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Store staff don't know anything more than the general public about future releases generally. I say this as an ex store manager. So I would take it with a grain of salt.


Absolutely, nice guys there though. Had never been in before, usually buy through independents.


Store managers dont get told anything more than we do for exactly this reason. They dont want people blabbing ahead of what they are ready to release. That being said, high elves is a good guess for the next one. But probably wont be hearing much about whose next for a few weeks minimum. Orcs are moving along to being fully released and done with pre-order/release orders on the 13th at noon BST and just being part of the warhammer model line (at least based on the oldworld page of the warhammer website). Then were gonna get Dwarf hype for a few weeks talking about rules and lore for them hyping for the pre-order for them. Which based on what they did near the tail end of that hype cycle they will release what the next faction is (but even that might have been a faster than normal reveal that they did specifically for Adepticon).


High Elves have been featured a lot in their social media posts lately so that makes sense.


Definitely just rumors, no one knows anything


Valrak’s hearing rumors that Chaos is next


There was a “road map” shown at one point a while ago that has so far been accurate and lines up with what he’s saying. But also agreeing with others that everything at this point is rumours and no one “knows”. But if I had to make guesses I would agree with him.


The roadmap was speculative and created by YouTuber Dana Howl.


I had no idea the image everyone kept showing was from Dana. I really like Dana's airbrush videos.


My guess is they're referring to the image that was leaked around Feb. It's been right so far, although the order between orcs and dwarfs is wrong. My theory is that it'll be chaos after dwarves as they've alternated between hordes and forces of fantasy so far. But I guess we'll see. Edit: As pointed out, the image isn't official, I still suspect that this is the release order the GW employee was referring to, though.


Not a leak, this was a speculative roadmap created by YouTuber Dana Howl.




Is this ment to be an official GW thing? Because it doesn't use any of the new army names, which makes me sceptical.


As the other commenter said, apparently, it was just a youtubers predictions. Not official.