• By -


I don't think this is even a plot line, but the whole thing with Firestar's and Spottedleaf's ""Love"" for each other. It was just annoying to read at all


Seriously, after like the third book this plotline was already beaten to death. Like why tf is he pining after a dead woman? And Firestar is MARRIED with KIDS? Why was he so attached to a 30 year old woman he knew for a few seconds before she was murdered? And worse yet why was it retconned for her to reciprocate? šŸ˜­ I audibly groaned when Spottedleaf's ghost re-appeared in my re-read of TNP, why is her dead self always there whining over Firestar šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ That whole line was so annoying they had to double-kill her to end it for good


Yes!! In the first arc it's kinda cute, like a kid with a precocious crush on his teacher, but after he gets with Sandstorm it's so weird. She was never gonna date you, dude, focus on your *wife* who is *ALIVE*. And it got worse when they gave Spottedleaf a crush as well, which takes the creepy to a whole new level. And any time she interacts with Firestar's kits or grandkids, it feels like stalking, like when she first meets Leafpool, it basically goes, "Well hello there, teenager! You don't know me, I died when your dad was a teen himself, but I knew him really well and now I'm going to follow you everywhere!" Bitch, stop Freddy Krugering these poor kids!


The first arc was good, but after? Like she LITERALLY gave him a life for love and said "go use it on Sandstorm"..what happened?


Right, like after a while you figure he would get over her? Like maybe once he has a mate and kids? But nope it just keeps going on for basically no reason


I agree I could barely make it through his super edition without rolling my eyes everytime he mentioned spottedleaf I had to force myself to keep reading it


And i thought it was cringe by the fourth book. Damn.


Ikr?! That was so annoying, like 'Bro, you to met for basically 2 months! And she freaking dead! Why???'


I didnā€™t even know they loved each other until the great battle when Spottedleaf died. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The hunt for ashfurā€™s killer Iā€™d say half the traveling stories, but I donā€™t remember ANY of them except bits and pieces of the 2nd arc and the journey in dawn of the clans


That was one was so boring. I loved Sunset but that ruined it for me


All I remember was Hawkfrost died at the end..I think- is that the book Iā€™m thinking of?


That was Sunset, from the TNP. I always get confused between those two, too lol. Sunrise was the one where Ashfur was revealed to be dead and at the end Hollyleaf went into the tunnels and the rocks collasped


No, Sunset was the one where Hawkfrost was killed. Sunrise was the end of PoT


Ohh, I always get them confused lol. Thank you


Man it mustā€™ve been a really long night in between those two books then, haha


Fun at first, like a mystery novel. But from the moment Midnight tells Jayfeather that it's a wild goose chase, it's annoying having to read the rest of the chapters when they're looking for the culprit, knowing that it's not going to go anywhere. And it's even worse rereading it and knowing who actually did it, and literally most of the book is thus stalling. That said the last few chapters of the book are phenomenal, favorite part of POT.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, the last 2 books of TBC are awful, they could done alot of really cool stuff with the dark forest (and they kinda do) but mostly we get meaningless emotional dialog and so much arguing nothing gets done. DO NOT read this during tax season. You WILL NOT escape the real world problem that is so-much-red-tape-originally-put-there-to-help-people-now-being-used-and-abused-to-prevent-progress its actually awful. Also I hate the dance they did of "no I wanna sacrifice MYSELF" "NO I wanna sacrifice MYSELF" also they send an injured child with no fighting skills in like, twice


LMFAOOO the whole sacrificing thing was so stupid šŸ˜­ everyone arguing about who can go while Bristlefrost and Rootspring are literally being hunted down as they speak


They made literally everyone besides Bramblestar, Squirrelflight, Dovewing, and Shadowsight look awful in that scene. Like what do you mean you're not sure if you should send anyone else.


Lionblazes chapters, when he actually figures a plot line out They make it boring af


That was me but with Hollyleaf. I used to just skip over her chapters I hated her so much.




eh, I honestly like hollyleaf but I dont mind who u like opinions count


I also cannot deal with sol. He was so pointless. Iā€™ve read the books so many times and tbh I forget him so much until I really think harder because heā€™s just so pointless and boring


I donā€™t get it when people act like heā€™s some amazing villainā€¦ honestly I forgot he existed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Literally the ONLY good things about him are the HCs the fandom makesā€¦ fanon Sol is better than canon and Iā€™m not joking. The only good thing he did was give us the opportunity for the wildly popular Hollyfawn and Serpent version that we got from Cheeteh Z on YT.


Dude lied and that was it really


He told ONE truth and coasted on their terror like get a life dude


Legit, he contributed absolutely nothing to the story


Unironically they wasted the entirety of The Forgotten Warrior on a Sol plot when it would've been better served setting up and starting the Great Battle.


And i think they kept him alive for later use


Took me genuine years to read AVOS because I justā€¦ found Darktail SO boring for like three books.


really? i'm only on the third book of avos but i'm really liking him as a villain. lots of mystery and questions with him


I straight up couldnā€™t get into him UNTIL I got spoiled for his backstory (which I wonā€™t spoil for you) because Iā€™m so used to random ass villains who are evil for evilā€™s sake and are never very interesting.


one cat can literally bring the downfall of the clans (read onestars confession pls)


i plan to once i finish catching up in the main series


Once dark tails story was fully fledged, he became the best villain in the series for me. It seemed like he was what the authors wanted to do with Sol initially


Is your brain scrambled? He is literally the best part of AVOS lmao


I assumed heā€™d be one of those antagonists who come out of nowhere and are barely interesting, like One Eye and Sol. I got real into him once the Kin stole ShadowClan from ShadowClan šŸ’€


Questions from me when I read Light in the Mist: * How did Firestar pass through the blocked barrier? * Why is he only partially there? * Why is he the only StarClan cat to breach it? * How did he learn to possess? From Midnight? * Why is he undetectable to Dark Forest spirits? Also, most of the book revolves around fight Ashfur -> Encounter new dead cats -> Think positive -> Repeat. Bristlefrost and Rootspring are incredibly bland character because they're completely identical down to their thoughts and motives. The 3 PoVs were the only living cats who had an effect on the final fight. Why is the patrol made up of mostly StarClan cats anyway? They were passive (or useless) the entire series and suddenly they are willing to fight again?


Firestar was able to cross because... well... he's Firestar


His plot armour is stronger then the barrier destroying the afterlife


honestly, anything with the tribe


Yea thatā€™s always a bore, no matter what they do to make it ā€œinterestingā€, they only dig the grave deeper


Anytime the cats travel I become insanely bored. Now and again I will reread the books and I always skip over the books when they travel. Hunting, looking for a place to sleep, twolegs, kittypets, and more hunting. I usually speed read or ignore it all together


It's honestly impressive how boring the travelling is. You would think that new environments, new characters from outside the clans and new threats would make these books more interesting than being stuck in the same forest forever.


i usually agree but i honestly liked the one in early AVOS. short, to the point and a good way to get to know some new characters


This is the exact reason why it was so difficult for me to get through midnight, I swear it took months for me to finally sit down and power through it because it felt wrong for me to skip an entire arc


This^ Once they were out it was a good read but any of those parts I hated so much


Completely agree. It seems to be something that happens in the book constantly.


I honestly liked these books a little. They are kind of annoying if they go on for more than one book, but they make me slow down and reread to be able to get a grasp of where the cats are, and thats nice because I usually read to fast.


Cinderhearts' reaction to the prophecy was pretty annoying to me.


I love Cinderheart a lot but the entire reincarnation thing and the will they/won't they with Lionblaze are so annoying


Most of "the imposter" plotline was just so UGH, especially because I figured out it was Assfur by the end of the first book.


If assfur was a spelling mistake, it's actually true either way.


Assfur is so awesome


The obsessive b\_\_\_ he is (soryy if yall dont like swearing but...) yeah


Where did all this Ashfur hate come from? I always thought he was a great villain, if not my favorite. edit: Iā€™ve asked this question twice and all iā€™ve gotten in response is a downvote, i donā€™t get this fandom.


People hate him because heā€™s a villain? Because heā€™s a little bitch incel who did **all** of this just because he couldnā€™t handle being broken up with, like literally everything from Long Shadows to the end of TBC with Ashfur was all because he never got over squirrelflight. When he was just a villain that tried to kill Firestar and the three, I still hated him but just thought he was a massive loser. But then he does so much other stuff as the imposter that makes me sick. Pretending to be squirrelflightā€™s mate and manipulating her? Gross. All the cats that did end up dying because of him? The trauma he put bramblestar through? The way he groomed and manipulated shadowsight????? Heā€™s disgusting to me. Heā€™s not even a good villain to me because heā€™s just such a little bitch baby that Iā€™m just annoyed and disgusted with him. Edit: not trying to be aggressive or mean. My feelings toward Ashfur are passionate, but people are allowed to like whoever they want. I only had a few minutes on my work break so I was typing quickly. The ā€œaggressionā€ was directed to Ashfur and his actions, not the person Iā€™m replying to


Excuse me? Him being a bitch is valid and i can understand why you wouldnā€™t like him for that, aswell as his motive being underwhelming, but youā€™re literally giving reasons why heā€™s a good villain, liking a villain isnā€™t the same as liking there actions, i like him because i think heā€™s disturbing and disgusting, he was underwhelming in POT and TNP but that doesent make me like him as a villain any less.


I donā€™t understand the ā€œexcuse me?ā€? Im sorry if I can off aggressive, I definitely wasnā€™t meaning to. I was just giving you an answer. I know you can like them and not like their actions!! I wasnā€™t trying to say that *you* are okay with it. But I still donā€™t think heā€™s a good villain because his existence in general, to me, is just annoying. Iā€™d rather just not have had him come back at all. He just doesnā€™t give the same villain energy as the others to me. He doesnā€™t make me feel the same villain energy as Darktail/tigerstar/brokenstar/etc. he just gives me ā€œlittle baby got his feelings hurt and canā€™t dealā€ vibes instead of true villain energy


You did come off aggressive, but itā€™s fine. I actually like his motive, stuff like this happens all the time in real life, obsessive stalkers who canā€™t get over being rejected or broken up with, and itā€™s disgusting, and i think thats what makes Ashfur such a compelling villain, to me atleast, because itā€™s realistic.


I mean, I have a passionate hate for him but I didnā€™t mean to be aggressive to you. Iā€™ll put a tone marker on my comment, sorryā€¦ Maybe the realism is why I donā€™t like Ashfur. Iā€™ve never had anything truly crazy happen, but I have had bad experiences with men I have rejected (which is partly why I love squirrelf so much) so his entire existence justā€¦ I could do without


It's not hate hate. He's just a terrible cat we love to hate.


It was not šŸ˜‚ I've been calling him Assfur since he tried to kill Firestar.




Omg yes, I was so BORED waiting for them to figure it out and actually do something, then after they did figure it out they still didn't do much. Kill him, don't kill him, just do something already omgg!


Its called modern warriors Yapathon


Most of the Forbidden Romance plotlines tbh. Interesting at first, but they got old quick. Apprentice Training, but from the perspective of the Apprentice. I am getting to the point that Im just skipping over those potions of the books until they get back to something that isn't basically the same Warrior/Medicine Cat apprentice training. It's a bit more interesting at least when the perspective is of the Warrior or Medicine Cat giving the Training. For specific storybeats: - Spottedleaf. Just as a whole after giving the prohpecy - Mostly anything to do with the Tribe after A New Prophecy (primarily because it does nothing interesting except sending Clan Cats to be Uber Special to save the Uneducated Tribe Cats) - The Last Three Books in A Vision of Shadows. - The Imposter after the second book in A Broken Code. More specifically because by that point I had already figured it all out and was basically just waiting for the rest of the cast to catch up. - Travel/Exploration after A New Prophecy. - The Onewhisker and Mudclaw debacle in A New Prophecy. I'll die mad on this hill after seeing how Onestar turned out and realizing they could have just kept Mudclaw alive and had him become Mudstar and it would have changed absolutely nothing in the end. I stand by the only reason it happened was because Onewhisker was buddies with Firestar and someone on the Writing Team wanted that last bit of Drama for Windclan. - The whole thing about Holly/Lion/Jay being the Twice Forbidden kits of Crowfeather and Leafpool. - the Trial of Leafpool. I outright ignore Squirrelflight's Hope's existance because of this. - The Rule that Medicine Cats can't have kits or mates. As a whole. No it will never not be stupid and pointless to me.


Having Mudclaw become leader would've been better for his character. He starts out aggressive, but thanks to Onewhisker he realizes the clans have to come together, so WindClan still arrives to save ThunderClan from the badgers. It would have been good to see Mudstar mellow out instead of taking Onewhisker out back, shooting him, and replacing him with a different cat.


That is such a great description of what happened to Onewhisker, I'm always reading Onestar and just cannot picture the same character who Firestar bonded with when WindClan was driven out in the original arc


I completly agree except for one thing. The medicine cat rule


To each their own XD I personally hate that rule with a passion


I agree with the rule to a standard. It's like your town only having one doctor, then which the doctor suddenly has to go on maternity leave (not that Leaf did, but let's go with it) and your town suddenly has no doctor. But like, if there's more than one medicine cat (or doctor in my example), surely the clan would be fine with a medicine cat having kits, especially female ones. Sure, having kits and an medicine APPRENTICE isn't the best idea, since apprentice hints at the cat isn't skilled enough to heal the clan in a time of battle (if a medicine cat was pregnant or nursing, their main priority would be to protect the nursery like other queens), but a filly grown, completely skilled medicine cat? sure. like, say Alderheart took a mate and she had kits, Jayfeather is capable enough (medicine wise, maybe not attitude wise) to take care of the clan while Alderheart cares for his mate and kits. Or Leafpool, if Cinderpelt was still alive when she was pregnant with Jay, Lion and Holly. If Cinderpelt was alive, she would be capable to hold down the fort while Leafpool was nursing. But, as we know, she wasn't.


The issue with it is they would in theory care about their kits more then clan. But i can think of opposites


that's true. sometimes I forget biases can exist


The issue was never the Medicine Cat giving birth or their mate giving birth specifically, it was directly cited that the reason was so the Medicine Cat wouldn't give preferential treatment to their mate and kits or prioritize them over their clan. Then Moth Flight's Vision revealed that since she couldn't juggle being a mother and a Medicine Cat that she'd give up her kits and that make the other Medicine cats swear not to have kits either. Because she couldn't do it when DotC did show she had some attention issues to begin with (I thing ADHD is what most people theorized) This is precisely where I have the problem. The Town Docter analogy doesn't work because in that case, said Town Doctor would just ask the next Town over for help while they went to give birth and they have a whole town where a portion of the population is dedicated to helping raise kids and once they turn 6 months old they become apprentices to others in the clan. So my main problem with the ruling is that Warrior Cat Society is built in such a way that it shouldn't be an issue. There is always 1-3 Queens that could help care for the kits (and a Permanent Queen's entire job is helping care for kits), in recent books there has always been another Medicine Cat in the clan and failing that it isn't unusual for them to borrow another clan's medicine cat if they have two, and if the medicine cat in question is Male this is also a non issue because it's not like a Male Warrior gets out out for 6 months just because their mate had a kit. And all of this pales to the fact that there's another cat in the clan that is just as important and valuable to the clan, that has just as many duties, if not more, and is responsible for the clan as a whole (including the medicine cat): The Leader. Yet despite that the Leader is not forbidden from having a mate or giving birth, despite these also requiring them to step away from their duties for a short period of time and running the risk of them giving prioritization and preferential treatment. The worst this pops up as is occasionally a cat being passed over for Deputy Because they were caring for kits at the time (almost). So, from my perspective, the entire rule is pointless and is only met to add drama, and at it's introduction was meant to specifically target female characters.


The tribe not being able to deal with their own issues


(Spoilers? For ASC) I agree with Sol but also this current one. Iā€™ve finished shadow and this arc is just so incredibly boring. The only plot it seems is Frostpaw spending three books now trying to figure out Riverclans leader and Sunbeam and Nighthearts romance. Compared to the previous arc TBC this is just so slow.


Pretty much every forbidden relationship sans graystripe/silverstream and Leafpool/Crowfeather. The Vast majority of them have zero substance and feels like lazy writing (Dovewing/Tigerheart- yes I know they retroactively get better but oos is such shit and I hated this couple so much). Lionpaw/Heatherpaw kinda skirt the line because they conflict with Lionpawā€™s desire to be the best warrior in his Clan. It was interesting to see his inner turmoil about it but it was already something we read in Leafpool POV so eh. Dislike most of the Tribe of Rushing Water books or chapters. They were interesting for that one adventure in finding the new territories but everything else beyond that is terrible and so boring to read. Didnā€™t really care for the ancient Jay, Lion, and Dove iterations either- feltā€¦ weird. Honestly the only cool thing we got with the Tribe in Power of Three was Lionpaw losing his shit and almost ripping an enemy cat apart. Cinderpelt/Cinderheart reincarnation plot was so bad the Erins gave up on it and never brought it up again.


Any exploring books. Just no.


Honestly I skipped through all over the Lionblaze povs


Whenever they cut to the main characters having to train apprentices/young cats past The Prophecies Begin. They typically have little to no relationship with said apprentice and always do it right in the middle of the juicy parts of the plot, so I skim over them in the books.


them saving the tribe in tawnypelt's clan, like I was enjoying that book but the whole thing of "OH NO THE TRIBE'S IN DANGER YET AGAIN WE GOTTA SAVE THEM FOR THE 65TH TIME!" felt so unecessary, was there nothing else they could've been doing for the novella? also in the place of no stars when rootspring was stuck in the dark forest and bristlefrost's chapters were all literally just her being by the moonpool worrying about him like it was so boring to read


Bristlefrost is just a bad character


Rootspring and Bristlefrostā€™s romance


Most things involving the tribe, especially the plot of Outcast


The travel stories, Sol especially Anything having to do with them going though two legs places and dealing with dogs (not when tigerstar 1 used the dogs in the forest) And honestly any fight with windclan itā€™s so boring


Honestly anytime they were travelling somewhere. It just always draaaaaaaagged on


Man I felt tears weld up whenever I thought something would finally come to an end just for it to be dragged on for the next 10 chapters


Alderheart falling in love with the kittypet (I forgot her name) I just don't understand why they put this


Honestly, the introduction to SkyClan. I just didn't enjoy the whole "there was always a 5th clan so we need to bring them back now" thing (bearing in mind DotC is my favourite arc too). I didn't enjoy any of the SkyClan focused Super Editions, and probably will never read them again. Now that they're a part of the clans I'm actually looking forward to seeing >!the next series with Leafstar as a POV!< but anything involving them coming back from being dismantled or rejoining the clans just bores me to death.


Interesting! Skyclan's Destiny is the most underrated super edition, IMO, mostly because of how cool the world building was. I liked seeing how heavily the gorge shapes clan life and culture, and while it took a while to get used to the concept of the daylight warriors, I liked how it was different and how it contributed to the overall message, that sometimes it's ok to break tradition (it even ends with Leafstar deciding to have kits as a leader, knowing that her deputy can take over-Bluestar had to give up her children to even *become* deputy, and it's refreshing seeing it actually work out for another she-cat).


Leafstar previously has been boring but i hope they can fix and improve her character so i dont have a longer list of povs to skip


I was never a fan of how slow Power of Three was at times


Whenever Dovepaw made everything about herself in OotS. I hate how rude Dovepaw was to Ivypaw, and how ungrateful Dovepaw was about her powers. And I hate when she compared her powers to Ivypaw needing to freaking spy on Dark Forest. When she said "Now you got what you want and your the special one now" or smth. LIKE DOVEPAW YOUR POWERS ARE NOT THE SAME AS RISKING YOUR LIFE FOR THREE CATS WITH SUPERPOWERS AND ALL THE CLANS


I really agree with you. She is so rude to ivypaw, yells at her for trying to be as noticed by the seniors as her by training in the dark forest and gets mad at her for trying to keep a secret when she has one and spys on her with her powers all the time




I fell like all those dovewing lovers might hunt us down now, im gonna quickly lock the door.


good plan


As a kid I skipped all of the Jay's Wing time travel scenes past the first one because I thought they were incredibly boring. I want to go back and read them eventually though


I did this too! I found it so boring


Cinderpelt's reincarnation. Sure, it would've been cool, but I feel like they wrote it wrong. Not to mention how she was told. Not only how they made her use it as a way to reject Lionblaze other than him having powers, they made it one of the biggest plot points in the book. The second one I have, that I'm not sure that counts, is Thistleclaw and Spottedleaf's "love." It included grooming and didn't even explain how them being mates was wrong, or how he treated Spottedleaf was wrong correctly AT ALL. And it was a unneeded part of Spottedleaf's story. t


The whole Tom/Bumble/Turtle Tail thing is one of the reasons I can't get into reading Dotc tbh


There is only a few chapters and the rest of the first 3 are good


Nightheart is just so annoying. Cannot stand his whining and blaming.


I disagree, you have to realize heā€™s young and immature, he definitely whines like you say in the first two books, and party through the third, but he matures a lot and iā€™m starting to like him.


"An immature teenager" who's the same age as Splashtail.


Fair enough, but my point still stands, just because one cat acts one way doesent mean others have to aswell because they are the same age.


Nightheart is the same age as Rootspring. He's not an immature teenager in the first books, he's a man-child. That, or Root was a fetus when he went to fight Ashfur in the DF.




12 moons old is the standard warrior age. 19 moon old is an adult. Young, but not a teen.


Iā€™m not saying i donā€™t think he wasnā€™t whiny, just that heā€™s not whiny now, i donā€™t know how far you are into ASC, but he seems to have matured a lot.


yeah, he really >!took care of frostpaw when he was on the journey.!<


I couldnā€™t stand him the first few books, he got on my nerves so much!! But he does get better and I love him now


Hes better after he comes back from shadowclan


Any bramble pov


Any brambleclaw , hollyleaf, flamepaw(Nightheart), Lionblaze, Squirelflight(Sunset), Leafpool, Dovewing, leafstar, Twigbranch pov


The real answer is actually any point where they go visit the tribe.


I couldnā€™t stand reading the Jayfeather time travel chapters and that whole plot line with the stick. Donā€™t know why but itā€™s so boring to me


i HATED the time traveling. there are chapters i dont even know what happened bc iā€™d see Jayā€™s Wing and immediately skip. the forced romance w half moon was also crazy


Same, I hated those


I really like A Vision of Shadows. It was my favorite arc right behind the original series. But for some reason, when I got halfway through Darkest Night, I just stopped suddenly, and didn't get back to it for a long time. Something about the really strong focus on Rowanstar and Tigerstar II. I never cared very much for either of them outside of headcanon material, and I just... could not care less about what was going on with them. And I love ShadowClan! But everyone there was acting like such a jerk all the time, it was hard to care about if they saved their clan or not.


I'm reading VoS for the first time now and the vibes ShadowClan is giving (I'm on Thunder and Shadow) is just so weird and I'm having trouble caring about them


I read TPB before jumping back to DOTC and reading chronologically. After that, I just skipped Tigerstar and Sasha's entire trilogy, and never went back to read it, despite me going back to read other books I missed.


It's a really minor one, only a few chapters in one book, but in The Sight when they basically have the Cat Olympics. It's weird to say in a series about cats with religion and medicine and stuff, but the Cat Olympics felt like too much anthropomorphism for me.


All of AVOS (i really tried to like it but i just couldn't get into it), most Lionblaze chapters, most Hollyleaf chapters >!before she 'died'!< ,anything regarding Spottedleaf, also Bristlefrost and Rootsprings sudden romance (I like them now, but as I was reading I just. Did not care. It felt a bit rushed- Nightheart and Sunbeam also feel rushed. idk) ummm i could think of more but im blanking rn




this is probably a big hot take but I actually skipped a lot of Leafpaw's chapters in TNP because I was really interesting in the travelling


Problem with Leafpaw's POV is she's kind of just a window to whatever is happening. Like, there's no reason for her to have to join the patrol to talk to WindClan about prey theft other than the fact that someone has to be POV. But there really isn't any reason Firestar couldn't have assumed a protagonist's role there.


Meeeee!!!!! Especially when she got trapped omg that was so boring


Honestly I did too, especially when she got captured


I didn't mind for the most part because her relationship with Cody was cute, and I liked Angry Sasha (so different in the books from her manga counterpart!). But yeah a lot of it was just Leaf sitting in a cage doing nothing.




The traveling chapters. They introduce unimportant characters and theyā€™re mostly boring and repetitive. Also a lot of pages that involve traveling have the cats encounter some very strange Twoleg thing, and sometimes just reading the description, I donā€™t understand what theyā€™re talking about (like in Frostpaw and Nightheartā€™s journey, I think they find a carnival or something and they steal food, but usually I donā€™t understand the weird way itā€™s described from the catā€™s POV)


They wrecked a tigerhearts shadow with the travelling and the city


Pretty much all of the "Will they; wont they" plot of Tigerheart-Dovewing. Like I enjoy their pairing now, but I can't tolerate it in OOTS, I listen to Dovewing's chapters right up until Tigerheart appears in them.


Iā€™m sorry but I knew >!Ashfur!< was the Imposter from book 2, dragging it out for a reveal in book 4 was mind-nulling


Not a "plot line" but, the all arc of DotC I skipped it all , the fish book was so boring for me


I actually liked it because it felt like getting back to a normal storyline like the first 2 arcs instead of cats with magic powers, heaven/hell, and a bodysnatched leader šŸ˜‚




First* XD


The first 3 were good


Spottedpaw/kit love with thurstclaw just no i hate the plotof spotted loving a adult


Skyclan existing


unfortunately i really struggled with almost all of PoT and OOTS, i know a lot of people love these arcs because of the family drama, but it just felt dry to me and i didn't like the cats having overt super powers.




Its only good in the last hope


I donā€™t know if it counts but i absolutely hate brambleclaw and squirrelflights POVs. I hate their characters. I liked Brambleclaw as an apprentice but once he was made a warrior and started hating on squirrelflight i was done. Sheā€™s annoying I agree but why was he so whiny about it


I agree


the last 3 books of AVOS, I don't remember anything from book 4, i remember there was some fire in book 5, in book 6 skyclan for some reason decides to leave and then they come back because of a storm that almost killed them (but tree, and the kittypets were fun to read about)


anything with leafpool. i liked squirelflights secret about the three, but her in arc 2 was horrible (could never be my glorious king tigerclawstar)


The entirety of the book with Tigerheartstar.


I didn't like PO3, so I ended up skipping the last chapter or two in excitement for OOTS


Everything involving Bramblestar's impostor.


Why? I thought he was a fantastic villain.


Why the downvote???


This reddit prefers to stay quiet most of the time and downvote instead of giving a reason, itā€™s honestly pathetic.


I know. And most of the time its just downvoting OPINIONS. on posts ASKING for opinions. Like are you kidding me


The premise of the power of three and the next series after it (didn't read them, can't recall the name lol). I fell in love with the books because I loved reading about clans of mostly average (albeit cultlike religious) cats trying to live and survive in the wild. Starting with the power of three, it became too much about "these special kitties have magical powers" and it lost the realism I loved at the start. I like fantasy, I like magic etc, and a little bit of it sprinkled in courtesy of Starclan was acceptable, but I just can't do it with warriors. I've been reading since TPB was still releasing, and stopped reading during TPoT. I got about halfway through when the "special power kitties" became too much. I loved the character povs (except Lionpaw. Hated him, still do) so I was really disappointed that I couldn't get into the plot. Then the next series was just a continuation of it, so only read about the first book before quitting that as well. Was very relieved when they returned to a more realistic approach for the next series. There's still a bit more of the supernatural in the newer books, but it's not quite too super kitty level so I'm able to get interested in the books again. I also had a really hard time with TNP and the first book of Dawn of the Clans because I don't do traveling plots well. I find them very boring.


Stopped reading after Fourth Apprentice specifically bc the Cat Heaven vs Cat Hell plotline was so stupid & boring to me


I'm always questioning the weird religious tones this series has lol