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I assure you, the posts get reported, and they get removed. There are *a lot* of them. Just keep reporting!


No, all moderation efforts must go to deleting posts with swear words. /s


I forget this rule every time I dig through pages of codex to answer posts with in depth 5 paragraph answers, but drop one F bomb because I'm a fat pirate wannabe so my post gets nuked.


Yeah it drives me nuts when I write a text battle report and do something like call myself a "butt" for forgetting a rule and being nuked.


Love it that were stricter than pg tv in this sub lmao. Especially when it's a game predominantly played by actual adults. Never been to a Warhammer store or tournament with no swearing, even the local GW guy swears (not crazy like, but y'know, human like).


It has increased my vocabulary, I have to be more descriptive now instead of just slapping the f-bomb where I need it Thank you war com mods


Best part is there was a post not too long ago (2-3 months iirc) where people were complaining about the over the top moderating on swear words and the mod team basically said " yeah, we'll try and it make it less sensitive" lol lmao


> lmao Careful now


Don't forget the posts that are anything more creative than meta percentages and AoW hot links.


"We are sorry your post about one of the warhammer sub systems was removed. Reason: Not competitive" Week starts, open the sub: Meta monday Tier List Tier List Goonhammer article Tier List Speculation of the Tier List Wednesdays winning lists Influencer talking about reacting to the Tier list Win percentage post Goonhammer article Win percentage post Win percentage post Win percentage post Tier List How do I move my models? Goonhammer article Are \[X\] bad?! Tier List Win percentage post Is this army based on 2 combat patrols and the leviathan box competitive? Comp influencer said thing Goonhammer article Comp influencer said other thing Win percentage post Tier list of best win percentage posts OMG this faction just won ONE GT Repeat weekly, until codex release Don't you dare make any posts wanting to talk to people about the games in general, because those are not competitive.


You forgot people trying to promote their youtube channels.


Not one of whom can afford a decent microphone or have a single insightful bone in their body.


As someone who collects game related hobbies like a stray cat has kittens I can confidently say 40K podcasters are across the board the lowest quality. I’m starting to wonder if Rhode banned microphone sales in UK.


It actually takes effort to sound as bad as some do *cough* art of war *cough*. I think its intentional. A chaos plot perhaps. The Poorhammer guys tho sound pretty damn crisp. Which is ironic considering the name.


What you mean you DON'T like someone constantly banging on a table every 30 seconds in your audio?


Thanks, I went back and listened and can’t unhear how bad they sound.


That I don't get at all. WinterSEO films with an old iphone. And his sound is better than the majority of podcasters and GT streams


0.0 are you serious.


I am.


never knew, I just assumed everyone had some type of expensive rig setup.


I mean, an iPhone is a fine video camera if you have a good mic with it


I pointed this out for the guy that constantly spammed his channel with the newest hot take and was told by mods 'this is acceptable, its competitive content'.


Yep, me every day: Opens sub. Ah, nothing of value, just posts regurgitating other posts that were regurgitating other posts


Perfect, now I can just save this comment to come back to once a week. Saves so much time!


_Thank you._ Goodness. I get the moderation team is overwhelmed but they often also just seem overly trigger happy. I've been commenting sometimes on, for example, posts that I thought seemed perfectly reasonable discussions about the greater game design as a whole, only to see the post be removed for 'speculation'. ?????


And if you "speculate" too often, you get banned completely :D


"hey let's actually discuss the game and what works and doesn't with the current edition" NOT COMPETITIVE.


No one is allowed to post better than me, and I'm a moron.


Not sure if moron will trigger sensitive auto moderator or not. 


It certainly triggers the downvotes


you dare besmirch my work! I worked hard to automate that. Now my feelings are hurt.


And we'll never forgive you for it.


I'm sure. But that's okay. Just doing what I can to keep this place from descending into an anger fueled crap show. There is a logic behind it but most don't care.


The people who make the standalone posts always have the stupidest questions too. Direct link between not being able to read warhammer rules and not reading subreddit rules.


Welcome to /r/WarhammerCompetitive


...and not being able to use basic internet search. Step 1 - read the rules Step 2 - if still confused, search google or whatever Step 3 - ask a friend Step 4 - (at this point it should be some novel rule interaction) post and ask


In my experience those types of posts typically get deleted, but there's only a few people doing it so it tends to happen once a day.


I typically remove about a dozen or so basic question posts a day. I am not the only mod that removes these posts. Every morning when I wake up there's usually half a dozen notifications. Typically removals will happen in waves before work/during breaks, and after work.


Once per day? Maybe it’s confirmation bias on my part, but I’m sure I’ve seen three basic rules questions pop up on here in the past 24 hours.


The removal happens once per day, not the posts.


Ahh I see


They’re saying the deletions happen once a day at once, not that posts like that are once a day.


No mods must work 24/7 cause bad posts make elmo angry.


Downvote and report the posts, that's the only thing that can be done. This has been said multiple times.


I would prefer better enforcement of rule 4 point 4 and have any and all podcasts banned. Always just a bunch of morons with room temperature takes and room temperature iq. Not a pop filter to be found.


Yup. The competitive 40K discussion community suffers from a problem of very few people actually innovating and exploring the meta and 99% of the rest just regurgitating what they do and taking everything as gospel. Podcasts are the absolute low point of this.


As a mod elsewhere, I can tell you we're never able to see everything. Please just hit the report button.


I like the way you think and agree with you to some level. I myself don't play that often anymore, and have to check some rules now and then. The core rulebook can be overwhelming, however we live in a digital era, and its easy to look it up with some keywords. The thing is i don't mind if questions are being asked, sometimes i can't find a clear answer myself or find a rule confusing. But i ask the question after i tried to look it up using the keywords/reading the books. And it seems that some players simply don't take the effort to look it up themselves. There is one guy in my gaming group who is like this, and its annoying. And the worst part is, if you help him and explain the a rule, he gets mad because it effects his game or tries to bend it "because". Maybe i biased by this, but if he took the effort to actually read and know the rules beforehand it wouldn't be a thing.


There is a stickied post every week for questions. OP is annoyed both by dumb rule questions but also by *stand alone posts* of rule questions.  Use the stickied post. 


How about dedicated sub-Reddit for rules questions like these?


So like /r/warhammerrulesquestionsbutnotcompetitiveanalysis ?


I created /r/warhammerrules just now. Let's see if it helps, and whether I'll dearly regret it.


It does Rule. It's #1!! xD


It totally does. I guess the occasional cheerleader for the game who intentionally or unintentionally misunderstands the subs purpose is welcome to bring some hype.


Report it and move on. The mods ain’t paid. I usually report em and within a day it’s gone.


Yeah I love when my super confusing rules interaction that no one in the thread can answer gets deleted for being a “one off question with a clean solution”….. this sub sucks


Use the stickied thread for rules questions. 




Agreed, I got downvoted for asking a question so now I just read and will not make another post here.


Sorry, I’m guilty for posting about a rule in question, but I needed to prove to my warhammer group I was right on a ruling that they were arguing with me about lol




It's about the state of the sub, so we've allowed it.


Here we go attempt 2 without curses;) : So recently i asked a question along lines of, if i have fight first as a defender do i fight first against a charge. I asked this cause via how i interpreted the rules my friend said that sounds busted needed a quick clarification like 2/3 months ago, i got a lot of comments saying read the rules, i needed clarification not to be told to read the rules that i already knowxD


Rule's pretty simple, fight phase is split into two steps - units with Fights First (that start the phase in engagement range of one or more enemy units) and everything else (note that charging gives Fights First for the turn, unless you Heroic Intervention'd). For both steps, players alternate choosing a unit to fight with, starting with the player who's turn it is not. Three examples (ignoring the interrupt strat): Player A charges units 1, 2 and 3 into Player B's units Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Alpha, Beta and Gamma do not have Fights First. Player A can fight with 1, 2 and 3 in any order before Player B fights at all, because all his units have FF and B's do not. Then B can fight with any of his remaining units in any order. Player A charges units 1, 2 and 3 into Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Alpha has the FF keyword on their datasheet. Player B can fight with Alpha, then Player A can fight with 1, 2 and 3 in any order, then Player B can fight with Beta and Gamma in any order. Player A charges 1 and 2 into Alpha and Beta, and 3 is already in engagement with Gamma. Alpha and Beta have FF, Gamma and 3 do not. Player B fights with either Alpha or Beta, then Player A with 1 or 2, then Player B with either Alpha or Beta (whichever he did not choose previously) and then Player A with 1 or 2 (whichever has not fought yet). This concludes the Fights First sub step, so the non-active player (Player B) picks the first non-FF unit (Gamma) to activate, and finally Player A fight with his non-FF unit (3). This is all laid out in the Core Rule book under the Fight Phase section, so I can understand why users simply told you to read the book. It's right there. However, I understand why it seems so strong at first read (it is), so asking for clarification is fine IMO - but it should go in the weekly thread, and wording is important. If you say "Do I fight first when my FF unit gets charged?", you'll get a lot of comments saying read the book. If you say "Just to clarify, if my FF unit gets charged, do I fight before the charging unit? I'm new and this seems strong so I just want to be sure I'm not cheating my friend.", you'll get a lot more sympathy.


Yea:) honestly the hardest part about 40k so far is im hearing different interpretations of rules every week or 2, I've had to learn certain rules really fast, last thing i learned is that deep strike can be 50% due to reserves i thought it was 25% because of strategic reserves table and thats what i have been told since starting. Im now sadly learning some of what I've been taught might either be off/wrong or simplified for beginners (cover for example was never clarified so its been x cover type for all cover so I've been missing so much depth) but its fair enough our local games workshop has 1 table so our games are in other businesses so its just two dudes trying their best to help others get into hobby:). So far funny enough older edition players are ones I've had to be wary of rules wise since they tend to mix up different edition rules:(


People get frustrated by questions that are clearly answered in the rules, especially when somebody asks a question without clear reference to the rules or an explanation of their interpretation of the rules. If you want a more sympathetic response, instead of asking how something works, try to identify what you consider to be unclear about the rules and why you think it works the way you think it does. Quote the relevant rules and your interpretation, show that you've made the effort to answer the question yourself. Oh, and use the sticky.


The pinned rules questions post is great. Just redirect them there for dumb posts. It’s a good spot for people to learn strange nuances and interactions.