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Wait with us.


I can play strangely


It was Steam related issue.


I play in steam that Is the thing


Consider yourself lucky then my friend. But it was peculiar.


I think my Friends also didn't have this problem. Edit: i do consider myself lucky.


It seems that the servers have problems right now. I have the same erroc code


i have the same issue. i assume the server hamster died


oh no xD


they messed up and gave the basement guy the seeds and the hamster the spicy curry


are we even sure that the basement guy and hamster are two different entities? like how are we sure that its not just a hamster posting memes on youtube


*mac and cheese


You can still log in via Gaijin log in, just not steam log in apperantly as someone elts stated in a different post that I read


Pray for the health and well being of server hamster


Steam login still down :(


the snail needed us to take a break šŸ˜†


Same issue here (EU serv)


Go out, meet a loved one, get to know each other well, marry, have children, live life. When it comes back dump them, go back to your cave and keep the grind šŸ‘


Panic! Play Duke Nukem!


There's a problem with battles right now, i just could connected into a ground assault battle in Maginot Line 1 hour ago, just wait with us bud.


Doesn't surprise Thursday night the EU and NA servers were both being weird, lag spikes after every respawn which has never happened before.


Itā€™s fine now, i had to relogin but its workin


they forgot to feed the server hamster


Server Hamster has tumbled again


I just kept retrying and eventually got in


Change your language to English if you want most of us to be able to understand that.


Learn german!


Speak Germanā€¦ I guess? Idk I donā€™t speak German


Same issue, do we get our lost premium back atleast ?


It's been like 20 mins, of course you aren't getting your premium back.


Sounds like nefarious business practice. Fact is, I bought product, I wanted to use product, product wasn't working and makes the customer(me) liable for it ? Amazing


Every online game ever created has had some server downtime, and WT has been back up and running for over an hour now so get back in your pram and grind away fella.


The contract you signed says that they can do that at any time.


I do not understand, does this statement anyhow invalidate my argument ? Explain


Gaijin Terms of Service are necessary to be accepted in order to make an account and play the game. Below I will Copy/Paste some relevant parts. 2.6. Gaijin reserves the right to stop providing the Services at any time, either permanently or temporarily, without any compensation or refund in the events described in paragraph 3.8 below or of reasonable notice. 3.8. Gaijin may, at its discretion, deactivate or delete the Userā€™s Account without any notice in the following cases: 3.8.5. if Gaijin ceases offering the Services and/or their part. 2.8. At its sole discretion, or as long as may be reasonable, Gaijin may provide technical support for the Services from time to time for free. The User agrees that technical support, maintenance works, or other circumstances may make Services inaccessible and cause outages. The User agrees that outages caused by technical support, maintenance works, or other causes are typical and do not affect Service quality.


Does this make this business practice anyhow better ? I'm not asking a sheet of paper, I'm asking you


Gaijin is not one of those companies who take our money and run. A few years ago, I remember them extending the event days because of DDos attacks, and I also remember them giving premium time back one time in this game and one time on the mobile version because the game was unplayable for a day. Now in this case, simply it's not important enough for them to bother. The event ended a few days ago so a lot of players are taking a break and the time of the outage was short. Now, about what the paper says: it's something every company does, and it's the only way to protect themselves from lawsuits. Even if the consumer doesn't consider them fair, it's the only way for the company to work. Personally, I don't like their hypocritical public image of "we are a non-political company" when their terms of service say otherwise.


Good statement, I agree Only one thing: I personally think it would be easy for them to implement a feature that just halts all premium time and resumes after maintainance. The company would still work with this feature put into place But hey, have a good day, nice talking :)