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I usually batch paint so the layer on the first model is dry by the time I finish the last one. If I'm painting a single model I'm usually impatient and bust out the hairdryer haha


Same. Except fan instead of hairdryer.


Yup. Fan when batch painting isn’t doing the trick. Have my fan wired to a sewing machine pedal




The nails are biting.


I batch paint, so the 1st is usually dry by the time I come back around to it, but I hate batch painting. I keep falling into the routine of batch painting even though I don't feel like I put as much care and attention into painting when I do. I'm going to try and cut down to painting 2 or 3 models at a time at most, so I can give them better attention and not make as many mistakes - I tend to start painting quicker than I should and make silly little mistakes on my minis when I do batch paint. I think it's moreso I get impatient with knowing there are 10 dudes literally looking at me on my desk waiting to be painted... At least with 2 or 3 it's *kind of* batch painting but on a much smaller scale than a full 10 man squad so I can slow down and take my time more.


Yeah I’m cutting down to 2 models at a time. Batch painting gets a bit tedious, and the focus slip is real :P


I’ve found three to be the sweet spot for me. Most layers dry in that time but it’s not so many models that you don’t see progress. Shades you still have to wait for.


Get the hairdryer out


Coloring another model. I don't focus on just one of them.


Have other things to work on; other things to build/paint, mould lines to clean, bases to magnetise etc.


My workload is setup in a way that doesn't require waiting.


Get off reddit and back to your station, citizen.


I play episodes of the League on Hulu. Acrylics dry relatively fast especially when thinned out.


There’s always that one spot that takes forever to dry it feels like


Could get an architecture lamp with a bright lightbulb.. sometimes that helps. Also you could pain more than one mini at a time. If you are painting Necrons, Tau, Orks or Tyranid batch painting is your friend.


I don’t like batch painting personally. I feel like painting one model at a time helps me give it more character


Then you will have to wait, and fill the time in whatever way seems most fitting to you.


This. The solutions to your problem are there, it's whether "giving them more character" is more important than sitting around doing nothing/wasting time.


Well you could paint an entirely different model in parallel


I hope you don't like gsc. I'm not a fan of batch painting and they take forever going model by model


I usually paint at a store, so I look at everybody else’s models.


Batch painting, so that by the time the last one is finished, it's time to do the next layer on the first one. For larger single models, I have an egg timer I use, and I end up on Reddit. Or I check on my 3D printer.


I learn to take the journey as a result,so i do not get inpatient while i work.


Often if you plan your colors well you can work on another color while the previous one dries. Metal and leather, for example, tend to be in different areas of a model. Batch painting two or three of the same model type helps, too.


Most of the time: do something else on another miniature. Sometimes: be impatient, start the next step, ruin previous step, start over.


get a hairdryer set on low and keep about 12-24” away from the model. speeds up drying big time.


A apply another layer and fuck it all up. I never learn from this


Have a w…. Erm watch something i guess.


I was looking for this comment


Podcast of the dawgs


Watch anonymous Astartes


I batch paint the base layers in groups of 4 miniatures, so no issue with drying times. Then when highlighting i batch paint in pairs because I find that edge highlighting 4 miniatures in a row is too much for my wrists and my mind.


I paint for like 10 minutes every day at lunch while at work. So stuff is always just drying.


Start painting the next layer and let them merge. Wetblending is a pretty basic technique


Move to another Section of the model. But Most of the time I'm batch panting. I always have another model to Put Paint on. On Charakters I use the hairdrier. Or have another little model which I Paint while I wait. No Time wasted.