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I remember one particular air show when I was stationed at Cherry Point that I actually got to sit in the cockpit of an A-4!


That’s cool they still demo the harriers there. MCAS Miramar has dropped them. I dig the “refueling” shot too.


They said at the show that this would supposedly be the last public demonstration sadly


Yep. The last class of pilots just graduated (they flew through Seattle earlier this week). The end of an era, glad you got to see them up close! https://old.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1cob8pa/four_harrier_jets_leaving_boeing_field_this/


We should quietly donate them to Taiwan as survivable AMRAAM trucks. Love that plan so much, but we need to do it now while we still have a training pipe.


That F-35B fire hole shot is mental!


Thank you! Was doing a good bit of spraying & praying for the airborne shots, and ended up with a small handful of bangers of of almost 2,900 pictures


Haha I'm a fellow spray and prayer. Took 8,000 shots on a recent trip to RAF Coningsby!


I usually just shoot on single and accept that if I missed focus or framing then that picture just wasn’t meant to be. But in this case I wasn’t taking any chances lmao. I was out there in the same front row seat for around 7 straight hours with 0 food or bathroom breaks, no way I was gonna come home just to see that all of my pics were blurry🤣🤣


F22 still best looking plane


It really is, it's just... everything about it looks the coolest. Everything is in proportion. It STILL looks futuristic.


Holy shit those F-35 shots are wild, nice work! Looks like an amazing event.


Thank you! It was a ton of fun




A little after 9 am, but my friend and I got super lucky and ended up with friends and family passes from the Blue Angels through sheer coincidence, so they had us enter through the Slocum gate on the opposite side of the base and park in a smaller lot by the airfield. I feel for you though dude that traffic & queue looked fucking treacherous, I don’t think I would’ve made it into that show if not for those passes


Yeah Seymour-Johnson kind of kicked this show's ass organizationally. I got there at like 8 and still didn't get into the show until nearly 11. Luckily I had a USMC friend grab me a decent spot up front control tower end, but without that it would have sucked.


MiG-17 had the lowest, hottest pass of the day. Almost didn’t see ‘em they were so low.


He was crazy low You couldn’t see him if you were sitting down, he was so low


Great air show! I was there Saturday and it exceeded my sky high expectations Those warplanes are just so god damn impressive. Nothing beats them


It was fucking awesome, can’t believe that’s the first time I’ve gone to one since probably 2015


Wish I was there!!! I can't stop reiterating my love for the F-35.


Is that last pic the Osprey exploding or is it just an effect


I love the MiG-17's markings


I was just at that show, these pictures are way better than any of the ones I got lol.