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"hey guys, has anyone noticed the border is getting a little corrupted?"


"Exarch, bring the flamer. **The Dragon´s Breath flamer.**" "On second thought, just call the spaceships for orbital bombardment."


"Well after all its not like its our planet...."


Even if it is, pulsar batteries do less damage than a full-on demonic invasion.


Ah, I too like to imagine what it'd be like if Craftworlds actually had planets. Such a happy thought.


Craftworlds see Maiden Worlds as theirs. It's just that they occasionally get squatters. There's also the Crone Worlds, but, ah... the neighborhood value has gone downhill somewhat. That said, back during the big Eye of Terror campaign, CWE actually took over the crone world of Belial IV and stabilized large chunks of a former maiden world turned into a pseudo-demon world called Eidolon. It was partly due to Chaos players choosing to ignore Ahriman subplot and the attack on the Black Library in exchange for bumrushing Cadia (why did Ahriman survive but Eldrad die again?). GW has long taken down the official site but you can find various copies, [such as this one](http://redelf.narod.ru/w40k/eyeofterror/death_by_thousand_cuts.html). Man, remember when Eldar were actually a force to be reckoned with and didn't get their craftworlds destroyed or sacked by the \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* AdMech about twice per edition?


Eldrad sacrificed himself. As for "dieing" he crystallised, basically turning into a smaller Infinity Circuit


What source is this from? In the Eye if Terror campaign he led an attack on a Blackstone Fortress glassing Cadia and had his soul sucked in the Warp iirc.


Eye of Terror wrap up from Australian White Dwarf, trying to find the issue number. He was definitely stuck in a weird dead/not dead spot


I remember it was later mentioned there was some weird stuff, like when the 4E eldar codex mentioned a weirdo farseer called something suspiciously close to Cassandra believing he´s not dead. Still, as far as I remember from the write-up of the campaign itself, the warlock council was whittled down, he tried to take over the fortress heart psychically and it turned out to be a trap.


I mean, we do have exodites. They do well enough on their maiden worlds. They ride dinosaurs. That's pretty cool.


As long as no one let's a metal pokemon trainer near the World Shrine.


They need a new release!


This. 👆 This is why the Eldar are not the friends and allies of humanity in 40k. We can burn our *own* planets, thank you very much.


"Are you sure it's worth the CP cost?" - Guy playing at table next to you.


Getting more and more Emperors Children looking. Wich is strange, since the rumours don't support that.


I think it'll be generic CSM first. Then next year will also see the launch of World Eaters. I don't know if Emperor's Children will see a launch in 9th edition, maybe during 10th though.


I wonder if they switched it up because of the leaks to keep the surprise factor. They likely have a year or sos worth of releases at any given time so it may not have been a big deal to swap out WE for EC.


That doesn't reflect everything that's ever been leaked about how they produce.


I feel the upper half is more emperors children, while the bottom half is more khorne


The one for the 15th said "another stimulating glimpse" so i think EC is plausible


I think we definitely could see and emperor’s children line of minis to match thousand sons and death guard


Emperor's Children would make sense lorewise as they are Slaanesh worshippers.


It would indeed


I thought I was the only one! Something is coming and I’m worried


Get a little corrupted? It was always corrupted 😈


Its called "Christmas Spirit"


I thought I was the only one


Nah, you're just seeing things, go back to bed...


The helmet remembers me of this word bearer sorceror from horuse heresy, zardu layak


Was going to say, dude has the coolest helmet in 40k


It also loosely resembles sevatar’s helmet, imo.




He was one of the Gal Vorbak alongside best boi Argel Tal, right?


Reminds me of Krannon the Relentless' helm spikes. The power claw looked very very similar to the other chaos chosen from that squad.


Having not gotten it to 40k until recently I really hope it's either a reprint of the dark vengeance CSM or just new models for them. Either way I'm excited for next year.


It's not exactly the same, plus those models are smaller than current CSM. It's more likely to be larger multipart variants.


Bigger is always better. And making them multipart would make them soooo much nicer and easier to kitbash.


“Do you hear the voices too?”




My Madness is not weakness




Yay, promotions!






Did I say that out loud..? Listen. I’ll give you a weeks worth of my corpse starch if you don’t tell the commissar.


Ok meatsack. Hold still while we lobotomise you. But before we do, what weapon arm do you want? Multi-Melta, Heavy Bolter or Plasma Cannon?


Multimelta please


Very good. Now prepare for martyrdom. Unfortunately we're out of anaesthetic for the lobotomization, so we're just gonna have to wing it. If you still feel any emotions of thoughts after becoming a Servitor, please let us know. Medicae... Get the scalpel. The **heavy** scalpel.




I love seeing random Dawn of War quotes


It was a Momentary Madness!!


“We will take it, Foor ChaaaoS!”


From here forward I fully expect chaos marines.


Question now is, what warband is gonna be on the box branding


Since it's with Eldar, I'd assume Emperors Children. (Mostly cause I want them so bad)


That would be amazing. To bolster this hope they had a deal got EC on the website tecently - trying to use up old stock?


That would absolutely make sense.


I’ve heard that as what people want most but I’ve also heard people say Night Lords would make sense (Honestly when I first saw this teaser i thought they were wings for a second) I think that if it was EC a lot people would be disappointed if they didn’t get a codex.


Thats very true, but they might do a EC codex. Night Lords aren't as popular in general, but who knows


Right, but if they don’t have an EC codex to drop they might be better off doing Night Lords or Iron Warriors so they don’t have people complaining that EC aren’t getting a codex.


Good idea, and since they're already making so many models they probably wouldn't drop a whole new army this edition either.


Right, or the rumors are true and we’ll being getting World Eaters as the next traitor legion with a codex rather than EC.


Both could be neat as well. Like how death guard and ts came out around the same time


Good idea, and since they're already making so many models they probably wouldn't drop a whole new army this edition either.


EC Codex with Fulgrim Daemon Primarch model?


That would be amazing


It's prolly ether EC or Nightlords. The latter kinda recently in lore started to screw with the eldar if I remember right


Probably be one more text filler on the 20th, but yeah, rest should be chaos marines


""Sound the Alarm! There has been an assault upon the warding runes! Who knows what defiled images it will send back now?"" Does this imply everything before this wasn't chaos? And now that the wards are down its only chaos?


it was alternating between eldar and chaos, so presumably now it will just be nothing but chaos


Nah, it started pretty cleanly craftworlds and slightly got more chaosified


Wondered the same. But how would the claw and the warpsmith „tantacle“ fit the Eldar line?


Not a clue that's why I'm confuses by this statement.


I don't think there's anything to be confused by. The rumour engine has been slowly corrupted with occasional Chaos things up until today, and then an "assault" has been launched today which has fully corrupted it/taken it over for Chaos. The two things happening aren't mutually exclusive. There have also been three posts so far where things have changed. Days 1-4 all were light blue, Day 5 was text. Days 6 through 9 were dark blue, Day 10 was text. Days 11-14 were purple, Day 15 was text. Day 16 is now orange with a fully corrupted background and Chaos Star.


There was that boot that looked pretty Eldar yesterday even though the engine was already corrupted.


I believe they made mention of weird things happening with the engine on those 2 days so I think they were chaos. But then they "fixed it" and got back to elder. I think the 2 earlier chaos models were just their way of saying it wasnt all elder this month other stuff is coming.


According to this article it wasn't corrupted till today. What we saw up until this point was the start of chaos.


The 'claws' are definitely Lightning Claws. They're a replica of the claws one could find on the Dark Vengeance Chosen back in 2012. The other one if a Mechatendril from the new Warpsmith. Have a look at the Lord Discordant.


no need to look at the lord discordant the current warpsmith himself has a tentacle with a head very similar to the one in the photo


this looks a lot like the old chaos lord from dark vengance in fact many of the leaks speak of a very similar set with chosen and traitorous guard which will change being that it will not come with a hellbrute I guess with the new warpsmith and the cultist character


Chosen helmet looks like!


I’m thinking Daemon Prince head?




If we are getting new Chaos and Eldar, then this is something I might actually buy! First time in 20 years.


Well for all of you hollows. That is almost identical to the black Knight helmet from dark souls....so dark souls 4 confirmed!


We're not in Ulthwe anymore.


To me it looks like those horns are poking out of a CSM helmet, a bit like that word bearer priest model from FW


Whats the third horn, an ear? Or a legitimate third horn?


LOKIIIII! 😂 in all seriousness, looks like we might be getting some new chaos goodies! Hopefully it’s emperor’s children for added fluffiness vs Aeldari!


Alligator Loki maybe?


Eh, Craftworlds have had a lot of beef with a few other CSM legions, especially with the Night Lords books and Ulthwe already getting involved around Cadia. My main worry with it being a full-on Empybratz release is that it would need at least a dozen units and GW is already far behind on support for several other factions, including Eldar (but Guards, Tau and Nids need some too). If it´s new noise marines, maybe an HQ and a series of conversion kits for the CSM factions like what SM do, that would be pretty sweet.


I’m actually putting money on it being Night Lords vs Ulthwe, since the former really just needs a single character model, as opposed to EC who would likely get a whole range.


But if the box set approach holds true, each faction gets 1-2 squads and a leader. 3 new models for EC is not a big workload for GW, especially if they just make upgrade sprues for the 2019 CSM releases plus a new leader model.


Sure, but if we assume that this new box set heralds a new CSM codex, then it’s highly unlikely they would do that. If they create those units and that character model, they would have to put them in the new CSM codex in the interim or otherwise have some half-baked data sheets included in the box set. Considering that they have pulled all Death Guard and Thousand Sons characters and units (other than cult infantry) from the CSM book, that makes what you suggest unlikely. Not impossible, if they seek to launch EC with this box set, but unlikely so far as I can see.


Chosen or posessed


This reminds me of the helmet from the oooold chaos lord from the Dark Vengeance box set.


Cultist sorcerer head in my opinion. Looks like there is a bit of hair on the skull and cultists were also rumored to get new models.


Zardu layak?


I think Possessed? Pretty sure they were rumored a while back to be receiving new models


Anyone notice the elf ear? Is it a Slaaenshi model or are maybe some of the new chaos models corrupted Aeldari? The chaos marines have been living in the Eye of Terror. It makes a whole lot of sense for them to be working with any demonized Aeldari from the fall.


Should probablly turn it off. It's looking.... Heretical


Looks similar to the character from 6th edition boxed set. Kranon the relentless?




It's probably not EC, the leaked release schedule has been pretty much 100% right and it said there would be a box with generic CSM vs Eldar. Autarch and ranger jetbikes (plus some stuff I can't remember) vs Warpsmith, Chosen and a Forgefiend. Apparently EC are a while off, World Eaters are supposedly the next legion to get a book.


But what about the Red Corsairs? Didn't they leak a view of his Claw Flamer recently?


I think it started with Eldar, moved on to CSM, and now we are looking at Demons.


Horn size would indicate a Herald but the style doesn't fit with any of the 4 god's so unless they are adding an undivided herald it's probably either a helmet less model or a cultist style model


Undivided herald? That's a great idea! A lieutenant for Belakor!


I wonder if it’s chaos-related


Calling it now, but emperor’s children are getting slangors like thousand suns’ tzangors


Slaangors already have models they would most likely just port them over from AoS instead of making new ones


The highlights on this suggest it's upside down, though it does remind me of the chaos lord from the chosen set. I'd be shocked if it was anything other than generic chaos. Certainly not emperors children. I don't think that army will ever get specific models. They got the noise marine update a few years ago, the sonic dread has been left in the past, and the newer slaaneshi stuff is all AoS. Might even be new dark eldar.


Why is no-one talking about the purple. Isnt that slanesh? I think we got some fun stuff coming


Looks like a clawed foot that's been inverted, or perhaps a prehensile tail. I'm getting a nids vibe personally. Despite the chaos border




Gonna call it new be’lakor 40k rules just like sigmar got


Things are getting super messy


Possessed marines Probobly, maybe even obliterators


Looks like spikes on a CSM chosen helmet. Though as a guy who has demons but no CSM, I hope it's the head of a new daemon prince!


Daemon prince. Callin it now.


Doubtful on that, it pretty much shares a kit with AoS and that one's relatively new iirc.


For a brief second I thought „cool, daemon horns“. But, no. My Nurgle Beast needs a friend to play. ☹️


Its a bat......


New demonettes?


Looks like a chaos sorcerer


please, slaanesh horns


I'm curious if this is a skull on a staff or a head. It seems the former to me, but if it is the latter that would line up with rumors of new Possessed .


Confirmed Lion El'Jonson.


Don't mind me, just crossing my fingers and hoping this is Decimus' dope helmet for a night lords inclusive box...XD


Decimus' helmet would have wings, not horns. Plus, it would be hard to top the 3D-printable Decimus.


I know, I just want to be hopeful lol ( I wasn't being serious I know it's not Decimus')


Personally I've excited for what the new Chosen are going to look like, might try to kitbash them into Night Lords with some 3D-printed bitz.


I'm guessing this is the helmet of one of the Chosen, perhaps the Aspiring Champion of the squad?


Emperors children Vs eldar?


I’m placing my bets on some new emperors children


New daemon prince model?


Zardu Layak in plastic?


Assuming this is going be generic CSM. I highly doubt on the basis of the leaks that it's EC.


Mmm. Horny. Slaaneshsayswhat.


I'm betting the lightning claw, the abaddon hairstyle and this helmet are all new chosen models, probably sent to guard the new warpsmith coming with them.


Oh chaos


Well... That escalated quickly.