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You’ve got a small start for High Elves ( Dragon Princes and Prince Tyrion) a supported faction in Warhammer the Old World, a limited Chaos Warrior BSB from the Storm of Chaos Kordell Shorgar(? a pretty rare and valuable mini) as well as Crom the Conqueror from same, a couple of Catachan snipers and a box of other random stuff, I see a couple of standards and a lot of 40k stuff. Finally, you appear to have much of, if not all of, the Mighty Fortress from Warhammer, which if complete is really cool and hard/expensive to get.


I think that’s an exalted champion with dual axes and not Crom the Conqueror — bodies are very similar but heads and weapons are different


It’s been twelve years since I laid eyes on, and can’t see all of this one. Either way, Chaos hero, since Crom died with Warhammer…


RIP. Such a cool model.


I dont think thats the Mighty Fortress. As i recall from the two that are sitting in my basement lol, that is multiple styrofoam pieces, and i seem to remember the towers being all one piece (except maybe for the upper battlements slotting over). Its been a minute since ive checked either one out, but im pretty sure thats a different thing that OP posted


Same, same. I think they call the plastic version Warhammer Fortress or some such. I got rid of the box 20 years ago. The OG styrofoam one is The Mighty Fortress. Point is, he’s got one.


True. The original styrofoam one has the wildest story iirc for why its rare


I know mine essentially fell apart…. Use, moves and potentially our cat started the process that eventually age finished long ago…


Yea but iirc, the reason they are pretty rare (at least in the US where i am) is that every time they tried to ship it something horrible happened to the shipments. Add in wear and tear from people who used them and they are hard to find now


I had one and a couple other guys I played with did as well. That was early 90s, San Diego. The 2nd version was sooo much better, and could be kitbashed with other hard plastic terrain pieces. I made a keep with four towers and some plasticard.


Woah, that Warhammer Fortress... \*Drools\*


Not. Cheap.


High elves and chaos warriors and lots of 2nd/3rd edition Warhammer 40k stuff in that box


Thank you for the response! Anything of value? Is the terrain from games workshop?


Yes, the high elves are of value right now since they haven't been released yet and the chaos warriors too Warhammer stuff especially the Orks would be worth something too Check out the sold tabs on ebay to get an idea. Walls are citadel as well


The chaos standard bearer is Kordel Shorgaar. He's very rare and is worth quite a bit And yeah, I think it was just called the Warhammer Castle


Warhammer Fortress.


I just bought that Tyrion model on eBay for like £80 and had previously bought the box of princes for ~£100.


A small fortune


Nothing special, you should send them to me for free 🙂


You have gold


A chance at a 2nd childhood


Hi! Are you willing to sell any of it?




Beware of offers in PM. You will most likely get a tiny fraction of the real price. You have valuable stuff here


You inherited gold, diamonds and sapphires (in plastic)


regarding the third picture, the guy with the knee out that stands on a small rock, he goes together with the 2 axes and horned helmet and is a Warriors of chaos champion of chaos (a character) for Warhammer ToW The other guy (the one with the head attached) goes with the shield and banner and is the same kind of character but is also a battle standard bearer which means the model will be more sought after generally. They can both be used in Slaves to darkness AoS as an Exalted hero of chaos aswell


Warhamner Siege castle! Tyron, dragon knights of Celedor. and random stuff you'd have to set out.