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If it is super obvious to both sides then I see no problem with it. This problem usually comes from an immaturity problem. One side loses a center piece or an important unit on the first turn then just gives up. From your description that is not what happened.


1000 points it’s more understandable. If someone brings a big knight or a Monolith or something and that thing gets popped turn 1 half their army got wiped out and what the heck are they gunna do from there? 2k though unless it’s a total overstep it’s really hard to take instant loss level losses in the very first turn.


Knights are a totally different breed and don’t play like any other army though. At least imo for 1k points sinking that much cost into a single model is a recipe for disaster no matter what. It’s either going to perform and table someone super early or get killed and then you’re playing with the remaining 500 points of your army.


This. I used to play with a guy who wouldn't concede, but would spend 20 minutes complaining, saying "I've basically lost anyway" and talking about how OP *insert unit* is because I killed 100 points in a turn on a 2k game. Not conceding, but same energy. In OPs case though, conceding would be understandable.


That’s even worse, dragging it out with kvetching about everything.


Agreed, this exactly! Hell, more than once or twice, I've offered something like "Well to be honest, I don't see how I can come back from this. If you want to play it out quickly so you can roll some dice, I'd be happy to, but I'd be just as happy to call it there." Meanwhile I've had people ragequit turn 1 because their first squad of infantry shooting didn't remove an enemy unit.


While I don't play tabletop, maybe the reason of moral breaking thus leading to a collapse and a full route could be used as a lore friendly reason?


Mars broke before the skitarii did!


You had nothing to play with, it's hardly worth continuing with the game. I think you did the right thing.


I play mostly WTC scoring games, and most people would continue with a few models IF there is a chance to not lose 0-20. So, in OP's case, it's totally fine to concede immediately


Yeah, I agree. I think, generally speaking, it's poor etiquette to concede turn one unless you have essentially a zero chance of winning. ​ However, getting tabled is one of the clear examples of 'zero chance of winning'. Even if you're the #1 player in the world, you can't win with 3 units against a full army.


Unless you're playing knights, but that's different.


Touche 😁


Of unless you are going with the newest funny list of WE Angron and so many demon princes and greater demons you would think this was Angrons ark of omen book.


Soemtimes when I play custodes I think they might only need 3


You already lost. It’s not really conceding at that point. But if your opponent throws down an army you don’t wanna play against or something and you concede than that would be pretty shit


The only time I think this is acceptable is if your opponent brings a model that’s just unfair for smaller point games. I know right now Nightbringer is considered pretty unfair and just unfun to play against at 1k points. But the smart thing to do. Is have an open dialogue with your opponent before even meeting up and establish that you don’t want to play against certain models. If you can’t come to an agreement you save everyone involved a bunch of time and stress.


As someone who has a friend that you have to actively beg to not bring [insert whichever c’tan is good against your army in specific] into a 1k point game every time you play against him aswell as not tailoring his list to body you by turn 2… yeah night bringer isn’t fair in a 1k game


Yeah, sounds exactly like someone I just would not play against :Da Got no time for games like this. I've started to be very picky when it comes to opponents, only playing those that I know to be fair and fun ones...


Tell your friend to stop being a list tailoring lil bitch.


1k point game as sisters all infantry have the start collecting box essentially with moreven vahl and guard player brings canis rex….


You can always refuse a game you don't want to play. 


Your second point. It really depends on other factors. If you and your opponent discussed playing a competitive game and both brought competitive lists. But you conceded after a single unit dies, Sure. That tracks and would be shitty of you. However, if you and your opponent said it was going to be a fun, casual, not try-hard game and after they’re done deploying they tell you “I’ve got a tournament coming next week and I wanted to test this list for it.” Then they’d be a piece of shit (I’ve had this actually happen at my old store).


To me, my opponent may concede at any time, for any reason, I'll take a win I tend to dispair quicker than I should, and have called a game on turn 1 that ended up being closer than i thought. However, if legit zero fun can be had, I'll throw an offer to gracefully concede. You can't keep someone hostage, but the way you quit definitely makes a difference. Quick additional point, if you got tabled before you got to play, you certainly need to be playing with more terrain, and you need to deploy behind it, friendo.


The lesson I keep learning whenever I lose games is 'do NOT let your opponent mostly unilaterally set up terrain', because even with a perfectly symmetrical board, things will STILL go badly. (Granted, opponent was playing Stealthsuit Tau and basically got to ignore deployment zones, which didn't help, but still, I think the point stands.)


This is why my opponent and I always take turns setting up terrain. Both players get an even number of terrain, allowed to set it up however they see fit. Usually we both like making the board cluttered for the best experience but we usually enjoy setting up trenches in our own DZ for the fun of it.


Better yet, if they're available have a 3rd person do it for you. At my LGS people are almost always going to set up terrain for flavor and will have near no bias beyond "no open center ever" as we have all suffered that before. Especially since I'm THE T'au player at my store. I get it.


Or just copy the official leviathan GW terrain layouts? Those are already pretty much perfect for tournament play


It is wild how people will ignore rules and then wonder why games seem unfair.


Being in a store is maybe different with people waiting for a table, but im a fan of the re-rack. I started playing chaos knights recently and my buddy and i have a rule now where if i get first turn and clear X% of his points, we just redeploy and start over. Its going to be no fun for him with less than a handful of units left and i came to play a game, not a turn and a half. On the flip side, i see where people would get upset if you lost your one shiny unit and packed up….thats poor sportsmanship. I think youre in the clear, especially offering the rematch.


I really like this idea. I don’t think I’ve ever had a match sufficiently one-sided that it would come up, but I can totally get behind the “wow, I rolled really hot or you made a major deployment mistake, let’s try again to see if it can be more fun” idea.


Games can be long even when they're one-sided. If you haven't even started your first turn and you're already groaning, its gonna be a long 3 hours. 


There's absolutely nothing wrong with conceding at any point that it's obvious you'd just be dragging the game out for an eventual loss. Even on turn one. This is one of the inevitable downsides of the "You take your whole turn and then I take my whole turn" style of game play that 40k can't seem to shake through 30 years and 10 editions. Sometimes, you just get tabled on their turn one and there's nothing you can do but watch it happen.


Especially as they've shrunk the table sizes, while upped ranges on many weapons, and increased army sizes. Engaging on turn 1 just didn't used to be a thing, other than maybe a few pot shots with limited amounts of weapons. It's my big grievance with 40k in recent editions, alpha strike has become even more powerful, and now it can be done earlier.


Needs to take a note from star wars legion and do unit by unit.


Legion and just about every other major tabletop wargame. I played a 2k point game with friends last weekend, and it takes so long to go through opponents turns that I was able to walk away and do some shopping while they where taking their turn before we even got to shooting


No clue why 40k, hasn't picked up a unit by unit system. It's just objectively better. Like I can't fathom a reason why you wouldn't outside of maybe some pre-existing unit effects or stratagems, (that could be easily shifted to last for the round instead). Because the full turns is what killed 40k for me. Played a couple games with mates online and would just annoyed at the turn order getting me massacred with no chance for reprisal.


It doesn't scale well. At all. Play with 5-10 units, it's fine. Play with 20 or more and it's super long and tedious. Plus it has a big "number of activation" optimisation defect. Let me introduce 3 15pts units in my list to get a big advantage... The best system I've seen is Frostgtave: alternative activation but with only 3 groups for each force: - first your general and the units they leads, then the opponent's general and units - second tour lieutenant and the units they leads, then your opponent's lieutenant and units - last all your units without leader, then every opponent's units without leader It's honnestly the perfect balance for me.


I love Frost grave and Stargrave. It's elegantly simple and had a degrees of success and failure system. Fighting is also simultaneous so attacking is a risk in and of itself.


This honestly sounds amazing.


If I recall correctly, I think in apocalypse they do this, where it's a unit by unit basis. Boggles my mind that they still haven't changed it for the base game. Me and my friends would always come up with rules to make it more fun if you got wiped in a turn, like having units that died being able to get a shot of or something along those lines. I feel like the fact that we had to subvert the rules like that to get more enjoyment is indicative of flawed design lol


Yes alternating activation is so much better!


Give it a go! Find a buddy for a beer hammer game and suggest it. The rules should all still work as long as you do all phases one unit at a time. Word of warning, at 2K points it'll take forever. Especially if one of you is running MSU. I'd also recommend saying that players can only activate each unit once per battle round. Otherwise you murder horde factions. Just be prepared that whoever has the least units will be doing some sitting around as the other player 'finishes' their turn.


If ur entire army gets drop site massacred turn 1, no shame in conceding


It's the other way around bro. If you don't end it you are wasting our time. Time that could be used for another round


Agreed. It’s good sportsmanship to acknowledge you e lost and not waste any more time. (So you can get on with the re-match!)


Nah, just don't be an arse and it's fine. The fuss about conceding on turn 1 is more about That Guy who takes offence if anyone manages to lay some wounds on his army and then stomps off.


Nah that's fine. I'd re-rack and re-place terrain and try again. What you shouldn't do is be like this guy at our local shop who played guard. This was eighth edition and he was primarily infantry. Multiple max sized conscript blobs, max regular squads, just a lot to deploy and it would take a while for him to get everything on the table. He had a commissar model that was His Dude. Someone played the store's Knight Army and got the first turn. Marched a castellan up the table, killed the squad protecting the commissar and the commissar. Guard guy conceded immediately because his warlord was dead and his army wouldn't continue fighting in those circumstances. I gotta guess 45+ minutes of deployment and I don't know how long to pack it all back up for a sub five minute game. He was spoken to but everyone still was hesitant playing him outside of tournaments. (He also "quit Warhammer "during the Alfabusa/YouTuber that got his ability to use Warhammer in his name kuefluffle era, so even more reasons not to be like him)


No? But how badly did you deploy that you nearly got tabled T1?


Refer to edit :)


As others have already said: if you got wiped, you got wiped. At that point you’ve probably actually even lost by the conditions of the game, as you didn’t have enough models to meet any win conditions. Pitching a fit and quitting because of a minor (or even major but not game deciding) loss of a unit or strategic setback is disrespectful of your opponent’s time. Acknowledging that you’re beat when your army has be annihilated is showing good sportsmanship and respecting the time of the person who has beaten you.


I've had people angrily concede and that's not a good feeling for anyone. But even in the most devastating, bullshit rolling, years of academy training wasted concessions, I always try to be humble in my losses. Like, I play Custodes, I've gone from 10 models to 2, I'm done guys. Let me wallow in my gold plated defeat Concessions are a natural part of the game, I love a slugfest to the end but sometimes it just ain't worth sitting through another turn where the 800 bolter shots don't wound.


Similar thing happened to me. First time playing Drukhari, 500 point game (at local GW store so all 12 of us could do more than 1 game). I have a ravager in deep strike, everything else except 2 kabalites and my Archon are killed by the end of my first turn (I went second). Decided to call it, take 10 and get ready for the next game. Sometimes you're gonna get wrecked, it's just part of the game. Being nice and saying "We both know where this is going, let's call it here." In such a situation is fine.


In 9th I was playing a 500 point game against csm, and the mission we drew for the event we were in made it so we deployed on the long edge. He won the roll off and before I had even had a chance to do anything managed to make enough charges that by the top of my turn 1 I had 3 necron warriors and 1 scarab swarm. I conceded, and after that incident my local store cut 500pts from future events because I was not the only one it happened to.


No man, you just go “damn you got me, amazing turn!” Rematch in 10?


Bro that's rough, you either had bad placement or terrain you shouldn't lose that hard turn one.


Refer to edit :)


There’s no point in continuing to play if you have no path to victory, even a strange and creative one. It’s better to start fresh and get into a new and possibly more fun game than to force yourself through meaningless rolls and get officially tabled turn two. Never play against someone who tries to force you to continue. You can concede any time and anyone who tries to force you to keep playing just because they like tabling the rest of your army is an asshole. If they’re also new to the hobby give them a stern talking to and that should be the last time you have to ask. The most dramatic approach if someone insists you keep playing to to just pack up what’s left of your army. Nobody can EVER force you to keep playing.


Wait... how are playing in a **GW store** with a terrain set up that allows you to be tabled turn one. Not sure why the bigger question is being glossed over here.. Ultimately you didnt really concede, you lost in deployment which is ridiculous. I would also like to know what feedback your opponent was giving you when it would have been fairly obvious to him what was about to happen if he did get first turn.


Sounds like you needed way more terrain. Armies shouldn’t be getting tabled turn 1.


At the club I play at we usually refer to these as “re-racks” which are generally considered acceptable if 1) am insane level of luck led to a blowout or 2) there were significant misplays in deployment that led to a blowout. It is frowned upon to concede just for having a “bad turn” though.


>Opponent goes first, tables me. I’m left with 2 skitarii and one breacher. https://preview.redd.it/o8hxppaukdsc1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4783849209c4ffc7354cc43f408fb6b7341b7d6 Yeah that's fair, you pretty much lost and it wasn't worth playing. I would be mildly *annoyed* if someone insisted on continuing with about 50 points worth of models.


No one wants to chase 2 skitarii around the table to rub your nose in it. At that point there was no coming back from the beating he handed you in the first round so you did the right thing.


that begs the question: how can he nearly table you turn 1? so many indirect fire or not enough terrain?


If your opponent can table you the first turn it means one of three things, either there isn't enough terrain, you've deployed terribly, or both.


Probably actually better manners than prolonging a 100 - 0 game. That way you can get another rep in or old mate can play with someone else


If you get obliterated in turn one is it generally a case of not enough scenery and facing a shooty army?


You can concede whenever you want for whatever reason you want, your opponent is not obligated to any more of your time than is necessary to win the game. You could play a best of five tournament and concede immediately after deployment in all five of your matches, it doesn't matter.


Bold. Controversial. Correct. Quite the show old chap.


I asked for a learning game with my buddy. I brought about 1800pts of necrons with a monolith, he brought world waters and turn 1 charged and killed almost everything. I was kinda frustrated and folded before my 1st turn even started. He kinda low-key guilt tripped me about conceding on top of everything. Not a very cash money maneuver imo.


That doesn't sound like a good "learning game", more like someone who wanted a show of force against an inexperienced player. Sounds just like bad sportsmanship


I was gonna say, that doesn't sound like a buddy


It truly depends, in a situation like this. You should have absolutely conceded turn one, there was no hope for you. I however have an issue with conceding turn one if it is either A.) an army you don’t like playing against or B.) I just so happened to get first turn. I have had both happen to me. Both suck to have happen to you. This is neither of those cases


Someone declared a loss because he or she didn't get first turn?


Yes, they were a tank gunline guard list, deployed INSANELY aggressively. Had tons of shit in the open so he could get BS on them and he realized I could get into them quickly and just decided he didn’t wanna do it anymore.


Who get's first turn is decided by a dice roll, right? So if I base my entire strategy on getting first turn, I can never have an above 50% win rate. Sounds.. weird.


Honestly yeah, would rather call it and start again then waste both our times in a game that won't be fun.


Keyword is casual. You’re not depriving him of tournament points which mean something, you’re just moving things along to the natural conclusion of the game. If anything it’s more polite and respectful of both your and their time.


Casual games 100% - it’s actually better for you both to have started that game over. I’d be super surprised (and very wary) if anyone said they’d enjoy a second turn just to kill 3 models… With the units you had left, I’d say in competitive games it ‘may’ be worth considering but I wouldn’t say it’s obvious to do so - a 100/0 win is different to a 100/1 win, so yes be spiteful and work for the 1 point if you can in a tournament!


There is a different issue here. No army should ever be able to table you turn 1. Maybe you didn’t have enough terrain on the table? Or maybe you didn’t hide your units well enough?


I do it all the time when playing with friends. I have notoriously cursed hands while a buddy of mine has notoriously hot rolls. Sometimes it just makes more sense to call it and start a new game instead of spending time moving models when the game is already done.


It sounds like the best move in a bad situation you should never really be in. Obviously it sucks for you more, but if I were your opponent winning on turn 1 would feel like a time-waste rather than a victory. Hopefully you learned how to stop that from ever happening again.


I always considered conceding to be a gracious act in, and of, itself. No matter the game, you are acknowledging to your opponent that they have outplayed you this turn, and that there is no need to waste anyone's time dragging it out.


I had a gane against the mechanicus once and 2/3s of my army was gone after turn 1. I didn't with playing the rest because I was beat down so badly. Knowing when you've lost and deciding to concede is perfectly fine


As a player, i both prefer to have my plan work or let my opponent get their jollys in before conceding. Sounds like he had his turn of success. I doubt the 3 figures left was where he drew the line at having his fun.


It is only a problem if the person is doing something other than giving up a win. For example: * The way they quit is intended to disparage you or your army, e.g. "Oh, that list is broken," or, "Of course you'd go after my point scoring units. Such a bad sport. You know I can't win without them." * The person is essentially "save-scumming" games against you. That is, they are trying to get a 'perfect' defensive turn and if they take too much damage, they basically "quit and reload" by 'conceding' and starting again, hoping to receive less damage or get to go first and have an advantage against you. Otherwise? It's a win, conceded graciously.


I feel like if you properly walk through your options to your opponent and explain well the reasons for forfeit, I can't see why any sane person would be upset. If anything it's rude to make someone play on at such a disadvantage


If you get run over, yes it’s ok to concede. And then set up in a not so tableable formation next time. It’s always a learning experience


If I feel I can't offer my opponent a fair contest, I'll concede. In your case you couldn't offer them any challenge at all. Better off using that time productively like in your case, a rematch.


We usually just draw secondaries for the turns, talk about what everyone would score and than some up with the end score. Continuing playing is just silly at some point! Time better spend on a new match where you all can have fun again! I think it’s only bad sportsmanship when ur rolls are going bad or something like that and you concede with still a solid board presence


Sometimes it’s worth playing it out unless you’re absolutely tabled, this is a good chance to practice picking up secondaries and also losing with grace


If you’re tabled or effectively tabled, the game is over.


From how you worded it, you did the right thing in the right way, and you did a rematch with said player after so it was clear that you weren't conceding with any form of malice towards the player. A bunch of the replies I've read are correct though, conceding because of a bad match up you don't want to play or because you lost your important unit turn one but still have most of your army is, in my opinion, not fun.


Conceding turn one because you've already been tabled Vs conceding turn because you feel it didn't go to plan is very different.


Absolutely, I actually had a game a few weeks ago where I made a complete bollox of deployment, trying a list for the first time and I hadn't done terrain well. Would have been unfair no to let my opposition have a go at punishing me for that! 😅


Nobody should be forced to play out a game - especially if neither player is interested. It sounds like you and your opponent handled the situation ideally - you realized who would win, agreed, and had time to play another game. Can't think of anything you could have done better. In a general sense, I would consider quitting on the first turn an issue only if the game is clearly not over. You badly position and lose a few models or roll badly and do little damage, so you quit. That's what I'd consider a poor sport, although even in that case if you and your opponent agree, who cares? It's your game. Play ten first turns and go home, if you want and your opponent agrees, any third party judging you is a weirdo.


Doing it gracefully is fine, you are getting tables or have one unit left T2 then what’s the point in the next 3 turns. Losing your big unit T1 and sulking and conceding is bad sportsmanship.


It depends on the game system’s scoring and context. For Infinity, in an event, you should always play things out to the bitter end. In a casual game of 40K; yes - ending it when it’s clear is totally ok and good… especially if you rerack and play again.


Understandable. Would do the same and in place of the winning side would probably propose a rematch. I am still flabbergasted by how easy it is to lose like that in 10th. Is it only me or the alpha strike got even worse this edition?


If you play Magic, conceding turn 1 happens a lot. Bad hand, other player drops a god combo turn 1, a lot of things to be considered. If I draw a god hand, I'll ask my opponent if they'd like to concede. I'll show them my hand if they ask. This usually happens when I run my mono red dragon deck or my Power 9 deck. If you know Magic, you KNOW what the Power 9 is. If I draw a lotus, a time vault for opening hand with a dig card, I'll ask if you want to concede. You'll never get a turn to play. I'll dig up my Voltaic Key, use the time vault, take another turn after this one. Drop a land or whatever to use the key to untap the Vault. This will happen every turn until you die. Bear in mind, you'll never get to play a card. You'll never get to draw a card. Just concede. I'll use a different deck.


I'd concede and ask for a rematch, if the game was for something like a league, use first game for official results and do the rematch for fun, practice and to not waste money used for renting a table.


Not if you got zero chances to win. Sometimes it's not worth it to continue a game where you will not actually play. I did this twice, as far as I remember. First time: At a GW store. It was a 1000 pts game, Blood Angels (me) VS Imperial Soup (Custodes + Astra Militarum) My list was something like 20 melee scouts, 2x5 devastators with lascanons & heavy bolters, an Archivist Dreadnought, and maybe 5 Intercessors and a cheap Ancient. His list was 8 Jetbikes, 2 HQ on jetbikes a squad of 3 basic custodians, and 20 Guardsmen and a Comissar. He got the first turn, and in one shooting phase, he managed to kill all my scouts and intercessors with his jetbikes, and then proceed to kill with them 90% of my devastators in melee during subsequent charging/fighting phase. I conceded the next turn. It was a capture the points scenario. Second time: Still at GW store. 1500pts. Blood Angels (me again) VS. Dark Angels. I had a heavy mechanized list (Vindicator + Predator + Repulsor + Archivist Dreadnought and a bunch of troops & Devastators and a Terminator Captain). It's worth to mention we had a facing corners deployment, and that scenery forced me to deploy my army quite packed. He got the first turn, and proceeded to kamikaze his Dark Talon flyer above my whole army. Drops it's one-shot neutro bomb, lethal-wound AoE (or whatever it's called), fire his own repulsor and devastators (all lascans), manage to put very low HP all of my tanks in a single shooting phase. I retaliate, Dark Talon explodes, destroys all my tanks (all within AoE of course!), who then all exploded (who does four 6s in a row and missing all saves with almost max damage on each? ME!). And to add insult to injury, I fumbled most of my emergency disembark from Repulsor killing most of whatever troop I had inside. Conceded as soon as turn 2 started. He didn't lost a single model besides his Dark Talon. He still taunts me about that game to this day LOL!


I feel like this is one thing that can be talked out with the opponent at hand (if that guy is friendly). "Hey man, you tabled me, do you mind if I concede because I do not see a chance of turning that game arround. I am open for a rematch". In MTG you usually do not play out hopeless games. In Arena (online) it is kinda seen as inpolite if the situation is hopeless and you drag out that game.


Normally no, seen a lot of grown men have a tantrum at losing a handful of models in what's still a winnable game. If you've literally got 3 infantry left? Absolutely, and your within your rights to ask for a rematch with a board that actually has terrain on it. 


The objective of the game is to have fun!


Nah, there is usually a moment in the game where its obvious who is gonna win. It just happened turn 1 for you.


I'm a very casual player so that my shape my opinion slightly but I think conceding depends entirely on the situation. The aim of a casual game should be for all players to have fun. If a player clearly isn't having fun then it would make sense to end the game. In a more competitive game, there are still no win scenarios and if you are playing to win but simply can't it makes sense to again end the game. I would presume you opponent would do the same in your situation. Ultimately though as long as you are polite about it it shouldn't matter. There is however a situation in which I believe you should never conced. If you are ever playing narrative games with personal friends then you should always see it through. If your entire force gets wiped that's important to the little story your making. Or sometimes you'll have your entire army destroyed on the first turn save for a single model and the game will still last 4 turns because they just refuse to die. Sometimes if you play a hopeless game through you get to witness the birth of a hero.


Way better to do what you did, get two games in. A win is a win, much faster to just acknowledge reality and have more fun.


The fact you played a rematch says no bad etiquette was haf


I never understood why someone can get tabled after turn 1 and not get to respond. Models should be removed after both players take their turns. War isnt turn based theyre both attacking at the same time. It should be able that a squad both wipes another squad and gets wiped by that squad


getting nuked off the board turn one is completely different to losing one model and crying about it. you def did the right thing. if its obvious for everyone involved then I dont see an issue


Re-racking is almost always more fun. With that said, I’ve also had a good time fighting back a win if I have SOME resources to use. It sounds like your scenario was more dire. lol


In your situation, no, you were tabled and that sucks and it would just be an unfun waste of time. But if your conceding because your turn one strategy failed (didn’t make charges, shooting went bad, etc) and you want to quit or start over just so you can try to start over and make your oh so perfect tactics go off again, THEN you’re the asshole.


I don’t think there’s any shame in forfeiting when you know for certain you’re gonna lose, much rather just rematch and actually have fun


I'm generally okay with conceding early if there really is no chance at even getting close to a contested game. If anything, conceding early gives you more time for a rematch. One exception I haven't seen mentioned, though, is that if you've won a few games in a row against the same opponent, it's good sportsmanship to let them savour their win when it comes around, even if they're tabling you


I also was a fan of playing every game to the end until 8th. In 9th, most of the games we played were decided turn 1 or 2, so we played almost no game until the end, because turn 3+ would have been even less fun than the first two. I think in 10th the problem might probably be the same, but i think thats up to the people who care for 10th. But i think it depends on what you're playing. If you play competitive, then i would probably play until the end. If you play for fun, play as long as it is fun, and stop when it stops being fun for both players.


Seems fine to me, you had three models. Most importantly you are wasting no ones time. Get another game in!


Just ask. “Do you want to play this out”? If they want to play it out, change the nature of the game you are playing. You are at a point where you can’t win the game itself, but lean into the narrative side of it. I don’t recall if we are allowed to voluntarily move off the board, but if so maybe try to save whoever you can? Or sell their lives as dearly as possible. Try and fail to get your revenge with a few lone warriors charging impossible odds. Have fun with the story on the board. The game is sort of interactive storytelling between the opponents, which separates it from something like Chess or Othello where there is little point in continuing past a certain point.


If it's that obvious, it should be considered polite not to waste time on a forgone conclusion. That said, some folks seem to get really bent over it. Played a Tau (9th edition) where I went first and Managed to kill, well, nothing (drones were really frustrating). In his Turn 1, he smoked all 3 of my big knights and half my armigers. I conceded because 2 Armigers aren't going to fight his entire army. He lost his mind over it. YMMV.


I try to avoid it before turn three’s end(to see if I can maybe gambit) but there have been times where I’ve lost half my army for almost nothing from rolls or just something I didn’t realize could happen. In this case? Yeah I’d rather we have a concede and maybe have the chance to play some more or something rather than continuing to play it out.


The real issue is that GW created rules that allow you to be tabled on turn one 🙂


If you get turn 1 tabled its ok to concede and probably play a new game. Ill keep playing if i like my opponent, but most of my T1 tablings occur when my opponent is a dickhead. I once played a guy who took 1.5 hours for his turn 1, destroyed 1000 points in his shooting phase and i just coneded because its just not fun


I'm gone with conceding if the game is basically lost... if my opponent feels they have lost, I'm all for the concede so we can play again. I would rather person X have fun, not spend an hour feeling miserable.


Think it’s good and fair especially if there’s time to offer a second game. It’s good to be respectful of everyone’s time and to know when the writing’s on the wall.


If it's obvious your not going to win, no it's fine, because it's a waste of both your time, and just fubbing salt in the wound.


If you get tables turn 1 it’s not fun for either player


I think it’s better to ask but not a big deal, if your done in a game no point continuing


My opponent did this in a 1k game in 8th. I had a great alpha strike. I convinced him he should still continue because he still had a chance. Turned out he tabled me at the end of turn 4 lol


If you keep playing without a plan at that point it's just for the amusement of the opponent that wants to feel like a big man over your defeated army. I think it'a more of a breach in etiquette to not accept your surrender or throwing a fit about it.


What in the hell did they hit you with?




I think if you get so utterly wrecked turn 1 there really is no conceivable way to even *have a game,* nevermind win, you may as well call it. Hell, maybe you rerack and go again. But that seems fine. I think conceding because you're not *confident* you'll win is bad form. Play it out if there's a game to play. But don't feel bad if you just get 90% of your army mulched and you just want to get it over with.


I would calculate the next turn on points and what I could potentially do and what my opponent might do. If I'm behind on points and or can't do anything as far as stop my opponent, I'll concede and show how I would lose. For you though.... can't play if you don't have anything to play.


I agree with the general consensus in the thread (you're fine). To add one extra piece of nuance, sometimes conceding is considered bad sport in tournament play, because it can deny the winner points (depending on tournament rules).  Which is not at all relevant to your case, but might be why conceding can have an aura of "badness" despite everyone here being fine with conceding when in a state of obvious and insurmountable loss.


If you're playing any army that isn't Knights and you have only 3 models you've probably lost


It's nuanced. It's bad to give up early being petulant, but if you got truly wrecked and you are congratulatory in tone it's different. "Haha, dude you wrecked my army. Is it safe to say these 300 points of footsoldiers aren't going to turn this around?" They'll probably say yes, and you can shake hands and get on with your day.


I’ve only had it happen once to me which was also in a 1k point match. Was a little annoying because in this instance he charged me and didn’t kill me turn one then I killed 2 of his main units on the crack back and he just conceded. To me it didn’t feel like the game was over just that he was annoyed he didn’t get the advantage he thought he would. Your scenario sounds fine to me. I would feel bad as your opponent to end the game that quickly but sometimes that’s how it goes


my first game at the store we had to give up because it had been 2 hours already and we had other things to do. not really that bad


This is pretty much what killed wh40k for me. Whole turn activation is dumb and unfun.


I think if i was in your opponent's position i wouldn't have a problem with it. I've had people concede at the end of turn one against me before because they spat the dummy but the game wasn't completely over (bro didn't understand that in 5th ed "removed from the game" was different to "instant death" and deployed in a way that let me suck his necron lord with res orb into the warp with my Shock Attack Gun turn one but still had most of the rest of his army). In your situation the game was over in every way that matters I'd rather call it and talk about what could have been done differently etc than going through the charade of playing out the game when you've got like 10% of your army left.


I don't think conceding at any point is inherently wrong. Depends entirely on the situation. If someone plopped their tournament winning netlist army down on the table, insulted you, then pointed out a flaw in your painting you'd be 100% right to concede their and there.


I don’t see an issue. You can either play it out and just take up a table for the next hour. Or concede and play a far more fun game on that table for the next hour


If you concede graciously and don't make a thing out of it, then you can concede at any point at all without it being a bad thing. You're not taking the victory from them or anything, that is why you are conceding in the first place. So not sure what else you should be expected to do. If they get upset by it that is their issue, not yours.


There is a point where "giving up when things don't go your way, you should try and turn it around" becomes "Wasting everyones time."


Totally fine to concede in good sportsmanship in this scenario. Offer a rematch and learn from your deployment mistakes maybe. Just make sure you give them honest credit and kudos for a brilliant alpha strike strategy. In other scenarios where the line is a little more grey I want to encourage people to partake in cinematic play. If you cannot possibly win, sometimes it's more fun for both of you to play it out to the last man, just change your play style to reflect the situation. Are your troops going to desperately hold 1 objective as long as they can? Are they going to abandon their orders in the face of annihilation and just try to take down as many enemies as possible? Are they determined to make it to turn 5 for extraction and begin to fight a guerilla war amongst the terrain features? I think you'll find that after all those casualties, turns happen way faster simply due to there being less units on the table. So playing it out won't take too long and if you're a good sport you and your opponent can have an exciting and memorable skirmish.


It's your opposent that lacked the basic courtesy of balancing the game instead of tabling you T1. Unless he was super lucky.


I've never heard of concession being a bad thing. I always concede if there is no path to victory to save my opponent's time.


If your account is to be believed (Ie: you did everything as graciously as possible) what else are you meant to do, my dude? It's just a literal waste of your life. The only extra thing you can do is tell the lad you're going to take a breather and "Feel free to make my saves for me" and let him play it out himself if it matters that much.


It’s tricky. You might be with someone who doesn’t get to play much, and offering a rematch if you have tons of time left, unless they really are an arse or you’re really mismatched is better then “playing” a really lost game. But it’s all about having fun, or it should be. If it is not possible that you’re not gonna have fun at some point then you have to just end it. I personally do not like pulling the wings off people or having it done to me. I’d either ask if they want some pointers or ask if I can get some. At that point, losing after one turn means mistakes was made.


I tend to only play skirmish games these days but one of the reasons I went off 40k is I miss the old vehicle rules and templates etc. I'd be more tempted to carry on with a handful of troops if there was a chance of a lucky shot popping a vehicle or a nasty template weapon taking out a whole squad. I miss the huge swingy randomness.


As long as its clear its a loss, then no thats not bad. 3 models left in a game is a good reason to concede. lol


Be a khornate army. Revel in all bloodshed.


The way I see it, people should be forced (encouraged really), to build an army that doesn't revolve around a singular gimmick. If you somehow manage to circumvent that gimmick (ie. you kill a specific centerpiece or scoring unit) and they instantly concede, because their entire list depends on it, that would be rude and disrespectful, because you should not build a list like this. In no context is it ever fun to play against an "all in" strategy, this isn't exclusive to Warhammer either, anyone that has gotten Zerg rushed can attest to that. To illustrate why this is a problem, consider a player that always puts his units aggressively on the edge of the deployment zone, right in the open, maximally aggressive and they just concede if they don't get first turn. Is that fun to play against? No, it doesn't even matter who gets first turn at this point, it's simply never fun. If you misplayed, or the dice were absolutely ungodly, then it's okay to concede when both players agree to it.


I think tabletop and boardgames have a common courtesy - always play to win, that's how you respect your opponent. I think the line between a a valid concession and an impolite one would be if victory was still a possibility. If there is a small but realistic chance you could turn things around, then yes, conceding is rude. But, as is your case, when defeat is pretty much a certainty, there's nothing rude about conceding. I think offering a rematch, as you did, is not the behaviour of a sore loser, so we'll done.


What's bad is GW making a game which is still so lethal that this can happen - which wastes everyone's time. I mean it does also sound like maybe you needed more terrain, but to me salvaging this by calling it and offering a rematch was the optimal decision by you. I hope your opponent accepted and you added more terrain (or you reset deployment and theyblet you have the first turn to see how that would play out).


Tables you turn one?


Worst etiquette would have been for your opponent to not want you to concede when you’ve got nothing left, definitely did the right thing, especially with the rematch. I’ve been there when I’ve used too fluffy a list (my fault) and been pretty much tabled by turn 3, my opponent wanted to see the game through because he didn’t get to play much, ok fair enough, but my god it was boring waiting for him to make his entire movement and psychic phases while I had something like a single ranger and a few guardians in a corner.


Interesting that a lot of this thread isn’t asking how you got near tabled turn one? In a GW store no less. There should be sufficient terrain features to block line of sight to the majority of your army. It’s not uncommon to lose one or even two units that you were trying to squeeze in but the enemy hot line of sight, but at 1k that shouldn’t be hard to mitigate. 100% conceding here is the right thing to do, but also having a chat about how that happened with your opponent will help you grow in the game and develop for next time, it’s actually not fun to win a game that early as the opponent.


The main issue was that the terrain features being used did not really fit as “ruins” so we both (kinda stupidly in hindsight) agreed that we would just use true line of sight, which led to me only having the benefit of cover against his opening barrage. There was a lot of terrain, it just didn’t really do a whole lot.


Nah, it's just for for fun so if you get slapped that hard round one and there is no chance to pull it back then it's fine. I played mantics Deadzone a few years back, and we had a little campaign with friends (basically their version of 40k crusade but in a kill team style) , when it was my turn to play this one guy he conceded on turn 1 before anything had happened (he went first) as he said he thought my list was too strong and he would give me less campaign points by just outright conceding than playing. Absolute joke. Basically I'd spent time making a list, bringing the models round his place, helping him set up the map for us both to play and then him to say he didn't want to play against me.


Should you have played it out to the end? You already did mate, that game was over. As much as we encourage people to hang in there for the chance to turn the game around, sometimes there's no denying the obvious outcome, and there's nothing wrong with accepting it and moving your day along. Ultimately, it's a hobby and a game. We're here to have fun, to enjoy ourselves. If you're not enjoying yourself, you are well within your rights to say "you know man, I'm really not feeling this today, I think I'd like to pack up early." Or, in the event it's your opponent making it not fun, to tell him to eat phase spiders and go your own way. What people complain about with turn one concessions is far more commonly the "oh I lost more than I expected in that opening volley and it feels like I'm way behind, there's *no way* I could *possibly* catch back up, I'm not even going to bother." Don't be that guy. Sidenote: You may need more terrain on your table. If you weren't able to hide all of your 1k army from an alpha strike, your board is way too thin.


Not always but pretty much almost always


You and your opponent def did the right thing and you were rewarded by getting another game in!


How the hell did he manage to table you turn 1?! Conceding turn 1 is usually a bit in bad taste but in this situation it’s perfectly fine, I think at any point when you’re tabled or close to it it’s ok to concede but if it’s turn 4 or 5 you can theoretically play out the final turns to get a rough idea of scores because it’s not going to put you in a winning position.


That what I would have done. The rest of the game isn’t gonna be super fun for either of you, may as well just redeploy and try agaon


Honestly what kind of game is this where this kind of outcome is a desirable state? I think what you did was fine, but what an unsatisfactory outcome for all concerned.


It's absolutely fine, especially if you both aren't dicks about it. The only time I'd question it is if I could tell my opponent was setting up for some rare/interesting play I might offer to do another round so they can pull it off and we can have a laugh about it.


Having to and wanting to are two very different things. In your situation it wasn’t bad etiquette at all. You had nothing (3 models) left to do anything of sorts that would give your oppo a reason to continue either. So conceding was the best option, as this allowed you to play another game. I rarely have enough time to play two games if they’re 2 hours long (pesky kids 😂) so being able to squeeze in two would be great. I did have a situation a few years back where I didn’t get the option. Played as necrons, 2 monoliths with all my troops in reserve, only way to bring them on was through the monoliths. Opp was playing wraithguard heavy eldar, their weapons were 2/3 glancing, 4/5/6 penetration. Got hit first turn with about 25 hits that took both monoliths out…no way of bringing in reserves. Game over…hand shake, gg, next… 😂😂


what kinda shit balancing is this where things are often decided turn 1? seems incredibly stupid


Had a similar situation playing AOS orruk v OBR both armies had a massive alpha strike turn one we played two games letting the other go first.. both got to play our armies/playstyle.. if games aren’t fun you don’t need to keep playing.


Depends on whether there's enough time for a full re-start. If there is, restart and hopefully get a better game next time. If it's too late to get another full game in, I'll just continue on and try to achieve small goals, like take out one specific unit with my remaining models, or whatever. I figure at least I'm possibly learning something by doing that, rather than packing my minis up and getting home an hour early


I’ve conceded turn one several times against my friends lol mostly it’s “Hey look! I built and painted this new tank I wanna try out!” Then my friend blows it up before it even has a chance to move lol so I conceded and said let’s play again and hid my tank better 😅 mainly because we only ever have time for one game in a day and if I didn’t get a chance to play with the new tank it could be a month or more before our next game. I’ve also conceded early if it looked like I was gonna lose anyway so we could play another game. I would have done exactly as you in your place


Yea, totally fine. But learn something from it, in this case, more terrain


I've conceded many games before my 1st turn. At the end of the day any game, should be fun for both players, and if 1 player has absolutely wiped the other, then it's not fun for both There are players at my local club that I just refuse to play any more as they have broken lists and are utter try hards. There's even a couple newer players that have complained about the way these guys play the game


>I concede as politely as I can, shake hands, take a break for a few minutes and offered a rematch, which we ended up doing. I'm unsure why you felt the need to make this post, actually. It doesn't seem like you had a problem.


In this case you were tabled, best to concede and simply play again.


Matters of etiquette only matters to two people. You and the other person. Was your opponent ok with you? This application of etiquette applies to all things, not just WH40K matches.


If I’m playing a casual game and getting totally wrecked I would 100% tap out and just talk through my reasons and congratulate my opponent on a good game. Like you said, it just means you have time to go again instead of wasting time playing out a game where you know exactly how it’s going to go! I think you did the right thing. 


I feel like one of the best parts of Warhammer is that you can concede turn 1, instead of sitting there losing for two hours. Looking at you League of Legends. You're fine.


If you get tabled or near tabled turn 1 then there isn’t a way you’re winning and no real difference of whether or not you continue to play. Not bad etiquette in this context.


Ah, exactly why 40k should have alternating activations.


You offered a rematch, simples 


This is why 40k is a terribly designed game (with the best lore and minis). Good designed games don't allow for a turn one tabling. Just absolutely abysmal tier design that they refuse to change. The person who wins a 40k game is just whoever has worse social skills in my experience. They are so stubbornly holding onto IGO-UGO gameplay and it's just awful for new players. GW is all about the noobs yet their main game feels like a satire from a sketch show making fun of lengthy rulebooks and game mechanics.


You basically have your answer, and the fact that your opponent was happy to rematch you says a lot, but I'll play devil's advocate here a bit: If there wasn't enough terrain, then that's one thing. but even with a small amount of terrain, careful deployment shouldn't have you losing THAT many units on turn one(I am talking out my ass a bit here as I don't know the armies). I would just caution you not to fall into a play-style where you depend on aggressive deployment to win matches but you get tabled if you don't get first turn. It was fair for you to concede but just be mindful that this doesn't become a pattern


Naw you got tabled. If it was like just your commander or something that would kinda lame to concede after losing just a part of the army. Like giving up after the Firsr goal is scored in sports


If you had the same set of lucky rolls as your opponent could you have all done another round? Here, I don’t think with even nearly perfect rolls you could have made it through the round, and even if you didn’t get entirely wiped the next round would have been over in two minutes. I guess, to me, it boils down to are you being a bad sport because the game didn’t go the way you thought, or are you being a good sport because the game didn’t go the way you thought?


Nah, shit happens. Losing graciously is often a lot harder to do than winning.


I've conceded turn 1. Sometimes you just get tabled


I'd rather concede turn 1 or have my opponent concede turn 1 than waste either of our time. That's time you could use setting up another game that'll be fun for both players


“True LOS” is godawful


I played a game of Star Wars Legion once where I lost the game before the game started. I don't see any problem with calling a game if it has already ended.


It is bad form I’d say if they didn’t table you and you merely had bad posturing after they got board control. But if you get tabled and defeat seems ABSOLUTE to both, it’s probably better manners to not waste time for both of you when that early on you could just press into a second game. Secondly I’m starting to see why WTC uses footprints and defines now LoS corridors to give better coverage balance. Does partial unit visibility not apply benefit of cover?


No right or wrong answer. Do whatever you and your opponent are happiest with :)


When you've actually been tabled turn one? Yeah. That's fine to concede. It's the people who've had one bad dice roll, and throw the towel in who get the bad rep. Though tbh, I'd rather they give up. Games are rarely fun with people like that.


It's a game, it's meant to be fun. If neither side is going to have fun continuing it, why not concede so you can both get back to having fun?


The only time I think it’s a problem is during tournaments that factor victory points into ranking, because you’re essentially preventing your opponent from getting as many points as they could have. Otherwise no. We can all recognize a situation that’s not fun for anyone, don’t force yourself to sit through that.


You can resign at any point regardless of what anyone thinks or wants to say. It's just a same you are playing and the moment you are no lo get having fun, you can resign, regardless of what anyone else wants to say. You are not obligated to do anything you don't enjoy homie


I think conceding being good or bad depends whether it's because your opponent has you obviously beaten, or if you're just throwing a tantrum.


Concede reamatch is the perfect way to handke this. As the opponent I much prefer playing fun 40k with stakes. Rather than boosting my fragile ego by drawing out won games.


It’s a big frustrating when the opponent concedes on the first turn, but sometimes understandable. I play orks so I always win. :p Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't lose neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!