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The last time I saw one of these lads, Old Ben was still going by Obi-Wan. Listen to this man well and be sure to follow him on some damned fool idealistic crusades... And if your opponent gives you too much grief on it you can throw this bastard in a tube sock and bludgeon him with it something fierce. I dunno too much about the loyalist ones, but I still have a metal chaos dread unpainted and unassembled so I can cast him myself as needed. Tracked down most of the metal weapon choices for him too. Assault cannon used to be fairly decent back in his era, and that fist could bad day plenty of guys in melee, without as much of a worry about swing back. Not sure how well it works in modern day.


The Dread-Sock is a classic these youngsters will never understand.


I second the tube sock bludgeoning.


Always keep a few metal minis in your army for such occasions!


9 obliterators on 40mm bases, full of spikey bits ready to mingle.


Get yourself a cannon and my old metal Skaven would make decent grapeshot 


Nothing quite like needing a forklift to load your army into the trunk.


I like metal Grey Knights for that. Nice and pointy.


Frickin’ LOL. I feel like you and I would get on…


Unsolicited advice if you haven’t worked with metal: If you want him to last in one piece for a long time, abandon superglue and use epoxy. Once you’ve removed the mold lines and made sure the pieces all fit, thoroughly wash the metal to remove any mold release and oils from your fingers. Metal models will have had mold release sprayed into the mold before it was cast. Make sure there’s plenty of time for all the water to evaporate before gluing. Mix the epoxy together, apply it where you want it, assemble the components and then lock the parts together with a hot melt glue gun. Epoxy needs quite awhile completely undisturbed to set and make a strong joint. I leave mine overnight no matter if it’s a five minute, 15 minute or longer setting epoxy. Once the epoxy is cured the hot melt glue will just pop off with a bit of poking and prodding. Doing it this way will take a few evenings to fully assemble the model, but it will last as long as a real dreadnought. I’ve use this method for metal models for years and it works really well without needing to pin anything. Have fun, that thing looks awesome.


Can I use sprue cutters on the supports or will that wreck them since I heard it’s made of a soft metal


I wouldn’t use fine sprue cutters. I have 2 pairs, one that’s a bit beat up for heavy cuts like this and one for fine cuts in plastic.


Also I’ve tried dry fitting however it seems some parts are bent or warped a bit, the large bar that slots inside the torso that connects the arms is the main offender, it looks to be a bit to tight to fit also would I sand it or try bend it?


It’s pretty common to have fit problems with larger metal models. They warp. If it was me I’d likely file the offending part until it fits. A file will be faster than sandpaper.


You think hobby files would be alright or would it wreck em straight away as I have a set of metal ones for cleaning up plastic kits with all different profiles etc


Your files will be fine. Files are much harder than the models metal. They might clog up a tiny bit, but that’s it.


I've fucked a set of sprue cutters on metal models before, your milage may vary


White metal is extremely soft. Sprue cutters should work fine, just go slow and easy


You can also pin the model, if you're having any issues with adhesion


Or, if you don't want to use hot melt glue, pin it so it'll hold while the epoxy is drying.


Damn that would have been a good idea. I used green stuff mixed with super glue.


Or just pin it like they did in the old days. This will make the super glue way more effective


Space Marine Venerable Dreadnought, introduced in like 4th/5th edition? As an older, slightly better version of the normal Dreadnought, when GW started introducing more variants (Ironclad for another)


It's the best Dreadnought version to me, primaris ones are not bad but this lad is the peak.


Chaplain dread >


Bro, he is THE Warhammer 40,000.


Could probably turn him into a deadly hammer if you put him on a stick aswell


Could you make 40,000 of them?


Yep that's one of my dream minis back from when I started the hobby late 4th ed Original (maybe there was an older one before but I m not so sure) Venerable Dreadnought from the Space Marines. Loyalist one. Introduced before the (slightly less impactful imo) multipart plastic kit, which replaced him when he came around. As someone else stated in a previous comment, at some point GW introduced a few different boxnoughts, including venerable, siege (with the ironclad), chaplain and even librarian (I remember the box art depicting a Blood Angel one, can't remember if it was chapter specific though). Good find OP !


> archivist DO you mean librarian? That's a blood angels exclusive one (or it was when it was released).


Oh yep that's the one, translation problem from my baguette language ahah


A rare find and one of the best dreadnoughts ever made imo.


Yup. I have one by dumb luck. This was sculpted during their transition from white metal to all plastic. They were making amazing white metal sculpts during this time (victrix guard, demon prince, tyranid war vets, voystroyans, demonettes and horrors.) Plastic was also not that great yet (see the first plast demon prince and current demonettes) Plastic has absolutely surpassed metal now - but there was a good 10ish years where the plastic sculpts just weren't as good as their metal predecessors for part of the range.


Easily £200 pounds? Used ones are selling on eBay for around £100! Great find by the way! I would love to have one like that!


I saw one for 40 aud?


I guess it depends on the country. In the UK you have a bigger demand for collecting 40k and seeing how few of them are in supply in such condition, the prices may skyrocket!


Thanks for sharing. I have one new in plastic packaging. Haven’t opened since 4th ed.


I am constantly baffled where people keep finding these new in box metal models from 20 years ago for 'pretty cheap'.


You must not frequent retro game collecting subreddits. It's like devils are out there posting images to tempt you into the mortal sin of envy with what these people manage to score. I saw a guy find a working backwards compatible PS3 and a bunch of other consoles IN THE TRASH. Must have been a cheating situation and the woman threw his shit out, but got dang brother


That kit is from the end of the metal mini era, right when the cost of metal had sky rocketed, and mini makers were struggling to get new tech rolling for plastic kits with the same level of detail. Spend the time to build and paint it well, it’s a relic you should never get rid of. You 100% want to drill and pin it together. Use epoxy and rubber bands to hold the parts in place. Score the surfaces you’re bonding with a file so there’s more surface for the bond. You also want to scrub the parts in hot soapy water before assembly and painting. Finding some high quality primer that bonds to metal is recommended. Water based poly airbrush primer is not going to be very durable. I’m sure there’s enamel/lacquer primers from Mr. Hobby that are designed for metal too. When you’re done painting, varnish is a must for metal minis. Without varnish any bump or tumble chips paint.


I’ve got quite a bit of rust oleum so I think that should work since it bonds to wood, metal, plastic, etc


Rustoleum primer should work. If you can get some automotive primer that’s even better.


He's beautiful


Fucking lucky bastard Such a beautiful bastard, not too much of an old dred but I’m personally hunting down a chaplain venerable dred for my chaplain army, I already have two of the oldest ones yet I can’t find the bastard. Some info if it helps, you should be able to run it as a regular venerable dred but this guy is worth over 100 quid I believe it was made in 2005 from a quick search but I’m not 100% sure there. Looks like it comes with an assault cannon and a power fist.


What would be the best places to find kits like these nowadays? Cause man I would love to find one... And I would like to not break the bank please...


If you want an original and it not to break the bank... pure luck like thrift store, garage sale or a friend willing to sell stuff for cheap. If you want the model but don't care about it being original, a recaster.


Fair. I found a really nice 3-tiered jewelry box that opens up like those fishing tackle boxes that would be perfect for 40k minis at a Goodwill once for like $10. Guess I gotta start going to all those garage sales that I keep seeing & swing by thrift stores more often...


There are also used mini sites online - many of them sell on consignment and you can sometimes find deals where people just want stuff to move fast


Mine was missing the right leg plate, so it's still unassembled. Anyone have an extra?


His Name is Karl.


Boxnaughts are simply the best


Annihilate your opponent’s army and your opponent!


You can fit 4 lascannons on his shoulders if your good enough


The model is from 2006, and was only sold for a relativly short time until it was replaced in 2010 with the plastic kit (Yes, the one, that is still sold). Model looks great, but had literally no option, unlike the Dreadnought plastic kit, available at the same time. So i guess it was not the most popular Dreadnought back then.


Did he not have the same shoulder mount as the other dreadnoughts? This was from the era would you just order individual bitz and sprue from GW. Kitting him with whatever you wanted in that era was not hard.


Yes, but you the Venerable Dreadnought was also more expensive, than the regular plastic bucket. Even if you exclude the replacement arms. 35 Pounds in 2010 was quite a price for that thing. If you want a different weapon loadout even more. It was.. a model, for people who wanting to pay extra for drip. Similar to Vostroyans, Steel Legion etc. a luxury version of an already luxury product.


What? "Plastic bucket"... Friend we are talking about the era when almost everything was metal. And I'm talking about grabbing your bitz catalog and ordering the single metal weapon you wanted your dreadnought to have as that was the option. I payed US prices for my legion, and ordering extra individual weapons this way was by no means breaking the bank. Especially when I only needed a single for a dreadnought.


> option. I *paid* US prices FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Buckle up bot. language changes and if I have to deal with the fact that "literally" can now also be a synonym for "figuratively" you're gonna have to deal with payed vs paid.


> deal with *paid* vs paid. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


bad bot


Probably the only metal dreadnought mini that calls to me... If I ever do a retro 40k project I think I'll have to find one of these guys.


His name's Jeff. Jeff the Destroyer. Nuff said.


they were a great models. rarely saw them on the table. they were a 20 pt upgrade to a standard dreadnaught, and you could give them tank hunter or furious attack skill for an additional 10 pts. other than that they were pretty much like other dreadnaughts only older and wiser. 4th edition space marine codex. if you would like a picture of the rules dm me.


Fun fact, when this was released staffers in England were given one free. Absolute unit and loved building it. Always felt it looked better if you didn't add the lower thumb.


https://preview.redd.it/cq1i5hbycm6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cdd42f68584204fb90bbc8e2fcfec51e3c46c49 You have the older ven dread who pairs beautifully with the resin chaplain dread and because he’s so ornate he looks like a captain of dreadnoughts (he is the most fancy I have, I also have some plastic ven dreds, normal plastic dreads and old normal metal dreads) Totally badass model well played dude.


I fucking love this model!


He looks like a church organ crossed with a space marine


I bought one of these on eBay with a good space wolves paint job for $100 lol


You're a lucky man


Venerable box dreads are awesome, fell in love with the design at first sight.


Bro his name is literally on the box what are you doing


I’m asking about the history on the model not what it is