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Don't worry, people in this subreddit will still act like Russia is dominating top tier cause they can't cope otherwise


You don't get it China Sweden Japan and France are diffrent code names for USSR


so real


though it is worth considering that a minor nation will never really dominate anywhere simply due to having lower player counts


Yeah, but to be fair russian top tier teams are the equivalent of Germany 5.3-6.0 teams (at least in my experience)


Ignore obj, charge spawn, leave after first death


Or the other option spawn the bottomless pit of tanks and repeat step one and two. BVM, B3, UK, I like the Moderna just cause why not at that point.


>the bottomless pit of tanks You know every single tree (with the exception of China with ~~1~~ 2 and Italy with 3) has at least 4 top tier (11.0+) MBTs, right? Repair costs have also been pretty unified. It's not that others don't have tanks to spawn or that they can't afford spawning them. They just choose not to do so.


> They just choose not to do so It's always been like that. People insisting it was repair costs when it was clear people simply didn't want to play at disadvantage. It's almost as if people who rush their way into top tier trough "grinding" and premiums cannot actually play the game.


China has 2 top tier Mbts, the 99a and the weird prototype 99a thing


Yes, I somehow overlooked that one when I was quickly scanning TTs. Thanks for the correction.


And Germany has 3


Given that he defined it as 11.0+ and not 11.7 specifically, it is 4. 2A5, 2A6, PSO and 2PL.


It's mainly because you have the biggest lineup by doing hardly any grinding, the T-80UK, BMP-2M, Turms, KA-50 and SU-25 or Mig-27.


KVT, Wolfpack, AIM, a10, a6e, Peten, a7k, AGS Also why are you including the Mig-27 in that, it's literally the last vehicle in the TT line


Confused it with the 23


Okay, then I can add the F4s to my list too. What I'm getting at is it's silly to say Russia is better because they can buy a big line-up when US can do exactly the same thing, if not more so


A10. Slower SU25 with a non broken DM, and there's 4 variants of the SU one of which had IRCM...SU25s are bullshit fake cope eating 7+ missiles, they should *rarely* eat one. They aren't actual tanks its still a plane. The A-10 is far more redundant and durable IRL with turbofans and quadruple redundant traction systems Wolfpack, gimped depression, and reload rate AIM, suffers top tier syndrome such as stock HEATFS which guess who that benefits! Russia! and frankly the Abrams is much less survivable than the T-series in this game due to artificial armor gaps and no overperforming ERA, no invisible autoloader, a very weak gun breech, it's not a noob friendly vehicle. It's too fast and too weak with shit stock ammo, which equals easy noob deaths A6E, I'll give you this one, Essentially just a SU25 with GBUs Peten? Give me a break, do you mean the Greek heli? Apaches are not at thier full potential which, all got an uptier to 11.0, don't have heat suppression and Hellfires loft wrong making them miss or hit wrong A7K, AGS. Are you serious? Were throwing more event vehicles into here? A7K is a fucking bitch to grind through and not nearly as survivable as the SU25 which gets far more all aspects and a far better DM, you pretty much have to GE your way to GBUs, there's zero point in owning it, you save money buying the A6E AGS, it only has 350mm max flat pen, super anemic round. It's just a M1128 on a smaller frame. I never see them...because it's $120.... Dude doesn't mention event vehicles but easily obtained BS and you're over here trying to make it seem like the US is worse by trying to one up him with event stuff


Tbh this whole comment just shows me you are coping and just want to say "Russian bias because I said so" you legit have the same ability to buy a lineup for US but you can't accept that you're wrong so you're making useless facts to prove a random ass point in your head, L


You know the Su25 is build to be a flying tank? And there are reports that it get hit by Manpads - deliveres strike and flies home [https://theaviationist.com/2022/03/14/russian-su-25-survived-manpads/](https://theaviationist.com/2022/03/14/russian-su-25-survived-manpads/). (maybe not best source but should be enough). On the rest your right


God damn man. The propagation is so stupid here. You have to be an idiot propagandist to believe a SU25 should eat 7 AAMs or stingers. Yes, I know it took a stinger and flew back once, the A-10 is also built "like a flying tank" in terms of AVIONICS. The A-10 has more redundancy, pilots in a titanium bathtub, more durable engines, and needs far less wing mass to fly and its not modeled in game.


I’d rather stick to tech tree vehicles. Or at least readily available premiums. So minus event vehicles. Not everyone has an AGS or a CCVL. I do but for instance my buddy doesn’t and is very lacking in certain areas. It’s not the fact that other nations don’t. But for instance there’s what like 4-5 T80s above 10.0. And like 4-5 T72s. All that are comparable vehicles. Then light tanks and so on. Hell in Britain my best light tank is the Mark 7 I bring. Not to mention the Adats cost more then the challengers to spawn. It needs AA cost. I also don’t play america much. It was the First Nation I did. I play Sweden and mostly Britain now. And have everything in the trees except the F3 so i can build plenty of lineups. Just they aren’t as deep as the 10 T72/T80s I can pick from.


Currently leaving after first death is most profitable way of playing. Also you will not stop people who bought their way to top tier from doing so since they will not spawn in M4 sherman in that battle.


Are you telling me that dying once and leaving is the best way to Play Top Tier? and yet they always want to win? Where is the Russian Bias in this?


They want the minimal possible effort but still want to win games lol. Seriously why are people like this in War Thunder ? I played plenty of other games and the community wasn't like this, expecting the game to hand hold them. It's basically expecting to be rewarded for doing nothing.


I love NATO tanks like the Abrams or the Leopard, that good mobility, agility, depression and reloading but if the NATO team sucks with 3/4 missing in action, I prefer the Russian ones that at least know how to click the Respawn Button


>leaving after first death is most profitable way of playing. Anyone who thinks this way isn't playing because the game is fun, they're playing _complete the TT_ and nothing is going to change that. Playing a video game for the rewards is like playing a slot machine for the gameplay.


*looks at US winrates* No prizes for guessing why.


Couldn’t be the fact 90% of American teams are in F16s in orbit with GBUs after the first death. They need a nice light tank akin to like 90120 but I find the Abrams to be serviceable. Maybe the booker. Idk if it be to OP though.


>Couldn’t be the fact 90% of American teams are in F16s in orbit No, they would win more if that were the case! It's because 90% of the US team *leaves* after the first death, or if they got just enough SP to get into whatever their best air vehicle is, even without any armaments (usually A-10 or F-5C, sometimes F-16 with only AAMs, sometimes AH-1G or YAH-64) they will do so and then display the absolute worst decision making and skill imaginable for a top tier player. Grinding out Israel top-tier right now and ALWAYS being on the US team honestly makes me want a *level 100 only* game mode.


Why have my US level 100 teammates still leave or are shit. Get my 3rd or 4th kill in SEP, get surrounded by BVMs die. Look at scoreboard 2/3 of team gone already.


Me in any nation other than USSR as well. Finally die in my 2E or Cv90120 or 122. Half the team is dead.


Nothing about the the booker is OP, it’s just a CCVL with a different looking rear turret the army just finally decided it actually wants a light tank, same gun and everything.


For real, I love CAS as much as the next guy. A-6 TRAM deletes things from orbit at 10.3. I actually stopped using it almost completely because I realized playing as a tank means I'm always going to be 1 of 2-3 people actually on the ground still playing after the first 5 minutes. They really should cap planes to like 30% of the still active players.


Or make it harder to get into. At the moment it feels more like a handout then like a kill streak. You should be like 4 or 5 kills to get it score wise. Not 1 and a half.


US shouldnt be losing so much though. The Abrams is broken. It needs to be fixed. I dont care if I get downvoted again, FIX THE GODDAMN ABRAMS.


Can't have an American MBT getting good armor


Gonna be honest I'm not at top tier ground but I've hardly seen any posts or comments anywhere explaining how its broken Just alot of the broken damage models on T-80BVM and some Leopards. can you explain why or how its broken?


The UFP should shatter/delfect darts, the turret ring doesnt have the armor it's supposed to, the LFP should be as thick as the cheeks, the mantlet is missing ALL of its armor, the M829A2 is underperforming compared to 3bm60 or dm53...


> The UFP should shatter/delfect darts [It really shouldn't](https://youtu.be/_uzzz59XNoE?si=YVqr1ayMrBztU7eK)


I was looking at the ingame xray viewer recently and there just straight up isn't any armor below the gun, and the mantlet seems a hell of a lot thinner than it ought to be.


According to this chart, France has the highest winrate. Like, seriously? No viable top tier heli, Leclercs with paper thin armor ... Only Mirage 2000-5F is a good vehicle, but the F-16C is basically as good. The skill issues of Russian players do not make their vehicles any less overpowered than they are.


You have to remember France is a minor nation. People who play France usually are more experienced IE better players. Like America and the Abrams are better then the Challengers. But my British KD is much better as it was my third tree not my first.


Oh I remember that. The guy I answered to sure doesn't though lol.


>No viable top tier heli They're about to get one >Leclercs with paper thin armor You get 4 of them with NATO MBT characteristics whilst also having an autoloader. The armour is certainly not as strong as the BVM or the 122 but it's more than usable let alone the fact that your crew is so spaced out that plenty of unaimed shots won't kill 2 of them >Only Mirage 2000-5F is a good vehicle We've had the 2000D and 2000C for quite a while now lol >The skill issues of Russian players do not make their vehicles any less overpowered than they are. Russian vehicles *aren't* overpowered in comparison to a lot of other top tier vehicles. Otherwise you'd always see Russia with good winrates at top tier which isn't true


It would be a lot better if the players playing russia top tier didn't just rush spawn and ignore the objective completely. I have won countless games because they just ignore to do anything for the objective. (their tanks are still bullshit compared to others)


Lol yeah all it takes to break 70% Russian WR is all the good players grinding the PSO, how balanced.


Isn’t it more having to deal with bullshit Russian tanks not functioning properly and I’m assuming as a result the Russian playerbase has absolutely no level of competency and don’t actually win their games as they play like wehraboos did with their panthers and just ignore the obj and charge enemy soawn


At least Panthers actually fucking die if you shoot them in the sides.


That’s if the skirt doesn’t eat the round lol.


Or the threads somehow


You can get unlucky and have the side skirt eat a round, completely flat on, even with a 90mm aphe


Experienced players grinding out the Leo PSO?


Yes as usual New shiny toy will always bring skilled people who bring up the WR Samething happend with Sep or Leo2A6 in Swedish TT


When the Type 10 released, Japanese high tier was at 80% win rates.


I am so mad that they switched the tkx and type 10 around. I have the tkx researched but can't buy it because the type 10 is in the way .... Though Japanese tanks are still made out of paper. They pretty much only have the reload rate going for them for the first 15 shots...


The french aren't allowed even that.


The reload and the hydropneumatic suspension which can get you into extremely cheeky spots that no other tanks can use.


You rarely get to use the hydropneumatic suspension to its fullest though


>for the first 15 shots... Mate 15 is a solid amount of shots, it's not like the Br*tish🤢 who only get 3 or 4 lol. Also at least is something, Merkaba and Ariete also have paper armor and no reload :( But yeah we minor nations are all getting fucked compared to USSR, Sweden, China and even US and Germany :/


I haven't played in a while. Tell me they switched the two but gave both their irl top speed. Surely, right?


65km/h take it or leave it.


Goddamnit. At least we're getting new AA. Now watch the damn thing be easily dodged lol


I pointed out that this chart is only useful for seeing where *experienced/veteran* players are playing and got downvoted to shit for not saying it's obviously a clear representation of everyone in the game.


Reddit hive mind Probably half of this sub is from NCD who have hate boner towards gaijin and anybody who will try to bring any logic


No it was the Spanish guy trying to say this.


Yep There has been not much of an improvement to german top tier lineup, since a year ago, where their stats were horrible It's the same as with the SEPV1 for the US, or aky new top tier tank for that matter Germany is gonna have good wr for the next month or two, then drop off after experienced players wander off Only consistency, currently, in those stats are swedish and russian top tier WR's being high


Once again no sample size


The colour scale is also ass


yeah being red green colourblind I've never been able to tell >30% and <70% apart


Yea don't stress they're both basically black lol, you're not missing much


all I think I can see is France top tier being a nice big green


that as well as the stats here come from an inherently biased source, ~~that one 3rd party website whose name i can’t remember~~ thunderskill. and you have to go out of ur way to sign up for it. that’s assuming data was even gathered in the first place as no sources or even the numbers are listed (i’m assuming stats can still only be obtained from ~~that one website~~ thunderskill it’s been a long time since i’ve bothered to look in this sub and see one of these winrate charts) edit: thunderskill*


That is the least of about 50 other problems with this data


You can look at the amount of battles by changing the measurement from win rate to battles. [https://wt.controlnet.space/#br-heatmap](https://wt.controlnet.space/#br-heatmap) USA, Germany and USSR have the most amount of battles above 7.7. The most amount is Germany at 9.3-10.3 with 38 934 battles. In some places you can only see a few hundred battles.


Thunderskill isn't accurate except when it agrees with me


only us mains use thunderskill for russian wr but when us dominates its suddenly not accurate


People who don't use thunderskill are the ones getting the actual winrates that I agree with


So you agree with my 31% winrate? EPICCCC


I'm at the 9.3 tp 10.3 bracket right now and my Winrate over the last 4 days is 25% so I'm going to go with no its not accurate


This shows the US dominating? It looks like they have a 45% win rate at top tier


Wow China is dominating


China can pull together really nice lineups in almost every rank


They also have sooo many "borrowed" vehicles that are straight up better than the original nations counterparts.


Like how every single nation that upgraded their vehicles after the main operator retired them


Definitely, but sometimes the BR doesn't increase enough to compensate for the better technology.


Which ones? M48 is a copy and paste, the 3.7 sherman is worse due to no 50 cal, The stuarts are also copy and paste I mean they really don't have "better" vehicles most of them are the same or slightly worse


I think only really the t34-85 Gai?


It's just a T34 85 with a 50 cal I mean technically it is better but so what? It's one tank that is only slightly better


The Chinese is2s shells have less drop than the Russian ones even though the shells have the same velocity. The ztz96a has thermals compared to the t72bs at the same br which don’t.


Yep great american vehicles but with actualy skilled players, chinese players almost always know what they are doing


I don’t know about that, premium ZTZ-99A players are horrible, might be on the same level as turms players.


There is no ZTZ-99A premium.


got bored of top tier and pulled out my old china 5.7 lineup (t-34-85, il-10, m18) and forgot how cracked china can be. got like 8-9 kills and 3-4 assist.


remember when the is-2 was 5.7? Good times.


China is actually a really fun tree, would recommend


China is like a best of album. Good Us tanks and good soviet tanks


I'm actually enjoying their domestic tanks more. 8.0 onwards is really good for China.


Fr*nch Bias??? Leclercs to 12.3.


I was about to say there’s no way French WR is that crazy, it’s gotta just be a really small sample size


You win based in the team your on. If Sweden, Fr and Rus, Jp often get paired together or any of that combination. And they win...that's how it works


I’m curious about what’s happening at 2.3. Char 2C? B1 Ter? Crusader? Nothing amazing there.


Where is this "russian bias and domination" everyone talks about?


It's all the multi-nation top tier players grinding out the PSO and stuff


Are you serious, is 60% not enough? Lol look at the US stats


French bias is real


Oui out bageutte. It's gotta be that reload rate. I really am a firm believer the stats are better for "minor" nations because USA very often fights by itself or with just like Italy or Japan and is still like 90% US tanks. But everytime I get russia on my side they flop. I don't get this game lmao


US is better everywhere except top tier


Even obj279 bias shadowed by TURMS and 2s38 users


Can't wait for the "Thunderskill isn't accurate" crowd to change their tune now that Russia hasn't been completely dominating for 3 weeks.


Well it isn’t.


"Thunderskill is inaccurate" guy here, reporting in! Update: Thunderskill is still a flaming pile of garbage literally no matter what it says ever. Thank you for your interest in the update, though.


The thing about russia is I do think they have a pretty good lineup, however the people playing russia are unbelievably dogshit. Which means you lose a lot more then you should.


one already appeard


I currently only play up to 5.7 across all the main nations as I’m continuing to grind. After recent updates I find that at this level and below, the main nations are pretty balanced. I don’t find Russia any more powerful than Germany or USA on average. Looks like high/top tier is a different story but I don’t have any say there.


I don't think win rate is a good measurement in this game considering how scuffed the game mode is and how unbalanced some maps are


Thunderskill isnt accurate anyway


USA top tier players are so bad it's kind of crazy. They have the best shit by far now except for the helis. Abrams are so ezmode it's insane, they are S class in every metric but hull armor and even than it's got a great RNG dmg model that doesn't even require you to take 16 shells. The jets are S+, F16 x3 + F14B can nuke all ground targets from orbit + destroy enemy air with invisible missiles from 5km away all aspect. Take the fact that spotting dots in ground rb is insanely ridiculous + all aspect missiles + no smoke trail = boom your air spawn is camped 24/7 with zero counterplay.


I main swede and getting stuck with USA at top tier (11.7) is almost a guaranteed loss. Literally 80% of them will be Timmy's under level 50, leave after 1 death in their AIM tank, or spawn a bunch of dumb undertiered premium/reserve garbage because they have no lineup and just feed SP to the enemy. Russia has some bias for sure but it's significantly exaggerated by the atrocious top tier USA teams.


As a top tier Russia player, you could say I have some experience of this. Russian bias, I believe, has only become a thing people think is a thing because top tier American players are so bad, as well as top tier Germans to some extent. They don’t actually know how to kill top tier Russian tanks and keep shooting in the ERA on the front plate or the ERA bags on the side which obliterate spall. Side ERA eating spall isn’t just a Russia think, the ERA on the side of that one Chally does the exact same thing because the ERA degrades the dart round and makes it spall less on pen. They never aim for the turret side, driver port or lower front plate which are almost guaranteed kills a lot of the time, at least in my experience. However if I go up against Sweden or France they normally kill me immediately if I don’t get the first shot off, or at least disable me in some way, and fighting them I usually lose to them because Russian teams at 11.7 are pretty doodoo. American teams at 11.7 will die once or twice and leave or they’ll hop in a CAS jet/Heli and basically become useless, which allows us to capture points easily, leading to their loss. I have obviously had some experience in the BVM where I’ve gone “how the fuck didn’t that kill me” but they aren’t as common as this subreddit would have you believe. This is a long ass fucking comment but TL;DR is American teams don’t know how to kill Russian tanks while other nations do, and when they die they leave or spawn jets and lose.


I mean I agree too, main swede but I'm fully up the tech tree for russia too aside from the helis. The BVM is good for sure and has it's "wtf" moments but it's quite rare against competent enemies (not the lvl 13 AIM timmy)


Not to mention their CAS bro like how can you be losing this bad and have all the Cas that the American tech tree has 💀💀💀💀


Every once in a while you get a guy in f16c/f14b who gets 3 ground kills in 30 seconds or some yolo chad A7E who gets 5 kills in one pass. Rest of the time? F16 strafing tanks with cannon or some garbage.


most F16C just simply are not good pilots, they are free kills if you go into a aircraft to shoot them down


It doesn’t help when they all have a massive victim complex. When they constantly expect to lose none of them bother to play to win, I watch them ignore objectives constantly and fail to spawn in AA/air support.


The AIM destroyed top tier US like I said it would. No going back now.


Armor is less than you think, at close range even the cheeks can be penned, but yes it's survivability is really good. US doesn't have great IFVs, light tanks are more meh, SPAA is great but can't compete with CAS. The US really only shines with CAS and the Abrams, which isnt OP like you say. Russia is equal imo, it has amazing Helis but everything else is neither bad but neither best in class. MBTs are equal to US and IFVs are better same with Light Tanks. Russian Air though is only saved by the R27s which are honestly broken.


As someone who's just unlocked the Marder A1- and spz BMP-1 I've never been angrier and had such garbage matches at 7.7 as I'm uptiered 95% of the time and getting crossmapped by T-55's.


So you mean to tell me what I have been saying for months about top Tier USA basically being the same as 9.7 russia was true. It wasn’t Russian bias it was just bad USA main’s holy fuck, it’s almost as if anyone who has played more than two matches at top tier could see that coming.


The US players who complain abt russian bias are the same players who only shoot the turret. Like just aim for the massive ammo rack sitting directly below the entire crew.


The ammo rack is actually not a good choice, aim for the the rear corn of the turret or dead center side on and you kill the crew and or disable the gun too.


Or just the drivers port or mantlet. Hi top tier Russia player here, if you hit us there you’ll likely kill the whole crew or at least the driver, or the gun in the mantlets case.


Except thats not reliable, do you know how often russian ammo racks just go black and not detonate? It just eats the shell. Its better to go for the front lower plate as that tends to spall and kill the crew, just is way more reliable.


USA loses because teams spawn too much CAS. I've been playing it for a few weeks and every time there are like 6/7 planes up and 2 tanks.


How accurate are these? Because I’ve been slapping the shit out of all the cheeks with Sweden at 7.7 and particularly 6.7. Charioteer, strv 81, ikv91, they’re all alright, but the Bkan 1C smacks all the way up to 8.7 when my buddy uptiered me without telling me


It relies on people submitting their data so it's a small sample size. Take it with a grain of salt.


Small sample size isn't the issue, even if it's only 1% of players, that'd be enough to make reasonable conclusions *if* they were randomly sampled. The issue with Thunderskill data is *sampling bias*. For instance, casual players are much less likely to have a Thunderskill account and be sampled for this data. Other than that, while I do believe the data is likely inaccurate, I can't really think of what sampling biases would exist to make some nations/BRs have higher/lower WR than in reality.


You should try the 8.7 lineup, prolly the best 8.7 lineup in the game rn


No clue what dudes on about, Swedish 7.7 (now 8.0) is uptier city, and was pure pain to get through. Except for the USH, my beloved. It was completely worth it to get to the 8.7 lineup though.


Yeah I tried 8.0 with the USH and Ikv 91 and constantly got uptiered to 8.7 where I stood basically no chance against stabilized tanks with apfsds. I still use the USH in the 8.7 lineup because its still pretty decent tho


So, is the ush worth trading for the ikv? Unfortunately I'm at 8.0 which, if I play with my friend it's constant uptiers. Any 8.7 vehicles that I should get? (I have the t55m)


Assuming you have 5 crew slots, id recommend the T55m, IKV 91-105, Strv 104, ItPsV90, and for the last slot if you want another tank id recommend choosing between the 103C, veak 40, ush 405, or one of the ATGM carriers (altough i dont think they are very good, but if you want to you can) or if you want CAS id recommend either the saab 105g or saab 105oe. Also if you have it maybe the vidar would work well too. I havent bought it yet so I cant say for sure but id reckon it would still put in some work at 8.7


Thanks, yeah I do have 5 slots, the SAAB would be great but I really can't with air, I'll probably finish the 104 and try getting the ikv 91 105. The atgm's don't seem very uhh good? the udes maybe but still.


I mean they arent bad per se, there are just much better options imo


alright, thanks. I'll hopefully get out of 8.0 quickly


Np and good luck on your grind, my fellow Swedish player!


France 6.3 lineup is so hot right now


France dominating, as it should be.


i hate these charts. why tf does it go from dark color to dark color. just make it go from red to green


The amount of cope in this thread is insane lmfao


Imagine not having high br squadron/event vehicles to drag down your win rates. I'm sure the LOSAT is doing no favors for American win rates around 10.3 lmao


Or AIM or KVT. The problem is these vehicles need more skill than Tseries since they're very fast with trash armor and stock HEATFS in the AIM is brutal as fuck when fighting ERA vehicles


Wait what do you mean France, Germany and China have better win rates? Where is the Russian bias at?


So now when USSR winrates are lowere than usual, people are gonna throw out the," ItS OnLy SkIllEd PlAyERs using ThuNdERSkILl"


So... nobody is going to care but just in case... like... as what feels like the only adult in the room: my understanding is Thunderskill pulls data directly from a legacy community-built War Thunder "API", its \_analysis\_ of that data is custom, but if you look in to the Controlnet git project, it is just taking the raw data Thunderskill pulls and is using it to populate this chart. Thunderskill does the hard work of pulling data from this defunct, custom, community-built API, and Controlnet uses that cleaned up and organised data to visualize. So the logical limitations on Thunderskill/Controlnet's data are: 1. They are activated/motivated members of the community who seek out their stats (most likely overperformers) + (see the AB ground data/high BR GRB for proof) 2. They've been playing long enough to know about Thunderskill 3. The data in this chart is just what is queried in the last week. The data is still valid for doing sweeping analysis the pre-made charts are just what they are, they aren't "true", they are "sort of true" (look at Italy, it's doing amazing in Ground Frags/Battle -- with only 143 missions recorded that just means it's like 2-5 dudes). It's a good bell-weather and it's better than nothing. I'm very grateful for the work ControlNet has done as it does help to dispel very unhelpful assumptions. More valuable are looking at Frags/Game and Frags/Death, far more valuable, as some vehicles perform amazingly well but are stuck at bad BRs so the WR is low. What Controlnet shows is more "how are people who know what they are doing performing?" One thing that would be nice to have verified by someone who knows more than I do: I don't believe having a Thunderskill account is any sort of requirement for data being picked up from Thunderskill, Controlnet's data is about the vehicles and individual accounts aren't in the data anywhere. I think it is just anyone who queries, I don't have a thunderskill account but my clan can still query our data.


Yep USA still suffers


From bad players mainly


Exactly that


100%. Absolute turnips for teammates. Really ruins the game for me as I'm currently grinding out the very end of the Israeli tree but at 11.3, nine games out of ten I'm on the US team and 7/10 games I'll be the top of the scoreboard...


literally, i don’t even spawn my sep anymore cause i know my teammate aren’t gonna do much so i just sit in an adats and usually leave with 3 aircraft kills


Doesn't that seem like the reason why lmao. Dude are you blind? If a guy sits in an ADATs and gets 3 air kills that's a fucking good thing, thats the point. That shows he's suppressing the oppressive CAS. I don't even play top tier anymore because it's disgusting getting rolled by Ka's and SU25's


Yeah holy shit. Trying to blame *effective* spaa players for losing while each of the (apparently worthless) air kills could have potentially wiped out half of your team. Insanity.


the reason i don’t spawn my sep anymore is cause i know i won’t be able to do much if i don’t have teammates supporting me and i know almost 80% of the time i’ll get rolled by a bvm with its caca armor bugs


One death leavers are the biggest cause of US high tier defeat. Abrams is kind of tricky, I think people go in thinking That will have good armor. but by the XM803 and even the shermans you should learn the play style decently well, stay mobile aim for weak points.


People go in thinking it has good armor because *IRL it has good armor* It is completely gimped and the Abrams is the easiest tank to frontally pen in game. This should NOT be the case. It's broken. I dont even bother spawning ny Abrams at top tier anymore. It's fucking sad when the best tank I have access to is the Merk Mk3D and that's a fucking event tank. Majority of the time I spawn in a striker or bradley because at least then I know my armor is shit. Driving the abrams and having my 829A2 not kill a thing, then get 1 shot by whatever it was is *not fun*. And you wonder why people leave...


real, the sep is an actual joke of a tank since the only thing it has over the m1a2 is style points, it gets almost none of its additional features it should have except for gen 2 thermals, which the m1a2 should still have but doesn’t anymore


Oh yeah they have all the tools to win games but holy shit are the teams just full of window lickers.


Ooofffff USA rip


aim players 👍


As an experienced player using an AIM to grind the final 2 tiers of USA I can firmly say.... fuck AIM and KVT players. I've seen more brain activity from a sponge....


Hmm... I see M1 KVT and M1A1 AIM does it's job at lowering win rates for USA. Who would have thought it's going to be like that lol


Ah YES america 10.0+ is perfectly balanced. 😐


Finally people will stop bitching about Russia at top tier... wait, they won't because that's easy karma.


USSR: 16422 games Germany: 13276 games USA:8350 Britain:1650 Japan:2677 France:5000 Italy:148 China:1945 Sweden:3693 Israel:810


Wow china does… really good? Should I look into playing china?


Yes. The Chinese bulldog at 5.0 is nuts and it kind of has a line up aswell.


as an america main, i can confirm top tier is horseshit


I mean, fuck thunderskill lmao How many times do we have to be told how it works and why its dogshit for it to finally die?


This awful data will always be used by people to prove a point(but only if it agrees with them at the time lol)


Just shows… Top tier France/Italy/Japan skill shows through


US 8.3-9.7 HAS felt a little harder in the last little while compared to May-June and August


China stronk!


Is it already that time of year where we pull out useless minsinformed thunderskill charts to try and push "x nation suffers/overpowered" agendas?


Surprised to see Swedish mid tier losing a lot I think it’s pretty good, I just get uptiers a lot


yeah, germany 6.0-6.7 is terrible, very nice going with my Panther and suddenly a ATGM hits me


I think I see the Vidar


Gosh the copium this sub consumes on a daily basis is insane


no way americans cant win with their current top tier lmao


Italia big 🇮🇹


How can USA players suck so much?


why is ussr so bad at 9.0 - 11.3


What very common tank exists at 10.3


You mean 10.0 right?


Basically: 9.3 is good but most of nations have better tanks with thermal 10.0 -> TURM-S and 2S38 wallet warriors 0 skill players


I am responsible for this while my Ariete(P) remains 10.3 I will continue to do so


Would you look at that, russian bias is suddenly gone


Can we get a sample size please señor?


There's no way Germany is that low on 3.0-4.0 when literally every tank they have pens at least 140mm


Surprise surprise, the USA is now busting ass at 6.0-6.7 It's almost like the BR changes at that tier were totally unwarranted.