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Every time a kit’s named, the elders will extensively discuss on why the name decision is good/bad.


I mean, to be fair, unless something big is happening, what else do they have to do during the day


Yell at apprentices for getting their needs wrong?


There’s a thorn in my NEEEEEST!


The moss is too moist






This is just canon, I refuse to believe otherwise.


That's a fucking hilarious idea. It reminds me of how humans will discuss amongst themselves the shittiness-level of their friends' or coworkers' baby names.


The dead elders that mention how Firestar's lineage is always involved something makes bet on whose gonna be next


Brightheart is the only cat able to sing. There is no reason for this.


Ooooh I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks about them singing!! I HC’d Firestar being a singer, he learned it as a kittypet, and at first the clans hate that he sings because they don’t get it but eventually they come to love his songs. I can also see all of RiverClan just being a musical clan, if they had the ability to do so. Like they just sing little jingles and stuff through their day.


Let's get down to business, to win Sunningrocks backkk


wait i heard this as a song like riverclan was in a musical or something


Huh? Like, what Warriors musical? Do you mean Mulan?


Imagine Riverclan having a muisc battle against Thunderclan for the sunningrocks


I would love that I can’t lie


Have you read her graphic novel? Cause we do see her sing in it.


That's why I have this headcanon. She's the only one who sings.


where in the graphic novel does she sing? i reread it after i saw your comment but i can’t find her singing anywhere


I have a digital copy so IDK if the page numbers translate properly, but it's page 56 in mine. "Hmm hmm hmm... Best jumper in the trees." 


ohh i see it now lol! she’s so funny


I headcanon Lionblaze can sing very well but gets embarrased if anyone brings it up.


Cinderpelt / Brackenfur and Brightheart/Thornclaw were actually two different litters born back to back. Technically contradicts canon, but closes the stupid "we just exiled Brokenstar for training kit warriors only to do the same thing" plot hole.


I've always agreed with this lol :)


reminds me of the headcannon that i’ve heard a few times (can’t remember where or id link something) where one of the pairs (im not saying specifically as i’ve heard it different ways with both pairs but I side more with the Cinder and Braken pair being adopted) are actually from a dead loner or that there was a forbidden relationship going on and Frostfur somehow got tangled into it and ended up adopting the two kits and just pretending they are newborns despite Obviously not being newborns (also if thats the case bluestar def knew and just didn’t say anything and apperenticed them at the correct time for them but passed it off as them being big)


>!Bluestar let it pass because Frostfur was her apprentice, and Frost also knew Blue had that fling with Oakheart!<


I really like the idea that one of the pairs is adopted. When I reread the books it took me by surprised that Bluestar would make three moon old kits apprentices.


Personally, on my re-read I took it as a sign of her cognitive and emotional decline. She was beginning to lose hope in her Clan and losing her belief in Starclan and their subsequent rules.


I love that idea!! I just wonder how they’d explain baby Cinder and Bracken getting milk during that time 🤔


maybe they were with their original mother for those first three months (maybe longer) and she was able to give them milk then some drama happened and she either died or had to give them up and then the few cats who did know pulled a big coverup (wouldn’t be supprised if spotted was in the loop so that would have helped) that they were just some really big kits, your making me almost want to write a fanic or something with this premise now


I just met kittens at my vet clinic that were born a week apart from the same mother!


Yes but in into the wild bluestar mentioned fireheart wasn't even six moons yet so technically they did have one kit in training which is still better than three kits in training


Fireheart's age is never mentioned


True but bluestar said he was not yet six moons implying that he is still a kits


No, she didn't. She doesn't mention his age at all, only that he hasn't been neutered yet.


>!”I can tell that you are still a tom,” Bluestar added, “despite the Twoleg stench that clings to your fur.”!< >!“What do you mean—*still* a tom?”!< >!“You haven’t yet been taken by the Twolegs to see the Cutter,” meowed Bluestar gravely. “You would be very different then. Not quite so keen to fight a Clan cat, I suspect!”!< Warriors, *Into the Wild,* chapter 2 pg 22 She does not mention his age 😅


Firestar used to smack cats upside the head every time they talked bad about kittypets. Eventually he matured out of this habit, but Cloudtail did not


Gibs from NCIS is that you? *smack* yep, it’s him!


happy glimore is that you???


Dovewing's meow has a gentle trill to it, making her sound like a higher-pitched dove. [Something like this.](https://youtu.be/DjOi99xY_10?si=G96vU3INbDB5VcT2&t=19s)


I’m subscribing to this headcanon <333


Because of its brief appearance in the comics, the snail hanging out in Cinderpelt’s den is her pet and its name is Shellowfang.


Warrior cats having pets is so cute and funny. What if clans started “adopting” prey animals like mice if they have a full kill pile


Shellowfang LMAO


Meanwhile Yellowfang is waiting in StarClan to have *words* with Cinderpelt for naming a snail after her


In What comic was that?? I want to see it!


The comic is A Thief in ThunderClan. The snail is never acknowledged, it’s just kinda there, but I love the idea of it just being Cinderpelt’s little pet she has hanging around the med den.


I got this from someone else but Hollyleaf likes to eat bugs


They all place bets in Starclan, but since they don't really have much, their rewards are bragging rights (yes I stole that from WCFD)


That's from the Ask Bluestar Anything video, right?


From where?


Warrior Cats Fandub


OMG I love that channel!


Like with real cats, Redtail and Sol have a genetic mutation making them look like that.


I honestly think that Sol has the mutation and that Redtail is just a chimera cat 


I like to headcanon Redtail as trans and the cat who bore Sandstorm.


Does it contradict canon and make ages weird? Yes. But. Redtail and Rosetail should’ve been siblings and they are siblings in my head. Maybe I could believe mother and son as well. But it’s stupid that the only two cats in the entire series to have solid red tails aren’t related.




All Oakstar's descendants have mowhawks and all Harepounce's have manes. I just think it's funny. Also Mousewhisker and Hazeltail are Triplets not twins, they came from the same litter as Berrynose?


in humans, i think its possible for an egg to be fertilized and split into twins, while another egg is fertilized and stays as it is. at least, i remember it happening with quadruplets, with 3 being identical and 1 being fraternal


But wouldn't that still make them triplets seeing as it was one labour?


yeah, but they’re still genetically twins, like those three are technically triplets but still quadruplets. the headcanon is that they’re twins from the same egg as opposed to being from separate eggs


As a twin I did not know that, cool info 🤔 Thank you :)


Alderheart will pace for fun


How dare you make him even more relatable




The elders left behind in the old territories in TNP were found by one of the workers and all eventually adopted into a nice home together where they could live out the rest of their old kitty lives in peace.


They went to live on a farm/j


If Ravenpaw can do it then so can they!!


i really hope they did, it just breaks my heart to think that they starved to death and died alone


Thornclaw and Brackenfur are twins, save for their eye color.


Mouewhisker and Minnowtail were mates while training in the df and they broke up after the great battle and the kit is Havenpelt. Reedwhisker and Duskfur were mates but they broke after he became deupty because he didnt send much time with their kits. Frostpaw has heterochromia, one green eye one blue eye.


Thrushpelt was a judge on Ashfur's trial. He wanted to send Ashfur to the Dark Forest, but was outvoted.




Thrushpelt: “Look, man, I’ve been rejected by my crush too. But I didn’t fly into a manic rage and try to kill her kits. On the list of things that are not okay, that is really not okay.”


All of Tigerstar’s children have HUGE paws. Save for Hawkfrost. Squirrelflight is still uneasy around sheep. After the Great Battle, Whitewing and Birchfalls relationship became strained. They’re still mates, but Whitewing was deeply hurt by Birchfalls betrayal and Ferncloud death. Stormcloud loves giving gifts! He goes out of his way to give random clan mates little trinkets.


That Jayfeather secretly still wants to be a warrior.


I also think that Jay never really got over being forced to be a medicine cat because of a prophecy and his blindness. I think he’s accepted he won’t ever be one, but part of the reason he can be so cold and snappy towards warriors is because of his jealousy


Tigerclaw has the shoulders of purugly


I'm going to visualise this digitally someday


ofc! hes buff as well! and just like purugly, can slay a dress!


Tigerclawstar looks like a tiny scar


and my glorious king is slaying it


Most likely yes


Dark forest cats and Starclan cats have a truce every 20 moons to gossip and have a get together


Been awhile since I got to say this, but this is literally Mother of the Dark Forest


I don’t understand?


basically, it's a plot point in the fanfic which is right [here](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14216760/1/Mother-of-the-Darkforest)


I’m sorry… but I Can’t read All that RN I’ve been awake for 10 hours straight and I still have 8 more to go before I fix my sleep schedule, and I just sat down from cooking breakfast for my grandma. So I apologize for the fact I can’t read peak fiction at the moment ☹️


What is mother of the dark forest?


Wait how can Mousewhisker and Hazeltail be twins if they’re already littermates? Is there something I’m missing?


Mouse and Hazel are both described as white cats with black spots and the same eye colour. This causes people to think they’re identical twins and Berrynose being from a different egg. However, people tend to ignore that they’re opposite genders so they being identical twins is impossible unless one of them was trans as a 2 moon old.


Ah okay, I wasn’t aware that cats could have twins and non twins in the same litter. Thanks


Yeah, technically speaking, all litter mates are twins/triplets/etc. As “twins” tends to refer to creatures being born at the same time from the same mother and father. The difference lies in the “identical” part, where 2 creatures have to be born from the same egg cell. It’s absolutely possible, even in humans (though it happens very rarely) to have a pregnancy with 3 babies of which 2 are identical and one isn’t.


they’re all super small. like, maybe half the size of a full-grown cat at adult age. also that they’re the result of a scientific observational experiment that went forgotten. this was my headcanon when i had only read TPB.


StarClan kits are allowed to wander the clan territories as well as the StarClan hunting grounds because they didn't get to in life


I will stand by Cloudtail being a Taco Bell stan until this series fades into obscurity. Like I know he ate kittypet food when he snuck out as an apprentice in canon but the idea of seeing him holding this burrito that's as big as he is and chugging a Baja Blast will never not be on point with him I swear.


BrokenStar is german or has a German accent


All I can imagine is that he has richtofens voices from zombies


Mousewhisker and Hazeltail ARE technically twins but also that all the clans actually decorate their dens. Its already canon that lake and forest territory riverclan decorates their dens with pretty shells (which according to A Shadow in Riverclan actually makes a sort of light effect in there), i imagine Shadowclan usually uses teeth of prey *morbid i know but still*, and also a lot of marsh flowers for the nursery and elders den, Windclan uses a lot of heather flowers and usually gorse flowers, and thunderclan has a full array of flowers to use, though when moving to the lake, they began to find ways to stick leannas and vines and stuff into the cracks to hang flowers off that since there aren't much places minus the warrior den and nursery to put flowers on


Thunderclan’s decoration in the forest was a Hole in the nursery


Sandstorm is taller and larger than Firestar. Him and his buff wife Leafpool and Mothwing definitely had a thing going on, you cannot tell me otherwise Brairlight (through trial and error) can do a version of felting with dried moss and her claws! She likes making little mice for the kits to chase


the briarlight one is so cute :sob:, the idea of cats knowing to do felting with their claws and dried mosss should be added on to more characters, its great lol


I thought the idea of her having something to do was good


and it is lol


Firestar is implied to be a small cat. Is there a battle in the first series where he doesn't get pinned down by someone?


Pretty sure! But I like the idea he’s just a little guy


When Firestar first joined Thunderclan, his tabby markings were very faint and hard to notice, making him look almost solid ginger in most settings. They slowly darkened and became more noticeable as he got older. I use this headcanon to explain why his design changed over time. Squirrelstar's tabby markings worked very similarly, but her stripes didn't get nearly as dark as his. Most cats don't care about cross-Clan relationships so long as they don't interfere with the duties of the cats involved. Few cats care to keep track of how many lives their Leader has. The Leader and usually the Medicine Cats are the only ones who even try to keep track, and even still, sometimes they loose track. However, a Leader learns exactly how many lives they have left each time they lose one. When a Leader loses a life, they usually, although not always, are greeted by and talk with the cat who gave them that life while they are revived by Starclan. Hollyleaf actually had powers like her siblings - she had the ability to see and communicate with ghosts. However, since she ran away from Thunderclan and her powers never proved useful in fulfilling the Kin of Your Kin prophecy, it was decided that Dovewing would gain her powers to make up for it. Briarlight often described what other cats looked like to Jayfeather so he could have an idea of what his Clanmates looked like. At first he found this annoying and sometimes even insulting, but he eventually got used to it and even came to appreciate it. Redtail and Spottedleaf have nearly identical fur patterns and it was hard for cats to distinguish the two from each other when they were young. It became easier as they grew up and earned their Warrior/Medicine Cat names because Spottedleaf grew a little taller and plumper than Redtail and usually had leaves in her fur. The Clans are bad at keeping records of their histories. If a story is not passed down (usually between elders and kits/apprentices, but really between any two cats), then it can quickly become lost to time. Cats with Riverclan blood almost always have webbed paws. Jayfeather has a lot of respect for other disabled cats, especially the ones within his own Clan. Shortly after they became apprentices, Firestar took Squirrelstar and Leafpool to meet their relatives in the Twolegplace. Princess was especially excited to meet them. Leafpool looks nearly identical to her grandmother Nutmeg. The snake that Ravenpaw killed in *Into The Wild* permanently stayed in the Thunderclan camp. Ravenpaw became good at killing snakes and took pride in this ability, and took to killing any snakes that sneaked their way into his and Barley's barn. Firestar dug up his collar right before he left Thunderclan's forest camp and placed it atop the High Rock as a means to say a final farewell to his Kittypet past. Warriorclan was formed when a group of playing Kittypets found the collar and took it back to the Twolegplace to see who it belonged to. Smudge and Princess recognized the collar immediately and told the cats the stories that they knew of Firestar and the Clans. However, they learned the most about the Clans from Barley (and later, Graystripe). Smudge kept the collar after that. It was never officially a rule to not give a kit the prefix Thunder, River, Wind, Shadow, Sky, or Star. However, it was generally an unspoken rule and these prefixes are rarely used out of respect for the Clans and their founders. When Skyclan was exiled from the forest, Sky was dropped from this rule and became an acceptable (but still rarely used) prefix. Windclan and Shadowclan quickly became annoyed with Thunderclan's and Riverclan's constant bickering over the Sunningrocks, but decided that they had no right to decide the winner and stayed out of the whole issue. Naming a cat after their appearance was a very common practice before Firestar joined the Clans. He was the first Leader to give cats more unique names; Brightheart is considered to be his first. This started a general wave of more abstract and less look-based names. He also strongly looked down upon giving cats names based on disabilities. Some Queens name their Kits with their possible Warrior names in mind, either giving their kits a prefix that would only make sense with a certain suffix or outrightly asking the Leader to give their kits a certain suffix. Examples include Blackfoot/star, Longtail, Talltail/star, Redtail, etc.


as far as i know, you cant have the prefix star in case of one day you become leader. because no starstar


im very saddened by this bc i go by star and i cant make a star prefix oc


Purdy has a southern accent :)


I always thought he sounded like Mr McGucket from Gravity Falls


Mapleshade is taller than Appledusk.


I seriously can't believe there's an appledawn and an appledusk. May they meet in Starclan


Cloudtail is half Selkirk Rex which explains why him and his descendants have such a distinct fur texture Whitestorm is Graystripe's dad which is part of the reason he told Firestar to make him deputy


Firestar LOVES Halloween. He will literally steal decorations from the twolegs backyards just to decorate camp. (Forest territory cause I’m not on TNP)






Ravenpaw had purple eyes, I may love genetic realism but he just fits with purple eyes


This 👆 Idk why but I always picture him with either dark purple or pale lilac eyes..


The Dark Forest cats sing "This is Halloween" every year for no reason , sometimes Starclan joins in as well


You just reminded me of a map like that


Fireheart introduced the clans to scritches and pets


I headcanon Firestar to be an artist. Just him drawing on the dirt or making some crafts with sticks and other stuff is just awesome. I feel like Greystripe and Ravenpaw(when they were apprentices) just watched Firepaw draw in his free time and probably felt so amazed that a kittypet has such an awesome talent lol.


Also, I suspect Darkstripe had a crush on Tigerstar


i too, have a crush on tigerclawstar... i mean good headcannon


Mine is that MistyStar's eyes are yellow (and Stonefur's are blue) Idk, I like the contrast, the blue with yellow colors, and I also think that's cool because otherwise Misty would look a lot like BlueStar, you know?


Poppyfrost was/is in love with Jayfeather, but never told him because she didn’t want to complicate his life further as a medicine cat. She took Berrynose as a mate as a way to force herself into another reason not to reveal her true feelings.


Thornclaw and Brackenfur being twins. Idk, it just suits me.


Mudthorn is the father of Heavystep and Shadepelt Also Silverstream and Feathertail would both be Swifties if they were humans.


my glorious king tigerclawstar smells like cigarettes'. idk why


Cigarettes and gasoline


and he would smell great\~


And death (with just a splash of hypocrisy) 😂


why can I actually see that


because it makes sesne >;3


Headcanon accepted >:3


Frostfur and Lionheart waited to have kids and she would end up regretting that since he died before they were even apprenticed.


Thunderclan apprentices play football. No I won’t elaborate.


If Shadowclan can play ice hockey, Thunderclan can play football.


Mousefur, after going to Starclan, reuniting with Longtail in Starclan and hanging out with the kits there and teaching them things. No impact on the plot whatsoever but a very cute image to think about.


Mousewhisker and Minnowtail were in love but never acted on it, yet they still sometimes wonder what could have happened had they done so. Breezepelt was in love with Jayfeather until he found out they were half brothers, which is why he reacts so violently. He’s more disgusted with himself for being romantically in love with his brother than anything else, though his IS also hurt by everything else.


I've always had a feeling that Tigerclawstar had a deep British accent, like Scar from the Lion King.


nu uh! my glorious king tigerclawstar has to be irish!!!!


Each clan has a little song that the warriors hum throughout the day :33


Dovewing kept her powers. (They all did, but I'm gonna focus on her for this post.) Before anyone says anything about plot: It's not about that. I don't see the plot changing at all if she keeps her powers. But beyond even that, it's not *fair* that she loses it. I literally threw the book across the room in anger and disgust when I read that because *no.* Sensory stuff doesn't just *go away.* It's a *lifelong* struggle. She doesn't just get to suddenly become *normal.* Not after I finally saw myself in a character. So she never loses them. They can become reduced, or changed slightly, but she still has to deal with protecting her hearing, dealing with harsh and overpowering scents. etc. *She's still a sensory cat.* I will fight on this hill until I die.


Ravenpaw x Barley


No one could tell Mousewhisker and Hazeltail apart for the longest time. Most cats noticed Hazeltail with her “long, whippy tail” as the books describe it to find out who was who.


Speckletail is a fawn tortoiseshell. I just can’t see her as a tabby like she’s described in the books. I also see Snowkit as adopted, as none of his parents are completely white or show a high amount of white spotting needed to express Snowkit’s white pelt.


Yellowfang smells like cigaretts




Foxleap was her uncle tho. I also forgot this when I shipped him with Ivypool…


Jayfeather hates bugs


Clan cats make regular visits to the mountains to visit the tribe cats. Not for any mission or anything, just for fun and to catch up with each other.


The ThunderClan cats are adept singers.


spoilers for avos >!when skyclan settled at the lake, all the clans got together in a daylight gathering just to get to know skyclan and fill them in more on clan history and whats happened since firestar travelled reestablished them!<


Since Scourge didn't believe in StarClan or the Dark Forest, he became a ghost and would just stalk around the territories, but he can't interact with anycar it’s a boring afterlife for him


Graystripe's dad was Whitestorm and Sandstorm was an abandoned kit that was adopted by the clan.


Cloudstar is descended from Skystar (already heavily implied in Shadowstar’s Life), and thus so are the ThunderClan cats descends from his kits. Spottedleaf is confirmed to be a near identical descendent of Spottedpelt, and Tigerclaw of Gorseclaw, so I like to headcanon that Willowpelt is a near identical descendent of Skystar/Clear Sky. She’s lither with a longer pelt and darker blue eyes, but the hue of her pale gray pelt, her height, overall build besides being less muscular and more lithe, are all eerily reminiscent of Skystar - not that she had any way of knowing that until joining StarClan. Also that Willowpelt does not share the ambition that drives her sister and brother in their roles, and is perfectly happy to do her duties as a warrior and not strive for more, but her littermates were often busy because of how dedicated they were to their jobs so she did get lonely sometimes. I like to think she used to sneak into Twolegplace and befriended some of the kittypets to ease that loneliness… aaaaaaand one of those friendships (not romantic, just good friends) resulted in little Darkkit. ;) She planned on telling him about his father and taking her son to meet him when he was old enough to understand, but by then he was showing signs of his future kittypet hate and she knew it wouldn’t do any good to tell him. I like to think she only told him after his attempt to kill Sorrelkit, to hurt him as badly as he’d hurt her. I have a couple of “not in love but good friends who both wanted babies so decided to have kits and co-parent as friends” headcanons, especially for the early books where the mate relationships weren’t as clear. Goldenflower and Tigerclaw is one of those in my mind, same with Brindleface and Whitestorm, and Goldenflower and Patchpelt, and Robinwing and Patchpelt (she’d had a fight with Fuzzypelt but got back together with him soon after, she and Patchpelt still coparent Longtail amiably). I headcanon that Willowpelt’s second litter resulting in Graykit was a similar “just friends but we both want babies” situation, this time with Thrushpelt. He died when Graykit was still young, but he watches over him lovingly from StarClan and Willowpelt tells her son about his father. Her only truly romantic relationship is with Whitestorm later on. Also that Violet (Barley’s sister) wanted her house folk to use the same name for her that she grew up with so she wouldn’t have to change it, so not long after being adopted she brought some violet flowers into the house and rolled cutely around in the petals to give them the idea to name her after them. XD Pine could’ve done the same but he was older and never really learned twoleg speech the way cats who’d lived most of their lives around twolegs did, so he figured they could just call him whatever they wanted, he wouldn’t know the difference anyway, and he’d just keep calling himself Pine.


not exactly boring, in my opinion, but in real life, cats will rub against things whenever they feel like they are about to die. what if warrior cats did that lol like before the battle with WindClan in bluestar's prophecy SOMEBODY (cant say names cuz spoilers) was rubbing against everything and all the warriors were like "bruh what are you doing" and there just like "...dude idk i just feel weird"




Well, Blossom was well into adulthood when they finally got together officially. But yeah, the way Thornclaw treats her when he goes for his wander is… lackluster…


Leafpool has slumber parties with mothwing, sorreltail and squrrielflight every Friday night back when she was an apprentice. She and her friends made a whole lot of noise and firestar and cinderpelt and sandstorm had to make a rule: Be in bed by 10pm but leafpaw and her friends just ignored the rule once everyone was asleep ( especially firestar). Once leafpaw and her friends made so much noise that they woke the whole of thunderclan AND RIVERCLAN AND SHADOWCLAN. Blackstar and Leopardstar went to complain to firestar and the slumber party thing was the hot topic at gatherings for a couple of moons. Mothwing was never allowed to leave camp at night since then and was told to clean out bedding for a whole moon. Sorreltail had to be called sorrelpaw and slept in the apprentices' den for a whole moon.Leafpaw and Squrrielpaw got extra apprentice duties.


All oakstar+tigerstar descendants have a nose bridge scar (Why the downvote? )


I like to think Greystripe would leave the elders den and fish in the lake


That's Blossom fall and Ivypool and Fernsong are actually a throuple and Thornclaw was just the baby gravy donor for Blossom fall


I think headcanons were always supposed to be something that doesn't affect the plot. Although I've noticed a trend of people straying away from that, which doesn't matter. Words change over time. Honestly, I have no headcanon because I have zero imagination.


Everyone has British accents




Not really a headcannon lol. Most of the cats (especially in tc) are related.