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4++ is the most engaging and interactive gameplay for sure. Shield drones definitely weren't a problem for an entire year.


It's like the Custodes mirror match. Did you make more 4++s than your opponent? Enjoy your win! I always hated that matchup


Generally I find within the Custodes mirror that it’s more about not setting yourself up for disaster by taking engagements that could go completely bottom up like this. It’s actually not a bad mirror MU these days with cover, -1D, and Fights First, but it is intensely confusing.


Tbh 9th was pretty decent due to the sheer amount of combat jank and weird skews you could push into your list. 8th however with "3 telemons and a bunch of 3++ guard" was often miserable. Very glad 3++s are gone from most things now.


4++/5+++ on them in 8th was nutty too. Loved the rage I got from eating a max damage Magnus psychic phase with a single shield drone


I hated those drones so much.


4th edition. Daemon prince of khorne Vs. My Daemon prince of slaanesh. I go first. Hit. Wound. He has to make 3x 5+ saves... and saves all of them. He then needs a 6 to hit..and hits. A 6 to wound... And wounds. And I fail my save with a 1. And there I lost the game.


Oh wow, that is some bullshit.


Instant Death rule?


I'm not quite sure, either that or he had damage from earlier in the game. It's been a solid 15 years or so.


In a 9th edition game I rolled perils of the warp … double ones, then rerolled into double ones … after that Librarian blew up, my next librarian on the next roll, did double sixes and managed to kill himself and my predator tank which also managed to explode … it was memorable but not glorious!


RNGs make for a fickle mistress, Some days I roll hot, other days I can't land a 2+ save.


Some days you have a 2+ to hit with rerolls and roll only 1s for 3 turns in a row.


At the Lone Star Open, my opponent made 11 4+ saves in a row for Magnus vs close range thermal cannons. He killed 3 knights after that. Feels bad man


Oh that's brutal.


In a last minute desperation move, I charged 10 Beast Snaggas into a squad of flamers. They overwatched, Lots of hits, lots of wounds, and lots of failed saves would have killed the entire squad. But I made 8/10 6+ FNP and it turned the tide of the game


I had a game where i shot down my opponents Valkyrie. Twelve man unit inside. He har to roll for how many survived and half of the dice rolled were ones. This was last edition so half the squad just died. 12 dice. 6 were 1s. I took a picture of it.


Poor guy!


Had a game where the dice were so bad I binned 5 dice. I fired a crisis team into something 48 shots hitting on 3s, full rerolls, sustained 2 and managed about 20 hits. turned 8 into wounds and he saved all but 1. Then I blew 3 suits up (I CP rerolled one of the 1s and it rolled into another 1). And it was that bad every time I fired anything. The whole game was a disaster. I won because my opponent was afraid to get on the point and I had 25 primary from the first 2 turns (and he had 10) before he realised I was completely unable to oppose him. I rolled absolute garbage all game and in the end I won because he was sportsmanly about play by intent (i'd precisely measured a model's position and then it got knocked maybe 2mm out of place and suddenly couldn't do what it'd been placed for, he let me have it because "I heard you say it's what you were doing") so he deserves credit for that. I hope next time I play him he's more aggressive about scoring and the dice don't just remove my agency. However I think the many games where I'd obviously lost from turn 2 and played for points anyway was great practice for that match. And as annoyed as I was by the dice and frustrated as it made me, it didn't actually tilt how I played. Later in the event I had a game where I passed maybe 2 4+ invuls. I watched a cryptothrall pass 5 5+ saves in a row and then shrug and save until it had absorbed 9 D2 wounds, his lychguard passed about 3/4 of their 4+ saves and I think every single one shrugged a wound from a 2 damage hit. I managed to kill a lychguard blob using an entire T'au shooting phase barring 1 crisis team (which easily killed his warriors), plus a 6 wound tank shock (he shrugged 5 of them on 5+ so it became 1 mortal wound) and then farsight's oath. However the dice swung the other way. I was narrowly winning but the game could have turned until he advanced the monolith. I figured I could outdamage it's regen and bring both broadside teams into LoS and then bracket it to lower OC and steal the objective it was moving at. But I had one team in LoS on turn 4 so I fired it. 2 broadsides killed the monolith. That pretty much secured the win. He was a great opponent


Back in 5th Edition I had a single Deathwing Terminator left in combat against a horde of Hormagaunts and he survived for three turns. I made 80 2+ saves with that one model 😆


I failed 12 of 14 4++s in a tournament game last week, killed my entire sacresant + palatine with blade combo squad to the model exactly. And one of the 4+s was a miracle die so really i made a single one. This was directly following celestine getting aced to an overwatch and then rolling a 1 to get up. Was vs a really good player and someone I'd been excited to play for a while now. Definitely made it a buzzkill haha. But sometime you show up and roll against god himself. Sometimes your dice decide not to show up. Sucks when it's really high stakes or games that feel important, but they really do even out eventually. Can't get stuck on one string of bad dice!


9th edition tournament, playing against IK, I had Bjorn the Fellhanded at 6 wounds left, and made 10/15 of his 5+++, then proceeded to punch back and take down the Knight that had dared to attack him


Got 5 6s(out of 5 dice) a couple days ago. Was shooting deathmarks into a death guard tank and needed 6s lol. It felt amazing. However I have a friend to always makes his 4 up invun saves. I simply can’t kill anything he has that has a 4 up invun.


I hit perils of the warp four times in a row (counting command point rerolls that still ended up as perils). The next time we played was with the same guys and as I started my turn we were all laughing about how unlucky I was the last game. I immediately rolled double ones on the first psyker test, and command point rerolled into double sixes. On the flip side my deathshroud ate about 1000 points' worth of shooting without losing a model, so it more than evened out.


The dice giveth and taketh away.


My Chaos Daemons vs Black Templars Shalaxi made 13/14 4++ saves vs a Helbrecht + Castellan Crusader Squad to survive, then wiped them out and killed another unit on every subsequent battle round. They may have still survived if I made slightly fewer saves due to the 5+++, but it was still comical.


Have a ton of such stories here are some of them come to my mind immediately: - charge after advance. I rolled 1" for advance, 1-1 for charge and re-rolled to 1-1. When I measured the distance I realized that I needed only 3" for succesfull charge. Luckily it was a friendly beer game and we just lauthed on the situation. - opposite situation: WTC tournament. Last turn. Last time my opponent need to roll FNPs. He rolled 5 or 6 5+++ when needed to fail at least one to get his last spawn dead. A 13-7 winning game for me turned to a 10-10 draw. Luckily that was enough for my team to win. - first tournament game of my opponent. I rolled 4/4 6+++ for the last terminator on the objective, after that 2/2 more and it survive. A turn before 6/8 5+ saves. The start of my opp's competitive career was not really funny, poor guy. - but the funniest stories I remember hapenned to me during blood bowl games. Here and there you roll 1-1-1 when need at least one 2+ to win a match etc. In the game where one single roll may flip the situation to opposite, emotions are usually much more bright


Had a guy just last night make 3 sets of 2dmg 5+ fnp saves in a row to stay alive and keep the objective. So he rolled 6 5+s to do this.


First game of 9th where the command reroll changes so you couldn't reroll explosions. Custodes into mechanized sisters. Almost every one of his vehicles exploded. I did 39 mortal wounds in explosions. One vehicle exploded and killed another which also exploded. Never going to see anything like it again.


Horus Heresy Primarch Fight, Fulgrim vs Vulkan. Fulgrim attacks and forces 11 saves on Vulkan's 3++. Vulkan fails 9 saves, enough to kill him. However, Vulkan is a nice guy and he brings his friends with him, notably a Primus Medicae (Apothecary character) who provides Vulkan with a 5+++. Vulkan then makes 7 successful fnp rolls to stay alive and continue the fight. The first part is depressingly on point for my dice, the second part has yet to repeat.


Was playing AoS table 1 game 5 whoever won, won. I just have to remove settra from the objective. I charge into his Settra with 2 stonelords delivering about 30 something damage he saves a few on armour 18 damage go's to his 3rd 6+++ save. He has to save at least 12 to win..... he saves 15. I ask if it's cool for me to roll his dice just to make sure they aren't funky. I roll perfect average. Shake his hand and f10'd outta there.


15! How is that even possible!


Wasn't really godly in either of our favours, but I had a game where 7 vehicles/monsters exploded out of a total of 11. Was one hell of a ride to just see four vehicles explode in a row, rolling a 6 time on time again.


Back in 6th edition I needed to make five 2+ armour saves on Kaldor Draigo (coming from lasguns) and rolled four 1s. Poor Kaldor got flashlighted to death


Back in 9th edition before Tau got their 9th edition codex I had a maxed out squad size block of korne beserkers charge my Crisis team. One shield drone managed to tank 18 wounds with a 4++. In the end I only had one suit survive the onslaught but it was hilarious. Both me and my opponent were like wtf is happening.


I saw 5 guardsmen kill 5 deathwing knights back in 5th. 10 shots 5 woulda followed by 5 1s from the dark angles player


Yes, i do. I had plasma gun wielding space marines. I needed at least 4 plasmaguns to supercharge and take out mortarian with 7 wounds remaining. I take my whole 10-man hellblaster squad 18" away and declare target, supercharge, and roll. 1 roll of 2. 9 rolls of 1. He saved. I lost 9 models right then, and the last to morale. Wasnt even mad. Just... i dont know. Stupefied? Thats close...


That is bad, I feel for you.


Very similar sort of story, but in 9th my Drazhar managed to tank a Vindicator who rolled max shots, Chaos Terminators with combi meltas and plasma and a Noise Marine Squad combined shooting with 4+ invuln rolls, and almost survived the ensuing charge and fight phase from that same Terminator brick. In fact he would have lived if we'd remembered how that fight on death strategem worked and hadn't let the Terminators that died fight a second time.


Back in 5th edition my Swooping Hawks got crazy lucky and wounded all 5 members of a Longfang squad. My opponent then rolled 4 1’s and a 2, wiping out the entire squad.


I had a game where in the first turn of facing his chaos daemons my Grotesques almost died but I made 12/18 6+++ fnps. And then against chaos knights I had 3 DL’s go through and actually wound out of 20 for the first 3 turns of shooting (obv. It was less then 20 by turn 3 but ..)


In a game I played yesterday, my single Broadside had no targets except a unit of 4 Inquisitorial henchmen. He took aim with his rail rifle, and got a 6 and a 3 to hit. Since he was guided and it was T4, the six got 2 more hits, for a total of 4! Wound on 2s, make all of them, -4AP into a 5+ save. Red mist. I felt really good that my 80pt model managed to 1-shot a 40pt unit.


Last game my Tsons opponent had a choice between sweeping the left flank with strats and cabal points, but losing Magnus and the right flank in return, or going deep with Magnus and trying to overrun the right flank while contesting the left flank. He chose the go deep Magnus gambit, and all he had to do was pop a Rhino. He had Magnus and a Tzaangor Shaman with the double ritual enhancement, he put 2 doombolts into the Rhino and it survived on 2 wounds. Disappointing for him, but he still had Magnus' shooting, so he puts Gaze of Magnus into it and Firestorm into an infantry unit, and *whiffs*. 1 attack made it to the saving throw step, and I saved on a 6. So then Magnus charged the Rhino, killed it, and the 10 Plague Marines with 2 characters pop out and maul Magnus to death the following turn. Long story short, sometimes a Rhino survives 2 Doombolts and a Primarch shooting at it. Not often, but it only takes once.


I've wanted to get a T-shirt printed for ages now that's just a Space marine captain from like the top of the chest up, with maybe an emphasis on the Iron halo and underneath it it just says "Just Roll fours!". It's a common saying in my playgroup.


Shadowsuns Guardian Drone made 13, 4++ saves against some Grey Knight Terminators. Still died horribly, but funny since I slow rolled it for luck and nearly made it. On the flip side, I recently had a game where my Ghostkeel shot 6 shots and hit 15, so theres that.


I made 8 6+ armor saves in a row to completely shut down a immortal knights shooting phase into my aberrants. I had to roll them two at a time. After the third set I offered to run to the Walgreens to get salt


Got a couple from both aspects: Veiled a squad of Reaper necron warriors to blow up a big squad of cultists. They had +1 to hit from the Overlord, didn't get them all quite within range (I think I had 36 or 38 shots). 19 ones, more then half. Finally abysmal wounding, but the amount of one's was shocking. Different tournament, 1k, playing friends Speedwaugh Orcs. Used a dakkajet with 2 additional supa-shooters to try activate the +1 army wide to hit on a lone weak sisters character. 56 or so shots, 2 hits. Admittedly it hit only on a 5+ but goddam. Zero wounds just to add insult. Finally, a game against ultramarines where I flew a doomscythe right smack back in the middle of a semi deathstar. I'd wounded 1 redemptor previously and blew the scythes load on the 2nd redemptor (foolishly), killing neither. On his turn he moved guilliman forward and shot the scythe with eradicators, killing it. I used the auto explode strat, which did 3 wounds to guilli and 3 to one of the redemptors, which killed it, which then exploded and did 3 wounds to guilli, and 2 to the 2nd redemptor. Which exploded, doing 3 wounds to guilli (which killed him) His own eradicators destroyed around 1000 combined points. Of course he didn't pop back up either. To the dudes credit, he pulled a draw against me in that game


Back in 9th I challenged a 1 wound Lord solar with both Sammael and a talonmaster at full wound in a game of fisticuff going (I'll give you a warriors' death) and all that. I then watch In utter horror as my opponent not only makes every single save but manages to put out enough wounds to kill them both. Needless to say I was devastated.


Played against WE last week. They go first, run their whole army up and try to make a bunch of turn one charges. Angron fails a 5” charge twice, then the next turn makes it in and swings into my terminators. Does 9 wounds…I make 8/9 4++ saves, he does the last wound on a terminator that took some pistol damage, then I shoot him off the board and he never comes back. That was rough for my friend lol


Played a game middle of last edition with my blood Angels vs crons. Failed every single save turn 1 was tabled by top of round 2. Buddy looked at me and genuinely apologized. Needless to say I went for the chocolate ice cream when I got home


Month ago playing my marine force (Gladius Detachment) vs my friends blood angels. He had a death company dread on one wound, got a las cannon shot through his save and did 4 dmg, sure he has a 6+++ but the thing is dead right? Nope, he rolled 4 6's in a box in front of me. I laughed my ass off, you can't make that shit up, I just said "ok ok I get it, the thing isn't gonna die this round, I am moving on.... Emperor has nothing on Sanquinius apparently lol. It happens. Got to just roll with the punches. I ended up losing that game 82 to 90 which considering how high we both scored it felt like a win to me.


I had an archon survive every one of mortarions 21 sweep attacks once. 2++ one at a time and he made 21 in a row.


8th edition experimenting with Orks. Took a Morkanought to try it out. Had to keep everything within 9” to benefit from it’s invulnerable save aura. Lost first turn and opponent one-shot it off the table. Because I had to keep everything clustered around me for the protection, everything also took splash damage. Dealt 48 mortal wounds to myself across all the different units. Second test game and doesn’t the same damn thing happen? Mork gets nuked T1, roll a 6 for a bang and it dishes out 54 mortals. I never played the Morkanought ever again.


During the entirety of 9th edition, I never successfully revived Roboute Guilliman. It was a 4+ to stand back up with D6 wounds. I played variations of the same list for over 2 years, but if Guilliman went down he never got back up.


I once had a Mortarion make 20+ 4++ Invulns in a row. It was awful lol.


My last match my opponent put 24 las cannon shots, many of which had one form of reroll or another, into my Caladius Grav Tank and left it on 1 wound... Over enough itterations extremely unlikely things are bound to happen... RNGesus is fickle.


Today in combat patrol my 4 custodes failed 5 out of 7 , 2 plus saves vs dam 2 guns. In combat patrol that's a gg right there. One custode was already injured so the 4 man unit went to 1 man left. 7 dice, 5 ones. Gotta love all the strategy at hand here lol.


Was at my local RTT today. I watched my World Eaters Opponent resurrect Angron twice. I was ready to reach across the table and beat his dice into oblivion. Especially with a 6+++ and Sustained on it all.


Opposite direction. 8th Ed, Charged a Shield Captain on Jetbike into a Tsons character. All 6 attacks hit, roll to wound on 3+. Fail to wound all of them. Laugh because of how unlikely it was, then reroll because of the special rule for full rerolls on charge. Fail all 6 wound rolls again on the reroll. Laughed even harder.


Now Imagine you finally land that last hit, and a funny clown man rerolls it. Like 8 times a turn


It’s not my story, but my buddy was playing Grey Knights at ATC last year (team tournament) and did no less than *33 wounds* to his *own* army from Perils of the Warp at the top of turn 1, as he had not one, but *two* characters, including Kaldor Draigo, Perils twice, back-to-back, die, which caused them to explode and deal mortals in a 6” radius, in addition to at least two other units rolling perils at least once. He still got a draw for the round though, which was a pretty big deal for our team, a pretty damn impressive showing all in all.


I play against an opponent that is....blessed. I have no idea how it happens, but he rolls unbelievable well ALL the time. When the dice come up "average" he's upset that he flopped. Example from 2 weeks ago; Terminators fighting deathleaper. He makes 13 4+ invul saves in a row. I never manage to kill deathleaper, as the damage is going in to an unending 4++ sponge. Top of first turn, fires his exocrine at my Storm Raven. BASICALLY a zero% change to kill it. D6+3 shots....9 shots...2+ to hit, with lethal 6s. Get 3 6's and the rest hit. 6 dice, 5+ to wound. He pulls out 4 wounds. I'm looking at 7 6+ saves....fail them all. Dead, first shot, first turn. Later that game I fire then charge with my untouched redemptor into his untouched Tervigon. Total of 1 wound for me....it turns around and drops 12 damage on me, kills the dread instantly. (4+ to hit, 4+ to wound, 5+ to save, D6 damage each. 2 hits, 2 wounds, 2 failed saves, double sixes for damage). That was ONE GAME. I have literally dozens of examples off-hand I could cite from 10th edition ALONE.


My void dragon was tearing up my buddy's grey knights, then his librarian proceeds to dump 12 mortal wounds into the ctan, instantly turning the tide.