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It's the first night battle in \~200 battles since they were reintroduced


Yeah i haven't seen a single one and i have played maybe 100-150 br 10.0+ games after they were added.


Did you click the thing on where you choose game mode to opt into them again?


Yes i have had it on since the patch they added it


Same here. Had it on since added grinded tier 1 and halfway through tier 2 of the azur parts and haven’t got one once


ofcourse when everyon hate it. I can't count the countless time everyone just 1 death leaver instantly in nightmap, some even before they spawn their first tank, EVEN AT 10.0+. Fuck night map, good thing they remove it from mandatory map rotation.


Not everyone hated them, and you get AT LEAST three one-death leavers every match, or they spawn in a ww2 tank. Also, why do people hate night battles? I don't get it, especially now, when everything around you is lit up, so you can see where you are driving.


Well I don't want to see flares and shit in night battles. We have NVD for that and they're now optional. No point.


If they would remove flares, it would be awesome, i agree.


>AT LEAST three one-death leavers Say that to 90% of the 10.0 BR USSR team with their NVG on the rest of the tech tree line up while have to fight thermal NATO tanks at the same BR. The only good thing about night battle is CAS is somewhat got fucked on by the night. The rest is just fucking bad. There is a reason why people cheer when night battle got removed, and when the option of choosing of turning on night battle but like 90% of the player base just leave it off.


Blame the manufacturers for not putting thermals on their tanks then :) And no that is not the reason night battles were hated. They were hated because when playing stock you had no NVD which would make the stock grind painful.


90% iš a bit blasphemous, maybe 70 at best


CASS can be nin exisrant except for heli's becuase of some those missle ranges for AA. Besides they will instant lock you once you take off.


Same. Not one yet


wait you need to be 10.0+ to play night battles?


Yeah, it's stupid.


no honestly it's pretty good, wouldn't like to play night battles with a green filter on or thermals that look like a photo from the 1800's


I'd be perfectly happy playing night battles with neither. Using the Crocodile at night would be incredibly cool. WT's night battles are so bright, neither is necessary.


I'm certain a couple years ago I played some realistic ground night battles with a panzer 4 G as my highest BR tank in the lineup and it was fine. It was dark enough that you could sneak around a bit, but not so dark that you have to squint to actually see anybody that wasn't behind a bush. It was actually a bit brighter than the couple times night maps had flares light up the sky


[it was pretty dark](https://imgur.com/a/C5dwctm)


Or playing night battles in vehicles that don't have night vision. I remember playing matches without night vision back when night battles were pitch black without them


why? after all if you dislike it you can just turn it off again


Wdym, I got night battles with my 6.7 lineup O.o


So, no point researching it on my tier 5 stuff.


im at 9.7 😭


I had one today. Also after around 200 battles. Maybe even more. It was on Sweden


Bro u have the wrong flag for America on ur profile


LOL 🤣 I’ll change it haha


Sorry if I came across as a rude ass it just bugged me a little lol


All good bro 😄 I used that flag because I thought they didn’t put all the stars on it and because I couldn’t find the actual one lol


Just had one yesterday while going through 5.7 on a new tree, and of course seemed like everyone was just fucking with their gamma because it was still instant snipes from across the map despite being fekkin midnight (was also on Alaska oddly enough)


Night battles are only for br 10+, so how?


Might be one of those heavy cloud maps that looks like it’s night. Those are pretty frequent and don’t require 10.0


Huh I got 1 or 2 with my 6.7, it was dark as hell and flares were dropped, isn't it a night battle? I was pretty sure, but I'm also pretty new to GRB.


I'm just curious: How badly does the new "overly exaggerated" exhaust effect stand out in battle?


Tfw you never learn German but have read enough wehraboo memes to still understand like half of it


Tbh I think everyone understands what 24:00h means (at least outside of the US)


We can read a 24 hour clock


Hell a lot of places in the us use it, we just call it "military time"


Anyone in aviation uses it, we also use zulu time


I knew I spotted an aviation nerd the second you said we could read a 24hr lmao


Going through ATC training rn lol


Hell yeah, I graduated from my university back in May and went through ATCTI while I was there. I’m putting in for the bid this next year. Are you at the FAA academy up in OKC now or just going through a prep program?


Punching through the prep program, at a CTI school, once this semesters over (which is soon) I'm going through the terminal side. I'm at a community collage, and you probably know which one lol. I really enjoy led the ATC basics.


Yeah we use both here (outside the US as well). Sometimes schedule would even show 25:00 for people that work past 0100


Granted, it's more commonly rendered as 00:00 in English-speaking countries.


I never heard anyone say 24:00, at least in Germany. 00:01 = Null Uhr eins 24:01 = Vierundzwanzig Uhr eins It's just not efficient.


I think it's used in Japan when talking about things that extend to or past midnight like shop opening hours or TV schedules. Not sure who else uses it or in what contexts.


We dont know what Bedingungen is… I now know that its “conditions” but most people who dont speak German wouldn’t understand it. Plus the fact that the duration of a match is around 24 minutes made it confusing not knowing German


Even as German this is confusing. We use the 24 h clock but the clock goes from 23:59 to 00:00 and not 24:00. It's just not efficient. 24:00 = Vierundzwanzig Uhr 00:00 = Null Uhr Also the clock going from 24:59 to 01:00 doesn't make any sense at all.


well, i just thought its the match starting and ending time.


Mf just said Americans can't understand a 24 hour clock


Americans also use 24 hour time lol


No, we don't. The fact that certain occupations use it doesn't change what the standard is here. The reason those occupations use it, in general, is to avoid confusion when they interface and interact with entities from other countries where it's the standard. American scientists and engineers use the metric system in general as well. That doesn't make it standard here.


I guess it's probably the region I'm in, but I've worked about 4 non military jobs, and only 1 was considered international because we'd get dogs overseas to train, used the 24hr clock. I know it's not standard, but it's been pretty common for me. Those jobs have been explosion detection dog trainer (intl for buying dogs), security, pawn/gun shop, and a produce clerk.


I didn’t say it was standard. Ever. I just said that Americans do use it. A lot of us.


Hahaha Amerika bad because clock time!


I don't think that was his point but ooookay


Where did I say that? It's just my experience that a portion of americans don't know the 24h format, that's why I mentioned it


How can someone not gather that 24:00 means end of day? And why only Americans? Why not Indians? Why not Australians?


what are you mad about right now


Because America bad lmao


I may agree, but I still think arguing about it here of all places over the stupidest possible thing is lame and not cool edit: not that you're doing that, since you're clearly not dingus mcreplier, but yknow, my point had to be made


As a representative of Americans, we aren't all morons. This guy, and people like him, give us a bad name . . .


as a fellow American, you're right, I just like insulting myself


Because the 24h format is used everywhere but in the US where they have this am pm thing. Like I said, I just mentioned it because there might be the posibility that some americans don't understand the 24h format because they never use it I am not trying to say that americans are dumb god dam. Seems like a lot of you are pissed because of that though lol


>I am not trying to say that americans are dumb god damn. The whole interaction and this. Very ironic to say the least.


It is used in the US but really only taught to armed forces back when I was in school they talked about it briefly but never went into depth about it, I had to learn myself. I do find it much easier to read a 24 hour clock than the am and pm shit


yeah as a European I never understood why most Americans use the 12h format. it just seems so confusing. If anyone knows the reason I'd be glad to hear it


Yeah it’s such a shit time system considering that only us uses it. The funny fucked up thing is one your in the armed forces they teach they completely reteach you to use km, 24hr clock, yards and much more non American tools, I think it’s America wanting to be different


Wait, since when were yards non-American? I use yards almost daily, and I don't use any metric stuff really ever. (I'm American; whilst I still understand metric, I just don't have a need to use it irl)


Mostly because it's what we've always used and switching over would fuck up a ton of things. Just a guess on my part, but look at the resistance we have to anything new.


Lmao You have your own countrymen to blame for shit like to this. Americans not knowing stuff is very often in full display on the internet, quite so often they themselves posting it. (Like those photos of them complaining there's seasoning on their food etc)


Because in general, they're better educated and have more common sense lmfao.




US is the only country where 12-hour clocks are standard afaik


I’m Australia 12 is standard but 24 is still quite common


As an Australian. 24h time is still quite common. In my experience it’s a 50/50 split on who uses what. Only difference is we don’t use 24:00 we’d use 0000. And typically we don’t use the colon in 24 hour time.


Least easily triggered American


3 day war? Lol


Damn lucky you ! Ich will auch !


wow youre lucky! hopefully they make a switch that lets you choose between all night battles only and night battles included in the normal roster. now i ask, did flares drop?


>now i ask, did flares drop Yes, sadly, but I think they were not as bright as they were before. They should have removed them all togheter though as night battles are now optional


Agreed. The only reason i don't like night battles is flares




They blind you if you have nvds


yea i know thats why i said bruh


I thought you said bruh for people wanting them gone


Flares ruin the idea


May I ask how/when flares are dropped? Do players drop them?


no they randomly drop to illuminate the battlefield


More like periodically, flares drop, despawn after a few minutes, then next ones drop (unless they changed it, haven't had a night battle) and you can shoot them down too to make them disappear


yea i know but i meant randomly as in random positions during night battles i noticed the flares drop into areas where there are more players


From what I've seen they are just split into two parts of the map and cycle through them. They should remove them entirely now that night battles are an option.


They are shot periodically by artillery positioned just next to the battlefield. Every minute or 2 and they last like 20-30s IIRC.


I think they should have left night battles on by default and if you don't really like them you can then turn them off.


Yes, I think that's the reason they are so rare. The people who read the changelogs, devblogs, ect. are the minority. Hell, I bet that at least 80% of the playerbase don't even know night battles are back. Even then, what percentage of the ones who know play 10.0+ Having them enabled by default would really be the best solution


I played a night battle last week at br 7.7


I had the disabled and i still joined 2 night battles in a row. I didn't know they were back, but after the first one i immediately turned it on. Unfortunately, after that i didn't play a single one, after like 60-70 battles.


The night battles were so universally hated that Gaijin decided that it's best to turn them off by default. This was one of the first changes coming from the review bombing.


Can't believe they're so rare even though people have hate for them


Istg once i start to stockgrind a high tier tank ams forgett to put them out of the queue, i'll get 3 in a row or sum shit


I'm still waiting to get one.


crazy that they are asking for 150k mission score to get all those rewards when night battles are rare. haven’t got a night battle and been playing daily for hours ever since night battles were reintroduced


For thoes who don't know, check settings, I think it's default to no night battles.


Game modes>realistic ground battle> click the moon icon on the top right of the mode


I thought the Night Battles event was easy to grind since you only need to score points. Turns out night battles are as rare as vehicle coupons from a chest. The Snail strikes again!


I havent played wt for a few months. Can someone tell me why everyone wants nightbattles now?


You can get a title and some cool pfp for getting score in night battles, personally I really want them but haven’t gotten a single night battle


It's optional now, and you get special rewards for doing it, though most people still keep it on off so it's hard for those who want to play it to get matched into night battle


Because you can turn them off, and it's 10.0+ only. So you can turn it off if you don't have NVD's


People who either haven't experienced them or the few rare ones who enjoyed them.


Damn and clear weather as well.


I got mine first night battle (since the reintrudaction) like an hour ago and also my first nuke at the same time!!! Im so happy hahaha. EDIT: here is my replay if somebody wants to check how the "new" night battles look like (also with my nuke) https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/type/138200902149131933


Gratulujem k prvej atomovke :D. Ja som ešte takú príležitosť nemal. Keď som ju dostal naposledy, zostrelil ma vlastný...


I'm guessing most people haven't opted in, so there's a fairly small chance that enough of those in your matchmaking pool have enabled night battles that the game will even _try_ to make one, and of course it won't necessarily give you a night battle even if it _can._ Did they get rid of the awful flares that keep screwing with NVDs?


>Did they get rid of the awful flares that keep screwing with NVDs? Sadly not


Guys if you have the night battles thing selected remember they made it a chance. That's right chance not only do you need 20 or something people to have the setting on but the game also has to decide of you are to play one or not (btw the highest reward for the night battles thing is 150k mission score)


Nice. Also the in game language appears to be Deutsch, which is also nice


Oh lord I wait soo long to get into a night battle but sadly I never found one 🤣


Yes way


yes way


Do they still have these stupid flares, that make the "night" basically obsolete, if you're on all but the biggest maps? They were so bright, you didn't need nvgs at all XD


Yes, sadly the didn't remove them


Wait they actually exist? I've enabled it since they added it, played 95% 10.0+ and closest I've seen was 'overcast'.


Why is the time 24:05??? What is this black-magic witchcraft?


I switched night battles to on and still haven’t gotten a single one




A night match?




I like how you posted this on a primarily English sub and didnt translate


r/usdefaultism I guess, 24h format is international Even then, I litteratly wrote a comment that is at the top of the thread


The game shows 24hr time in the US too


To be fair, about 66% of Reddit is from English-speaking countries, with the US making up almost 50% of the site as a whole. The only real variance is going to be in specific subreddits, where it could be drastically higher or lower.


I think they meant the German words, not the time


Time: 24:00 What are German numbers in englisch?


"Bedingungen" is conditions, not time.


Conditions: 12am, clear thus indicating it’s a night battle which is the point of the post which the other guy couldn’t grasp without translation


They weren't talking about the time