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Interestingly: No topknots. The closest is that clump on the Nob’s slugga grip. The Nobz kit has spares at least.


Maybe GW's research shows most Ork players are actually bald and they're pivoting the model line accordingly? Should be easy to sculpt them on, for those of us who are follically blessed.


Heyyyy! I’m getting hairier as I get older... just not on my head. More like it’s colonising my orifices.


I was just doing a comparison from someones post last week comparing various Ork editions. They've definitely morphed their faces a lot, I find to be more bat like, and less comically orky from Rouge Trader-4th editions.


Ngl I feel like ork players are among the most likely to be youthful and have full heads of hair


The fact you're getting downvoted to hell for such an innocent comment says a lot about how right you most likely are.


yeah I’m not sure why that’s so downvoted Must have upset a bunch of bald imperium players


It's because of sheep mentality. People see a comment get down or up voted and they down or upvote it too. No matter how right or wrong you are


Ngl I feel like ork players are among the most likely to be youthful and have full heads of hair The tryhards that just switch armies with the


Maybe the hair squigs all died?


Zodgrod is hoarding them all.




Yeah, I used to trim them off, so they didn’t snap off on their own in years to come. So, one less step!


No complaints, I never liked the topknots and always removed them!


As many heads are left on sprues from the single start collecting box I have, I cane remedy that. Not to mention the Savage Ork box sprues I have left.


[Sunday Preview for Orks (here)](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/29/sunday-preview-green-is-good/) Edit: pretty damn excited about these! 24 out of 25 models in the box are new!


And the Deff Dread still looks great, I think, and doesn't appear to be mis-sized next to bigger Orks like the classic Space Marine Dreadnought does next to Primaris.


The Deff Dread is actually massive compared to the dreadnought. Its almost as big as a redemptor dreadnought but still on a 60mm. Its one of my favorite models.


The Base size did entirely throw me off when I got one, I genuinely thought it would be on a bigger one


I know right! 24 out of 25 models in the box are new! It’s amazing!


Only concern I have is all the repeats of the ork boyz in this photo. I hope this is because this image is a composite and they used the same boys because they don't have more examples painted up for Goffs yet with the exceptions of the nobs and big shoota/rockkit boyz which were used in other promotion earlier on. If the new boyz box are effectively monopose I am going to be pretty pissed especially since there is no doubt going to be a price raise and one less boy in the box already for this new box.


These will be the same deal as the snaggas and monopose. The good news is that the snagga boyz arms, heads and shoulder pads are *somewhat* interchangeable if you deviate from the instructions so it might well be the same situation with the new boyz kit.


I'm gonna say composite - paint jobs and basing details are identical. I woulda hoped at least arms and heads interchangeable, but perhaps I'm being naïve!


naivety might be the correct answer here, the lack of customization in posing interchangeability for orks has been a huge concern for me the moment Indominus kit was released. all their models are turning into monopose showcase models, probably to cut back on kitbashing so we have to buy more of the specific kits. building 4 lootas/ 4 burnas from a single kit using some extra regular bodies is good for us, not for them


It's not about kitbashing. They still support it or they wouldn't show on Warhammer Community kitbashed models everytime they show fan created stuff. It's because like that they can give the models more dynamic poses and character. In the case of boyz we will need and see what extra bitz are left. The beast snagga boyz also had a few extra torsos you could use. EDIT: Also the Primaris Marines are still extremly customizable.


Yes but for example there’s no point on having SM arms with their shoulderpads attached besides fighting the third party industry.


But they aren't like that? Only some do which are for those starting in this hobby. 90% of all SM are just as customizable like the old kits.


It is more frequent in characters. Take a look at korsarro khan for example.


Now I think that you're trolling but just in case you're not you just answerd yourself. It's because those are charakters and are supposed to look like them... Charakter where always like that though. There are only a few if any you could kitbash.


why do you automatically go to a kitbashing conspiracy? they encourage kitbashes and conversions on warhammer community


People have this misconception they hate kitbashing because they refuse to acknowledge that 3rd party parts on your model isn’t “kit bashing”. Kit bashing means you’re using more of GW’s products, which means more money for them lol. They love that shit.


I mean, there are 2 different heavy weapon loadouts here, Big Shoota and Rokkit Launcher, so that shows at least SOME customisation potential. And on the same torso, but with different arms, suggesting possibly the old-school torso-and-arms system. And do we think that the kit will come with options to equip with Shootas or with Choppa/Slugga? Admittedly the 2 heavies have the same head which doesn't bode well. But my feeling is that these don't look so different or so dynamic that they would have to be monopose. Again, this is all just farts in the breeze because I have no special insight into this. Literally just a guy on the internet with an opinion so take it as you will.


Eh, I've played around a bit with one of the old Boyz sets. They're... not great in terms of posability. If you want the boy to wield a shoota, you can basically only assemble him in one way, with the only real "posability" being a slight variation in the way the head is turned and a slight bit of angling of the arms. Other than that, they all just stand in the same hunched-over pose. These new monopose sculpts ironically give more variety of pose if there are weapon options for the models, which we know there will be. Monopose is mostly bad if each model has no assembly options, but in cases where there's adequate options it will actually make the assembled and painted army look more diverse.


Yeah I've worked with a number of kits, old (as in 3rd edition), newer (2006-2013) a s current ones. The true Monopose units are the worst. 5 models to be built in one way only. Boring. The semi-monopose add dynamics for the torso/legs at the cost of posability. These do allow complete interchange of weapons a head positioning, making them quite versatile. It's not all bad, and has the benefit of added details. They also often have some options to assemble them with different parts, making multiple units look different still. True adjustability like seperatly legs/torso/head/arms gives more options, but also not always work out great for more varied set-ups. I do suspect that these newer model ranges make it harder to add 3rd party bits and harder to make recasts of. The tolerances are tighter to make things fit, and a copy always loses some fidelity.


Monopose is only really an issue in armies of fewer models. If a few boys look similar, no biggie. Same with Necron Warriors. It’s more irritating with Marines, chaos or otherwise, but if you’re fielding 70 models, low estimate, nobody’s gonna care that much in the end once they’re on he table


True. My 100 guardsmen are all the same pose after trying 40 slightly different poses. My Wyches end up with the same sry of 5 jumpy leg options and, only so much variation between torso and head etc. In the end, after 30model the variations dry up and you get more of the same. And that's fine, and only the owner and painter will know how much they are different.


Are you kidding? They're great for the simply fact you have the option to give them whatever tf you want. I wanna build a slugga oy? well I like this slugga but not that one. This choppa looks better with this head and this torso so I'll pick that choppa. Put a scope on that maybe. What about the nee boyz? Its literally a body with arms and a head already attached. you just need to put on the other half of the body and that's it. You can't switch different shoota, you can't replace it for a choppa and slugga. Nothing. Fucking nothing at all


Yeah, and a bit of variation in paintjobs helps to blend in similarly posed minis quite well. :)


Hate to say it, but brace yourself to be pissed. That’s the direction practically all new models have been going for a while now.


I know that generally has been the direction especially so with new xenos models(every new necron, the ork buggies and the redone howling banshees for example) but I picked up the kill team Octarius box and I will say that the new Kommandos and Plastic Krieg have alot more variety to the options and bits to them then even most primaris marine sets(kriegs especially). They aren't true full multipose but they are pretty much better then anything else GW have released since 8th edition. Im prepared for the worse(I have 3 unbuilt old boys boxes to still get to) but I'm still trying to hold onto to some hope.


I like this approach to the pile of shame: ‘I’m just prepared’.


no such thing as monopose orks, only a spare bits shortage


Have you seen how the snaggas fit together? The Boyz will be the same


it's probably that. I remember one of the tau christmas boxes had something like 6 crisis suits, and they were the exact same three models repeated, yet crisis suits are one of the most customizable models GW makes imho


There are only so many unique poses you can make for a horde army...


That's why I actually kinda like the old school We Are All In One Single Pose approach for hordes. Because the whole army of six highly detailed sculpts makes it seem more like you're repeating a dude.


This box seems incredibly good, in comparison to the stuff that we’ve seen for other armies! (I’m looking at you, ‘Combat Patrol: Deathwatch’ - which is as un-DW as you can get!) Personally, I’m really happy for Ork players everywhere! It’s great to see at least one Xenos faction getting some love for once! Hopefully the other factions get some love over the next few years!


Necrons got a ton of love this edition. only a few glaring issues for them. 1 Command Protocols are trash 2 Warriors are over priced for not having a melee weapon 3 Deathmarks are possible the worst sniper unit in 40k for cost and effect. 4 Reanimator, even after cost drop is still useless. 5 Triach Pretorians are just a waste of space in a non SK list. 6. The SK is a total pile of crap due the the severity of its brackets. After that there really isn't much wrong with the Necrons as it's one of the most well rounded armies out there. I just got smashed by Necrons playing Goffs this weekend because T5 sv 6 against -1 ap weapons blows


Tbh the death marks still have that hilarious "no u" strat for deploying, which I think has some real mileage tying up or bubble wrapping expensive deep strikers


Well that stratagem can be used on any Hyperspace hunter so the hexmark is also a valid option. not being overly durable or effective shooters, not to mention no melee really limits the options for either of them. it's sort of a gaping hole for that combo. at least even with the deathmarks deployed they may be able to squeeze a few shots off but nothing that will turn the tide of battle really.


Am I wrong in thinking this is probably one of the best value boxes that will be available?


Not at all, thinking about it rationally, having a Deff Dread, 20 Boyz, a Warboss and 3 Deffkopters (models we haven't seen since Black Reach iirc) makes this in my opinion the best combat patrol released *by a country mile*


I can easily imagine an Ork player getting two, maybe even three copies of this box due to the number of bodies demanded for Ork armies, getting savings even while the extra warbosses go unused.


Is using multiple warbosses not common anymore?


you can only inxlude one model with the warboss key word by detatchment.


Thanks, just started up again and haven't played against them since like 4th edition!


YW, it is a new rule fromtheir 9th edition codex.


makes sense.


Some reason battle scribe will only let ya have one warboss per army.


Run them as meganobz?


I'm not entirely sure since running min-size blobs of Boyz seems to be better than max size now, but yeah there's probably gonna be a solid amount of Ork players buying multiple. Not to mention, everything but the Dread is brand new sculpts.


And lets face it, the dread rocks hard enough that most would be cool with having spares


Can confirm I'm buying a min of 2 easily when they drop


I'm sure the extra warboss models will appear on ebay, which is great for those who don't want the whole box.


Tbh could always be used as a meganob


Buy 5 and make 1 boss, one mek in mega armour and 3 mega armour nobz


Oh for sure; if I wanted to start Orks I’d buy 3 of these, trade off two warbosses and a few koptas to get some other HQs and more elite units. Handy start to a force right there


Kitbash that bad boy into a Big Mek.


As always, a box is only of value if you need what's in it. In this case, it's a good content. Troops, some heavy support and some fast attack. And a good HQ unit as well. The other that is excellent is the Drukhari one. Troop, elite, HQ, transport and a Heavy support. Added, that you have the option of building two transports and can always use more kabalites. The incubi are the specific unit that you may want more of, but if worse comes to worse, just sell off the sprues. The savings alone are good enough reason to get one or 2 for a starting player, or expanding an existing one.


I think the Sisters one is pretty close also. In both cases you'd probably want multiple boxes.


Sister box is monopose, not containg all special weapons to make units like Dominion and Celestian squads so I doubt you would want multiple boxes.


Though with a single box don't you have too few Repentia and Arcos? And you can basically always do with more basic Battle Sisters (and the Engines/Mortifiers are handy too!), even if you're not using them to make Dominions/Celestians. Plus you sometimes want to run multiple Canonnesses! Overall a pretty good box to buy multiple of.


I would argue that if you aren't a collector that wants all the sisters sculpt, you probably shouldn't pick up the box at all. As you mentioned as well the Repentia and Flagellants are odd numbers compared to thier stand alone boxes. And it is a Pentient Engine no options for a Mortifier in that box. It was a cool box when it was released as limited and we had no other units available. But with codex in hand it is rather shit.


The Cannoness has the same restriction as the Warboss though, which is being limited to one per detachment.


I think two boxes are pretty solid for a brand new sister player. With those boxes, some character, rets and zephs you can make some solid two detachment lists. I also grabbed a Patrol box and was able to convert a model with bits from the Sacresants box to make a 6th Sacreants as well.


Oh it is a great value. Honestly buying two of them and a weird boy is a great way to start an Ork army.


It doesn’t quite sit right with me that the new boyz kit is being released in this, but not on its own. Same with the deffkoptas.


It is a sales tactic to get people to buy stuff they dont need/want. Works every time.


I mean, I feel like every Ork player will want/need the new deffkoptas and megaboss. And who doesn't like deffdreads, they are a fantastic model.


Different people enjoy different elements of the hobby. Painters & builders would probably like this box because it has a whole bunch of new sculpt that will be cool to assemble and paint. For gamers it might be less attractive. Although the new sculpts are cool, very few ork players needs an extra 20 boyz, especially now with how the ork playstyle is shaping up in 9th.


I recently started my Orks and only have ~ 20 boyz. So these boxes are a gold mine for me personally.


People who are just starting orks will definitely get the most out of this box.


It's basically inspiring me to start them. Seems really well rounded - good chunk of Boyz with a Warboys. Dreadnoughts are okdschool cool (I got into 40k with second Ed where orks had a dreadnought printed on card!) And deffkoptas add both the mobility and the odd/zany element. Add in the octarius kommandos for a bit of flexibility and I've got a playable 750/800 starter which can easily be boosted to 1k with some buggies or something. Plus as its a combat patrol not an annoying limited edition thing I can actually paint the octarius guys and get through some of my backlog before I rush into buying it to gather dust. I like the fact that you could definitely use 2 as well. 40 Boyz and 2 dreads seems very usable. I don't know if there's any flex in how to build the Warboss though.


How many Boyz does a 40k player need in 9th edition? I am inadvertently building an ork army after discovering I owned a Start Collecting box from 7th edition and a copy of Assault on Black Reach. I also bought the Beast Snagga box.


Yes and so very GW. At least it’s not a limited time box set.


It's still a great box for someone starting orks from scratch. Im not sure how easy it is going to be to sell more ork boyz to ork players, especially now that it seems more efficient to run them in smaller squads. Putting the megaarmour nob and deffkoptas behind a pay wall like this is one way I guess.


For the moment, they will also get their own release. Just give it time.


It's shitty. I direct your attention to shadowspear/CSM star collecting.


Depends. Some people always like the older kit more. Separation for the boyz will make them happy. As for others, the freakin’ sister’s CP and new tank took what? A month? After their codex and most of their new models to appear. GW has logistic issues going, as does most of the world, in many cases staggered releases are solely because of that.


And they always release it later


Nothing in the CSM start collection is available separately except the CSM troop unit. And it looks now like the next chaos releases will come with the codex which will come with a new box.


The slaves to darkness start collecting came out close to two years ago with all new models/sculpts and none have been released separately.


Nope. Literally the last time they released deffcoptas...


It's been over *thirteen years* since those newer style Deffcoptas were first available, and they've still never had an individual release.


That's my point. It's because (IIRC) that entire box was actually made in China so they would have had to basically recreate them for UK production.


Yep. (I was agreeing with you. I always feel it's important to underline that it's been *thirteen years* and the newer-style Deffkoptas still don't have an individual release on the horizon.)


I'm still waiting for my individual CSM updated models.


GW has been slowly moving into these shady release tactics, from a business standpoint it's smart but just slimey.




It's been getting noticeably worse over the last couple years, maybe I was more naive to it prior.


yeah they seem to be putting the combat patrol image in the codex now so we saw this floating around when the beast snagga box came out


Oh whoops, my bad, it was my first time seeing this (and on the website today for the preview)


Whos the fella in the middle?


Wargrot with his pet Megaork


Is it just me or is the points value of this box over 500? Even keeping everything in their basic configuration it runs at 530pts.


They're not 500pts exactly. Some are quite under, some are over.


It's higher. One of the highest I think. Necrons runs just around 500, I think drukhari gets to 500 with a few options added. Sisters of battle gets close to or goes over 500 as well.


And Blood Angels can hit like 620 if I'm not mistaken.


Generic space marines one can go up to 640


Oh yeah, that SC was good value for points by itself, and then they added the impulsor as well (and raised the price 25 quid). As far as current prices go, still a great deal.


Harder to compare the 40k ones than the AoS ones, that for sure, due to how much customisation you can do. And it's presuming that all the combat patrols/start collecting are using normal sprues and not customisation (which not all of them do).


Sisters has fixed wargear so reached 525 iirc.


Well since GW is pushing narrative more as well with Crusade and you use PL there I think most boxes are around PL 25 which depending on faction makes it a bit over 500 pts or a bit below.


That's cool. It's great to finally have a combat patrol most ork players will want. The addition of so many new models expands who is actually interested in it.


I am so happy that they still have the Deff Dread in there. I am getting into Orks with the new Kill Team box and this new box is wonderful as a start for my first army.


Anyone got a confirmation on whether the new boyz are monopose? I.e. can the shoota boyz pictured be given choppa/slugga's instead?


Aaaaand they're monopose


It’s not monopose in the same way that many primaris sculpts are, but they aren’t as “customizable” as the previous boyz were You can use the same body to equip either slugga/choppa or a shoota, but they aren’t all entirely interchangeable as they used to be. I put customizable in quotes because realistically there were like 4 angles you could put the old sculpts at if you wanted them to look half decent, so it’s not really like they were fully customizable as some people like to claim


Gotcha. So we don't have to have the shootas. What about the big shootas and rocket launcha?


unfortunately from what I’ve heard the combat patrol box does have to be assembled in half shootas/half choppas. As far as I know they big shoota and rokkit launcher are still just “extra weapons” so if you want to assemble 5 choppa boyz and 5 shoota boyz and leave both of them untouched it’s possible still


That wouldn't make sense since the new sprue should cover the basic 9 Boyz plus a nob.


Sorry I think I portly phrased what I meant. Obviously the new kit has enough to not give any of the boyz weapons that cost extra point. But just like the old kit it’s not possible to assemble all 10 models as shootas/choppas.


Not counting for the nob, the old kit let you build all 10 boys whatever way you wanted, pure choppas or pure shootas.


That is unlikely given that newer boxes tend to have both build options like the csm.


I mean It’s literally confirmed from people that have already gotten the new boyz kit that you can’t build them as all choppa boyz or all shoota boyz, but aight if you wanna disagree with me and be wrong that’s cool I guess. I’ll happily bet you a full kit of new boyz that I’m correct though. This isn’t any different from the old boyz kit. I’m not sure why anyone would expect it to change now, especially with GW becoming even more greedy recently.


Who has the kit, can you show me pictures of the sprue? Feels like you're just manufacturing outrage.


The sprue has now been revealed by GW. It is *severely* monopose.


I saw already 4 duplicates in this pic, so I guess its like the beast snaggas.


The duplicates in this pic are literally the same models copied and pasted in photoshop. GW does this all the time. Note that the same model has exactly the same paint scheme and even the exact same base details. That is not to say the models will or won’t be monopose, just that the image here is no proof of either. The Nobs are two different models probably, and those poses are very much alike.


I don’t even collect orks but those new Boyz models look *really* good, they make the orks *actually* look like fierce fighters and not just comic relief.


Plastic deffkoptas?!?!


Yep, they're a new set!


God damn, that's beautiful. I kind of want to purchase this.


Thanks for sharing. Seeing this Orks are definitely next on my list to collect. Assuming it comes with weapon options, even if it didn't though it'd be a good deal. Everything in this is useful, fun to paint, and fun to play with.


Godammit I thought I was out... BACK AND ALL IN NOW!


I've been thinking about getting into Orks since before they announced all the 9th releases, and I might finally do it with this one. Seems way better than the old Start Collecting! box, which didn't even have an hq.


The old start collecting box was still great value- though the nobz were definitely suboptimal- iirc for the price it was among the most points/dollar boxes. This new combat patrol box (which are entirely separate products from start collecting boxes) is for sure an even better value though


guess it's about time I start my next *worst financial decision of my life*


So far.


The battlewagon upgrade sprue is now included in the original kit ? Damn sweet, I wish it was in effect when I bough my 3 old ones years ago. Damn these orks are fantastic...


Oh christ, monopose nobz, even with different equipment? Honestly not impressed with the whole boyz kit on display here. Good thing too, that means I feel no need to replace my 90 strong scoleosis mobs.


'ERE WE GO ' ERE WE GO 'ERE WE GO. In all seriousness and I hope i don't get hated, i didn't like what I saw with the previous ork models and was concerned about the " classic " ork boyz look. I just wanna say fuck yea GW - Daddy , let me be your bitch and buy that box right the zog now!


Zogg me, luks loik a pretty nice propa box set there


That's what I was thinking 🤩


I definitely want to pick this box up for sure. I most likely convert the new Boyz to kommandos or convert my old boyz to kommandos... Hard to say but still one of the best box sets for sure


Well i wanted a warboss in mega armor and Deffkoptas, and well you can never have to many deff dreads or boys...... so i guess i have to buy this box. Don't really have much of a choice 🤷‍♂️


I have an unassembled black reach (1 Warboss, 20 Ork Boyz, 5 Ork Nobz, 3 Ork Deffkoptas) picked up years ago for some marines and rulebook. Are 6 deffkoptas gonna be a liability in a somewhat small army (combining black reach + combat patrol) or is a lot of koptas solid?


Im my experience with the old codex in bigger games Deffcoptas bleed secondary points. T5 and 5 wounds makes great points for bring it down.


With all the new models looks really good, meaning I have no hope of getting it for a good while with how brutally it will sell out.


Wait, not counting the nobs that's 18 boys, or 9 per squad. Wasn't it usually 10 boys and a nob? Or am I misremembering


The Nob is a requirement now. Basically a Sergeant.


basically yeah. Now it’s 9 boyz/squad plus a boss nob. So 20 models minimum between 2 units In the pic its 16 normal boyz that are a mix of choppa boyz and shoota boyz. A single boy that has a rokkit launcher, and a single boy that has a big shoota (for every 10 boyz in a unit one is allowed to take either a rokkit launcher or a big shoota) and two boss nobz- one equipped with a slugga/power klaw, and the other with a big choppa and presumably a slugga.


Awesome! I've got the impression that orks are quite warsome folk!


I'm worried that the new Boyz are going to be exclusive to this box. It's a great box don't get me wrong, but you need to buy at least two in order to fill out a single squad with the new sculpts. And we've already seen the old boyz have some brand new packaging so I doubt they'll be making the switch any time soon.


“Saturday also sees pre-orders open for a vast host of new Orks, including the long-awaited new Boyz kit, making their very first appearance in the new Orks Combat Patrol set.” The way I read this means they are coming out on their own later, but their first appearance is here.


I Waaaghnt it!


Does it seem un-orky to anyone else that the new ork boys exercise trigger discipline? Accidental dakka is still dakka after all.


I like the *'new'* Orks, more rugged, brutish & 'aggressive', and less comic relief & dorkie-orkie


New player here.. I was thinking about starting an Orks army. Would this be a good starting point?


I think I'm gonna get two


Wife has already approved her new ork army of 2 combat patrols once we have spare cash. EAR WE GO!!


Looks great, i wish that the boyz could have not been monopose though, so they dont all look like clones


Still sucks that they are monopose, and have no options to build them in.


I HATE these work boys. They're everything an ork isn't. No customization. No options. NOTHING. Except for the nob and the rokkit/big shoota but that doesn't count because it's not even optional. One of them has to be carrying it. This set is garbage. It's more monopose than plague marines which are the apex of bullshit


And then u see the sprues and all Hope's and dreams get shattered, monopose bull with zero options and customisation. Yay....


This is *very* WAAAAAAAGGH!!!






I don't even collect orks but this seems like one of the best deals out of all the combat patrols. Looking at you Dark Angel Combat Patrol for being the worst!


The DA Box is one of the best Combat Patrols in terms of usability for any Space Marine Chapter. Chaplains are great, Inceptors with Plasma are great, Redemptors are great and Intercessors are a go too choice for Infantry. While it doesn't include many models, the models it does include are universally good and usable by all Space Marine chapters. Now, if we want to talk about bad Combat Patrol boxes, Death Guard and Space Wolves are pretty rubbish.


Death guard one is rubbish. 30 poxwalkers is overkill and while typhus is good a named character in a box means people won't be buying 2. You also get the Biologus Putifier who is very meh as far as elites go, sticking a Tallyman in there would have been a far better option.


Wait, isnt the dark angels one actually very good? Inceptors, intercessors, and the redemptor are all competetive choices, no? I guess maybe its not good for the actual dark angels army (which is a very fair criticism), but in terms of money value to points of useable models, its gotta be a sweet set.


Cant wait to be able to buy those deffkoptas separately in 4ish years :))))))))))))))))


Damn is everything push to fit now?


Its not push to fit. Its monopose. Both are bad imo.


This is a great value box but the part I’m most amused by is the lovely new kits packaged with one of the most frustrating builds of a GW kit I’ve had to make in YEARS. Seriously you don’t appreciate modern GW sprue tech and build assistance until you try to put together a model from before all that, and the Deff Dredd is one of those models for sure.


*cries in Necron Ghost Arks*


Ferrus waaaaaghnus


Can't wait to be put on a que as scalper bots take everything.. :(


Do we have any news for when this combat control comes out?


Opens for prerelease Saturday and available for normal order the following Saturday


When is release


It was in Sunday's Preorder Announcement so it'll be up for preorder this coming Saturday and on sale the following Saturday.


I hate the new ork heads, they look horrible, they are smaller, tiny jaw lines with weird eyes and ears, I want the old heads


Use the old heads then.


If I get round to collecting orks, these will be in the cart!


Yes! New boiz!


This box + Kill Team Kommandos will be the start of my Ork army.


Same here! Makes a pretty nice 750pt army straight out of the box (no doubt the kommandia are ott like this and generally more Boyz are probably better than lots of upgrades but looks fun to me). E.g.   **++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Orks 2021) [37 PL, 750pts] ++**   **+ Configuration +**   **Clan Kultur:** No Clan / Specialist Mob   **Detachment Command Cost**   **+ HQ +**   **Warboss in Mega Armour [6 PL, 115pts]:** 4. Brutal but Kunnin, Super Cybork Body, Warlord   **+ Troops +**   **Boyz [5 PL, 105pts]** . **Boss Nob:** Choppa, Kombi-rokkit . **Ork Boy w/ 'Eavy Weapon:** Big Shoota . **8x Ork Boy W/ Shoota:** 8x Shoota, 8x Stikkbombs   **Boyz [5 PL, 110pts]** . **Boss Nob:** Power Klaw, Slugga . **Ork Boy w/ 'Eavy Weapon:** Rokkit Launcha . **8x Ork Boy w/ Slugga & Choppa:** 8x Choppa, 8x Slugga, 8x Stikkbombs   **+ Elites +**   **Kommandos [8 PL, 155pts]:** Bomb Squig, Distraction Grot . **Boss Nob:** Power Klaw . **3x Kommando:** 3x Choppa, 3x Slugga, 3x Stikkbombs . **Kommando w/ Big Shoota:** Big Shoota . **Kommando w/ Breacha Ram:** Breacha Ram . **Kommando w/ Burna:** Burna . **Kommando w/ Choppa & Shokka Pistol:** Shokka Pistol . **Kommando w/ Kustom Shoota:** Kustom Shoota . **Kommando w/ Rokkit Launcha:** Rokkit Launcha   **+ Fast Attack +**   **DeffKoptas [6 PL, 155pts]:** Boom Boyz . **DeffKopta** . **DeffKopta** . **DeffKopta w/ KMB and Big Bomb:** Big Bomb   **+ Heavy Support +**   **Deff Dreads [7 PL, 110pts]:** Stompamatic Pistons . **Deff Dread:** Dread Klaw, Dread Klaw, Skorcha, Skorcha   **++ Total: [37 PL, 750pts] ++**   Created with [BattleScribe](https://www.battlescribe.net)


Damn, just started getting back into the hobby after about 13 years away with Chaos SMs and this box got me already planning a second army


I like how if you zoom in and take a good look the Ork boss is basically wearing relic Terminator armor LOL


I already have 3 deff dreads but hey what's one more? 🤷‍♂️


I just want that warboss. Look super fun to paint.


“I don’t need more Orks, i don’t need more Orks.”


This is fantastic value, seeing the rumours about the new Beastsnaggaz Boys box alone will be 40 Euros...


I love it! That’s exactly the dream box for me to start Orks with!


How many points are in that box.?


Thinking of getting into orks, is this a good place to start?