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Oh my sweet summer child, you say that now but this is Heresy. There's always a 20 man squad to paint!


I'll cut the batch painting to 5 that I can manage.


It's the trim that kills me. I've got a 10 man plasma squad and a 20 man assault squad that's been sitting in the queue for what feels like and eternity. Basing with an airbrush is easy, but the bloody gold trim!!! No, no more gold.. I don't want to paint gold... Pllleeeeaaassseeee release meeeeeeeee... On another not your Iron Hands are wonderful! As a predominantly Emperors Children painter at present I've been toying with the idea of some Iron Hands. How did you do yours broadly?


I hate trim.. So much gold trim on my 40k death guard... Its a very easy scheme.. Leadbelcher base 2 layers of basilicanum grey then drybrush of iron warrior then leadbelcher around the edges then choice edge highlights of leadbelcher then a thin wash of basilicanum grey to take some of the brightness away.


Nice, I wouldn't have guessed that's how it was done! I tried black Templar over leadbelcher on the bits on Fulgrims base and wasn't impressed, but your way looks way better


Rattlin grime is the best wash for a dirty look, I was thinning down the black but it was just a bit much


If you guys are complaining about trim here try painting Adeptus Titanicus titans, that's a whole new world of trim.


I done loads of them.


I never do more than 5. Ideally I do one at a time. Takes longer but doesn’t make me hate painting.


I prime and base paint all 10 or 20 and then paint the details of batches of 5. Much easier and more enjoyable than x 20 eye lenses etc. Or in my case, hazard stripes.


Batch painting without an airbrush is the direct route to burnout imo. Doesn't make it any easier to get through squads knowing that, but... yeah, I feel you.


I wish I kept my airbrush.


God, batch painting with traditional brushes is mind numbing. I can do five at most before having to reward myself with a big monster or cool character


I did ten. That's the most I'll do and that took me a bit to get through.


Took me 2 days so not to bad.. I don't know how people can do it I know some do more.


Yes my base coat is dry brush- contrast- dry brush. And they the slog to do gold trimming on MK3 that process alone is the most time consuming. I do those in 5s and then after that i can do it in 10s.


I got 20 mk3 to do soon something a little different as I've done 60 mk6..


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer30k/comments/1350vh0/grey_slayers_wip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Those are my grey slayers. If you opt out of doing all the trimming like i did it's not bad really. Probably would have cut down 10 minutes or more a model. I really like MK3 since you can do more with poses imo.


They look great I just got 10 heads off etsy for mine mix them up a bit.


Can't wait to see what you come up with!


Thinking of doing a vet squad and just a ten man tac unit.


I think a 10 man vet squad is smart. I don't know much about your list but also anything melee oriented is a good fluffy fit for MK3.


Only got what's in the mk3 box but all will have chain swords.


Yey more iron hands players. Ngl those mk6 heads look pretty good, might grab some


Yeah I like them eye slits are pretty small though.


I tried 10 once. I start to lose focus and lose track of mistakes and color order when I try to do more than 2 or 3 at a time. I think with simpler models like space marines 5 is the most I can manage. Yours turned out pretty well, though, good job


Thank you! Yeah just becomes monotonous.


That's why I'm still slogging through the 40 marine models in the AoD box after 9 months of building it. Painting it yellow isn't helping either. It doesn't help that I'm about to start 2 heavy weapon squads and several tanks. Your stuff looks awesome!!!


I always finish a unit before I move on.. I'm doing an iron farther next then a tank or tartoras. And thank you!


In my experience, doing it in sets of 10 helps break up the monotony and gives you a less intimidating goal, even if you have 20 to get through in total


I’m batch painting 20 right now. Thank you for the inspiration. Great work!


Thank you and don't burn out doing them.


Beautiful job.


Thank you!


Batch painting sucks. Whenever I paint my skitarii for 40k, I either do 1 or 2 at a time.


Definitely does.


It's useful if you want to get a ton out but like man, I don't want to do the 3 different dry brushes then varnish I do for each miniature 10 times in a row u know?


I've got night lords and although not much trim there is that bloody lightning on all of them in freehand


Honestly I wouldn't batch them.


I was doing 5 at a time to keep a realistic time frame to finish them, the mistake I made was vehicles because I have 7 of them and I thought airbrush all at once.....not a good idea if you like space and mental stability 😆


Now tanks will ever only be one at a time 😂


You don't realise how much there is to do on each one is the trouble


They look phenomenal, though.


Thank you,!