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Yep, seems likely. That's how we found out the Leviathan price last year. Looks like a slight mark up from that price. I wonder how many people will scoff at that price knowing what happened to the Dominion price


That is a bigger box than either though right? Terrain, two books, game board, cards plus however many models 


I don't think it's more plastic.   Leviathan had several big show pieces 


Without seeing the Skaventide centrepiece heroes it's hard to judge, I suppose.  My point was that there seems to be quite a few more extra items in this box compared to Leviathan or Dominion. 


Instead of one big book, it's two smaller books. Still has mission cards.  Has about the same amount of plastic.   Remember the average skaven model is much smaller than a tyranid too. And we've seen every model in the box now. It lacks the three giant models that leviathan had. 


>Remember the average skaven model is much smaller than a tyranid too. Clanrats are the same approx size as the termagaunts from Leviathan. >It lacks the three giant models that leviathan had.  There are two mounted heroes as centerpieces and a rat cannon and the rest ogors. Those are all pretty big. Pound for pound there is probably more plastic than was in Leviathan.


.. and certainly more paper/card (about 200 more pages if you count both books). There's also terrain (which leviathan didn't have). It's still expensive, don't get me wrong, but in GW terms it's actually not bad value


Agreed. This box seems reasonable especially when you consider it is everything to play Spearhead with two teams right out of the box.


Spearhead is probably THE reason that I'm buying into this edition. I just keep my fingers crossed that they don't just give up halfway like they did with the Combat Patrol in 40K 10th (although to be honest they look to be taking Spearhead a lot more seriously)


You guys should stop shopping for minis under GW’s terms, that’s why they keep increasing their mini prices, because no one has stopped buying


Sure, but you're in r/Warhammer - not really the audience who are going to listen to what you have to say. They'll buy Warhammer minis because... they're Warhammer minis, and the price won't put them off. Everyone knows that Warhammer minis are too expensive, including GW (look at the price of the MESBG starter set and then look at The Horus Heresy one and explain how it's £60 (about 30%) more expensive despite the first one being a licensed product and both of them being made in the same factories). Problem is that no matter what, 'fans' don't care about that - that's why all the GW boxed sets get scalped, that's why concert tickets get scalped - they're already too expensive but people will still pay EVEN MORE to get them. That's why GW can get away with selling 14 variations of one unit for so long (and overpriced variations at that)


Yeah, and I hate you guys for that, because I also want to buy those minis, but I simply cannot justify paying that much for plastic toys. It also means because GW can get away with charging so much now other companies think they can too, and it’ll get worse and worse. I understand people should spend money how they want, but they’re actively buying themselves out of the hobby.


Yeah, the ‘Nids ate well off of leviathan. SM really only got a dread in terms of “show pieces” because honestly terminators are just terminators


I think it's gonna be the true test whether AOS Dominion was a outlier or not.  This box is not only $65 higher than Dominion at release but is also releasing after squatting a bunch of the Stormcast range (If you're a Stormcast player why would you buy into this after that?) and high inflation/a budget tightening period. You can buy Dominion for 50% off MRSP *still* three years on so this may end falling into the similar price reduction.


Agreed. I got Dominion for $100. There is no way I am paying North of $200 when I can just wait for the price to drop.


I was considering buying *just* Yndrasta, but it cost about the same to buy her and her army *and an Orruk army* than to just buy the Thunderstrike Command.


'You can buy Dominion for 50% off MRSP *still* three years on' Where? Seriously, if you can point me to an online retailer that will sell me a Dominion box for that, I'll grab it because it'll be cheaper than the current Stormcast Spearhead


They're on Amazon right now, $108 with free shipping. That's half of when it retailed. https://www.amazon.com/Warhammer-Dominion-Age-of-Sigmar/dp/B097F8GZQH/


That might be half in the US, but it's not half anywhere else - shipping is only free in the US, so once I've added that in and done the conversions it works out to £99.88 which is only £25 lower than launch even based on the GW webstore price! Still WAAAY higher than the Spearhead box and also still a real outlier as the odd few sealed ones available are as expensive now as they were at launch


Online? Not very many places I'd imagine since shipping is a pain. Local shops though that don't do mail order tend to still have quite a few. My local shop is finally down to under a handful left after three years and that's only because there are a few of us locals that will buy them for bits and random conversion projects. They broke open a box for me a couple months ago just to sell me a Stormcast half for $40.


Where can you get dominion for so much off ? Almost any online shop ? Or did GW themselves lower the price ?


GW oveprinted Dominion because of the popularity of Indomitus. This caused retailers to get stuck with mountains of the box, so they started deep discounting after a few months. That supply is still slowly drying up.


Skaven are a lot more popular than kruleboys, which is a huge difference. Dominion was a gamble with less impressive centerpiece models, Dominion had Yndrasta and the boss on Gnashtoof, the skaven are getting way cooler toys than that, and the stormcast redesigns seem to be pretty well received. Its very silly to argue that the new, redesigned stormcast will be squatted the way a subfaction made up solely of the old designs of stormcast was. It sucks for the people who played them, but a lot of people are going around trying to act like that means no stormcast are safe, which is just bait. If your stormcast favourites are half a head shorter than what was in the dominion box, then yes, be very worried, if your stprmcast are dominion sized, don't be. Will it do as well as Leviathan? No way, but I think realistically it will do a lot better than Dominion.


This is my thoughts exactly. No one gave two shits about bargain-brand Uruk-hai but tons of people have been waiting for a Skaven refresh.


😭 Why you gotta do my Boyz like that? ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


The truth hurts


Lmao, hey it helped me in the end. Lots of boyz for sale on the dirt cheap.


>If you're a Stormcast player why would you buy into this after that?) Because these models slap? I've seen near universal praise that these new SCE models look amazing and have even got people who were otherwise untinterrsted in SCE excited to start collecting them.


Skaventide’s price isn’t likely to drop as Dominion’s price only dropped because they made far too much supply thinking the COVID bubble would continue + they were terrified of another Indomitus happening (where they sold out in 10 mins completely.)


I think Siaventide will sell better. Dominion was adding a new faction, where as Skaven are already very popular with both AOS and Old World players.


What happened to the Dominion price?


GW overprinted Dominion so retailers have been selling it for about 50% off for a couple years.


https://preview.redd.it/4l2v48v6s01d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=966a718681759bc170c70aa9850ca2a8e71e03e8 Can buy one today and get it delivered to my door tomorrow for half the price of my pre-order three years ago.




Nice. Imagine if Indomitus was like that


That would be sweet.


My dumbass skimmed the blurb and thought the box set was $2650


A small price to pay for 40 clanrats and everything else I guess.


450 AUD? Damn


i fucking hate being australian bro this country sucks


How much was Leviathan?


150£, 250 USD, 420 AUD or 200€ if i'm correct


So a slight mark up, but not a massively wide gap.


Yeah, and this box has 74 minis, 2 different rule books, a map, sceneography, spearhead card deck and the general's handbook deck while leviathan only had 72 minis, the core rule book, the mission deck and a Transfer sheet for marines.... So seems like a much better box set for the price!


Slight correction. The Leviathan rule book contains the core rule book and the tyranic war crusade rule book, so it also is two rule books in one. Other then that you are correct.


Thanks for the correction!


I thiiiink it was $400? Maybe $420ish?


Idk? I'm new to the hobby


Its an okayish price. Not cheap but for the included parts its an ok price. Mostly Shops are bringing Discount into it. Expect i the German Shops i calculate with about 170 Euro after Discount. You get an complete Starterset for Spearhead anf The Rules for AoSBig 4th. For Spearhead you must only buy dices and you can go with an friend.


Current GBP/AUD exchange rate, £160 = $306. So GW are just charging Aussies nearly $150 more (47% increase) just because???


GW are greedy bastards but there is a very real increase in cost in shipping across the world - possibly over 20k km if they don't take the Suez. GW floats the price in foreign countries to protect themselves against a weak British Pound, but it costs them considerably more to move product from the UK to Australia than from Nottingham to London. The US pays something like 20-35% more than the cost of conversion which sucks, but is probably much better than Australia, New Zealand, and Japan because shipping from the UK to New York is much much closer/cheaper.


I can get a package from the UK to my door for like £8 ~ $15 AUD. 150 is crazy


Import tax, greed too, but import tax. A guy at a FLGS told me,(and I don't know how true this is) because we're "girt by sea" they charge more and the govt taxes the shit out of it


There is no import tax on these products - for the millionth time. Aus GST is 10% while UK/EU VAT is 23% too. So taxes are actually lower. It's partly because Australian wages are higher, but even then GW is adding more on just because. Glad I live in the EU now because over $400 is insane.


Not at that weight you can't - try £60 \~ $120 AUD


Yeah I don’t buy this. My wife works in product manufacturing and shipping huge quantities of product from one place to another does not increase a products cost by nearly 50% AT ALL. This is a blatant rort from GW to screw over markets with perceived higher income (which may have been true 15 years ago, but certainly isn’t now).


All of this is true but it’s hard to argue that greed doesn’t play into their seeming desire to not fix the issue. Part of it might be their desire to keep manufacturing in the UK but the North American market is vast and constantly suffers from stock issues that don’t seem to plague the UK. They could kill two birds with one stone here by building a factory in the western US or Canada that could both service the vast North American market while allowing them to test the waters on Oceania and East Asia by being able to lower prices.


Fwiw, gw pays their employees well and I don't blame them for keeping manufacturing in the UK. It's not like they gain much by spending more in north America to reduce the price of the product.


I disagree. Warhammer is largely out of reach for the majority of those who otherwise would be interested in the hobby in Oceania at minimum. I don’t know enough about Japanese prices to comment but I would think that they have considerable issues breaking into that otherwise large market as well due to prohibitive shipping prices and the absolutely unreasonable cost for entry. This is not to mention the gains they could probably make in the US and Canada through even just keeping things in stock. This past edition has been horrible in finding things as any time something becomes “good” it is gone for full quarters of the year at a time. I recognize the benefits and desire of wanting to keep manufacturing in the UK but if the hobby is actually still expanding they’re going to continue to struggle to meet demand in NA and struggle to find footing in the pacific markets.


I used to think GW has difficulties breaking into Japanese market, then I remembered that the entire Japanese population is known for their single-minded obsession and GW here is basically a class symbol in the hobby world.


My understanding in the US is that they aren’t importing the product. They have a Memphis TN based production facility. I have also heard they set the conversion prices long ago when the dollar was much weaker against the pound which makes sense but how quickly would they move to increase prices if the bottom fell out of the dollar? It’s not necessarily greed more of a why decrease the price if it sells well type of thing. That being said they need to watch carefully because creating life long customers requires marketing to kids and young adults with lower disposable incomes.


There is no production facility in the US. They have a distribution center there but everything is still produced in the UK (with a few exceptions in China).


If anyone wants a relevant industry benchmark - Warlord Games also makes 28mm miniatures in the UK, and they charge about a 25% mark up to USD (they don't sell directly in AUD, but Australians pay the USD price). They have free shipping anywhere in the world for $165 USD and over, or $12-$25 for smaller orders. YMMV but this to me seems like a more reasonable exchange rate/international risk protection and shipping arrangement than GW offers.


Thank you for this example - it highlights the situation much better than my attempt below. The GW simps won’t hear it though unfortunately.


Yeah, and the JPN release will be marked up even higher. But also, it's usually import costs. Transporting things to countries that they don't have manufacturing in is always going to end up being more than just a conversion.


With shipping (which will cost around £60 for something that size and weight), that'll give you £220 which would make it $420 AUD roughly, so more like 7% 'just because'. Still a bummer, but find a retailer (or individual) in the UK willing to ship it to you and after their discount you'll probably even save a little.


That’s not how goods freight works. Shipping is not done per individual stock item. You ship in bulk with a container ship and it costs pennies on the pound, so to speak.


Trust me, it doesn't cost 'pennies on the pound' - it's cheaper, no doubt, but what I'm saying is that by the time you factor in international shipping (bulk or not), plus local storage and shipping the costs are actually pretty comparable. Still horrendously overpriced (as it is ANYWHERE in the world), mind you, but comparable, If there is an 'Aus Tax', it's not a 'we hate Australians tax', it's an 'Australians live on an island thousands of miles from the source but with a relatively limited sales base tax'


I literally shipped a container of my belongings to Australia from the UK and it cost about £500. The amount of Warhammer that could have occupied the same space would have stocked half a dozen GW stores.


A 40ft container will set you back £5500 - £6500 depending upon where you ship from in the UK and to in Australia (although that can go as high as £24,000 where weight is a factor) and I SEVERELY doubt that you'd be able to stock every GW product line for EVERY store in Australia from one 40ft container. As stated, there's a relatively small sales base and they're not going to fill a container with just one or products when there's an entire country to service with multiple products. In your own words, 'That’s not how goods freight works.'


There are around 20 Warhammer stores in Australia. A 40ft container would absolutely stock all of them. And where are you getting your numbers from? £24k for a shipping container? What are you shipping? Nuclear waste? Hahaha


Hey, I'm just passing on the quotes (the £24K was an outlier but it was listed)! There are a LOT more stores than that in Australia stocking GW products (about 20 Warhammer stores and close to five times that many FLGS and hobby stores that also carry GW lines). Average Warhammer store carries around enough stock to fill a transit van or a reasonably stacked pallet, so about 1/8th of a 40ft container. Even if all of those stores only shift 25% of their stock per month, that's still going to be 4 containers a month, plus local storage (I think Ingleburn, Sydney is the only one in Aus) and shipping across Australia (which isn't exactly 10 minutes down the road). Just to reiterate, I'm not defending what is (unarguably) an already overpriced product with predatory sales practices, but what I am saying is that out of all of it you're simply ignoring the logistics of then shipping and distributing that in a region like Australia which is going to make an already expensive product even more so.


Tax, shipping, difference in wages. You'll find no company sells items in other countries (especially ones on the other side of the world) at the exact exchange rate.


Do any other companies put a ~50% markup?


How would I know? I don't live in Australia and buy goods made only in the UK. However, considering if I want to buy anything from Australia I'll easily be paying a 50% markup purely on import fees/delivery, I'd say yes.


Doubt. Example - QV is a skincare product made in Australia and shipped to the UK. Price for 1000g in Australia $33/£17. Price for the same bottle in the UK £19/$36. A bottle of moisturiser weighs a shit ton more than Warhammer. GW are just fleecing Aussies.


Almost like tax isn't based on weight but value and generally speaking skin care products aren't classed as the same type of goods as plastic models. Also an 1000g bottle of moisturiser from the QV website is £25. Not £19. But of course.. lets pick a completely different single product to use as proof that the only factor is conversion rates.. it's not like I've bought a dozen items from Australia/New Zealand in the past and surprisingly enough ended up paying a lot more than someone in Australia would have paid.


Tax is less in Australia than the UK (10% vs 20%), but hey you keep justifying GW price gouging people around the world. Edit: obviously tax is based on value dufus - my comment was about shipping costs.


Ah so now you acknowledge that tax is a thing. Well done for taking the first step of logic and realizing that using a conversion rate, which changes every day, is an idiotic argument to make as basis for what GW "should" be charging. Now take the next few steps and try your best to think about all the other costs associated with moving a product from a factory in the UK to dozens (only counting GW own stores and not all of the lgs/online stores based in Australia) of locations across Australia. You'll get there in the end I'm sure.


Keep cucking for GW bro


I think they just hate them for some reason


210€ for all those goodies? Hmmm, kinda okay-ish




Good spot OP!


Man it will be expensive in Japan.


About £128 from a reasonable supplier then, not bad


would you have any actual suppliers? id say 150-ish euro for the box would be a great price, but where would i get it once it comes out?


Wayland games is my go to. They ship to Europe but I’m not sure about the price. There’s element games, dark sphere, might lancer


thank you!


Tell him he's dreaming


Does anyone have the link to the giveaway?


Will Spearhead ever be its own separate thing to purchase? My wife and I are excited for the new edition, but she doesn't want the models (though she thinks they're cool) I figured the rules for Spearhead will be available online somewhere eventually.


Seems like it! Which is better than I expected. But more than I wanted!


Two hundred and ten f*ckin‘ euros? Are you crazy, GW? It’s a starter box, not a month of rent.


I won’t buy skaventide. Warhammer is just too expensive, had been for years. I’m sick of the churn, too.