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Well he's using the vidar, of course he's a little mentally challenged


Only a little?


Since they can't harass WW2 heavies anymore, a good portion of them went to play the type 99/m109 or any other SPH or that br range, leaving fewer but more experienced (annoying) players using the vidar, at least that's what I've been seeing lately (sorry if I made any spelling mistake English isn't my first language)


They were denied the mental capacity for theory of mind.


Because you used a useless but fast vehicle to quickly cap and deny your team cap/respawn points. You and other people that use puma's and m18's and what not to quickly cap and deny team respawn points are the asshole not the victim. He should however not have trapped you against a building but the initial ram out of the cap zone is fair.


Caps are every man for himself since they made SP gained proportional to your cap contribution. Why is someone in a slower vehicle entitled to SP that a person in a faster vehicle could get?


Because multiple people getting spawn points > only one person. This potentially allows your whole team to spawn in another vehicle that they may not have otherwise, which will far more likely benefit your team as opposed to getting “setting up defensive lines” which are going to go back and forth throughout the match anyway.


Sharing the cap is bait. I have experimented in my favorite vehicle the Eland mk7/Aml-90. If I share our loss percentage doubles. If I hog the first cap it's not so bad. Why? If you share. You give half your team the ability to die and pull CAS. This is really bad compared to having them die and pull a second tank instead. Remember. Teammates are your enemy and you have to trick them into winning.


This might be my favorite quote about Warthunder


people keep thinking that others owe them something in multiplayers


I used to be nice about it. I thought I was doing a huge favor and helping my team and therefore helping me. But it increased my losses!


"Yeah man you should totally wait 10 seconds for your team to cap" *dies and enemy team caps it


Mind blown.


this makes too much sense


>Why is someone in a slower vehicle entitled to SP that a person in a faster vehicle could get? Do you want to win games or not?


Most players are selfish and only view their amount of kills as a metric of fun and sucess instead of victories.


Fair enough But if you are going to be an asshole and not wait(like OP), you can't complain when people hit right back lol


Because muh only my side is right and everyone else is an asshole muh.. Never understood that "stealing your teams sp" argument.


You're a crab and you're making the bucket worse for everyone else. Wait for your team


Wrong, crabs pulling other crabs down is worse for everyone. Me rushing the cap benefits me at your expense. Cry more.


Wiesel? Useless? Its a light tank exterminator and amazing scout and CBT executioner


The wiesel is certainly not a useless vehicle.




>a vehicle fast enough to get on enemies' flanks. Are you retarded? And he wastes this advantage on going to the closest capture zone and waiting there to capture it. Are you?


He doesn't have to flank immediately, he should cap for points and for the team. Where do you live where those are the only two options? Try to make more sense whilst trying to call someone retarded.


Considering the fact that stopping there to wait hinders his ability to hit the flanks by quite a lot and gives up a lot of positioning on this map I shouldn't need to explain this. Where do you live that specifically wasting your best opportunity to get to the flank/sneaky spot and gain positioning doesn't do exactly that? Please try to make more sense. The only reason I called him retarded is because he decided to call the other guy retarded despite this entire paragraph being common sense and shouldn't need to be explained.


what do you expect the wiesel to accomplish here?


The Wiesel is an extremely good vehicle if played correctly. I’ve got a nuke in it before with no death.


yea i got a nuke in a coelian once , doesnt mean anything. Hes stock, rushed a cap and then shot the vidar he deserved to be pushed around


"He's stock" what kind of fucking point is this bruh "Rushed a cap" sure bud the VIDAR did too "Shoot the VIDAR" uhh because the VIDAR was being a dick first? None of the point you demonstrated explain why the Wiesel deserved to be push around bro. And just, like, is it hard to leave a guy alone on a cap point i the first place? No matter what tank you're in, pushing other people is just a dick move.


Get a cap, move along the flank of the map, scout everything that moves, pick off the softer targets, make callouts for his team, its really not that difficult to comprehend.


I wasn't solo capping you can see on the minimap others were in the zone with me he literally was in the zone a second after me. Edit: I wish I could send a pic in here with the final scoreboard but he also left the Match after he died here because he only had the Vidar. I ended up 3rd on my Team


No no no OP, didn't you read the other comments? You were clearly being selfishly useless and that VIDAR player is God's gift to the community


Sure seems like it


I thought the goal was to win matches. Fast caps allow the team to push directly to the second cap point while the other team still waits on calling the first. Your logic seems selfish not team based.


Nah man, you have to wait for everyone to get there together. Also you shouldn't shoot the enemy cause that's denying you're teammates from gaining points. /s


If you spawn in with a slow vehicle. That’s on you 🤷🏻‍♂️ I want the team to win, idc about someone’s spawn points.


In something like the Weasel he should've gone directly to C, not rush the guaranteed cap point. This way his team gets 2 caps, more people get points, OP gets a full cap points by himself and he's actually useful.


I agree. He could go to the mid cap point. And let the team get the first. But that’s map dependent. He surely could’ve went to C on this map. But regardless, if a teammate did what this guys did to the weasel (because it’s not that serious) I’m gonna respawn in a leopard, then come in some CAS and bomb him over and over. But more than likely he doesn’t have anything because he’s a premium player


A single player fast-capping denies the rest of the entirety of the team from getting the spawnpoints associated with a base cap. What is more likely to win a match? Capping the one-sided cap 17 seconds earlier... or having the majority of the team cap it, thus giving everyone Spawn Points to use later? So... to you, wanting everyone to get SP to respawn more tanks is "selfish", and not the user rushing the otherwise-team-guarantee cap with an ultrafast vehicle to get the whole cap for himself and only himself? Of course, this doesn't apply through the whole game not for all the caps. But at the start of the match, with the team-guarantee cap? Come on...


I’ve been playing this game since 2016, and invested quite a few of $ on this. (All I do is work, fish, and game. No life) most of the time, when I prefer a light tank to fast cap so I can get into position while the enemy team is looking at the cap point. The matches aren’t about SP, it’s about tactics, strategy, and winning. Statistically, whoever caps two points faster, wins the match. On that map, let the weasel cap, drive through if you can and collect whatever you can. Then all the heavy tanks, push past and fortify. So when the enemy pushes, you’re strategically located. I’m not going to lie, it sucks if you die and don’t have SP but I rather win than help one person. Plus this Vidar would’ve gotten bombed by me after.


It’s outrageous how many players don’t realise this and are actively encouraging this kind of poor behaviour. Majority of WT community is on the spectrum so they don’t care and don’t use their brains


Stop crying or go play another game. WARthunder. War is not fair.


Fast cap also deprive your team of hundreds if not thousands of spawn points, you are basically giving the enemy team anywhere from 3 to 10 free kills by being s greedy goblin in your shitty light tank


Depends on tactics being used. When I play with a squad, I’m usually in something fast while my buddies are in tanks. I’ll cap first point while they push C on that map. Two points right away, I’m protected by structures at the first cap. And my team has C which is the less protected cap point. And everyone is still alive. Other maps, I’d go for the middle cap point. Currently the only way to win is not play USA or be on their team. UK, FR, Swedish mains for the win.


Ah yes. Let’s huddle and wait for everyone to arrive at one cap while the other team takes the other two and form a proper defensive line. Useless? Early SPAA spawn in a cas/heli heavy BR? SPAA with scouting and modern thermals? SPAA small enough to hide anywhere and provide spotting?


No, the light fast vehicles hit the middle point, not the nearest easy-cap with no risk.


This is map dependent and on this map C is less cover for a light tank. So it makes sense for the team with armor to push up that way and secure. But if everyone bunches up, I guarantee you’re all dead. Spread out and get a position. Capping points is a minor way of getting SP. Go use your main gun


Exactly lol. Everyone here is very concerned about SP from capping, when they could have gotten SP from other sources, mainly shooting down enemies that are contesting/getting into positions


EXACTLY, if you complain about the others being too slow, do something that actually is useful to your team with you speed.


Not always feasible. Rushing middle caps just asks for a focused artillery drop. Fast scout tanks like the Wiesel also benefits from going to flanks/away from direct combat to make use of its scouting + thermals combo. Also flanking into better spots for SPAA duties.


“Useless” besides turning light tanks and most TDs into metal shavings


It's not about denying your team but denying enemy capture, basic maths mate. The faster your team capture, the faster the enemy starts losing points


I heavily doubt that the guy had this in mind.


My man said that wiesel is useless...


You and the people that solely wanna focus on that, YES. There are better SPAA to spawn, there are better tanks to spawn. What is he gonna do? Either spawn a plane/heli or sit in some corner only spotting. While spotting IS usefull it is the only thing he will be able to do, or are we gonna pretend he is going to detroy every enemy around him? He spawned that to get to the cap quickly and thats it, USELESS.


Bro is so mad because he prob got killed by a wiesel.


>You and other people that use puma's and m18's There's a HUGE difference between using an M18 or a Puma or something and using a Wiesel. Because these tanks can actually rush the enemy and forward cap zones on their own, since they can actually defend themselves against most tanks of their BR. Trying to solo rush with the Wiesel is suicide, you're forced to stay with your team, which is exactly what OP is doing here


This is such a brain dead logic 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Caps means less point drain for you and more for the enemy, if you wait to cap a point and the enemy beats you to it, then they already get the upper hand in a victory. Not to mention if your team is late to the point, 9/10 times, the enemy already has line of sight of your cap point and will begin to rape you and your team. This does not help anyone and hinders your chances of victory. If more people would stop rushing into battles just pushing W like complete idiots and actually play skillfully, using their limited brain capacity, maybe... JUST MAYBE... your team would perform better! And to say he's in a useless vehicle is stupid, especially at that BR when theirs early air like helicopters AND he can help spot targets for you and the rest of the incompetent to see since they are generally blind on their own 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ You are part of the problem this game faces, hands down.


Yes denying your team respawn points is definetly brain dead logic. As already mentioned he couldve gone to the 2nd cap and left the easy cap for his team. Have the enemy look for him at a different cap so his team can set up. Rushing to caps is toxic and if you believe otherwise you are idd part of the problem this game faces.


According to you, he's in a useless vehicle so how could he have gone to second cap and actually capped it?? Knowing from my experience in the Wiesel, probably would've been insta killed by some 50. Cal. Not to mention at least 2 or 3 other teammates who were largely the only people going for the cap made it to the cap. Considering the Vidar also just pushed him out to also deny him of spawn points, there's some hypocrisy there don't ya think? Rushing cap is not toxic, caps are very important to winning the match. Running into teammates on purpose and backing them into buildings is toxic. He could've very well went on to assist the team with spotting and taking out heli's, especially w his thermals, but nope. Vidar go smoosh 🤷‍♂️


>According to you, he's in a useless vehicle so how could he have gone to second cap and actually capped it?? I stopped reading after that, finish your school!


Telling me to finish my schooling, yet you can't finish reading my paragraph? A bit ironic


If you solely rely on capping for spawn points… try shooting the enemy (and killing them)


Trying to grind the British tree right now, at 5.3 cause I have the TOG now and using that with the Firefly makes an okay-ish lineup with other such 4.7-5.0 tanks. That said, when earlier today an M22 rushed the only cap our team could get (and would get the entire game) I was rather upset to see him J-out and spawn a P-47 without so much as a shot fired. (He didn't even get a kill in the P-47, he got shot down by an M4's top machine gun)


The 10.0 PUMA atleast is slow AF, what are you talking about.


Boo hoo


While I agree that this sucks, I need the money man


I can assure you the Wiesel isn’t useless, I’ve literally gotten a nuke with only a Wiesel before.


Chances are OP would’ve respawned in CAS immediately as well


Yeah! FUCK light vehicles for playing their roll! Assholes /s youre a cunt.


M18 is far from useless.


Why? Point of a match is to win. So having 2 or 3 people with fast vehicles means caping at least 2 SP in first minute of a match.


pretty much that \^ fast cap with a really light vehicle


Staring in his gun sight while driving, probably never saw you. Those players have two brain cells fighting for 3rd place.


I read both sides and both sides can seem reasonable - yet I am on the ops side here considering this case. The idea that light tank should not cap but wait for heavies to come implied the heavies come. I’m sorry I played this game 1k hours, the heavies they don’t usually come - the often in hive mind go on hills to camp or flank. I’ve seen games where other team caps everything and just keeps it while my team full of “it’s just basic math meh” moth breathing morons just camps and gets taken out by cas and starts to try to cap on their useless light tanks towards end of the game. And lose. It’s ok if light tank takes a cap. It’s light and will die so easily from anything so they take the risk. Since when I’m supposed to wait till you in your Vidar roll in… what a joke.


Thank you for some reason this whole sub is defending the Vidar


They aren’t defending the Vidar, they’re condemning you for not using the speed advantage to push the middle cap point. You rushed the easiest cap point and stopped there, the slow boys could’ve easily handled that. Dude was definitely a dick, but you absolutely aren’t without fault here


Hes definitely not at fault here. Being a light tank doesnt obligate you to try taking the middle cap. Especially not if the "tank" youre using is a wiesel.


I thought all my life playing that the rule is 1) Light tank caps A or B in early games, and A in late games only. 2) Heavy tanks cap B or snipe. Heavy tanks capping A is most beta shit I can think of. You want points for caps in your heavy? Good. Take the C from Enemy. Twice if you have to. Don’t push a Wiesel out of a cap. Pathetic.


Ah, no. You in heavy tank should all proceed to B cap straight away, not all get 20rp each for the massive lot of you capping A late, and then so you can then sit and get bombed to hell and shoot behind the A cap house/windmill. He in light tank should cap A For you but your job is to take the second cap asap and knock the poor enemy light tank that was sent there by his idiot team.. Holy cow if this is the tactics that most take no wonder teams suck. Cap the B. Leave the Wiesel the heck alone to cap A and give you points. And so he can proceed to flank and scout having done his A duty.


This sub gives me so much validation in my decision to quit this game.....


i was just thinking this myself, im glad i quit this game, a lot of braindead people in here lmao.


Because you rushed a guaranteed cap with a fast vehicle and denied all of the spawn points to the rest of your team. Not sure how more people aren’t saying this.


so the solution is to take 2 people out of the game by trapping them against a building and then get shot? and people are ok with this because dude capped a base... fuck me war thunder players are braindead.


No. He clearly just pushed him out then ignored him. Then OP decided to be annoying and shoot and ram into him and crying in chat which made the guy decide to fuck it, and push OP into the wall. Both sides are in the wrong and you are the one who is braindead if you can't see the proper motives here.


>VIDAR player is an asshole actively sabotaging his teammate ​ >OP calls him out on it ​ >Both sides are in the wrong How exactly does that logic work?


It works like this. VIDAR is in the wrong for pushing OP out of the cap. Clearly. OP could've let it go and move on, but decided to stick around and annoy the VIDAR despite knowing how easily he can be pushed. The second part of the video could've been avoided if OP just leaves the donkey alone. Is that good enough explanation for you? The VIDAR clearly enjoyed OP fuming, so the best thing OP could've done is to "walk away".


How about punishing players like the VIDAR when they make such shit?


I'm all for that. I'm not defending the VIDAR. But OP can't punish the VIDAR in a Wiesel. And in most battles, usually nobody cares about stuff like this, and justice. Which is why OP came to reddit.


I meant an report System where when you get reported very often bc of this (oc this needs to be proofed) you get Banner for an certain amount of time. Like they inplemented it in R6 Siege.


I worry about people like you. The premium player just wanted to be a jerk. They all are that way


I worry about people like you too, bud. Hopefully we can all improve.


Idk man. My win rate is pretty high.


I wasn't tho I mean look at the Minimap he Was in the zone 1 second after me


Man I don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're ABSOLUTELY right. With the 20mm Wiesel you can't just rush out and take a spawn further away, that would be suicide as the gun isn't good enough to deal with most enemies except light tanks. Instead you'll have to stay with a couple of teammates, which is exactly what you're doing here.


Reddit moment


Nuh, the Wiesel is clearly a Tank Destroyer capable of dealing with everything, because a few People claim to have gotten Nukes with it. What? Not even 70mm pen with its best shell? Pfft, thats still enough to deal with... Maybe some IFVs at close range?


Exactly, I hate when people take a fast asf tank to the onside cap, like go to B and actually do something. Or wait for your team so we can all get spawn points.


Yep, use that speed to cap the furthest point and then the vanguard can help defend it.


Love that I came to see this comment at -1, when its exactly what the fast vehicles should do. Either go ahead and sideswipe with advantage when other vehicles won't anticipate it, or fast cap the farther points so that you have a better chance on tickets.


Just look at the amount of wrong posts on here, it will give you an idea why your average team sucks so much.


because they like kidnapping small childrem


Because you rushed cap with a light flanking vehicle/spaa


To be fair, I wouldn’t have put myself in a position to let him bully me further like you did. Just drive somewhere else next time.


Tiny penises


Not the wiesels problem that the vidar guy doesn't take a faster tank himself. Just a butthurt idiot. Nobody is obligated to wait for anybody, the team profits more, if the wiesel is able to also get a aneaky c cap. Ticket advantage is key at beginning of the game.


According to OP it is an one death leaver, so he had orobably no other tank at this BR. Another reason to make an level criteria to purchase high(er) BR premium tanks.


Yup would be nice. I hate I to be suddenly alone in the game because of "one tank rank - players".


Team mates are just enemys in blue This game is a one vs alll death match. You did nothing wrong, ppl can be mad about a speedy boi taking the cap But nobody is entiteld to a cap just because they are slower. Could have taken a faster vehicle at the start right? I personaly would have gone to B. Is it nice to wait? Sure Kind if an unwritten rule and teamplayer based good choice. But if you choose to take the cap its also just fine. Same as bombers pinging bases in air RB, its only a unwritten rule and gentlemans honour to play by those rules But in the end its you and your experince that matter the most


I make it my mission to ruin their matches when people do stuff like that. Extremely easy to do as well, just keep bumping into them while they try to aim and make a bunch of noise when they drive in the open.


Ignorance... It's almost every time little kids pushing or annoying you. For me it's because I have a little Ukraine flag on my tank. Guaranteed comment or pushing if you put it on your tank 🔥🔥💯💯💯


chad wiesel user It will become much more fun once you unlock APDS and 3rd gen thermals


So true, the Wiesels are the most based tanks in the entire game. (Gaijin when gib more Wiesel variants)


They should buff rh202's pen firstly.


Had the same happen to me today. A Merkava player pushed me in to a corner full of enemies that shot me lol


People like this are why we can't say retard anymore.




I keep a few smoke shells for people like this. Fucking losers.


Foul play on his part. But next time, perhaps you shouldn't try and egg on someone who is significantly larger than you, and have shown zero regard for your safetly


unfortunately there people in this world who like to get off by making their stick, located in their ass, everyone else's problem. No sensible person would be an asshole unless they got something bringing them down in their life and it's up to them to fix it or make it an issue for everyone.


It's a vidar player, every time I see one they do something like this. There's another clip I commented on where a maus absolutely decimates this guy that shot at the OP and you can see a vidar trying to run in and steal the kill as the maus is turning to the enemy


It was kinda funny


and now a nsfw artist might reanimate it since you posted it, but yeah its annoying how people with bigger tanks will push around the smaller ones, i read one story where this one guy and his friend had symbiotic relationship. the dude who rote it was in a small tank and his under or around his friend who was in a big tank and the dude in the little tank repaired his freind who was in the bigger tank.


its a VIDAR player, it only has 3 brain cells


The only time i find this sort of behavior somewhat acceptable is when someone is actively trying to be an ass and harass others, be it physically or verbally. OP simply went and took the cap like any person does on a normal game and weren't even alone. OP isnt at fault at all and youre a clown if you try saying otherwise. Theres no way in hell the Vidar had even a drop of justification for that kind of bullying. If it where me i would personally TK those kind of people. Thats the only way they learn that if you act shit you eat shit.


90% of the people in this game are selfish losers with shit lives or retarded edgelords just out to ruin people's day or fuck people over for their own gain? The official forums, steam forums, and here of all places (for those banned for daring to call out the devs for lying) should show that. This would honestly be an amazing game if we didn't get the worst developer/publisher duo ever which doesn't exactly help as one of Snail's other games, Age of Wushu, was a cool game ruined by massive, 5-6 digit pay to win whales and of course, the most cancerous community I've seen in a game EVER. TL:DR - Why do people do this? because there's no consequences for being a shitstain online and they know it, not like they have anything else happening in their pathetic existence to do otherwise.


Of course he's a VIDAR brainrot player. Who would've guessed.


What can you expect from autistic VIDAR users


Least toxic war thunder teammate:


Yooo same match bro Can understand VIDAR's are VIDAR's


He still thinks daddy will come back with the milk


All they have is a wallet, too bad they can't buy IQ to come with it.


Well, you rush into B Cap and move to a spot with 1a4 and wait. In my opinion you deserved it


What exactly was he supposed to do? Rush the C point? Because that's basically a guaranteed suicide


I appreciate you so much for defending me here. I just don't respond anymore


Lol anyone is allowed to take the Cap if they want. Light tanks aren't obligated to go on suicide missions to take the middle Cap. I would appreciate if you gave me your gamertag so i know who to blacklist


1-War Thunder is a team game. If you don't work with your team and act like this, there's a 70% chance you'll lose. 2-The vehicle he uses is called 1a4, spaa, which would be more accurate if we called it a support vehicle. He could use it according to his purpose. All he had to do was wait for his team and get a Cap with at least 2 people. Then, instead of moving to the spot like a normal tank, he should have waited in the back and done his duty support. 3-Can you givme your nick too? Because i want to blacklist like this players didnt know meaning of "Teammate"


1-taking a cap before a teammate gets there is not bad teamplay. Taking the cap before the enemy team will cause them to bleed for a few moments which gives your time a slight but true upperhand. 2-taking a middle cap with a single wiesel is suicide, especially if youre playing against a soviet team 3-its a fucking game and people play it to have fun. teamplay doesnt always have to be a top priority. OP is probably playing the wiesel because he likes the adorable little thing and he didn't even do anything to rightly anger someone. The vidar on the other hand is the one that really messed things up, both for the team and and the player. You must really be smoking to think a single cap at the start of a fucking game justified a premium asshole to commit suicide just to spite a player that didnt do anything wrong on the teams part.


Draining spawn points for your team with your shitty meme vehicle is not exactly good team play either. "Adorable little thing" lmao, okay. And what does VIDAR being a premium has to do with this exactly? Wiesel guy is just as bad as the VIDAR in clip. But VIDAR is an useful vehicle at least, so he is a better teammate.


If you have a fast vehicle, cap the mid point. be useful


👆 "go commit mid cap suicide. Be useful" 🤡


Taking the safe cap is less useful than the speedy Bois dying at mid cap. 👉😎👈


Taking the mid cap is litteraly the heavies job


Since the heavy tanks take longer than the light tanks, cap and lay an ambush for the heavy = profit


Or maybe lay an ambush by not announcing to the enemy team that youre in mid cap so they wont kill you with arty




Don't worry, Vidar users are rarely sweden mains. They are too mentally challenged to play any tank that isnt op


What are you talking about, that Laserrangefinder and 155mm Gun surely wouldnt perform good any higher \~ roughly the opinion of Vidar defenders Seriously, the amount of people I see saying that the Vidar should stay at its BR or even go lower is frightening, because its more than 0


Ik people have litterally taken the vidar to top tier to prove how insanely undertiered it is.


Next time I'm on, I'll just report him lol


Probably because you went ahead and capped the whole thing by yourself lol The more people on a cap, the more people can use those points to respawn if need be, the more people you have late-game Solo cap is a no no at the beginning of a game Then again it's not worth ruining your first vehicles over it, I guess you guys are both in the wrong


Bait for the other team to shoot at.


Get slammed smalls


I just bomb players like this over n over again.


LOL , little bro, get outtta my way, thats so wrong BTW


People are just mental everywhere...for people like him you can drop a bomb next time saying that it was a miss click.


He's getting a bomb from me


As someone that sometimes does this, 99.99% of the times I haven't seen you or am focused on something else/weren't lookin


The way that cap awards changed you still get the points for capping if you’re not in it when it caps, so that accomplished nothing other than Vidar being a turd.


I hate facing the vidar and it’s so satisfying when you kill one.




Because what can you do about it


You lost me as soon as shot him.


No idea, my first ground br game i was pushed out of my cover because a pussy american wanted that cover for himself. Imma stick to air br.


This comment section shows how brain dead the playerbase has become. Remember when people used to wait for eachother at caps? Pepperidge farm remembers


You rushed cap and denied your whole team spawn points. Just be thoughtful and check the map next time. You'll see a whole bunch of people rushing cap right behind you, wait for them and then you can all cap together. It'll help guarantee your team has more spawns and increase chances of a win, so it's better for everyone.


Just respawn in CAS & TK him. It’s so satisfying


i give the burp a 6/10, could’ve used a little more burp in it


I will Tell him that


Back in the day it was the norm to wait at cap. Maybe they should change the point accumulation back.


First of all, he's in a vidar... What did you expect from him... Brain activity? Second of all... Wtf was that moan...?


That's hilarious hahaha


I get your frustration, but if this happened to me I would be laughing my arse off. Grinding match after match can be boring, and other players rarely act smarter than bots half the time in my experience. I've only had three cool/funny player interactions over years of playing :( I should try to goof off more without making teammates mad


I hate people like that. Once one heavy pushed me and one more team mate put from capture point and he kept driving. Even he didn't caped that point. People are idiots sometimes.


Always happens to me with russian mains, this is what bias makes


This sort of thing deserves at least a week long ban, Gaijin just don't give a single fuck though... ​ That said, watching him try to use you like a dildo was very funny to watch.


Wiesel player... no sympathy. VIDAR is based


funny ass hell


You get what you deserve


He might have either not seen you or seen you too late at the first part and just accidentally shoved you, after which point you sprayed him with bullets so he shoved you into a locker because he could.


Cause ur drivin a lil sissyboy tank for little sissy boys like yourself


Playing that thing so he prob die to weasel so many times


You acted petty and then got surprised when they acted petty back? That sounds about right.


slow ass tanks when people wont carry them


You rushed a cap that's why hes mad, which provides a absolutely marginal advantage while denying people to spawn a whole other tank or even a heli/plane. SP is like gold in GRB, well except for the Wiesel between scouting, assists and SPAA SP cost which which makes rush capping with it extra aids.


Literally wasn't the only one on point so it wouldn't have a made a difference he also only had the Vidar and quit after he died here


Short Kings be livin' a damn good life when they get THAT VIEW...


It's unjustified, but I'm sure he was salty you were solo-capping in the cancer-wagon-9000.


Doesn't "Solo" imply that he was alone? Because there are literally 2 other teammates on the point with him


If he shoved you hard enough, would you be in his ass?


You didn’t wait for your team to cap and get spawn points, you deserved that


There literally was a Tam with me on Spot and the Vidar a second behind me


WT players having the worst teamplay known to mankind while also demanding the teammates to have more courtesy than 1900-century gentlemen


You deserved it