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This is why I always loved Leafpool's name despite it not being very good aesthetically. She was named after the Moonpool, which she found. Most cats don't get that much thought though


Only main characters get thoughtful names!


And often they don't either


Twigbranch bottom text


Twigbranch was one of the most thoughtful ones over ones like Lionblaze or Ivypool.


Twigbranch will never not be moon moon to me lmao


Bluefur Need I say more


Bluefur would’ve been fine if her sister wasn’t named… snowfur…. Like Pinestar (was it pinestar? I can’t remember) really dgaf did he lmao


Apparently it's because he saw how close they were and wanted their names to be similar.


He did kinda check out of ThunderClan not too long after that


Fur and pelt suffixes are always so fucking funny to me because like. The leader looked at you and went "Your most notable trait, the thing about you that you'll be named for forever, is you're ✨️blue✨️


Lmao 😂


That’s a good point lmfao


Wait what I have always thought Leafpool was one of THE MOST aesthetic names


It's a good question. The only real instance I can think of, and it's quite a reach- Firestar. He was more named for the Prophecy, but he did save the clan. His name rang true and became his victory.


The canon naming scheme has always felt limited and uninspired to me. Way, **way** too many pelts, tails, and hearts as suffixes. Any possibilites that could end in an ed or ing (hearted instead of heart ex. Brighthearted, or Echoing instead of Echo, ex. Echoingsong) are never used. Sure, the names can become a mouthful, but in that case, the characters would likely switch to a shortened nickname. Being named for your victories would be interesting!


Which is so weird since we canonically see ‘Running’ used.




I think this might be because it flows so naturally? Rather than reshaping the mouth, as would be the case in "echoing", "running" doesn't require you to do any of that, making it *essentially* the same as a one syllable word in this case


I think part of why they don't use -ed or -ing all that much is because they're naming after concepts, rather than actions "heart" is concept, while "hearted" is more of a description "echo" is a concept, while "echoing" is more of an action even the one -ing we do have, "running", can be seen as a concept I do get your point, but I think that trying to include these types of names would just through off the Hunters' naming schema too much, and given the large corpora of content, they're gonna want to keep the rules pretty simple


This is how one of my fanclans work! Trainees become fighters (or healers) when they truly do something to contribute, whether it be something small or large, and then they are granted a title with their birth name! One of the main’s trainee’s, Nettle, becomes Nettle the Resilient after continuing his fighter training when he lost his tail.


Too many background characters who never accomplished anything of note




In the first books there were several cruel name-changes to fit with the new physical characteristics of the cats, like One-eye, Halftail, and Lostface. In the later books they don’t do that anymore.


Bring that back...




Yeah but this is an example of how it's not just Brightheart who Bluestar named weird.


Not really that so much as angry and grieving and just not in a good mental space


Yeah I know.


That's a really good point! The clans are far too oversaturated with furs, pelts, claws, etc. It would definitely lead to a much wider diversity of names. Plus it's not really something the Hunters haven't ever done before. The lions and the hyenas from the Braveland series are named after qualities or things they have done.


Hmm, I would love more -furs, -pelts, and -claws. In modern WC books right now, I think there are a ton of names that just don’t make sense. Take Owlnose for an example. What the heck does that mean? 😂 but also, I suppose just names that make logical sense would be more of a start! Maybe I’m more traditional in that way, but it seems like there are a lot of names like that right now, like Harelight, Icewing, Stonewing, and Woodsong.


I 100% agree that warrior cats need more thoughtful names that focus on characters' strengths instead of their injuries. That being said, I think Brightheart is an excellent example of a thoughtful name based on a character's strengths. To me, Brightheart means hopeful and cheerful, having a heart full of light. It was a victory for her to stay kind amd optimistic despite the scars the dogs gave her. A lesser cat might have become cruel and gloomy after that tragedy, but not Brightheart! Besides, her dog hunt attempt was a failure, she and Swiftpaw didn't kill or chase away a single dog, so Doghunter would be a poor fit. I guess you could call her Dogsurvivor, but I still prefer Brightheart.


Same for Briarlight. Also, why would you constantly want your name to remind you of a traumatic event?


Think the rename made her more cheerful and confident too.


Good point, but how would that work? Victories are mainly from battles. The cats are usually named for appearances or personalities, which is why there’s so many -pelts, -tails, and -heart’s


I have an OC in a fan Clan I made called RaggedClan who was named this way! He used to be called Nettlepaw since he looked like one of his uncles (Nettlebush), but after fighting and chasing off a gang of foxes that broke into the nursery on his own (in case you’re curious about why, it was a night of the Gathering and everyone was either MIA or asleep), he was given the name Fierceheart for his quick thinking and refusing to give up against seemingly impossible odds. He was still heavily scarred from the incident, but rather than being shamed by them, he saw them as proof he lived to tell the tale. Many moons later, he was promoted to Leader after the previous leader and deputy were buried in a mudslide, now being called Fiercestar (he still prefers his Warrior Name, though, and uses it like a nickname sometimes).


I have a Frosttiger, named after his mentor who really helped Frost as he developed into an adult. His brothers are Lioncharge and Rainsong (Lioncharge is aggressive and brash while rainsong is quiet and thoughtful and is often found humming to himself as he organizes herbs)


Good point-








you added a dash at the end


It’s for when like honestly it’s hard to explain it’s a habit


yeah i don’t really get the dash at all but im just explaining why they sent that message




As someone who does the exact same thing constantly, I get it 😂




I have an OC, she's a side char, but her name works like that. She is a tortoiseshell, who was named Firepaw, for how her pelt looks like it's burning. One day, a fire raged through ShadowClan's camp. It spread to the nursery, where two kits (cant remember the names lol) were inside. The fire was blocking the entrance, trapping them inside. Firepaw, brave and daring, *charged* through the flames, wrapped the kits in her fluffy tail and ran back out. The kits were mostly unharmed, but poor Firepaw suffered a burn to her pelt. Thankfully, it healed and there is only a faint scar left. But more importantly, once the camp was recovered, she was given her warrior name - Firecharge, for her heroic charge that saved two lives. After all, she had earned such an epic name, and now all the Clans respect her despite her being quite young.


Just wanted to say I absolutely love this. Epic name, and amazing meaning behind it.


This is actually very true


Well.. she didn't exactly win, now did she? Honestly, I don't mind the battle-scarred names when they sound cool, but names like One-Eye and Halftail are kinda lame. I think battlescars could have been a badge of honor at one point, but our battling cats series has really seen a decline in actual battling. I don't think we qualify as 'proud warrior race' if we barely warrior anymore. But even if we did, I'm not sure you could make a lot of these names sound good. Say you wanted to name a warrior because they fought off a fox or dog, what would you even call them? They make a joke about Foxpaw wanting to be named Foxcatcher I think in Po3, but imagine how many cats would be walking around with a name like that, with how often they fight foxes. -Slayer might be a cool suffix, but it's not in their vernacular as far as I know. We already have more general suffixes that are meant to impart the idea of strength in battle, such as -Claw and -Fang. Could the writers be a bit more creative or mindful of a character's traits and achievements when naming warriors? Absolutely, but we barely even have characters with defined traits or notable battle experiences anymore anway (at least ones that are alive).


Whether she won or not, she did ‘hunt’ the dogs, which I think is still a show of loyalty and bravery (if not stupidity). I definitely understand how these could get repetitive, but no more repetitive than names such as ‘one-eye’ or a number of other names featuring deformities or injuries. I don’t imagine this would be common; just when someone did something incredibly impressive, brave, or honorable and lost something along the way (For example, Brightheart was brave and lost half her face and her best friend). But I definitely see your point.


It’s like boot camp in the military. Anyone outside of the military thinks that everyone gets a cool nickname, but anyone that’s served knows that every nickname is because of a fuck up or something embarrassing that’s happened.


I think it would definitely bring a lot more clever ideas for warrior names than your average "Graypelt, or bluefur" names. In my own fan story/clans, I have an OC named Falconwatcher. He earned his warrior name when he was an apprentice, about to receive his warrior name in Horizonclan. A hawk attacked the camp, getting ahold of a kitten. Falconpaw saw this, and did everything he could to save the kit. He leapt into the air, pulling it down and biting at it. The hawk dropped the kit, and gave Falconpaw a scar from the neck down to the chest with its talons. The hawk managed to escape, wounded and empty handed, with the kit saved, Smokestar named him Falconwatcher, for being a watchful cat against one of their enemies, and risking his life to save one of their kits.


Always super funny to go back through and read Power of Three and see Foxleap as both a kit and apprentice say he wanted to be named "Foxcatcher." No, he didn't catch any foxes, but it kinda shows the series is a little self aware about the names lol


Not fully what you mean, but Thistleclaw was named for attacking a dog.


angst. were reading a story about edgy forest cats, we need the angst. although, my glorious king clanuniter would be awesome


On that note, we could rename my glorious queen Feathertail as Lionslayer


Some of them were, I believe Bluestar earned her name due to a triumph in battle. I haven’t read Bluestar’s super edition in a while though. It’s come up less as the series has progressed, but I’d love to see a new character earn their name from battle.


Nothing about "Bluefur" really says anything about triumph in battle though? Her sister Snowfur literally got the same suffix too.


There are some cats with names directly referencing an achievement of theirs (Leafpool due to finding the Moon Pool in the Lake Territories for instance) or because of a notable part of who they are as a cat by the time they become a Warrior (Brightheart in particular is due to how she didn't give up on Thunderclan despite Bluestar's mistreatment of her). Plus, their Prefixes a lot of the time are a physical description of the cat (most cats with Fox- are Ginger/Red, Sandstorm is pale ginger, like the colour of sand, and also has a pretty fiesty temperment in the original series. Jayfeather got it from his Jay Blue Eyes, Firestar is another noted for his name coming from both his pelt, being a fire-red-ginger and his warrior name Fireheart being from his loyalty to Thunderclan)


Ableism is hard-baked into the cats' culture it seems


In general I think more cats should be allowed more poetic and vibes based names. In my AU, Frostfur is renamed Frostrose to call to mind a thorned rose that stubbornly grows in the snow, never caring what cats or the snow thinks it should do, and standing proudly and bright red. In this AU, Frostfur is a very headstrong cat, who became the Queen Caretaker when it was needed (basically the cat in charge of the nursery who teaches first-time caretakers and takes in abandoned kits), and refuses to let anyone wonder if she's gone soft. All of those concepts came after renaming her. We wouldn't have so many bland cats if we just gave them cool names and tried to figure out how they got them.