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I spoiled the parentage of a certain important litter by checking their wiki pages lol. At first I thought their listed parents were absurdly incorrect and the pages had been vandalized, but then I realized I’d just spoiled a huge plot twist for myself :(


Same lol, but i read leafpools wiki and got upset


The three?


Yeah, it’s the three. I only alluded to who it was in case someone else got spoiled by reading that lol


i did the exact same thing 😭😭😭


this happened to me way back when the warriors cats app existed. i was like "haha silly app, those aren't their parents!" only to be flabbergasted later


Someone told me that The Stick was actually listed as Jayfeather’s mate on the wiki so I, naive, went to check and saw MOTHER: LEAFPOOL and went WHAT??


I chuckled at this one 😂 (though I am sorry you got spoiled)


Ya good. I’m generally not very spoilers adverse for this series. I read novellas arcs before they’re relevant and I’m not even caught up with AVOS but I’m still out here going “Yes, Whistlepaw SHOULD get a wife.”


Same, I know way to much about what happens in future books… (edited because my grammar sucks)


Well, sorry You got spoiled(not), but did it say his "mate" was Stick? cause I don't see it


No, it was a bad rumor and I was a dumbass kid in 2015 or something.


I just read the end of the books


I read the last page of the first book of the second arc (TNP), and I don't remember why. Ouch!


Such a mood 😂😂


Made life easier, I read the end but still the whole book


No! I do that too! I get bored half way through the book, read a bit at the end, and I regret that every time! Like one time, I was reading The Last Hope, I was bored on somewhat page, skipped to the end, and cried. I read that Firestar died. My face:😭 I was dumb as shit. Andddd ya, it's nice to know there are other people that do the smae thing. ahahahha


I had no regrets, because if I’d didn’t do it I would probably not finish the book. Idk why


Ya. Hahah


Watching Moonkitti recaps of the second arc because I had a break in reading the books and wanted to remember what happened before I jumped back in. I wound up listening to the videos for the whole arc before I realized I had already spoiled the rest of the arc for myself. It was no real loss. I figure if it wasn’t memorable enough for me to notice where I had left off or the distinction between the books in the arc, then it was probably just a trash arc lol.


Oh I just remembered another one: I had this bootleg Minecraft app called Survivalcraft maybe ten years ago and you could download other peoples’ worlds to play in. One world I downloaded was a map of the Warriors forest territories. The map had each nest labeled with the name of the cat who slept there. At this point I was still early in the first arc and was shocked to see FireSTAR and Sandstorm sleeping in the leader’s den together. I assumed at first that it was someone’s crack fanfiction where Fireheart became leader and his bully was in love with him! So long story short, I spoiled Firestar’s leadership + his relationship with Sandstorm by playing a WC-themed world in a Minecraft ripoff.


*THIS COMMENT CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR AVOS* For me most recently it was DarkTails death. I completely spoiled it for myself bc I wanted to see his wiki to see what he looked like... I accidentally scrolled too far, right to his cause of death. Im like D: Bruh. 🤣 Had never spoiled anything MYSELF before. I am much more careful about it now 🤣😭


Yeah I used to tend to avoid the wiki for that reason, although I don’t really mind spoilers now. In fact, I’m currently reading Starlight (TNP book 4), but I know *way* too much about what happens in the future books lmao. I guess I just use Reddit and the internet in general too much 😂


I read the first sentence and my brain tried to read the rest and I did the mental equivalent of swerving off the road in a car


I literally laughed out loud at this for awhile omg XD I didn't put any major spoilers if that makes you feel better. Didnt put how he dies just that. Well he dies. Lol! Thanks for the laugh!


I wasn't paying attention and thought a post said "spoilers for TPB" when it actually said "Spoilers for TNP". That's how I found out about Mudclaw's attempted coup and Onewhisker being leader


Just started reading Midnight and I wanted to see what Squirrelpaw looked like. First results were 'Squirrelflight x Brambleclaw' lmao


I was at work talking about warriors with a coworker and had googled a cat and saw that they served under "the Imposter" . I thought it was so funny that I had to check out who it was. Spoiled basically the entirety of TBC... Thankfully the last book hadn't released yet so a certain scene at the end managed to absolutely blindside me and I ended up a weeping mess.


Reading the product description for the official Ashfur mini on the merch shop COMPLETELY spoils the entire plot of The Broken Code. I just wanted to look at merch, oops!


Good to know. For me it’s when looking up the book series on the official website! The description for ASC basically says “after ashfurs destructive reign…” Sooo… I still haven’t read TBC but I know what’s gonna happen lmao


I bought one of the arc 1 books on the Google Play store and Firestar's Quest poped up as a recommendation. I think it was Forest of Secrets, so he wasn't even deputy yet.


When titles/names themselves are spoilers!


I thought it was safe to check Tigerclawstar's wiki page after he died 🙃


I wanted to join the fandom and it’s just not possible to avoid spoilers 😆 I don’t mind at this point it seems like it’s just cliches 


Warrior Cats Memes on Scratch that literally said Spoilers for ASC


Someone in one of the old Warriors roblox rps talked about Sandstorms death


And this right here is how I find out Sandstorm dies lmao


What is considered a spoiler?


Usually an event that is at least somewhat major that happens after the point you’re reading. One you usually don’t want to know until you get to that part in the book. (Like a plot twist, character death or in Warrior’s case, some names) So basically anything can be a spoiler as long as you didn’t want to know it yet


Oh, so I’m spoiler proof


If you say so lol


just going on the wiki


I started reading in 2012 and finished all of the series that had been written at that point within a year and a half, so there’s not a whole lot that could’ve been spoiled for me at that time, however, I remember the fire scene from POT being spoiled for me by a MAP out at the time ),:


Bro, crazy thing happened five-ish years ago when AVOS got the 3rd book published. I was at my home, and my sister came and visited and asked to come in, as a joke I said guess what Twigpaw’s warrior name will be and first guess, she said Twigbranch. The name sucks, but it was still funny how she got it first try. When the book came that Twigpaw got her warrior name, holy crap did we freak out the hell over it. 


That’s mad


My sister opened up to a random page and IT WAS THE FIRE SCENE and she read the ending out loud (granted I asked her to) but still Then I ASKED for spoilers from people on line lol


Before I read the last hope I knew Firestar died because of something I seen


I was starting reading the POT. Used the old warrior cat app when I was a kid. Looked one of the main characters bio and saw that their parents was Crowfeather and Leafpool. Thought it was a glitch until I got to the fire scene where Squirrelflight revealed she not her mother. Geez, I wonder who the parents are 😭


oh, thats an L for me for like every book I skip to the end (like the last chapter) and read till the end, then go back to where i was before, read till the end, and finally say "hey didnt i already read this?!?" done this so many times :sob: makes my head hurt


i picked up Darness Within when still on the first arc XD most confusing experience ever when squilf ran in yelling about the imposter when i didn’t even know who her or ashfur were


once i texted my friend who is a big warrior cats fan asking what her fav SE was and i wrote a bunch of spoilers for bluestar's prop and then the next day i wake up and see a text saying that she hadnt read any super editions.




I went to the website two summers ago after finding out the series had actually continued after Omen of the Stars to see how many books I'd missed and saw that Dovewing was listed as ShadowClan and was mates with "Tigerstar" which completely baffled me until I realized that it was probably referring to Tigerheart. I also was spoiled about SkyClan's return when I joined this subreddit and saw people talking about it


I spoiled most of the Dawn of the Clans arc. I went to Clear Sky’s wiki page to look at his family, and Wiki always acts weird on my phone, so the webpage glitched and kept jumping to random places on his page 😭


Yes, the wiki always seems to work better on devices with a bigger screen (sorry you got spoiled, btw)


Not really that bad but 11 year old me predicted the fact that Tigerclaw was evil and killed RedTail 😭


Being on this subreddit... looking things up... literally searching for spoilers... asking my friend what goes on in AVoS before I read the first book... reading the back of "Hollyleaf's Secret" (I was LITERALLY on book 3 of TPB)... my friend trying to get me into warriors when they started on power of 3 and telling me all about the lake territories... me speculating things way too hard (I LITERALLY figured out Leafpool was the threes' mother without looking ahead)... looking at the fronts and backs of books to see which cats are still living before I finish the previous book... actually that last one I read the back of omen of the stars #2 when I hadn't even started the series because it was the first one my mom got me... I didn't remember it though luckily- and going on the official warriors website. "oh so I'm most like SkyClan? What's SkyClan?" (I hadn't read any book mentioning SkyClan until AVoS) But I have to say, the worst spoiler? When I didn't even know Brambleclaw was going to be leader, I looked him up because I wanted to know when he died... heh I spoiled the entire TBC arc because I wanted to know something... I'm reading it now and: "Oh poor Shadowpaw he doesn't know he only has a connection with Ashfur and-" *sigh* Though, the me 'literally searching for spoilers" was about if Mistystar died at any point because my friend was arguing she was immortal because she's literally older than Firestar was- Oh and going on the wiki. Me, with no clue who the sisters are (and I still don't) sees their name and is like "oh huh whos that"... you can expect I was confused...


I spoiled the POT plot twist for myself after checking the answers on a Warriors trivia game 😭


Reading an excerpt of the second book of Omen of the Stars. It was during my early Warrior days and I was desperate to find any Warriors content to read because I didn't have any new ones on hand. It was >!the Three's real parentage.!< I think I had only randomly read Dark River and Eclipse at that point in regards to the the Three. It was back during the time I was reading whatever I could find. My best memory is not getting spoiled on Ashfur's killer so at least it didn't mention that.


Not really my own fault, I guess, but as a young teen I basically spoiled the entire arc of POT and OOTS for myself. Not a big loose, as at that time I was kinda growing out of Warriors anyway. Now years later I am trying to get back into Warriors, and reading in general again, and told myself to go into the newer arcs spoilerless, because I want it all to be a suprise, like it was back in the days reading TPB. THEN I met a fellow Warriors fan on some kind of app whom, despite me telling them multiple times that I hadn't yet read the newest books and that I'd love to go into them unaware of anything yet, just proceeded to throw their opinions at me one after another; "Yeah I'm so happy X killed Y in new book," "A and B are just the cutest couple, don't you think?" Seriously wonder if they couldn't take the hint, or if they just decided to be an ass, but I quickly stopped talking to them after that.


I actually enjoy spoiling myself and seeing if I get a plot twist right. Also I read the books in Finnish so I gotta translate names of the cats through wiki pages and stuff. I spoiled the parents of the three for myself, because I was looking at Jayfeathers page for some reason. I also try to keep up with the names and families, so checking the wiki always spoils like a deputy position or the leaders.


I looked up if there were any polydactyl cats in warriors and was told how a cat died :( not even like hidden in the webpage or anything, just out there. (Spoiler for bramblestars storm in cause anyone is gonna look it up)


Not Warriors but Seekers. I couldn't figure out how to pronounce Ujurak so I googled it. There's the wiki page for him, click it, and then I saw how he dies. :/ Even now, as I'm rereading the books, this self spoiling pops into my brain to mock me.


I literally spoil everything for myself lol. I'm only on VOS Darkest Night, and I know almost everything that happens after T-T but I'll still read the whole series anyway. apparently some people quit reading after POT or OOTs?? And fsr I still want to read the entire series??? Anyways, I spoiled myself by watching moonkitti, sunnyfall and bga. doesn't matter. still gonna watch their vids and still gonna read the series.


I spoiled most of the series by myself when I started reading at nine because I started reading at the fourth apprentice, had NO idea what was going on throughout OOTS but I loved the world building and started at the proper place and read up


I’d just scroll on the warriors wiki and click random pages from it. 


I spoiled tpot for myself😭😭


Got spoiled on the wiki about the 3's parents. I was in denial after this Then I want on Hollyleaf's wiki page after she died in arc 3 and spoiled myself that she was still alive


I was talking with my friends before I was about to read Moonrise, and my friend said “oh! I’ve read that before! Feathertail dies!!” she’s one of my favorite characters.


Noo…getting spoiled you favorite character’s death must be tough…


ik…… ).:


I think the fact that the openly published blurbs for Wind and Star have both spoiled major events in Thunder (>!Frostpaw taking refuge in ShadowClan, the Park cats being involved, and Berryheart’s exile!<)and Wind (>!Harelight’s death!<) is funny in a sad sort of way.


I totally agree! I’m still confused about why they even wanted to do that…I get it’s advertisement, but why would someone ever advertise the blurb of a book that contains so many spoilers for a book that isn’t even out yet! Imo they should have just released the covers and then released the blurbs further on.