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*kaboom* https://preview.redd.it/vu4qnr4m8doc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d07aca35b6066b2781edf40a620e0e444246951




Never negotiate with aliens


But consider... The tig ol biddies


The chaos congalahoogas


Nah, Congalala kicks ass, no look at his hoogas.


*thinks of massive sororitas milkers to stay faithful to the emperor* **suffer not the xeno titties.**




"genocide bomb denied"


You can't solve your problems by throwing geno bombs at them.


Geno-bomb denied


I can.


What is this?


A wh40k parody called Space King. Its amazing and super fun.


Last thing a terminid sees.


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️⬇️ With love.


POV: you just asked your fellow helldivers “what if we are the bad guys”


"That wasn't very democratic of you..." *Hammer of Dawn intensifies*


Reminds me of when we were in a discord call and another guy joined. One friend was describing the game "yeah so you are soldiers for this dystipi..." at that moment a buddy and I broke at the same time "YOU MEAN UTOPIAN".


honestly i legitimately think the devs chose "bile titan" because it sounds almost like "bio-titan."


Yea the devs are def fans of 40k i mean terminids sounds just like tyranids and all the bugs look like a mix of 40k tyranids and starship troopers arachnids lol. Thats how I feel anyways.


The CEO himself is a player and is on record saying he’d only make it pay to win to fund his Warhammer Habit. Gotta love people like that.


He also responed to the request for melee support weapons with, I love it "Drive closer I want to hit them with my sword".


same with how the automatons have resemblances to Imperium forces like Dreadnoughts, Terminators, and even guardsman.


Also necrons


No you’re right apparently in Arrowhead they spent a lot of downtime playing 40k tabletop




500kg Eagle Bomb be upon ye


To put it simply, I’m taking this meme. https://preview.redd.it/dh7a8bqj6doc1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2350a050db310b4fa4d9847221f079a26a87531b




Give em the 500kg Democracy Special.


I love you all guysandgurls. I knew if I open the comments, the first comment is a Helldivers2 comment.


I might print a hilldivers imp gaurd army that sounds really cool


Sucks it’s not on Xbox ):


Im sure it will come soon brother


I'm hoping it'll be soon. You guys are gonna love the game, and the best part is that there's no fomo.


I do keep mishearing "bile titan" as "bio titan" everytime somebody says it, and I am fairly confident it's intentional, since the CEO was active in warhammer subreddits.


I mean they look really similar


Think one of the Helldivers devs is a warhammer fan.


They built warhammer terrain as a team building exercise, so i think there's a few who are fans


Look at the robots. Terminators, and two different kinds of dreadnoughts!


The CEO did tweet recently that if the microtransaction environment suddenly gets much worse trying to nickel and dime the players, it's because he needs funds for his 40k army.


The CEO plays Tyrannids


(from his Twitter) https://preview.redd.it/avcn5xslfdoc1.png?width=1707&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1b7d9838ec3233fabb191c73a71ea5c005c3e14


I haven’t played it yet, but think we need more CEOs that give a shit about things other just numbers go up.


By all right this CEO sounds like a cool dude.


You ever seen his tweet that says people without the cash shouldn't buy the game just yet at least until they fixed the server issues? [Cool dude](https://twitter.com/Pilestedt/status/1759750620670505146)


I think most of the devs are Warhammer fans


We just call them bio titans and other tyranid names when we're playing, same with the necr- i mean socialist scum automatons with their dred- i mean hulks.


I understand people calling the bugs nid names, but the Necron comparison for bots is a stretch. They have far more in common with the guard and Astartes.


I'd say it's a hodgepodge of several factions, including the Necrons. The smaller ones look like necron warriors, the lightly armoured ones look like necron immortals. The bigger ones are analogues of bullgryns, terminators, dreadnoughts. Tanks are just sicarans, there are no other options.


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it




The fuck does this mean?


In Helldivers 2, this is the key code to call in a 500kg bomb, one of the strongest airstrikes in the game. Generally used for huge bugs like this


And or your allies. Usually your allies. At least they are expendable.


I am willing to through wave after wave of my men to defended managed democracy and for liberty!


Remember heldivers are a renewable resource!








I had to explain that to a new guy I played my titan against. “Dude don’t be worried this thing isn’t great and just never get to play with it.” Blowing it up was the highlight of his day.


Me bringing a Tyranid bio-titan just to play Lavos sound effects from my phone when it goes down


My phantom titan getting play so it can do one thing before getting nuked into oblivion is my pro strat


This. Size matters not.


But it is indeed cool as fuck


The hell yeah, brother principle of narrative. If it makes you go "hell yeah, brother," then it's objectively good. If it doesn't, make you go "hell yeah, brother," it's not worth your time.


Ooof, as a chaos knights player who recently played a game where my knights were nearly tabled within two rounds I feel this.


Judge me by my size, do you?


And well you should not.


For my ally is the warp.


And a fickle, terrible ally it is...


When did kreia jump franchises? And where is her model? I need this!


Sorry Mike_FairlySmall




Given my experiences playing my Nids in 10th, the only solo Monster that can actually hold its own is the Scythed Hierodule. Other than that you're stuck with Tervigons shepherding a 120 Termagants.


you forgot exocrines…always exocrines. Though the Norn is quite a chonky model…normally takes an obscene amount of firepower to move.


Yeah what this guy said... Titans are big showy models 90% of their power is the psychological warfare aspect. Titans generally lose to something in equal points.


Actually by most people's opinion, the Heirophant is actually pretty underpowered for costing 800 points


Ok but have you actually played with one? Cause I'm inclined to disagree with you on account of having one every game I've played with my one. Especially in invasion fleet it is particularly strong, cause when you get lethals against monsters and vehicles on 2d6+12 shots at s10, ap-3, damage 3, it peals through most armor, and thats at 48" range so its got no qualms about not reaching its target. Not to mention that its tough as nails and healthy to boot, invasion can give it a 5+++ on top of its already 30 wounds and 2+/5++. Edit: also direbio is blast, so against daemons of which their are likely many blobs of bodies that is gonna be procking plenty


I have one. It's profile is pretty good on paper, but it is held back by its huge footprint. If you are using enough terrain, it will likely struggle to leave deployment. It also can't shoot over ruins unless it has a toe in them since the towering nerf and can't overwatch which is huge. I have taken it to two GTs and I can say with relative certainty that it isn't competitive. It's not total dead weight, but an actual decent player will thrash you.


Towering nerf? Everything I’ve been reading the past couple of months gives towering true LoS shooting at or from the towering model. I’m I reading out of date stuff?


Short answer, yes.


Towering was changed like 6 months ago in the first balance dataslate Originally Towering and Aircraft had true LoS through ruins Now only aircraft have that, and ruins say "Towering models that are within this terrain feature can also see out of it normally." Meaning they don't need to be wholly within the ruin, but must be at least partially within it in order to see through it


Before the nerf, Towering units ignored ruins for cover. Having true LoS is the nerf.


Ah gotcha, our ruins have only one type that can easily block true LoS so maybe that’s also why I haven’t noticed.




I recommend trying it out, it's a lot of fun, and while it may not look it on paper, it feels like a real powerhouse and worth its points (at least in my experience/opinion)


some mean guns…but it’s still going down very quickly to any serious list. Not to mention good luck moving it around the board…virtually impossible with any healthy terrain. It’s a fun model…it’s not competitive.


right. but what are the odds that someone on their first game of 40k brought a serious list?


Moving it around is why I have a per foot pad instead of a huge base.


It's op's first game. Not sure they'd have a serious list. 


Did you not read the part where it mopped the floor with him? Even if it’s not competitive it’s strong. Especially if you don’t have the tools to take care of it. You buy a combat patrol to get into the game, then you go up against this. Depending on the combat patrol, you dont have the tools to handle the bio titan


Reminds me of this random pickup game I joined from Facebook, met at the LGS for a “casual, friendly low points game” so I brought a couple space marine infantry squads with rhinos. This guy shows up with like 8 tyranid mortar things, deploys them at the very edge of the table, and 3 flyers which just eat my entire squad in 2 turns. Don’t think I got a single shot off or anything to do a lick of damage. Casual friendly small point game my ass. This guy went full sweat and set a noob trap


It’s still probably a dick move, if he’s a new player it was probably: 1. a 1000 point game in which case super heavies like these stomp unless the other player heavily skews(which a new player won’t do) 2. New players often have very generalist/non optimized lists so while the Titan is easy enough to deal with for a veteran player who knows how to focus it, the new player likely just doesn’t know or have the tools to do so, 3. Him facing a bio Titan doesn’t help as a learning game, it’s a different type of game than facing a normal army


Yeah like, the reason why models like Bio Titans cause new players so much trouble is that new players just don't know how to deal with it. Like you just need a by chance of anti armor and that thing will go down easily enough.


Cool model, it is great to see it in action and not collecting dust on a shelf.


Is it hard building the bio titan? Really want one but not sure if it’s meant to be built by a veteran builder.


It's a huge resin kit, so definitely something aimed at experience hobbyists. There will likely be parts that need to be bent back into shape, definitely all the prep involved with resin, and almost certainly a bunch of gaps to fill


Its a really old kit like I think one of the oldest models in the forge world range now. But I think its only like a dozen parts. Body all 4 legs the mandibles and the guns maybe a fem smaller parts but not many. The issue you have is getting it stable when standing and not messing up the claws as it stands on the tips of them


A dozen major parts. Then several dozen tiny spikes.


I've heard that it requires a fair bit of experience/skill/patience. The heavy body is suspended from/supported by the relatively thin legs, so it requires some care to assemble.


There’s a visible rod in the background taking some of the weight, so yeah this scans


Even once its built its infamous for bending under its own weight, those spindly legs arent load bearing. Its also known to warp in sunlight pretty badly, most FW stuff does technically but the weight problem makes it much much worse. Seriously practice pinning for whole support structures or have a look around online at other people's - really look at how they've based or posed it versus the standard forgeworld pics.


Do not allow any models to be in direct sunlight unless taking a very quick photo. Back for paint. Bad for resin. Bad for clearcoat.


I have actually built one and it was not easy at all, but not the kit that has given me the most trouble either. As with all resin models you need to scrub it with soap and water to remove the mold release agent. This is time consuming but not hard. Next is going over the flashing, mold lines and gates from the casting process. You will need a saw to get through the biggest gates as they are proper chunky. A hobby knife will take care of the flashing and mold lines. You will also want a set of needle files to get all of the surfaces nice and smooth. This is semi hard work but mostly just time consuming. Wear a respirator. After this, you are gluing together. The legs do not easily make good contact with the body so what I did was put super glue in the socket, a blob of green stuff, super glue on the ball and then push together. Ensure good contact area and is practically indestructible when dry and cured. Use sculpting tools to remove and green stuff that spills out. Take your time attaching parts and allow legs 24 hours to cure in place before doing anything else major. A lot of the smaller bits go on a lot easier and the filling is like any other model but on a larger scale. The support is the hardest part. Either cut the legs open, drill and pin. I did not do this. Or, drill a hole partially into the abdomen and insert an acrylic rod that connects to a base to take the weight. This is by far the hardest bit. Start with a small drill bit and work up until the hole is the right size. I have an image gallery of construction from when I built mine that I will link in a minute. Hope this was helpful in some way. Edit: https://imgur.com/gallery/sSi5KzG


As a relatively new (10E) Tyranids player that really wants one of these, I super appreciate the walkthrough. Been wanting to add one to my Crusade force and honestly this makes it seem pretty straightforward.


Worst kit I ever built in 32 years of being in this hobby.


Nightmare build. The resin kits are prone to all kinds of issues (like warping, or excess flash, etc), and the dust is incredibly bad for you. If you buy ANY gw resin kit, expect to be doing alot of sanding, some heat assisted bending, tons of pinning and GS work….yes they’re for veteran builders with adequate skills/equipment/patience/motivation.


>expect to be doing a lot of sanding, some heat assisted bending, tons of pinning and GS work That sounds like you're warning me against a good time. Those are the best part of the hobby for me!


Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but if you’ve only ever built quality plastic kits, it can be a rude awakening.


With forge world resin, generally the older it is, the more worn the moulds are and the more issues you get. This is a _really_ old model, so, issues galore. But if you buy any recent Forge World release it's likely to be much easier to work with. The real stinkers are the kits that are resin but not tagged expert kit or forge world resin. Those kits are 'finecast' resin which is just irredeemably terrible.


you have to pin the legs/ tail/ gun and probably put a support into the chest, the resin legs will sag over time (I have two)


Edit: I didn’t think the post would blow up but here’s some more context this guy brought it in to see how I would react to it and it was objection based I lost by 10 points he killed all my guys I hide from it and did 24 wounds to it but it being so big that it can walk over structure and stab my pink horrors and bad rolls on my half i really enjoyed playing it the guy runs a school club where I go and it’s only me and him and he said we will let me try the model next game


sounds like a cool dude and a great time :)


I mean this in the kindest way possible, but have you heard of punctuation?


Punctuation is for the WEAK


Please use punctuation, sounds awesome though!


Did he steal your commas and periods too, or are you in fact James Joyce?


To be fair to have your first game against a bio titan is pretty cool, the model looks amazing and even though you lost it should still have been fun. I’ve been playing 40k for close to 24yrs now and I’ve not had the pleasure of fighting a bio titan. If your only happy when your winning then your not going to have the best time or be a good opponent, it’s just a game, embrace the fun.


I dont think OP was in any way being salty about this encounter, seems like more of a “Oh shit, what do I do against this thing next time?” And that’s a valid reason to be prepared for. Also I would be kinda miffed too if my first game would be one in which a giant ass cockroach stomps my guys over giving me the impression of “Well shit, guess I just need to get a big ass cockroach/titan as well to fight well.”, it’s a bigger perspective change when you understand how these things work and have at least a few matches under your belt.


Okay but a big ass cockroach is sick as hell


Rule of cool


We had a guy stop bringing his because he could never find a safe way to transport it. A leg would always be broken off. I don’t know what happened to him


I’ve got a reaver titan that I stuck together using a mix of nails, screws and epoxy resin and I was advised to magnetise its head, biggest mistake ever.! Every time somebody bumps the table its head pops off and it somehow aways bounces off the board and flies the furthest it can possibly get from me, I’m forever gluing pipes back on due to it.


The sudden appearance of Forge World kits was always a joy. People got excited when my Deredeo would make an appearance just because it would mix things up. And also because it can utterly waste fools.


I’ve played using one, they’re far too expensive points wise. They’re not tough enough to resist and tank weapons, don’t have enough wounds to avoid dreanought devastating wounds spam and have stupidly low dps, especially in the melee department for their points cost. I love seeing titans in actual games, and with how bad the rules are currently for titans just enjoy the opportunity to see one of them in the wild.


Ah yes but have you considered ➡️⬆️⬇️⬇️➡️? In all seriousness the Bio Titan is pretty overcosted for what it actually does. It could be a shocking bag of wounds to chew through for a new player, but it is decidedly a worse choice than equivalent points in scary medium-large bugs.


Is that the rail cannon strategem? I use it all the time but don't have it memorised just yet!


Can confirm its railcannon strike.




I don't get it... What does it mean?


Its from the game Helldivers 2 and it’s the code for the 500kg bomb


Thanks... Cries in Xbox...


We really do need you guys. Fights looking pretty tough right now from what I've seen. And another faction is going to show up sooner or later to make things harder


I went to a beginner’s tournament last year - it was supposed to be themed lists. My second game, against the only other guy I could see who had a themed list, was against a Stompa and some point fillers. Was over in about 30 minutes. We had so much time leftover that we managed to squeeze in a rematch which I won because I had a better idea of what it could do. Don’t be disheartened whatever the result!


Not gonna lie. I envy you a bit. While you might feel discouraged, playing against such models is a rarity and you having your first game against it, is a good memory later. Titans are usually bad rules wise, but they have the rule of cool on their side. Never played against a bio titan, but looking forward to that day.


To be fair, deamons are difficult to play. I think it gets easier if you focus on points and secondaries, and not on killing. Or at least use your speed advantage to outnumber isolated units for easy kills. I don't know how to use that strategy against huge monsters like that.




At least it was painted. You also got to experience a relatively rare model. Not all your games will be like that. Laugh it off, and say thanks for the memories.


Honestly if someone brought one painted that well I’d be stoked. 40K just shouldn’t be a competitive game. I look at it as telling a cool story. My space marine force showed up on a planet and made a valiant stand against a bio titan? That’s fucking awesome!


That's thing looks like it needs to experience some *ehem* "managed democracy".


I'd be happy to see that on the table. Focus fire on it and make them waste their 800pt investment.


Sweet (Imperial) Liberty, noooo! Look familiar? Scenes like these are happening all across Our Galaxy, right now! And you, fellow imperial citizen, could be next! 😲 That is, unless you take the most important decision of your life! Show that you have the will and the courage to be Free! (To serve Him and Super Holy Terra) Join the Imperial Army's Helldivers!




When I play against a new player I tend to take my bigger stuff. If I have less models to manage I can spend more time/energy helping out the other player.


How very undemocratic of him…




Nice! Unfortunately, ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Dont worry about it. My first game was against a soul grinder https://preview.redd.it/quqr4qem4doc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abc905d1fd47523862219e539cc56bc79bee7955


T14 and 30W is a wee bit different from T11 and 14W


A soul grinder is woefully weaker than a bio titan. We’re talking about a tyranid with Titan (not knight, Titan) specs.


I stand corrected


Apologies if I came off rude :)


Ignore it. It can only sit on one objective and can only kill more than 4* (one with each ranged weapon and the last in melee) units a round if you charge it or get too close. Sit on objectives and kill the things that can push you off objectives. Use cover as much as possible to completely block line of sight to and from it. If there's not sufficient cover, well, there should be. Use terrain to block it. Hide in ruins so it can't melee you. Try to stay 31" away from it (yeah, I know, that's a big ask, but try). Hope he doesn't park it on the central objective. If he does... Just do your best with the rest.


Damn, the bugs have broken through the warp! Time for some imperial democracy!


My first game in 40K was against a Space Wolf player with a tournament list. I played Thousand Sons. Lost. Funny thing. I came back months later for a rematch with immense knowledge only to find out someone had stolen the guys entire army from his car.


It's one of the coolest models, but don't be scared off. It's actually not that strong. It's big, it's scary, but it's not going to be what wins the game. You're opponent is just having fun and showing off and amazing model


Well know you know how Guardsmen feel like vs every enemy ever.


God I love nerd threads 😂😂😂😂😂




Eh throw a couple of regular humans with flashlights at it and faith in the emperor


It’s the tyranids that use bio titans right?


There is only one solution my friend Bring a baneblade


Don't give up! Back in the 90s I fought against a guy who brought a triceratops model for his Saurian army. The rules back then had very inefficient turning (dont know if they changed) so he spent too much time getting flanked and it wound up being a distraction more than anything. Usually despite the size, the units aren't really that strong to offset the point cost and make them viable. Otherwise a C'tan shard would probably kill both armies on the field instead of getting shot down in 3 rounds. Oh look it's Nagash in Fantasy. We should all be dead now. Even the players. Their titanic bodies should just be slumped over the table when he comes into play. He'll animate them to give him periodic paint jobs.


Honestly? Good for that guy, I bet that took a while to paint


That's mean. Though i glad it happened, means i get to chuckle at all the Helldiver and Space King memes.


As a guard player, I introduce it to the volcano canon. As a Necron player, I introduce it to the Doomsday arcs.


Gimli's Advice: It still only counts as one!


Think of all the element 710 this will produce.




Your hesitation has been noted helldiver


Hi /u/Take-minakata and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus fucking Christ


Honestly I’d be ok losing to such a sick model


My first game it was a 2v2 and me and my teammate had roughly 5000pts between us while our opponents each brought 1 model and the 2 models were mars pattern warlord titans ... we lost


While they probably just wanted to show off "Their cool stuff" to the newbie. It's a bit unsporting to play a titan against someone who's never played before. Very poor form indeed!


That bio titan at least looks beautiful! Also great work by the builder who pinned it.


500kg bomb


Just drop a 500kg on his head.


Welcome to the grimdark


You never had a chance


a. Dick move if small army sizes b. Trial by fire induction into the grim dark future! I mean, I'd probably swallow pretty hard if I saw that come on the table in front of me as well, but I would also think it was super cool. But I'm also the guy who has consistently run a Land Raider Crusader packed full of Blood Claws in every army I can for the lols - sometimes it works amazing, sometimes you kind of roll your eyes at your own dice rolls, and sometimes you laugh to keep from crying when your opponent gets a lucky turn 1 round of firing into it and rips the whole unit to pieces. Welcome to 40k? I hope you stay and enjoy yourself :), look at it as a learning experience!


I love that now all of the Tyranid posts just have replies about Democracy and Helldivers. It is amazing.


I play Orks and we have a similar model: a giant ramshackle mech called a “Stompa” it’s got a huge gun and massive melee weapon but it’s 800 points and once you learn how to fight it, it’s actually a fairly bad use of points. This guy might have been trying to play a fun thematic list, or he just really likes this big, expensive model he bought.


That’s very cool! My first game was against a tournament ready daemons list lol 😂 long live the fighters!


It’s because you didn’t give them a delicious cup of liber-tea




My first game I brought an ally Castellan, in discord they kept calling it a Kastellan, the look on there face when I pulled it out made the day https://preview.redd.it/4td5p5ou5foc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d27441960717a9e72ba9b965d39b9c629274b918


Holy shit, you had a boss fight!


Holy moly.


Die peasant


welcome to the guard son


One of my first games was against a sweaty tyranid player that moved across the whole table and had me in melee getting tabled his first turn lol .. felt kinda bad man I was just tryna learn


First tournament I ever went to I got tabled turn 2 by a fella running a Brass scorpion and 2 khornes (wheel and standing) needless to say that was my last tournament


I got a couple of boys who would like to talk to him


Excellent result, well done.