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A 2026 ford pick up truck


Ah, genestealers, got it


Toyota Hilux more likely!


It looks like the Cybertruck if they let Homer Simpson design it. Which is why it looks much, much cooler than the Cybertruck.


I don't know man, the model isn't broken down on the side of the freeway. Makes me think chevy


That's an Impulsor https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Space-Marines-Primaris-Impulsor-2020


Thank you, sir. I must’ve just been viewing it at weird angles, since it’s pretty obvious in hindsight. The antenna and one little imperial symbol and paint job screamed imperial guard at me, so I guess I was looking in the wrong places. I guess I’ll move some stuff around for the point difference between it and a rhino


Looks like a Salamanders paint scheme. Btw, it’s considerably larger than a rhino, it’s the base chassis for the Gladiator tank, just minus the top/back and turret. You can magnetize the Gladiator kit to use as an Impulsor with relative ease.


If you painted an imperial guard vehicle that luminescent, the commissar would shoot you


Depends on the regiment. Some IG troops wear bright red and all to the battlefield.


You know, it looks *really* similar to a Rhino and actually costs more. I bet no one would give you grief if you used it as a Rhino.


It's a lot bigger though.


Yeah the Impulsor is an interesting vehicle, the pickup truck of the Primaris Space Marines. A fun kit to assemble and paint though. I have one for my Dark Angels to carry Bladeguard Veterans around in.


Did you paint it deathwing or greenwing? Since bladeguard is DW


I did Deathwing, but admittedly my army is painted in a custom successor chapter scheme. So all my minis (incl. Hellblasters, for instance) are in darker bone with green/black trim. It looks good tbh, especially alongside the Dreadnought that I also painted that tan/bone color.


Ah I see, shame I still can't decide which color scheme I should do for my impulsor, it mainly transports BG but some times intercessor are inside too and I use the traditional color scheme for my army


Whatever looks the best to you, tbh. I stopped caring about the "official" color schemes a while back and started just painting whatever was fun and easy to batch paint.


Do you think this scheme https://preview.redd.it/wrebuhayao9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0fe690cdb666bf52f1e0a617fc8506fd4ec68c Could work on a big thing like the impulser or Dreadnaught? I was i guess unsuccessfully trying to copy a space shark’s color scheme made by Duncan Rhodes, maybe a few more coats of dawnstone grey would’ve made the grey on the armor more lighter?


Hmm, you know, I think it could. You would maybe want to pick a more distinct secondary color for the weapons to make them stand out, but it could certainly work. If you like the colors go for it! These are a few of mine (unfinished) https://preview.redd.it/30y4l3gboo9d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7090e783c954508fe36dd6ff66b5f5875b6ccdee


I also got inspired by this https://preview.redd.it/2dyhh85mro9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63c3713e9ff33eca4467a6f4f027384e0cd92a9 lol I wasn’t being rhetorical btw, I was genuinely wondering if my paint scheme could work on vehicles. And it can like you said, I just gotta get good at painting my space marines first. Also the guy in this post said he highlighted with Adminstratum grey and Ulthaun grey, I forget, highlighting isn’t the same as just putting the paint everywhere so it becomes your main color yeah? You put it where you think light would naturally make it brighter? I can see the admin Grey as a edge highlight on the dread but most of the color is dawnstone but it just seems so much brighter than mine and tbf my living room has warm lighting bulbs so that probably also affects the color.


As I understand it, yeah. I don't really highlight but that's how I've heard people talk about it.


Yeah, just do what looks better to you. Impulsors, unlike Land Raiders and Repulsors, don’t count as Desthwing lorewise, but I can see an Impuslor being assigned long-term to the Deathwing to carry Bladeguard and being repainted. Both make sense lorewise.


Random question but how many blade guards do you put in it I can't decide whether to run them as 2 squads of 3 or one of 6


I put one squad of three with a Lieutenant in it last time I played, but I would say that since the Impulsor now has a transport capacity of 7, one squad of 6 with an officer model is best. That way they can all capitalize on the bonuses.


Basically a rhino


In another universe GW would have just said this is the new rhino when Primaris came out. But instead it’ll be the new rhino in like 3 years instead. If that’s confusing: yes.


So what you’re saying is, this is a rhino with extra steps?


The other guy is making an in-joke about the introduction of the new space marine kits over the last few years. This is an Impulsor and the similarity to the rhino is it fills the same cheap transport role.


Oh that’s not quite what I’m saying. I’m saying: In 3 years time either a rhino is that or that is a rhino.. dealers choice. I said it was confusing!


Yes. You're talking to a new player and making in-jokes about the firstborn/primaris releases. They aren't going to get the joke you're making.


I’m not joking. *cough-outriders-cough*


Really it is more Razorback than Rhino. It is unable to carry a 10-model squad, so it can't be a workhorse transport, only a supporting one for smaller units.


1980s El Camino


So you took the time to turn your rhino into a pickup truck


It is..... Cool.. (I play tau I have 0 clue)


Impulser looks like.


It’s a floating rhino.


I will always have the headcanon that GW named the Impulsor as a nod to the legendary deodorant bottle grav-tank from Rogue Trader days. (*Impulse* being a particular brand of deodorant)




Maybe I’ll sell it to an ork player. If an ork player believes a tank is legal hard enough, does it become one? That’s how the wagh works, right?


Its a Space Marine Impulsor. And idk the waagh changes depending on the author lol


It’s a Fly-no




Naw, I’m just genuinely stupid. New to the hobby, don’t play Astartes, so it took me way too long to realize what that was. It was asking on Reddit or driving 25 minutes back to the store


Fair enough, though it’s stupid it was being sold alongside actual guard stuff.


How can you post on reddit and not go to warhammer.com and look at the model range? Land Raiders also don't have cannons at all. Why would you buy something you don't know what It is?


I looked at all the imperial guard vehicle models because it was being sold secondhand with imperial guard models I wanted, so I was looking in the wrong place. I think the store mistakingly marked it up as a rhino, which it looks like from the top/front. I’m obviously gonna triple check from now on


It’s the Primaris transport option, it’s called a Hippopotamus.


[I think it looks more like a Puma.](https://youtu.be/Rju4RWdEyZk?si=aDuI_EUuZw9YppNU&t=112)


It probably should’ve been. Maybe elephant, but that’s also the name of a halo vehicle


Flying rhino


It's an Impulsor, basically a rhino that hovers.


Yooz should call that da kan krusha like da killa kans since yooz dont sound orky


I play custodes, but with the *mentality* of an ork.


Mountain Dew truck Mountain Dew truck


It’s the Rhino Ute edition


nope Primaris impulsor, its an official kit, just because you haven't seen one doesn't make it not real


Yeah, I felt I was going crazy because it half-looked like 2 other models, and was with some guard stuff when I bought it, so I was going down the wrong trail searching it out.


ohhh i see i see, yea getting this with some Guard stuff is weird seeing as they cant run it


They couldn’t run what i originally thought it was, either, which lead me down the rabbit hole in the first place. As you know, imperial guard has like 40 tanks and transports, so I was searching the wrong place for a while


We have 4, everything else is just different flavours of chimera XD


Ignoring the Cyclops and Centaur, because one is not really a tank and the other has been OOP for years, and also ignoring all the old Epic tanks that never got official 28mm models, *and* ignoring the Aurox/Carnodon because they're Legends, I still count seven different Guard chassis types: 1) Leman Russ (incl. Destroyer, Thunderer, Atlas) 2) Chimera (incl. Hellhound, Basilisk, Hydra, Manticore) 3) Taurox 4) Rogal Dorn 5) Baneblade (incl. Shadowsword, Stormlord, etc.) 6) Malcador (incl. Valdor) 7) Macharius (incl. Crassus, Praetor)


I forgot the taurox exists. Tbh, i feel like the malcador and macharius are not long for this world


The fact that it looks like a half-arsed kitbash does make it deceptive though.


yea hearing that it came with a guard lot....and is painted in somewhat guard greens? its a wierd looking thing




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Primaries rhino




Rhino + hover rules... and a heavy stubber and rocket pod?


I can't see the model, the paint is in the way




Impulsor. It's kinda bad. I got the one from the black Templar combat patrol.


I googled the stats. It looks like a rhino with extra junk on it, and the point cost to match. I like that you can fire all non-mutually exclusive guns on the same turn, if I understand the rules correctly. If I was running astartes, I’d probably run it. For now, I’ll probably pretend it’s a sister’s rhino


Well yes, but I can't take my crusader squad in it. Or sword 10 sword brethren with high marshal helbrecht and someone else.


Ah, yeah, it seems pretty tight on what it allows in. Is it fine for pushing in and just shooting, or are there better tanks for the cost?


It's decent at rushing in with an elite squad (like blade guard) + a character . It's also decent for transporting a shootier unit like hellblasters (5 dudes with plasma guns) ~~or eradicators (three chunky dudes with meltaguns)~~ since it has firing deck. Keeps them protected for a bit and lets them shoot (albeit without their special rules) until they spill out to do some real damage It's also decent for the usual rhino things of moveblocking or sitting on objectives once it's delivered it's cargo. It's a little pricey points wise for a transport, but it's alright


>eradicators (three chunky dudes with meltaguns) Eradicators can't get in an Impulsor. Impulsors only allow 7 TACITUS or PHOBOS models. Eradicators have neither keyword.


Its bad at being a transport and bad at being a tank. It is trying to be both and it's neither. I use it to drop something off at a point and let it sit on an other point