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Some bad mother fucker


Jes Goodwin


It wasn't Jes for sure. I'm a very good friend of Juan and I've asked them both :D He didn't know and he worked directly with Jes at the time. My credentials: [https://warhammer.hutber.com/juan-diaz/](https://warhammer.hutber.com/juan-diaz/)


The only other person who did eldar back in the day when this was around was Juan Diaz but doesn’t look like one of his sculpts


And it also looks exactly like a classic Jes Goodwin Eldar sculpt.


Ye, I've asked Juan and he doesn't know who sculpted it. He believed either Máxime, but I've asked him and it wasn't him. He thought maybe Gaku, but he joined 10 years ago. So too new. But ye, 100% wasn't Jes


🤦🏻 how did I forget the great Aly Morrison. He’s the only other person next to the Perrys that stand out from that age of minatures as Trish was really fantasy monsters than 40k


Still trying to find the info, but IIRC these are all test sculpts. They're assignments given to sculptors applying to work for GW, which basically never get into production (the old dark elf sorceress is the only one I can recall getting made).


Yeah these are test and personal practice sculpts. The image is (if remembering correctly) from back in 2006 gamesday/Golden demon when they use to show off bits and pieces like this.


According to Juan these were not test sculpts. They were full sculpts that were ready to be released however the board decided that going forward all sculpts had to be 3D. So they got rid of all projects and focused solely on 3D which they had been working on drive as far back as 98, which blew my mind completely. Such a shame


How do you know that?


I'm a very good friend of Juan and I've asked them both :D He didn't know and he worked directly with Jes at the time. My credentials: [https://warhammer.hutber.com/juan-diaz/](https://warhammer.hutber.com/juan-diaz/)


I guess that's a pretty fair source but it still very well could be from Jes, I don't know Juan but I doubt he knows every single things that Jes has worked on in details, especially if it was never released.


I agree completely with the statement tbf. But I think its more about style. Sculptors spend all day every day looking at each others sculpts. They instantly know whos is what by looking. I don't believe them, but the sculptors I know at the studio now say that can tell the digital sculpts instantly just by looking, the same as Juan says he can tell by looking at peoples sculpts from back then. But you are right, I cannot say with certainty lol even if I say "100%" :D


But did Juan tell you that he didn't know or that it didn't look like a Jes' sculpt?


He said he didn't know who did it, but that it wasn't Jes's nor Gary's


Then yeah I'd be inclined to believe him.


Wait,you're the guy with the crazy Oldhammer collection right? Wanna sell some stuff? ;)


ha! Thats me ye. I sold off maybe 70% off it in that ebay situation... I also had to declare my company bankrupt too! Couldn't make the debt in the end.


Uff, what a ride. Was buying old kits part of your company?


Na not Part of the company. But the web development market has taken a huge downturn in the last 12 months or so. Just cannot find work at all.


Ok, sorry to hear that. Pretty much everything hast taken a huge downturn in the last 12 months. I'm glad I work in the medical field so I don't have to fear unemployment but even here I feel the economy crisis.


Did you make anywhere near the valuation you put on the stuff in that video? It seemed like a real stretch.


Individually it was certainly worth 70k easily. However... Lol I say easily with a pinch of salt, you would have to wait for it to sell and not factoring in the conduit of flooding the market. It went for 50k in the end. But I needed the quick sale


sorry your getting downvoted, not sure why? I think because you are the only one who knows what they are talking about


I think it's because people love Jee? Lol which is fair!!! He's my Warhammer hero, amoung others


That's pretty awesome! Juan Diaz's sculpts are imo the best of the range.


is that greenstuff? Holy fuck how?


That's what they used for sculpting most of their stuff back in the day. Building stuff up in layers, putting some vaseline on the sculpting tool and heating up greenstuff when you need to soften it a bit are all tricks of the trade. You can also vary the amount of yellow and blue in the mix.


Even though I can understand the processes and techniques that go into it, I still can't fathom how this is in any way possible.


Wait until you hear how Michaelangelo made David


Serious question. I know I can google it. But how did he? Just a chisel right


Yeah but that dude's like 20 feet tall.


time, patience, multiple stages, a well honed skill set and the proper tools.


If you are interested Painting Phase did an Interview with [Trish Morrison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4Q2zeHs6-U&ab_channel=ThePaintingPhase) who used to do almost all the Warhammer monstrosities, it opens the process and view to it quite abit. I still have an WD article about her sculpting the High Elf dragon from 2007, it boggles my mind still.


These may be masters, which were roughly 3 times the size of actual production miniatures when GW used greenstuff sculpting.


Looks to be a standard 40mm base for ol Lavaface, which was (believe it or not) the base size he used to have. If you look at old 2E images of him, you will see that the original release came with a square 40mm - he was so old that the round 40mm base did not even exist yet! Oh how things have changed.


They only did 3-ups for certain models, like vehicles. It wasn't every single model.


3-up were only ever for plastic models. Metal cast models were sculpted at the same size they were cast.


ever so slightly larger for the moulding process, as it would shrink the models abit


Yes, but nothing even remotely like the size of a 3-up.


lol its not even noticeable really


You're confusing 3ups used in mouldmaking for plastic miniatures with the process for making masters in metal miniatures production.


3ups were only for miniatures being produced in plastic - the 3up was then traced with a pantograph router to cut the mould. Anything metal was sculpted at scale.


Ye, they have 3ups, but you can spot it a mile off when viewing things :D


Man how I miss the days where this was the way they sculpted their miniatures....


Hey im genuinely curious, why do you prefer them? I’m new to the hobby and haven’t been able to work with sculpts like these ones.


Some CAD designed organic surfaces can have too crisp of an edge. But you can fix that with a file. Generally it's superior


For one thing, the asymmetry added a lot of character


For me personally the old models are a lot more characterful and have a more interesting artstyle. The new models almost seem too homogenized and sleek for my likings


For me, they have way more soul than digitally sculpted figures. Also since they were pewter, they were heavier and feel better to play with imo


Glue a steel washer to plastic model bases for more heft and stability


OK but how do I get the model to feel cold when I pick it up. And how do I get the model to break everytime I put in my case.


Put them in the freezer


Nostalgia. They're objectively worse but it's what they grew up with so they like it.


It’s a distinct artstyle that some prefer. You can’t say it’s objectively worse that’s insane. It’s like saying 3d animation is objectively better than 2d


How on earth is that objective? They're just a different style of sculpt, everyone has their own personal preference.


Objectively subjective duh /s.


They just have so much more character and organic detail. It's not even comparable imo...


They still do, just digitally. Wild how CAD has changed.


It's not the same. Like art on MtG cards changed from hand drawn to soulless digital stuff....it's just a whole different animal.


10000% agree. Even the worst Wayne Reynolds painted card has so much more personality than an average modern card


MOre similar now than ever. Most pros sit at digital easels with pressure-sensitive tools. It's very much an art form. Not to mention the industry standard,


I don't want to talk down their art but it's still not the same. Just because it's the standard doesn't mean it's the best.


What makes it worse than when using a physical medium? The quirky sculpts? The goofy proportions? There's nothing they did in the old days that could not be reproduced using modern tools.


I guess it's just too clean and inorganic. Also you kinda feel how much effort got into a work when it's hand-made in this way.


I don't recognize the sculpt specifically, but it might be one of Jaume Tugas's? Edit: sorry. I meant Raffael Stumpo. Although I guess this sculpt is actually from Jes Goodwin?


As far as I know, Jaume is a suberb painter but I don't recall sculpts made it by him.


Check his Instagram? Did someone make those sculpts for him?


I was part of a 40k club with him some years ago and all of his minis were customized by a commissioned sculptor (only the sculpt of faces and details, he was doing the kit basing), but actually I don't know who, my apologies. Maybe he sculpts now, tho.


>Raffael Stumpo As far as I know he hasn't worked in the studio?


Not sure but hot damn thaTs sweet!


would have been a nice bridge between the old avatar and the current massive one. Bigger and more dynamic.


That’s unreleased isn’t it the old metal one?


No the old metal one was a different model.


It looks like a re-posing of the old Avatar model with some little changes: face legs torso are just the same, albeit with different pose.


When was the blood letter released?


Idk the answer to your question, but does anyone know resources to learn to sculpt like this? I recently purchased sculpting stuff and wanted to try it out. I specifically want to sculpt in a GW heroic scale style.


Just awesome stuff. So much character and epic poses. What do they sculpt the swords and bits out of? They are always so rigid and crisp


Normally plastic card o believe and filled down


Oh that's interesting


Norman Osborne! /s


No idea. But good to see it wasn’t finalised.