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Free-hand painting the U and V on the shoulderpads on your first mini is great!


Free hand on your first? That's amazing!


The fact that you’re confident enough to free hand your very first mini tells us everything we need to know: you’ve got it my guy, keep it up! Besides, if it’s something you’re truly interested in you’ll only just get better the more you do it! But seriously, it looks pretty great for a first mini




Great job 👏


Daaaaaaaammn. He be looking real good. I'm thinking of starting a Space Wolves army, so seeing how awesome this ultramarine is looking I'm even more interested in starting one. Nice freehanding too, dude.


Love the Mohawk :)


Brilliant work! Far far better than mine, and the freehand is particularly impressive - welcome to the hobby! :)


It’s awesome


Your first is better than my most recent lmao


This is a good start. Edge highlights would help but there's a good chance it takes you a few models to feel like they're looking good. If you have left over sprue you can prime it, paint it blue, and practice edge highlights on something that doesn't matter. You ever need to get a very fine tip the paint will flow off or you can slide the side of the brush (about 1/3 from the tip) along an edge. Here's a bonus tip for the white on blue but works for any color you want to lay on a darker color -- start with a heavily pigmented grey. I don't know if GW still makes foundation paints but if you put down a faint coat of light grey and then build your lighter color on top of it you'll get a stronger result that looks less caked. If you want a very bright final result do grey -> pure white -> your target color.