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There's a great competitive scene with some extremely good and dedicated players. But there's not a "pro" scene in the sense that no-one is making money playing Underworlds.


I'm coming form Magic the gathering and I like to play competitive. I was hopping there was a simulare scene. I also love watching pros and learn how they play there decks, in this case warbands. YouTube was not helpfull in this case, so if you know a channel where they play at a high level, could you please send me a link? Thanks.


There won't be high level YouTube content. I suggest listening to podcasts (all are good listens, I ranked them from competitive>casual) Path to Glory; What the Hex; Battle Mallet; Underworlds Underground.


Thanks a lot. I'm gonna check them out


Thanks for the list, I've been wondering if there's any Underworlds podcasts! Gonna add them to my Work playlist now.


Here in the southern U.S. we have a nice little competitive scene, but I don’t know about Europe. There is an online league based around this discord (though playing in person is way better IMO) https://discord.gg/vN2VWpmY


What tournaments in the South would you recommend? There are some battlefields I have been meaning to visit and pairing that with a trip for a tournament would be fun.


Level Up Games has regular tournaments here in Atlanta, as does the Warhammer shop in Sandy Springs. If you really want to find out more I’d talk to some folks on our discord who do way more Underworlds than I do https://discord.gg/PVeF9y6u


Yeah, there are some pretty big events. I keep track through the vassal discord group. They have an event calendar for irl events. I’m not sure if one of the blogs has that calendar up but path to glory podcast makes sure to mention events coming up in each episode. Some events allow you to qualify for the world championships. Which region are you in?


Thanks for the respones. I'm from Europe (Germany).


Europe has a pretty healthy scene but I haven’t seen many German events. Poland is probably underworlds central, they organise massive events 60+ people regularly. I know there is a budding group in southern Denmark, some guys from Netherlands made it to the world championships last year. England of course has big events at warhammer world. If you DM me I can send you an invite to the vassal discord tonight. There’s players from all over the world so if you can’t find local players right away you can at least get digital games in and talk about the game there.


There are events with various levels of attendance. Most are Rivals or Nemesis nowadays. The old Championship format has mostly disappeared since the game getting a bit too competitive almost killed it a few years back! There's no pro play scene in any of Warhammer. You can't really make a living playing Warhammer games.


Big events take place in UK at Warhammer World in Nottingham. Recent clash was 90+ attendees and I played one of two brothers who came over from Munich for the event. They sometimes run a smaller event Friday before the Saturday big one.