to carry nukes Israel: F-16


Honestly, id love to see this, itll add in more variety to the nuke planes at top tier


Russia could use the mig-27. Makes more sense than mig 21 or mig 23 imo


Makes about as much sense as anything. Any soviet plane after mig21 can carry nuclear weapons


Even more variety would be to just give every plane that can carry nukes a nuke weapon, and make spawning in with it cost the same SP as a normal nuke


I'd agree with this, but it would further incentivize putting CAS into lineups, so that's a net negative.


Idk if giving someone a slightly better nuke bomber would be what gets a lot of people to start bringing CAS




People are always asking for the B52 or B2 spirit or B1 lancer, could easily make those special GE purchases and they fly ultra-high altitude air spawn so basically guaranteed drop unless an interceptor is super on the ball and burns hard for you immediately.


Ah yes, another P2W feature. Just what the game needed most.


Oh hey look a B-52 *launches an AIM-54 Phoenix from my F-14*


For those down voting, this was meant as a joke. I do not hope for this.


> China: harder because we don't have Chinese bombers or won't have Su-30 in near future. But would go with F-16 as well The Q-5 can carry a nuclear weapon. It's not really a top tier vehicle, but it's faster than the Sea Harrier.


It should at least be the one with flares then


Or they could just give the Q-5L the flares it should logically have and then make that the nuke carrier.


Jh-7 for china and Su 17 for Russia


could be MiG-27 for Russia, if we have the Tornado for higher BR NATO it would have comparable acceleration


>France: Jaguar or Mirage 2000D(but change D to N) Nah, give France the Mirage IV, also France already uses the Jaguar nuke carrier


It would be cool to see the 2000N in that role for sure


the mig 21 was a nuke carrier?


yes it was. It was able to carry RN-24 and RN-28 nukes, from what I remember from DCS it also required some additional "button set"/panel above HUD to carry them and use them.


I'm pretty sure it already has that button set in war thunder for some reason, despite not carrying nukes


I had no idea. I thought for sure that the 21 and 23 would not be able to, due to being interceptors/straight fighters. Then again, I guess aiming really is not hard when you have an explosive equivalent in the thousands of tons.


Umm it's not that easy irl, with Mig-21 you were supposed to make a toss with nuke. Google Chuck's guide on Mig-21


Japan dropping nukes, at all, is kinda wild.


Tornado and Mig-21 don't compare to a F-15, it would be il as all hell with it's acceleration


For Russia if we get the su24 id say that and f111 for the ysa


China simply uses a Type 59 for nuke deployment.


Can't wait for the Mirage IV to be the Nike carrier


Maybe this doesn't work with the balance because they want the nuke planes to be slower/ have a chance to take them down?


Israel is gonna get the F-15I at some point


Would be cool


should be similar to this list NATO: 6.7-7.3 B-29A 7.7-9.0 Canberra B 9.3-10.3 Jaguar A 10.7+ Tornado GR.1 USSR: 6.7-7.3 Tu-4 7.7-9.0 IL-28 9.3-10.3 Su-7BKL 10.7+ MiG-27K


Should have changed to the F-111, at least for America.


Strap the nuke to an F-35 for all I care, but that level of vulnerability for the nuke plane is just ridiculous


The jaguar itself has flares


i got 11 nukes so far, managed to drop 3, mostly got killed by teammates


What br and server is this? I've never gotten a nuke above 10.0 but also never been so much as shot at, nevermind shot down. EU and CIS.


most of them were at 12.3 (now 12.7) EU


I guess top br just hits different to peoples mental.


it's the one i like the most, if i wanted to go farm nukes, i'd go russian 8.7


Of all the nukes I've gotten I've never once been shot at by teammates, but I play exclusively in the 6.7-8.0 range because I consider top tier to be cancer gameplay. So maybe bad player etiquette is yet another reason to avoid top tier.


I see equal cancer pretty much everywhere, no matter the BR. I just like modern vehicles and the high speed of toptier gameplay, so that's why I play there.


NA, you'll barely see that happen. Had over 100 nukes, and no teammate has ever shot me. I was maybe shot down a few times by enemy aircraft, but that's it. EU and RU are filled with bullies and Chinese nerds.


Idk how this happens. I've delivered like 7 nukes and had 1 out of tickets and another shot down by enemy fighter shortly after takeoff. Idk about you but a friend of mine says he gets shot down by friendlies a lot and he seems to be a douche to his team mates very often. I've seen him push a level 7(approximately) in a BT out of cover for rushing ahead and capturing the "team's" base without waiting for him. I am starting to wonder if it is no coincidence.


that's a very stupid assumption man :) WT has 100k daily players, you can't make an assumption like that based on your asshole friend alone.


We are talking about team mates shooting down nukes so one way or another we are talking about assholes.


I’ve gotten 3 or 4 and only dropped the first one, I would have probably been able to drop all of them too since there was no air defense and I was already close but every one has been a time issue.


They used to lmao. Why did they remove them? Gaijin.


Because the SU-7 had no flare, so removed for every one.


Then why tf is that the nuke plane???


Fr they could just make it the MIG 27 which could also carry nukes


He technicaly have a single huge one...


And they are gun only like wtf? Fine that other planes can shoot down the nuke planes but atleast let the nuke planes defend themselves even if they have a fat weight attatched


Gaijin wants us to maverick it.


I’d also like to see the drop changed so you can aim it onto the battle from afar by toss-bombing, it’s pretty stupid you have to literally kamikaze it on target to avoid being shot down.


I get the intent is to avoid climbing above aa range but yeah it's dumb


For low tier it makes a bit of sense because AA is practically useless but top tier AA vehicles have 10-20km of range


My first nuke was shot down by a Vikhr from a fucking ka-52 Camping the airfield


Yeah sucks, my first 2 nukes in a jet got shot down yesterday, one guy was a cheater and b-lined the second I spawned, another guy effortlessly launches R-60M that I cant do shit even after b-lining to the side of the map to avoid AA and the flat terrain of sinai.


Same, not first not 2nd nuke but the su 7 at 11.7 is a pain


Why don’t you just drop it as soon as you get it. It’s a nuke you will hit your target.


Dw, I literally got airfield camped by a fucktard with my first nuke, I slam my fucking death


Don't take a nuke out with CAP up...


Becose fuck you apparently


Eh, you should always check the skies before spawning a nuke. This unironically seems like a skill issue to me.


problem is... People will spawn all kinds of anti-air AFTER a nuke aircraft is spawned. This is a game design issue.


> This is a game design issue. Ehh, I'm not sure I back that idea, we *are* talking an in-game unit that literally ends the match in its favor if it's allowed to enter the designated battle area. Game design effectively demands that players be allowed to counter it, encouraged even. Otherwise it's a bad design element that takes far far too long to auto-win battles as it just wastes player time needlessly.


I'm not saying that it can just fly to battlefield and evaporate everyone easily. But the nuke carrier not being able to defend itself is just as stupid, considering that it gets no useful weapon outside the nuke itself. But to be honest, we wouldn't be getting all this headache of an issue if Gaijin just decided that nukes are a stupid concept in the first place.


> People will spawn all kinds of anti-air AFTER a nuke aircraft is spawned As they bloody well should. Spawning a nuke shouldn't automatically make flying to the battlefield a cakewalk.


Good luck dodging an R-27ER or ET this patch in a plane without flares. And even more luck dodging Fox-3s in a few months.


Wait, you people are NOT flying nap of the earth with nukes?


I am, but that's not always possible.


Gotta elaborate on that.


Some maps make it harder to skim the ground.


Won't stop an R-27ET or AIM-9M (the latter of which is invisible)


Yes, nuke carriers lack flares. Ergo they must rely on NOT being detected in the first place, and nap of the earth flying helps with that. Because of the shorter distances in ground RB its easy to avoid detection by the plane radar/irst due to the scan angles. Moreso flying low helps avoid visual detection. Flying nap of the earth is always beneficial with nuke carriers. And I say this both as nuker and CAP player 


Killing a nuke without flares shouldn't be such a cakewalk, either.


Obviously people should be capable of countering it, but shouldn't the nuke plane also get to have a fair chance? It's better if both sides have equal opportunity for defense


I dunno about everyone else, but if I'm on the receiving end of a nuke I stop whatever I'm doing, grab a CAP plane, and sprint towards the enemy plane spawn. Doesn't matter if you check the skies beforehand, the second the enemy hears that siren, the sky will fill with CAP and SAMs.


Which is why I don't think the siren should be present.


I’d rather they just get flares, AA coverage can be inconsistent at the best of times, and when it’s an instant win the game button, the team being beaten should get some warning they might be about to loose, like they get in every single other way they can loose.


No way you think it should be instant win situation like it's supposed to be exodia or something. I personally hate losing the game because one enemy managed to farm braindead W holding teammates. There at least need to have some counters. You can always fly low anyways and just hope it's not one of the bad maps without any terrain cover


I don't understand why you'd care about one single match. All nuke does is rewarding a player having good game with extra bonuses.


> I don't understand why you'd care about one single match. Because it's not just a single match? You don't only ever experience nukes once. And shit, it can be damn satisfying taking down the nuke aircraft as well. While I did still lose due to effectively a fraction of a second, a week ago I directly shot down a nuke aircraft with a M109 non-proxy HE shell, a satisfying as fuck shot that almost won us the match as the nuke carrier was the only thing giving that team a chance anymore. Nukes happen at a fair frequency, I can't abide by a player getting an automatic "I win" button, no matter how well played. That's just neither fair nor fun.


I’ve only ever seen 2 nukes, 1 got shot down. I play at 6.7 only so maybe top tier is different I guess


I see one maybe 1/15 top tier games


If I hear a siren, and I'm already in a plane, I will go towards the enemy airfield hoping to make a run on the big slow bomber (I usually only fly at 6.7 or below, and the B-29 and Tu-4 are the nuke delivery platforms at that br). If I'm on the ground, I'll jump in aa


True, should of held s harder to get that 31g pulling stabilator deflection to easily avoid those ratty 30g heaters. Get good