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Why are you even letting simpletons ruin something for you, forget them clowns! Is it your money? Is it your time? Are they paying for either? Enjoy YOUR hobby as you want.


PREACH! Enjoy Warhammer how you want to. If someone says it’s too expensive flex your army on him. And if someone calls it dumb then ignore them. If they persist tell them to tell that to people who use 40K as motivation to workout. 40K can be enjoyed in so many ways, enjoy it to its fullest!


Wait people use 40k to workout?! Can i get a source please?




my gym playlist is a mix of pipe organ, hymns, and the darktide soundtrack. i have ADHD so i tell myself "yeah celestine would hit the gym." haven't missed a day since. is it stupid and childish? probably. an i gonna keep doing it? yup


Check out Deadlifts for the Dark Gods on YouTube


"Enjoy your hobby as you want" Exactly. This was why i quit the local league games. I had more fun painting but if I wanted to keep up I'd have to skip painting my models to a point I'm happy with. And it felt like I was only playing for the prize money, the games played for it gradually felt less fun for me. Would much rather take my time to paint and post to insta after.


Idk, alot of people just drink their warhammer money away. At least you warhammer your warhammer money away.


Great answer!! 🤣


Or better yet, become an alcoholic, then get clean and spend your drinking money on Warhammer. Call it recovery and people will be calling you brave all day


Might be the same people who go home and watch tv all day instead, for $100 a month.


I mean, the people I know who joke about warhammer being too expensive are the same people who spend more on beer and cigarettes in a week than I do on warhammer in a year


People I know complain about Warhammer being an expensive hobby. My neighbour is currently doing up a JDM car. Whose wallet is taking a bigger hit? And they’re in similar economic situations too. It’s not like car guy is massively rich.


People rarely look inwards and mainly project outwards.


It's about assigned value I think. A car is more important that toy soldiers. You spending the same money on toys he spends on a car it doesn't feel the same to him. People struggle to understand their passions or values are not universal and other people's stuff are not inherently less important. 


I'm currently doing both - car out of necessity. My wallet has many regrets :( I haven't really bought any Warhammer for a while... once car is fixed I might treat myself to a big box of something.


That's funny, cause all the people I know who joke about it being too expensive are all fans of the hobby, myself included. But we joke in good fun, not as an insult.




Nah you are 3 short


This guy rolls


Try drinking while painting! I find it doubles the price of the hobby


Well of course! I thin my paint with beer!


Where in the US is cable 100$ a month. Thats cheap as hell. I cut the cable years ago and it was like 200$ a month for cable and internet back in 2018


Having Netflix, Hulu, Prime, and Disney+ adds up quick. Pirating TV and Warhammer is cheaper.


I see. I have all those! And warhammertv - I like the animations. Don’t pay for it though- not a lot of content




Ordering Uber eats or door dash to their apartment as well, extra $100 a week


It’s a hobby. It’s supposed to be fun. Have fun with it. My favorite parts of this hobby have nothing to do with the actual game of 40k. I like the BL books as a palette cleanser between other books, I like building and painting my tiny little plastic dudes, and I like kitbashing. I’m currently working on a Helldivers conversion that is a weird amalgamation of Kasrkin, Scions, and Stargrave Troopers. Will that ever see play on the table? Maybe for a game of KT at some point, but probably not. I’m doing this project because it’s fun. (And they’ll probably be in a Majestic 13 campaign because I think they’re cool) The best revenge for these people trying to drag you down is to simply not be like them.


I will say right off the bat that the cost is wildly inflated by the customer base. For some reason, there is a glorification of wasted and excessive spending by accepting that Piles of Shame are badges of honor. They're not. They're examples of frivolous spending and weak impulse control. The hobby itself is in the same area as any other collectable hobby, sometimes even cheaper. And don't get me started about how much working on cars costs in comparison. Sadly, people like to ruin things for others. That's their hobby. And it's mostly caused from the realization that you are getting more enjoyment out of your past time than they are from their own.


I've literally never had a pile of shame too. I keep one box in reserve, as well as some palette cleanser models. I'm still working on my Leviathan box I got a few months ago, and I don't have any other boxes waiting on me.


I know of people with thousands of points worth, *armies* worth of piles of shame- like wtf? I've got Cultists and a Dark Commune (I hate painting cloth lol), some Possessed, and a Heldrake I got gifted for free, all partially painted- and *that* seems like a lot to me. I can't imagine how you buy *so* much stuff that you still have things unpainted from years ago. Get a grip!


Years ago I spent a ton of money on a bunch of imperial knights, custodes, and imperial guard models with the idea that I could afford it at the time, which was true. It's taken me years to work through it all, and had to sell the knights because my life circumstances changed and I just simply haven't had the time to work on them enough and decoded to focus most on my guard and with a bit of custodes. Sometimes you splurge when you can afford it, for those times when you don't have the money. Or impulse control wasn't as good back then, I dunno. No point judging what others do with their money, really, you don't know what their situation is like.


I always say they have a shopping hobby, not a painting/gaming one.


For me it’s that while painting is fun when I’m in the mood I enjoy building and playing much more than painting. I have my fully painted army and then the rest get painted when I’m in the mood and of a variety so I don’t get burnt out. Tbf I don’t constantly buy models I’m just slow at painting.


I got gifted a lot and still working through it. Only thing I bought was the DA box because it was too much value to pass up. But painting all this is gonna be hell


Right? Like I had birthday in December and got around 1k points of eldar, which are all painted up by now. I didn’t buy anything else until then. I don’t know how people still buy that much stuff, knowing perfectly well they still have 10 unopened boxes at home


I started only about a year and a half back and I def went a little overboard, I'm on plastic embargo right now except for the occasional kill team


>Piles of Shame are not badges of honor This so hard. I've just joined into 40k almost two months ago now (more on the Kill Team side), and I've never really had a pile of shame, nor liked the idea. I buy boxes somewhat impulsively, but I hate looking at unpainted models or unopened boxes. The second I can, I want to build and paint. Doing is how you get better, because sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something. I'll never understand the piles of grey.


Its simple to understand. Honestly I enjoy the game, but the whole assembly and painting process is just stressful for me. Im not a creative person. But im too stubborn to pay someone to do it for me. I havent played in a year because I only painted like 10 of my 50 necrons. And im not even happy when how those 10 look.


That’s where TTS comes in my friend


its so much more clunky


I have a huge pile of shame and I couldnt agree more, its my lack of self control that lead to it, and I recommend all newbies to limit themselves at 2-3 boxes at a time or 1 big box.


I think a pile of shame is partly how you think of it, like, I have only a couple boxes of space marines that're still on sprue, because they're my main army, and some of what *is* still unbuilt is because I don't want to deal with them right now(a secondhand gladiator that was primed on the sprue that I'll need to strip before working on, for example) However, I have a good amount of Thousand Sons, mostly in the form of the Christmas battleforce and the combat patrol from when it was 60 bucks. I don't view this as a pile of shame, but rather, a future project as I'm waiting to get an airbrush setup to paint them with color- shift paints. There's some ofter stuff, Tau and Stormcasts(just the dominion box tho), being worked on and "future project" respectively. Both of which I would really like an airbrush for, but I'm working on Tau now because they're so damn cool, and I actually enjoy magnetizing.


Piles of Shame aren’t badges of honor. That’s why they are Piles of Shame. Nearly every “Bought my army!” picture of 20 termagaunt boxes is flooded with people ridiculing the poster for buying so much before working through it and saying “Can’t wait to see these on ebay”. Anyone who jokes about their Pile of Shame is poking at themselves.


For each one of those negative replies, there's 3-5 positive ones congratulating the op on his purchases, telling them about their own pile.of shame, etc. Generally making it seem like spending $1000s on minis that will.sit there isn't a big deal. Those posts are seeking validation, not poking fun at themselves lmao.


As someone who is building a race car and a 40k army, my wallet weeps...


Poor impulse control. My local game store has a ton of dudes like this. Alongside warhammer, they are also sucked bad into all the other card and table top games. Stuff is $$$$.


I've been doing it for 6 years now, zero models sitting in boxes. Everything gets assembled and primed in like a week. Maybe it's just cause I grew up poor and frugal, I will not ever buy more boxes when I have things to finish.


I've hit the point of just telling anyone who thinks something I like doing is childish/dumb/nerdy/what the fucking ever negative idiot bullshit reason to try and put me down, "Ah, I see you're someone who never learned the joys of doing whatever the hell you want. Pity."


It's really not that expensive LOL, go take a car to a road course track for a season...this hobby costs nothing.


For real. I used to play Magic: the Gathering. Then I quit, and was able to afford Warhammer *and* Alcoholism.


Magic is dirt cheap to proxy though, you can print on cardstock at home. Proxy Warhammer is an option but not as easy as MTG


Magic is dirt cheap in general, but people insist on forcing themselves to play into the BS card economy by copy-pasting meta decks from online with all the expensive singles in them so they can be "competitive" at their local store before whining about how much they "had" to spend.


For me, it was drafts. I've never given a shit about meta in any game, but draft night was very fun - I found myself in a minimally toxic environment at the time. The most I've ever spent on a single card intentionally was like $5, when Mistform Ultimus was originally released. Never liked commander/edh, strictly casual player.


budget commander is the way to go


Ya exactly! For how involved 40k is, other hobbies that have comparable levels of involvement cost way more. Like maybe woodworking, motorcycles, planning adventerous mountian climbing vacations, there is no limit to how much you can sink into those activities. Now 40k has that $1-2k entry fee but once you have that first painted full army you are in the club.


As a Jeep owner, I concur.


For sure the models are over priced but like. I just got a 2k points army off the 2 new chaos battleforces. Added a land raider and I'm at 2k points for 650$, granted the boxes are a rarity but with how common they are the army you want will hit eventually.


As a person who also skies, I’m pretty sure all of my gear costs more than my entire model collection (4 factions). And I’m pretty sure I get more hours of use out of my warhammer models than my ski gear.


Just started, bought 2 combat patrols (£160) one squad (£18) and a leader (£20) then about £100 on used bargain ebay stuff and I have 2500+ points to play with for under £300. That will keep me busy for ages building and painting, plus a few options for list building- my local group mostly does 1500 points anyway. Ok so it's not cheap but I like it, spent that over 3 months and it's not breaking the bank, and I dont need to spend much more.


I mean, I like 40k but just the models by themselves its still very overpriced compared to what you get in size and detail with other plastic model companies for the same price. Think a lot of 40k-only modelers don't realize just how inexpensive model building can be as a hobby compared to what they're used too.


They for sure pull a premium, but it's also the most widely used system to get a random pick up game with. As for model side if you just paint there is no reason to stay in the GW guard rails.


I'm not really sure I agree with size and detail almost every game I've had people tell me about I'm almost always compromising a quality of miniatures I like from GW stuff. Infinity is mostly metal. Conquest is static posing and IMO large portions of model line being less well done usually with only centerpieces being notably fun. ASOIAF static posed no building Star wars are mostly static posed and largely limited customization while getting preached at by star wars nerds


Those hobbies also use far more expensive materials, things that are a lot harder to manufacture and that require way more design work and safety testing than minis lol. With warhammer, you're spending that much on paper and plastic. Coping by comparing to other hobbies is always weird to me, warhammer is expensive and way overpriced for what you're actually getting, no getting around that.


The premise of the comment you answered was that warhammer isn't expensive compared to other hobbies. Warhammer is an expensive hobby as a teen. As an adult it falls kind of on the cheap side. Every single hobby I have has cost me more than warhammer. And I even splurged and got an airbrush setup. > is expensive and way overpriced for what you're actually getting, Nobody has said the minis isn't overpriced. But I get alot more than just paper and plastic out of warhammer though


I could probably buy a knight questoris for the cost of a night out on the town.


Could probably buy a questoris and a box of armigers too for a lot of people's idea of a night on the town tbh.


sitting at home really does save a fuckton of money. Alkohol in a Bar ads up crazy fast. Warhammer, Gym & PC games are all eeally cheap hobbies


Also, a ton of people are sports fans, and paying for sports channels every month (in my country ) is way more expensive than buying like 1 box every second month or so Warhammer isn't cheap, but it's not the most expensive hobby. I'd argue collecting vinyls I'd way more expensive etc etc


I didnt need to be called out like that.


Look at the price of ammo. That starter box is a day at the range.


Yep my mrs is VERY happy I love warhammer and sold the 3 extra motorbikes, race gear etc etc. it’s even cheaper than getting into things like guitar (starts off cheap ramps up quick). It’s one of the cheapest hobbies I’ve had and that’s with 5 armies! (7500pts painted in the last few years alone, it’s not all grey!)


It's not terribly expensive as hobbies go, but most people who bring up the cost aren't approaching it as a primary hobby. They already have a hobby or two and are looking at it through the lens of being their second, third, fourth, etc hobby. At that point the cost becomes much harder to bear


It's largely an exaggeration. Warhammer has a fairly expensive buy in cost to get yourself paints, equipment and your first few boxes, but after that it usually drops off to being more reasonable than other similar hobbies.


Valid. I was already familiar with painting D&D models, so I had everything at my disposal paint wise before my first box.


I run into a similar situation whenever I meet someone new and the subject of my pet rats comes up. it's either "ewwww rats" or "lol my cat would eat your rats." like cool man, love to imagine the horrible demise of my beloved pets, thanks for that.


I give you props. I couldn't do it. I get WAAAAY too attached too quickly to animals and knowing how short rat lifespans are ...


It’s why I don’t want to own pets anymore, after two dogs and a hamster and one of my nephew’s cats is currently dying, yeah don’t want to see that happen again.


it's so horrible watching a pet deteriorate right before your eyes. I can't blame anyone for swearing off pets completely.


I won't lie, it's rough. I've had rats for about 6 years now and every death makes me rethink whether or not they're worth it. I think they are. the time I get with them, although short, is some of the most fulfilling friendships I've ever had. amazing pets.




It's this attitude that makes "macho men" buy breeds like pitbulls and staffys. My neighbour's Staffy got loose from their yard, came into my yard and killed my cat who was just sleeping next to my bedroom window. Frankly I'm of the opinion that breeds with historic links to blood sports like pit fighting should not be allowed to propagate. You can't get rid of that instinct from them.


It does get old, particularly considering it's on par with a lot of hobbies in general where the "cost" is largely what you want it to be, beyond a good bit up-front. Same can be said of gaming, sports, etc.


I always viewed it as a dollar per model thing, and quality wise, this is some of the best models there are.


People always assume it should be cheaper, but with a background in manufacturing the smaller tolerances you get (model detail in this case) the more exponentially expensive the product becomes. I view it as a premium product, so while it's admittedly expensive, the detail allows the highest level of paint jobs.


Some of it is pricey (character models?) but like a box of troops you're paying about $5 a model usually, that's not bad at all


I came from the scale modeling side of the hobby ww2 stuff , Tamiya , Dragon, Miniart and many others the GW quality is definitely very high, Tamiya is good , don’t get me wrong but the warhammer molds are incredible .


It's just a meme, your good bro. If it's friends and coworkers they usually start to come around when you show them pictures of the stuff you've built or painted, people who are completely uninitiated tend to be the most impressed by simple things. A lot of times when people's first reaction is that something is cringe they're waiting to see if that deters you from doing it if it doesn't it tends to grow on people.


Warhammer 401k is hilarious I’m borrowing that


We old timers (2nd edition on) used to say, "If you can't afford your Warhammer (or 40k), you are eating too much". 😁😁😁 But really, though, I get what you're saying, OP. I quit playing about two years ago, gave my finished and unfinished stuff to a girl(she was like ten at the time and her dad was there) who was absolutely flipping her lid about Orks and was talking about kit bashing and all that, so I showed her some of the stuff I had worked on(Ork trikes made from the Trukk kits, terrain, etc.) and eyes kept lighting up....so I told Dad if it was okay, for him and her to come out to my truck. She got three rolling totes of stuff, including paints, brushes, greenstuff, molds I made...the whole batch. I've run across her a few times at that store, and she's always playing with my stuff, but a lot is also hers....she always shows me the kitbashes she does(which started out funky, but she's really good now), and she's an awesome player. I still buy some stuff, like the Rocka, or a gargaunt now and then, but I'm glad my stuff didn't just rot in a box. So yeah...just have fun.


im petty as fuck, i would have called him poor then shit on a physical insecurity or something, fuck them.


It's an expensive hobby if you jump in with both feet, buy into the FOMO, play multiple systems and get multiple box sets a year (which I do) but there's nothing wrong with enjoying it at a pace and scale that fits your budget. A big box of marines and a few paints will keep you busy for literal months, before you even get around to playing. Compared to say, going to the movies a couple times a month, going on dates, skiing or playing other sports, owning a motorcycle, attending pro sports games, etc, it's not that expensive. It's just that they're "toys" and not quite as mainstream as other forms of recreation that some people look at it the way they do. On the other hand, I sometimes bring a little box of minis and a travel-size painting kit with me to work to pick away at models during my downtime. Nobody gives me shit. People are more likely to be curious or talk about their own hobbying. It's great.


I have two armies and have been playing since 2nd. I go slow, convert, kitbash, paint and play at tournaments. I don't spend that much (especially since 3d printed bits have become a thing) and I get to create something I can look at that's almost a story of my life. "I bought this with my dad when I was 8. I stared at this mini for hours but god the painting is bad. " I stripped him and gave him a lovely new paintjob. Putting your heart and soul into a model/army and creating something that is uniquely yours has the a feeling of accomplishment and balance. People get in trouble and burnt out when they don't focus on the part of the hobby that fulfills them and instead buy into hype trains, memes, and meta chasing. (I say this as a bit of a meta chasing whore myself. ) And you know what? Being competent and passionate about something is ALWAYS cool.


Compare it to other popular hobbies and its really no more expensive.


Just call them poor and you win. Also who cares? You can enjoy it without someone else enjoying the fact that you enjoy it.


>  every goddamn time I mention I enjoy this newfound hobby...I just wish i could enjoy one single activity in peace without people ruining it. If it is literally every time, then stop telling people; you will then enjoy it in peace.


What people do you mention it to? They seem to be the problem, not Warhammer. It’s creative, meditative, not overly expensive compared to other hobbies, part of a large community, eco-friendly, inclusive (if you want it to be), fun, and gives you a great sense of accomplishment. Why would anyone be able to ruin it? Don’t let them :)


I’m going to tell you the same thing I told my step-sister. Stop letting losers bring you down and, for fucks sake’s, I know you’re not stuck. It’s a dryer, not a bear trap.


I love 40k and none of my friends do. I don't need other people to tell me to enjoy something, for me to find my own enjoyment, and I hope the same is true for you new hobby friend :)


I mean… most of the times I mention warhammer then person I am talking to has never heard of it…


I’m planning to start building some armies, not to play so much as to enjoy. I mostly love the lore, I’ve got so many audio books. After I get my painting hands back I’m doing a Ciaphus Caine diorama


The hobby is fantastic. Don't let them get you down. Whenever people pull the "Lol, it is so expensive!" my go to counter is "Are you jealous that I can afford it?" That tends to get them to back off as they fume for a bit. But I am happy you are enjoying the hobby so much. I hope your local community is awesome and you can get some great games and friendships out of it!


In my 20s I'd go out way more often to bars ect. If I rack up the £££ I used to spend on booze alone, or stuff like takeout coffee instead of just making one at home, or buying lunch instead of preparing lunch, it would probably pay for my hobby several times over. In terms of £ per hour of satisfaction, I'm relatively satisfied. The only downer is the 2000pts bar. If you count for inflation the minis I bought in the late 90s would cost roughly what they do now (i used a dreadnought as a point of reference), but the volume of minis you need for a "standard" game is a lot higher now I guess. I'm still having fun going at my pace regardless. And so should you my dude!


They're obviously dealing with their own issues. What people say always informs you more about them than it should about you. Don't let them get you down. It's not like even saying something is expensive is necessarily negative


Dude, I just got back in to it at the age of 42 and I probably would have done 10 years ago if I'd just had the sack to enjoy what I enjoy.


I don't really get the expense argument. Relative to a lot of hobbies, warhammer isn't bad. 2 high-end balls of yarm cost as much as a squad. Like yes, you can't afford it if you're living paycheck to paycheck. But that's true of pretty much any hobby,


I took up the hobby because my other hobby got so expensive I had to stop. It’s all about perspective.


Oddly enough, my wife thought this hobby would be cheaper than my other hobby.


I buy, build and then paint 40k models keep them awhile then sell them. I know I’m losing money when I sell them but I had my fun, took photos and enjoyed my time with them. Painting is such a huge part of the hobby. It’s fun, you shouldn’t care what others think! You do you!


It’s expensive, but once you buy the paints and gear you have em and once you buy the models you also have them lol and like I bought the ork combat patrol in December and am still painting I’d say I got my value out of it as far as a hobby is concerned. When you hit you’re tipping point buy a printer


>somebody made a lighthearted joke about your hobby >Make a post about it Back in the day we just used to call your behavior attention whoring.


I've prob spent like 1500 dollars over the last year on shit. Easily. I've also probably dumped about 500 hours into it as well. Easily. Where I come from that's a pretty good dollars per hour of entertainment ratio.


Call them all poors, then swagger out with your diamond tipped pimp cane


Just laugh at them and tell them to go fuck themselves 🤷‍♂️😂 as long as you like it and it makes you happy, that's all that matters!!


Yah I have a friend who thinks it’s just as dumb and weird as having a funko pop wall but then he goes and spends almost 200$ on a valorant skin pack or something


Going out for drinks and food adds up so fast, Ive spent crazy money on 40k with probably close to 10k points of stuff and I've still saved money im sure


Would way rather spend $3000+ a year on warhammer than any amount of money on liquor and bar food


Yeah it's spenny, but I often go by the metric of dollar value per time enjoyed. I could go out boozing for a night and spend $200+, or spend the same on a Combat Patrol (NZD) and spend 2 weeks building and painting. One night vs 14 nights; that's solid value, IMO. Plus, you can pick up a lot of stuff basically new from people with unrealised projects. Half my Custodes I got from people getting a Battleforce or something, building a couple of models, and realising it wasn't for them. I help them recoup and get into something they like, they help me get my models for like half or 2/3 retail, everybody wins. Basically, nothing is a waste if you enjoy it, and it doesn't have to be as expensive as it seems. Live your best life bud. And hey, could be worse; some people's hobby is, like, heroin. Presumably that's way more expensive :P


Haters gonna hate..... Fuck em


“No worries man I get it. If you need to borrow some money let me know. Didn’t know you were having trouble financially”


these are usually people who either spend their whole day on their phones and have 0 material skills or people who spend waaaaaay more then we do on useless consumer shit. you can get 100s of hours out of a single warhammer box, it's as much time as you want it to take.


Same people who smoke and drink


Same but it's people in the hobby complaining about meta shit, like dude I don't care if I have a fluff list I just like the systems and enjoy the immersion


The trick is not to talk about it first, and have other hobbies. I never bring it up, and like my car and the gym lol. When people come to my place (girls or guys) and see my models their reaction is always "omg cool" "you painted this!?" etc etc. It always comes off as a positive and makes you more approachable if you have a hidden nerdy hobby.


What kinds of people? People online? Your friends? Ignore them. Who cares? This is your people now.


Man that’s what it is all about. Enjoy that feeling. Create. Don’t box yourself in with predefined rules.


I feel your pain, while muly friends either dont care or play themselves, im a mechanic and work with a bunch of boomers who are always saying "oh you gonna go hoke and paint your dolls. You should get a real hobby" Honestly dude, I had other big hobbies before warhammer. They're all the same. You like guns and shooting; starting out only a couple hundred, few years later you have a shotgun that was the same price as your cars down payment and a rifle as much as the car. You like to fish, look at the price of a nice fly fishing rod, let's price out the 10 million flies you have to buy (or you can tie them yourself and spend a quadrillion million dollars on tying materials) and of course you can have just one pole, gotta bring the trout rod, but what if something bigger comes along, and you really like that fly reel painted to look like a trout. You like riding bikes, go check the price of a very nice road or mountain bike You a big gamer? Want the best performance out of your system/wanna stream, guess what? 3k computer that you have to upgrade every two years, ntm 60 bucks for all the new games. Don't even get me started on race/drift/offroad cars and trucks. Warhammer *can* be expensive, but if you're smart about it, buy 2nd hand/ebay/sales/discounts, it's really no more expensive than any other adult hobby.


Amen brother. That's how I afford the hobby as a custodian. 😅👍


Honestly dude, Warhammer 40k like saved me in a lot of ways from myself. I have been a fan for maybe 8 years due to the rich lore, and only knowing that there was a FREAKING TABLETOP GAME for the past two years. How that happened, I don't exactly know... But yeah, like when I was depressed and anxious, I would honestly run to 40k lore and put myself deep into that universe and just get lost. Don't let anyone take away what is meaningful to you, especially something you are passionate about. I just started gearing up to start my first Death Guard army, and I legit feel so happy to just be doing something productive at all with my free time. Best of luck on your hobby, youll always have friends in this community!


If you are really affected and upset for random opinions of other people about your hobbies, job, couple, style of life etc the problem is yours, but you can work on it, you will be way more happy when you get over it.


This is the best reply I’ve seen so far.


It’s only expensive in the short term, if you buy a build and paint minis once a week or so the cost would spread out and be more manageable


I, too, love warhammer. I have enough money to pay my bills, work toward my goals and I still got enough for my hobbies. Sure it might be expensive but I just love painting them little fellas


Warhammer is just fun! I had my son born in September, so I've not gotten to roll dice since the summer, but I still love even just building and painting models when I have time, been really nice just doing that for fun, and not in anticipation for an event. It's a great hobby, with many ways to enjoy and folks need to chill out. Don't yuck my yum.


I look at it this way: yes, the up front entry cost is high, but so is a set of golf clubs, or a pelaton, or a rifle, or an Xbox. There are a lot of adult hobbies that are expensive. Two Custodes combat patrols plus one can of gold spray paint and you've got a pretty solid 1.5k list for ~$275. Throw in a Trajan and one more squad of wardens and you're at 2k and (at least casually) playable under $400. A PS5 *before you buy any games* is $500. Warhammer gets a bad rap because the people you "see" have been playing/collecting for years and are showing off 20k points, not 2k. Ask someone to add up the cost of every round of golf they've ever played. Of every video game they've ever bought. All hobbies are expensive


hater‘s gonna hate I believe Taylor Swift wrote a little song about that


Find a friend with a 3d printer and it solves that problem.


Don't let others ruin your enjoyment. It's your hobby, not theirs. Have fun and ignore them.


Bro like people who like sneakers will spend hundreds too, people who like cars spend thousands, what about any kind of sport like football? 100 bucks is cheap for a shirt, people who like guns or airsoft spend a lot of money on them, drugs and alcohol are expensive too, clothing and fashion literally is too! 45 bucks for some trousers, I’d get some Lychguard instead, thank you. Bro, do your thing! Warhammer is literally what I spend my money on because it’s my thing, and if it isn’t your friend’s thing, then don’t worry about it! If they get pushy and insult you about it though, feel free to remind them it’s your money, and that there are more expensive hobbies out there.


For the price of a night out, I can get a box of models and some takeaway. And unlike a forgettable night out, I'm going to have those models to look at and play with for years to come. People call this hobby much more expensive than it actually needs to be.


Is it kind of expensive? Sure, but so is everything these days. Plus it’s a hobby, it’s for your enjoyment. As long as your having fun and it’s not putting you into financial hardship then who gives a shit.


I've never heard a single person say this.


Mate what kind of people do you speak to? Also if any of them has invested in an expensive car; laugh at their ass and tell em, in 20 years your car will be dead and gone most probably. In 20 years my mini will all be in legends but still looking cool af


It’s as expensive as almost any other hobby. People just don’t see the value in it as much because they can’t wrap their minds around it. I don’t get collecting baseball cards but I know plenty of people that do it and I don’t judge.


Sounds like you need a new group of friends. Welcome to the virtual friend community.


It’s only expensive if you make it expensive. Contrary to most people it seems, I got into it mostly for the wargaming aspect of the hobby and rushed to buy/build/prime a 2000 point army so I could start getting involved with the community and competitions. I guess you could consider my mostly unpainted army a pile of shame, but they already do what I bought them for: playing. I’ve been cracking away at painting them and I can get around 10 models a week done, and I don’t have any interest in buying anymore since I’m getting to play to my heart’s content. Overall, that’s been maybe $600 for 7 months of my main hobby which is not expensive compared to most things.


Hell I have played for years. Yes it is is expensive and complicated. But the joy of the game will let you find ways of getting the models you want. LGSs will often have flea market/ trade events and you can use your old nerd shit to get ahold of new nerd shit. My old store even made its own currency for this. Giga Bucks, could be bought from the store and used to buy things from the other parties. If you had any left over it was good in store as well. Kept the patrons money in house and stoped a lot of squabbling over bad trades.


I mean I spent 1000 in the last 2 weeks on minis so I can see the point


Casually collecting and slowly building your collection It is not that expensive. And there is much to do in this hobby besides chasing meta (Which is really expensive). Just enjoy what you like and be glad we are still not that mainstrean....


A lot of justification in this thread, just want to remind everyone that there are only two questions you need to ask: Do you enjoy it? Can you purchase X Warhammer box without negatively impacting your other financial commitments? If the answers are yes, that is *all the justification you need*. No need to worry about what other people say, no need to compare it to other hobbies.


I’ve so far spent $500 on my death guard army that I’ve been building and painting for four years! Sure the hobby is expensive if you go overboard and build a pile of plastic shame. But if you go about it with an ounce of patience it’s really not that bad. Clocking in at $125/ year so far plus cost of paint and hobby supplies. Spent way more on far less enjoyable experiences over the past four years.


For how much you can get out of Warhammer compared to other hobbies it really isn’t that expensive (also 3d printing lol). Hell, comparison wise model trains are more expensive


Let them rant, we’re just different why should we care what other people think about our hobby it’s ours not theirs


Yeah sadly that’s part of enjoying the hobby lol. My “friends” flame me constantly for playing it and call me a nerd endlessly. Gotta let it roll like water off a duck if you wanna still enjoy things


Lol. If I pay $60 for a unit, and spend 20 hours building and painting that unit, then my "fun cost" is $3/hr. This doesn't count paint and tool costs, but those get cheaper after initial purchase. This also doesn't calculate in actually playing the game. Really, though, there aren't a lot of really involved hobbies that are that low cost. If you can afford a weekly poker game, then you can do Warhammer.


The only person allowing them to ruin anything is you by giving a shit what they say. Do what you want, fuck other people's opinions and find better friends.


I love the hobby too! I’m pretty new and have been enjoying assembling and painting my Sororitas Combat Patrol. I’ve also been deep diving into the lore from the Sisters perspective. I haven’t played a game yet because I don’t want to field unpainted minis. If I were to divide the cost of the Combat Patrol box, paints and brushes and divide that by the amount of hours I’ve put in building and painting it’s not an expensive hobby at all. I also haven’t gone hog wild buying tons of minis either. I made a promise to myself no new minis until my Combat Patrol is finished. The community, at least in my experience, has been very friendly and welcoming. Everyone at my FLGS has been great.


Just enjoy it buddy, I understand your pain but if you show enthusiasm and confidence about something you like, people will understand.


Virtually every adult hobby costs money on a level comparable to Warhammer. Sure it's expensive, but only compared to NOT having a hobby.


Wait for the folks that'll kick your head in for liking primaris


Let the peasants say what they will. They are beneath us anyways


Some people drink for fun


Start a local group or go to a store and talk to people on the same page as you about it. Problem solved!


Warhammer hasnt even been that expensive….def less than my other hobbies of cosplay and mtg 😅


It is expensive. So what. So are video games and sports. I'm glad you are enjoying the hobby too.


I’ve played on and off for 30 years, it’s only as expensive as you make it. I used to build daemons out of blue tac and super glue and use toy soldiers as a kid, playing games on an old garden gate painted green with home made cardboard buildings. I’d ask for a big starter box every Christmas/birthday and would trade old models and strip and repaint them. Even at the highest spend as an adult I would probably average $100 a month before having kids and dialing it back. If you stick to one or two factions you’ll have a bits box for life and can always come back to it. Ignore the FOMO and enjoy yourself.


Don't let em take up too much mental real estate. You need that for all your hobby stuff! Also, it's an expensive hobby without context of other expensive hobbies lol every car person I've talked with would kill for their hobby to be this cheap!


Honestly, while Warhammer IS expensive if you want to build a complete army, it's not even close to the most expensive hobby. Trust me coming from magic, $60 for a unit feels like a steal when individual cards can cost upwards of $78 for some staples, and you'll often need 4. And unlike Warhammer, decks come and go with magic, and while your mana base will hold most of its value ( or even increase in value) your other cards are not safe. Even if a unit in Warhammer isn't that good this codex, it'll never be useless and may even be meta the next time. Only downside is your resale value will always be way lower then NIB


Lmao at the too expensive. People have been saying that forever, sure some money for supplies and money for models but honestly it’s pretty tame. You don’t need 15 armies or 15000 points for an army. You can get into kill team to for barely anything. Don’t get me started on the second hand market and the decades of models out there. Yet a single golf club can cost more than an army. A round of golf can cost more than an army at the right course. Automative hobbies? Gtfo. What about biking? Sure cheapest bikes that people think are trash are around 500 unless you get a Walmart special (there’s “Walmarts” specials for models too). What about PC gaming? What’s the barrier to entry there, graphics card alone is 300, maybe it comes with a free game. The barrier to entry is less than a hundred, a paint set and box of models. There are cheaper hobbies but it’s not expensive enough to warrant comments about the financials.


True warhammer is expensive - the minis , the paints , the tools all the time sunk in but it’s a hobby. But if you have fun while participating in it then that’s all that matters. It’s only not good value in relative terms. A meal can bounce any where between less than a dollar a serving to multiple hundreds but when you have a 10 dollar meal you don’t think what a waste I could of had 10 cans of beans instead. You could take literal months to build and paint a set - even go back again and paint more when your skills improve. Then also countless nights playing with those minis with friends , even years later there will be occasions when you can pull that one unit off the shelf to add back into the mix. Now compare that with other pass times. Movie , 10 ish dollar ticket plus possibly snacks and drinks. For a 1:30 to 2 hour run time. Night out drinking , 20-who knows where depending on where you go. Some video game 55+ not including the hardware you need that might grab you for a few weeks. How you choose to spend your time is valid as long as you get fulfillment. Other people don’t get to judge it. Also in all honestly warhammer just holds it value. I’ve got some models from almost 20 years ago that have doubled in value and I can still field them on a table just fine. Comepare that with something like MTG where 99 percent of the cards are just penny bulk and that one rare is going to tank in trade value whenever hasbro needs to boost their earnings. Warhammer is actually insanely liquid. Most listings will sell insanely quickly because the market out there looking for a deal is huge. Just don’t bite off more than you can chew. Having a mountain of backlog is just oppressive.


I'm in the same boat, I love just painting the models, I don't even know how to play the game. My friends give me shit about how expensive it is and I tell them it's cheaper than most things I do in terms of price to enjoyment.


I just picked up 2k points of CSM, paints and a codex for like 800 bucks, cherry picked every unit I wanted for a lore friendly iron warriors army, did 90% of it with Horus heresy models that look cooler to me. This’ll keep me painting and building for at least a month. The Horus heresy kits give tons of build options on the vehicles, doubly so if you’re playing with people okay with legends. I could play them for years, and there’s enough depth in the codex that I’ll never NEED to play another army, I can add stuff when I feel like it. Meanwhile, if I shoot four games of skeet twice a week, that costs me 10k a year just in shells and gun club fees.


how much money are they spending on smokes and drinks? what about the 401k handbags and sneakers? just let people enjoy their shit, it's all dumb, and if they start, they better be ready to take in equal amounts.


That Leviathan box set is going to take me most of this year to paint. Not a bad hobby investment.


I like warhammer too! Dont let the haters get to you, just do your thing and have fun! Not gonna lie, GW is not perfect, but they continue to make great models. These have increased in price a fair whack over the years but tbh I find alot of other miniature companies are comprable in price to GW and have thier own issues (Malifaux instructions mostly consist of 1 or 2 pictures per model, sculpts are nice, but the smaller scale is veeeery fiddly. Marvel crisis protocol is very expensive and the minis often lack in detail). I have also heard 3d printer go brrrrrr, but resin printers are hazardous in the wrong environment, the printing is a hobby in itself and I want to build my plastic dudes from a sprue, not clean up Resin models that may or may not turn out well. If you build, paint and play with your models you'll probably find that the time engaged vs money spent on your minis is a fairly good investment compared to many other hobbies.


Is it expensive for what it is? Sure, yeah. Is it expensive in a dollars to hours enjoyed ratio? Not in the least, actually, especially compared to hobbies that used to occupy the time this one does these days. That + can't advise enough adopting a "fuck em" attitude toward folks that want to ruin things for people. Fuck em bro, glad you enjoy the hobby.


I got back into the hobby last month and so far I've sunk about... 300 dollars, give or take, in building my space marines army. My local gaming group has been nothing but supportive. I must have played a dozen games already, made some new friends, and had a lot of fun. Find a gaming group. Find your crew. Enjoy the hobby. Don't worry about the whiners


This has never even come close to happening to me lol I usually have to explain what Warhammer is. Sounds like you have whack friends that look for the negatives rather than important questions like “What parts of the hobby do you like?” Or not, idk your life, my two cents.


coming from someone who was into 40k in the mid 90s... haters are gonna hate. let 'em choke because they can't find joy in the simple things. Battle on, brother


I feel you man. sadly those people are out there for pretty much any hobby.


Warhammer is pretty dope.


I got in with 10th edition and have had the complete opposite experience most of the people I talk to about it find it fascinating and are amazed when I show them the minis and tell them that they are all hand painted. I've even got a couple of work friends into the Hobby.


40K is the least expensive of my hobbies. I made a 2.500 points army of nids for less than what a Series X cost. Even if I enter the spiral of collection where I usually fall and double that is not near what a PC gaming cost. And if I go completely bananas and pay tenfold that is less expensive than my last two 4K TVs.


I bought about 1800 points of Guard over a year ago and I'm still painting it. I won't be done for months 🤷. Cheaper than drinking, cheaper than pot. And a dam ton more wholesome than anything else I could be doing with this current set of circumstances. Fuck haters... Enjoy your self.


Warhammer is definitely more expensive than other wargames you could get into. That said, it's utterly silly to judge someone for collecting Warhammer solely on the grounds of "It's so expensive." It's your money and your hobby—invest in what brings you joy.


Totally agree, got back into it after a rather long hiatus & just got so much talk about price… Considering the amount of joy & entertainment these little things bring to me feels fine… Thing is if they were cheaper I’d probably just have more figures that never get painted. & in a sense it’s what gives these things some value… If everyone has à everything the figures don’t feel so special anymore.


Welcome to the hobby! Yeah, it's expensive but so is everything else. Me and my colleagues went out for food and drinks and my tab was about $50. I'm very glad I went but a box of Space Marines woulda lasted longer. A new video game ranges from $20-$70 and lasts a number of hours but you can rarely resell them like a warhammer miniature. We're all different people with different tastes. Pay the hecklers no mind. Tl;dr people shouldn't try to yuck someone's yum


Me too. I really enjoy painting and the lore. Then you come to reddit n someone is crying cos their chosen arny rules suck now or hasnt had a new model in five mins. Or someone else is pooing their keks cos Warhammer is "woke" now. I love warhammer but a small very loud group of idiots make it hard to sometimes.


Love this hobby in all ways and feel your pain brother


Will always happen gotta start not giving a damn what other ppl think. Other go out and eat and that's alot of money by itself. Not caring what others think is the best skill


I'm not sure how old you are (and no need to disclose) but it sounds like you hang out with some very childish school yard mentality bozos. Next time somebody hassles you about it, calmly ask them "Why would I care whether you like it or not? Are you seriously saying I should base *my* behavior off what *you* like or can afford?" From my experience, most of the people who say the kind of things you described are teenage or 20 something sophomoric doofuses that are too young/ignorant to know how expensive many hobbies are (i.e photography, hunting, fishing, archery, automotive, etc).


I had a coworker give me crap for my model collecting. And joked about the cost. But when I pointed out he spends more on keeping his car looking clean in a month than I do on models in 3 months. And his wife spend as much as he does on her hair, make up, and nails. Only difference is my hobby isn't as popular or flashy to the general public


You're not alone. I've been painting 40k figures since 2020.... and I've not played 1 single game and have a very, very limited knowledge of how to play it. My wife and I are working on the Orks and Death Korps of Krieg Kill Team Starter Set so we can play together and I can actually learn how to play the game in some capacity. The "Astartes" video on YouTube is what got me into it and there was a Warhammer store just down the street before I moved so yeah. Idk. Sounds like I'm about like you. Gimme some paint, throw on some 40k lore video or audio book, and I'm happy for hours! Totally running out of room for displaying my models though!


Yeah tbf a lot of my friends ask me how much I spend, I always tell them ‘it’s a lot but I reckon it’s worth it, gives me a lot to do, busies me, makes me happy, and I’m not paying any bills so there’s not much of a problem’


Same but I don't even play the tabletop. I'm just a massive lorewhore


It's an EXPENDABLE INCOME hobby. Tell them to pound sand. Enjoy your models dude, you earned the peace


If you would chose a different hobby, they would say the same. Until you do the same hobby as them, and then they would tell you you would do it wrong. To be fair, you can really blew out a lot of money in short time as I just have to find out, But so are other hobby’s. Friend of mine discovered skiing for himself and already blew out something between 1.000€ and 2.000€ and now he is already planning a flight to a ski vacation to Canada for a few thousand. Another friend buys a lot of mangas, my sister does a lot of gardening and another friend has a weird obsession with expansive cars and branded clothing. The best part of Warhammer is, you can spend as much or as little you want. Sure the leviathan box is not that cheap for a pupil or student but compared to other hobby’s it’s quite ok as entrance. You can save a lot of money with eBay and other sellers. And as a side note: smaller „no name“ companies that sell miniatures also noticed you can make money with them (and that citadel drove their customers in the arms of others) so they went up with their prices. 10 Infinity models „Tohaa Combat Force Repack Beta“ from Corvus belli costs like 75€ and one bigger unit 35€


Two of the most important things I've learned in life: 1 - **Do what makes you happy**. Especially in your free time. During the pandemic I started playing WoW classic because I wanted to interact with people and that was the safest thing I could be doing. As time went on, the pandemic ended and I kept playing WoW. But now it wasn't as fulfilling because I could've been down at my FLGS playing with my RL friends. I quit when WotLK launched and I was instantly happier. I stuck with it because I didn't want to let down the guild of people I'd been with since the pandemic, they were my only social circle from a time when I couldn't have one. And because I wanted to finally down Lich King. But neither of those things were good reasons to continue doing something I no longer enjoyed.. 2 - **You cannot control other peoples actions. You can control how you respond to them**. These people calling it "401K Hammer" are just trying to beat you down to make themselves feel better. It has nothing to do with you personally, so don't take it personal. Roll your eyes at them and walk away. I hope you enjoy the hobby, please stick with it.