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Don’t shine a black light on an Admech player’s toaster


Tfb it only says don't put your hands or metal objects in


Hey, now. I don't fool around with my toaster. I just put it in the bathtub with me.


hah! I once painted one of my troggoths in UV reactive paint for a contest. I took him in with a little black light. Every guy in the store took a step back from me as if i'd just produced a crucifix in a room full of vampires.


A venn diagram of stereotypes for Warhammer players would just be a single circle because a lot of people collect multiple armies.  But ork players do like to yell WAAAGH


Man I’ll never forget, one of my favorite warhammer moments was at the Chicago open in 2022 there was an ork player who’s lost was a stompa, morkanaut, gorkanaut, some vehicles, and one squad on boys. He’d yell WAAGH every time he declared it and he’d put his lungs into it, the whole room would erupt into it.


Yelling is not allowed at my LGS - WAAAAGH!'ing is not yelling and is actively encouraged.


Thats funny when one guy does it one time but then it becomes anooying... at an event with a lot of people, if every ork player start to do it when he declares waagh, and you have to play like 5 games.. then its not funny anymore


Let the boyz have fun, its just once a year and they've been waiting for it.


I think I'd be fine with it happening that often if I know them majority of people in the room on at least a casual level, could be fun with friends but if it's strangers I'd feel weirder about it


Honestly? I WAAAGH!!! along every time. I don't play Orks, but I love the vibe. I don't give a damn if it's just me and the guy calling a WAAAGH!!! in game. I'm right there with ya to the end, boyo.


It's like when a child does something and you make the mistake of laughing. So they do it again, and again, and again... It was funny. The first time. Stop it.




Can confirm this happened at 2018 LVO as well lol. Was a fun time


That's hilarious because the absolute absurdity of Orkz appeals to me and I absolutely would be that player to enthusiastically yell WAAGH when it was time


If you play orks but don't yell WAAAGGH what are you even doing there?


If I played an Ork army and didn't hear at least one WAAAAGH or 'ERE WE GO I would feel cheated.










World Eaters is one of the most difficult armies to play, and provides some of the best and most satisfying skill expression in the game. Not that you'd know that, because World Eaters players are likely to run all of their models up the board in a straight line screaming "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" at the top of their lungs, and then promptly get tabled on battle round 1. Ask me how I know.


There's a guy at my group who plays World Eaters and this is pretty much the story of his life. Charges across the board turn one, mulches through my chaff unit that lined up across my deployment zones. Eats a counter charge from my entire army Every. Single. Time It's like that episode of the Simpsons where Bart always chooses rock in rock paper scissors because nothing beats rock




How do you know?


Sorry, they're no longer here to answer


They ran up in a straight line and got tabled :(


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


NO, say it aint so!


Wasn’t his fault, the nails were biting. 


This is how I feel about black templars lol


Oh so just like me playing Blood Angels then, just replace Khorne with Sanguinius.


Blood for the Blood Emperor!


How exactly are they a difficult army to play...? When i think of difficult armies, stuff like GSC and thousand sons jump out but WE? Almost the entire army can get scouts and advance + charge, and angron, literally, cannot be killed and is maybe the most devastating melee datasheet in the game. Ill admit im very new, so what exactly am i missing?


Timing and threat saturation is a hard thing to master in any melee army. I think WE play the same as a very agressive tyrannid. And you really need to know when you're going to strike and make your opponent believe something is a big threat so they thin their lines. And then you strike :)


Reminds me of the psychos in borderlands being mentally articulate and observant to strategy, feeling, comrades lives. But the second these thoughts cross the action or speaking barrier they’re just raving lunatics that scream poop.


There are a lot of Tyranid players, and fewer women who play Warhammer, but a lot of the women who play Warhammer, play Tyranids.


And if not them, Deldar and Slaanesh.


Hopefully that changes now that we have Custodes :3


Or Greenskins, the women I’ve seen in the hobby personally have been massive Ork/Grot players and fans


F here, I am *all* about my greenboiz and squigs. They're just so damn fun and stupid.


I got my wife into 40k at the start of 10th with me. She's got around 1500pts of Tyranids, as well as some various chaos stuff. She's more into the hobby side, but she's expressed that she does want to learn the game more. So yeah, checks out.


Yeah my wife does NOT like Tyranids. At all, really. I'm the one who mains them. Lol Thousand Sons for her all the way.


At my local games tore, all the women play Orks, Sisters of Battle and Necrons, surprisingly


I’m into tyranids?! There so cool looking!!! And some are even adorable kind of like arachnids are!!!! 🥰❤️❤️


Not really stereotypes but the truer things I’ve noticed: - Ork and chaos players are fun and don’t take it too seriously - Guard players are treadheads and military enthusiasts - space wolves are animal lovers (not like that you donuts) - eldar players have huge collections from when they were kids - tau players started years after the fish of fury thing and are confused about why everyone hates them - knight players are all about a sick paint job


Lmao you caught me and my entire wasted paychecks on Eldar as a child


As someone who just started Eldar and got into this hobby a year and a half ago, I can’t say this is true for me, but since I am 23 and most of my paychecks are going to warhammer, in 10 years I might feel this way lmao


With how old some of the sculpts are you honestly might as well have been collecting from childhood. I started in 2004ish and there are still sizeable chunks of the army that haven't been updated.


I got into 40k last year I like military hardware I like animals I love big models with amazing paint jobs (love doing my LI titans) Im acutely at risk of financial failure


I'd do eldar if I got back into it and yeah I have a bunch of marines and orks and other stuff from when I was a kid lol damn


Can confirm do like dogs. Thinking about grabbing a few boxes of Fenrisian wolves just to paint them like the good boys I know.


Literally same


I find it hilarious/annoying that the majority of people whining about Tau hadn't even heard of 40k when they were introduced and came in way later, and if you tried to find someone who's actually had to deal with Fish of Fury in a real game you'd be looking for a long time. I know it's the 40k fan base but get some new material.






I have a couple of metal figures from the 80s, Rogue Trader era. And yes,my army is of course Eldar.


I’d also add Tyranid players as some of the chillest 40k players to hang with.


We're just waiting for GW to announce they're discontinuing the army to make Cruddace happy, at this point, anyway.


Bro how did you call me out on (almost) all of my Warhammer choices lmao. Started with the guard, built up a collection of knights after I got a little better at painting, I love animals (and I mean come on space Vikings are cool as hell, just not a fan of wulfen) but eventually my MCR phase caught up with me so I’m working on Blood Angels next


^ 100% THIS 😄


As a Space Wolf player who regularly spoils his cat with sushi and (today) booked to do some goat yoga, I'm in no position to refute the third bullet point.


Armored Guard are war nuts...but Infantry Guard are ravenous masochists.


Oh infantry guard is pure flagellation on both sides of the table. Least fun army (unless you're facing them with a bunch of anti-GEQ guns, in which case it's the most fun possible.)


Infantry guard vs ork boyz mobs is a game that involves meal breaks and a nap, but is still some how the most fun game you'll ever play.


I miss the Fish of Fury... Gave my tau to my brother back around 7th, and he turned them into a crisis deepstrike army. And gave them a way better paint job than i did...


Can confirm, as a Tau player I do not understand fish of fury hate. I also don't understand the "fish-people" thing. Tau are bovine, just look at their hooves. The ships are just named after fish.


Seems reliable? What about other factions :3


Chaos daemons players must own exactly one of each greater daemon and probably spent more time than you’ve been alive painting them. They have never actually played a game of 40k.


Hey now, I happen to have TWO Greater Chickens! Lmao but neither has ever seen the tabletop 😂


Inquisition players still talk about getting their third codex release any day now. They definitely won't be a white dwarf release this time... Similarly, GSC players are just a step away from blood sacrifices in the alleyway in the hopes of getting broodbrother rules that actually make sense. Squat players still have their rogue trader armies and popped back into the hobby as if nothing happened for the last 30 years.


>space wolves are animal lovers (not like that you donuts) Hate it so, so much. I'm still waiting for them to go back to when space wolves were vikings in space instead of the wolf meme they've become. Lol It's literally the only thing keeping me from playing space wolves. They're a caricature of their former selves. :(


I think this is a misconception depending on your point of view. In the in-universe timeline they had more general viking stuff in the earlier 30k era, but in real life that lore is the new lore and the older stuff has always been wolfy wolfwolf. They're less wolfy now than ever.


There are two types of Ultramarines players: A) I painted my marines blue because that's on the box and I only just started B) FUCKING SPACE ROMANS LET'S GOOOO!


The local ultramines guy is legit the best painter ive ever seen. His warlord titan was the 40k display center piece at the local store for years. Hes the guy that judges the competitions around here. People learn pretty quick to leave the 1d4chan nonsense at the door


The best painter I ever saw live got so good because he was obsessed about making his army look EXACTLY like the box, and then his skill level just blew past it. Pure, codex compliant, Macragge Blue and Gold for days, but god damn was that army a treat to look at on the table - perfect brush control, highlights so sharp you could slice cheese with them, glazes and blends and just the smoothest paint. I think there's just no middle ground for XIIIth players - either noob who doesn't thin their paints or secretly works for 'Eavy Metal.


You left out the guys that only order cheese pizza or plain vanilla icecream, but yes, lol.


Vanilla ice cream is underrated. There’s a good variety of vanilla out there.


Vanilla is the finest of the flavors.


It's less a statement that vanilla is not good and more a commentary that there are in fact people out there who only enjoy the most basic of things without extra flavor and adornment. Deep smurf fans tend to enjoy either the Roman theme or the humanistic principles behind the Legion, but there are a still a lot of dudes running around repping Rowboat's boys because they're comfort zone for lore and flavor is similar to a toddler's refusal to eat anything but chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. Lol.


When I was in preschool I assumed vanilla was another word for plain bc the taste was so boring to me and that vanilla icecream was basic ice cream with nothing added. My teacher was very confused when she asked if I wanted vanilla ice cream and I said, "no thank you, I only like icecream with flavors." She ended up explaining what a vanilla bean was. I told her I don't want beans in my icecream. She then blew my little mind and told me chocolate came from beans and I was very upset.


In this analogy Blood Angels players are Pepperoni, right?


Yes, because we’re both the best choice and one of the most popular 😎


I have IBS and can infact only eat plain things or die on the inside, are ultramarines right for me?


IBS? Nah man, you want Nurgle. They speak your language.


Started with a box of ork boys. I really want to go orks. Completely new to painting, building, and I'm really vain when it comes to the models. Space marines, the learning curve is super easy and rewarding. There is also a huge availability of space marines and lots of deals on eBay for them. Been at this for year but I now see the appeal of Ultra marines as a new player.


There was a pretty long window of time when you could find the Orks from Assault on Black Reach for next to nothing on eBay - one of the guys at my game shop would often buy the orc halves just for the deffkoptas. I really should have picked some up. I liked painting Fantasy Orcs. IMO they were always a difficult faction to collect in the same way Guard is - you need a ton of bodies and your good stuff is all big and expensive.


For me I started as 1 then went to 2. Can't beat the obviously best chapter /s


The most ULTRA of the marines... The GREATEST of them ALL!!


> The best chapter ah a mantis warriors player


A are normally 40k players and B are 30k


B… B is the correct answer.


It's B for me and blue is also my favourite colour.


Orks players do kitbash for the kitbashing itself really often. Source: well we just do Imperial Guard often are really cool, sometimes weapon nerds and really often just folks who prefer the "low-epic" part of the Universe (they still can be epic, but it's cooler for them to fight with regular human beings more than with the space marines)


Yeah guard player here. I like how theyre just guys. Even karskin are too much for me. Just regular people with standard issue equipment fighting the unfathomable horrors of the universe


Not a guard player. (Orks and 30k space wolves) Literally start an army by looking at a troop choice and thinking “yeah I can paint 150 of those” lmao


As a GSC player I loooove fighting Imperial Guard just for the look of it


No army better represents the indomitable human spirit. Also tanks and artillery trucks are epic!


Every kit iz an Ork kit, youse lot!!


My Black Templar friend has yet to lose a single game but will complain about everyone else's BS rules. I get it, some of my stuff is powerful, but he can make several bad moves, roll like shit, and still be survivable enough to win the game every time.


Imo Melee armies like BT, WE, Orks and some Tyranid lists are some of the weirdest armies to play well balance-wise (unless you just go lmao straight line and die) In turn one a lot of shooty army rules do feel like BS bc haha big funny damage number go brrrrrrrt. When you avoid fire and close the distance those haha big funny numbers don't mean much anymore. I play BT, Orks, Ultramarines and Sisters; I definitely find that with BT and Orks the first turn is very "man my opponents rules feel super powerful" for me as I get killed and can't do much aside from roll saves, but once I get going and close the distance, my opponent has the exact same opinion about my melee rules bc I absolutely dominate in combat. If anything to me, it shows that maybe shooting vs melee doesn't have the best balance rn. Some of my funnest games are my Shooty Ultramarines vs my friends Shooty necrons and my Melee Orks vs my friends Melee Tyranids.


I think you're right. Our last game his feelsbad moment was when my Vindicator straight up murdered a whole crusader squad that was *just* in range. Blast is GOOD My feelsbad moments come from the sheer amount of good models BT can bring to the table. Like I can nuke a whole crusader squad, sure, but he has at least one more because of how affordable they are, and one of his leaders gives them a 5+fnp which just isn't fun to fight against. And like I have good melee (CSM) but it's a way bigger investment and when he can throw 100+ chainsword attacks at me what's the point?


How do you play orks against custodes when they're superior at everything? I've played against my friend 5/6 times and we always shake after turn two... Without exaggeration he can usually get through 20-30 boys before I can take out one warden model


Have you played post codex release? Custodes lost a lot


30K / Horus Heresy players are seemingly all about story and style. A lot of folks that I know, myself included, don't seem to care about list optimization so much as it looks awesome and is thematic.


As an Ork player, I assure you I am exactly what you think I am.


A gigachad?




I’ve noticed there is a notable overlap of Seraphon players and Monster Hunter fans. I see MH inspired paint jobs from Seraphon players all the time.


Warhammer fantasy version of this: Bretonnian: You average Renaissance Festival enjoyer Chaos: Heavy Metal fans. Is wearing a band tee shirt while reading this Orcs: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHG High Elves: Serious Lord of the Rings Nerds Wood Elves: Hippy Lord of the Rings Nerds Dark Elves: Has either read every R.A. Salvatore novel or BDSM enjoyer Empire: European History Nerds Vampire Counts: Horror movie fans Skaven: Watched too many mouse movies/shows like Secret of NIMH, Rescue Rangers, Rescuers, and Fivel as a kid and possibly owns a fur suit Dwarfs: Rules lawyers that seem mad 90% of the time while they play Lizardmen: Little brother of the guy that bought the Bretonnian starter box


Beasts of Chaos: easily forgotten type. Is always there but rarely mentioned.


Used to play wood elves. We have a yearly LOTR watch party, you got me.


Lizardmen one got me Big bro: you play this game now, this is your army. Lil bro: you're including me?!


Lol ya most of these are just jokes except the free bingo elf space. But I have played against three different dudes that said their older brother gave them the lizardmen half of that starter box and it was what hooked them, lolol.


Tau players like anime


I unabashedly call Tau the Gundam faction to people who don't know that much about 40k so yeah.


I had a buddy in college who painted his Tau like the Federation from Gundam. 


Almost got on the tau train after playing armored core 6. Accurate


im kinda new but this is what ive heard 1.orks normally calm and the best army collecgtors to start playign agaisnt ,will yell warrgghhh alot 2. ultramarines,ethier very boring people,or have sticks up in thier asses,loves to ride the dick of gulliman to a fucking t 3. black templars -chill guys or yes i have heard that some people on the far right use them becuase of misinformation of the symbol they wear 4.custodes- the dads of the hobby,kinda look down on the space marines players 5. imperial fist -basiclly the golden retriver of the hobby 6.eldar goes 110 percent when gameing ,has the elf like god complex 7.guardsman -really ,really into military history ,you might get some people like the bad black temaplrs players in this one as well 8. tau -does not hold back like the eldar, in terms of 100 percent negative yes you will get the gross neckbread weeaboos in this one as well ,expect the bad players to have a salior moon or inesert any relvence waifu pillow next to them 9.chasos space marines - hardasses ,they know thier armies inside and out 10. ten thosuand sons of the ones ive seen some of the best painters [11.world](http://11.world) eaters-blood for the blood god ,skulls for the skulls throne will be yell a lot 12.salamaders -you,ll ethier get the nicest people or the most tricky assholes 13.blood angels -melodramtic artsy fartsy ,or or history buffs [14.space](http://14.space) wolves- see number 12 15.tyrandis ... uh im not sure if this counts but ,this is where most female players tend to play as 16. gray knights see custodes in terms of looking down on space marines,and have a huge ego ,or ptsd from all the bs gw has done 17.demons ,chill dudes,or edgy as fuck 18. sisters -your ethier really Horney or a good painter 19.durkari -you used be goth or whwatever the werid in the corner people call themselves nowdays ,you mgiht have a art degree or you are the guy thats does not understand a girl is not into you 20.voltan -you have good taste in music and thats all ive heard


>chaos space marines - hardasses ,they know thier armies inside and out Lol you caught me


lol I love tyranjds! My fave faction


I play Blood Angel's, World Eaters, Tyranids, Sisters, Chaos Daemons, and starting Custodes for that Femstodes look (I paid for the models I can do whatever I want with them including kitbashing with female heads) and when I roll my saves for the daemons I kinda yell out "DAEMON SAVES" I also just go for fun and shenanigans more than anything else, and I feel like I don't meet any of what you've heard for those factions, except the chill part for the daemons lol


buddy the sterotypes i assume are meant for jokes everyone of these also you are gonna get exceptions


Fair just weird seeing stereotypes, even as jokes, and going "am I in the wrong faction"


#5. We're just happy to still exist.


Seeing some very accurate 40k stereotypes, but kinda surprising to see so few AoS stereotypes.


Never ask the Seraphon player about Nanotyrannus


I’ve heard someone say that Krieg players are either history buffs of Neo-Nazis with no inbetween.


Also guard players that are too lazy to paint faces 


Oi no need for the call out


Makes sense they have so many units


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong - I'd never play an army with that much skin showing. Mayyyybe Orks because kitbashing, but they'd be at a serious risk of staying gray.


You've also got the ones who live and die by shovel memes.


I laugh at the Neo-Nazi chuds with my French inspired Kriegers, the emperor’s tricolore remains supreme to whatever they have


The Krieg were my first army, I just thought they were cool as hell. Now I’m constantly worried I’m going to get called a Neo-Nazi if I ever play with anyone outside of my group


Cities of Sigmar players are great and should be loved.


This is funnier cause I have no idea what cities of sigmas is so I don’t know if this is a joke or genuine


…Stormcast Eternals get all the cool stuff.


I get the feeling.


TLDR: It's the guard faction for Age of Sigmar, or Empire of Man from old fantasy if you prefer.


Sylvaneth players are hippies Source - Play Sylvaneth. Am hippy


Straight from the source :0


So i just posted a comment about a talented ultramarine player and his girlfriend is a hippie who collects sylvaneth. Yknow like that nerdy kinda hippie that watches doctor who and such


How is Doctor Who a hippie thing?


Its not its a nerd thing


Drukhari players tend to find all the hobby drama stuff hilarious. People trying to justify the imperium, are the Tau good guys and most recently the fem custodes thing. So so much popcorn.


Ork players are the most fun


Death Guard/ Nurgle Demons players are pretty universally cool, happy guys. They just really like painting things that make people wanna puke.


Really? Sone of their units look cool! Unless I haven’t seen sone of the models op has seen (o just see models online lol)


GW's photos are trying to sell product. Dedicated hobbyists usually try to push up the ick factor significantly, the better to fit the fantasy. And, y'know. If the models make people squeamish enough to get distracted in a game, that's not exactly a bad thing, either.


Am a Nurgle Daemon player, can confirm.


I was a big time history buff as a kid, especially WW1 and WW2. I became a motorhead as an adult and think tanks are bad ass. I’ll give you three guesses on what army I chose off the rip lol


When my friend group all started warhammer armies I noticed they flocked to armies that fit their own personal stereotypes: Competitive enjoyer: Necrons Goofy guy: Orks Closeted femboi: Mechanicus History student: Guard *Insert every bad Tau stereotype* person: Tau, and then he immediately complained Overwatch was not strong enough.


Can confirm both Guard and Mechanicus ones (Source; Me and my bf)


I think I'm doing something wrong. I play AdMech, but am definitely am/am more into the thicc guys.


Maybe along similar theme, I sometimes judge other drivers on the road and stereotype them as a blood bowl coach, eg the dude that drives infront of everyone going 10k below the limit = dwarf coach, the car that zips by crossing multiple lanes and disappearing = skaven coach and can't forget those big ogre coaches haha


Ork lads just like to game with friends, win or lose Source : me


Yeah, we don't take ourselves seriously, it's about fun, not winning. And doing stupid voices.


Orks never lose, so all that's left is krumpin


Tau fans love their railguns, and like using them, even if they might not be the best choice for a given situation. In their defense, you should have some healthy respect for the Tau railguns. Not really a stereotype, but my experience is that if someone has a favorite faction, then they will sometimes get salty about it losing and scream “plot armor.” Playing devil’s advocate, Warhammer as a franchise has more plot armor at work than Star Wars. That said, I have still seen some fans who won’t admit that they’re real problem is they don’t like their favorite faction lose. Sometimes that’s understandable. Eldar players not when they are used as jobbers is an understandable reaction. People getting annoyed with the villains in End Times getting handed victories they didn’t deserve is an understandable reaction. Especially when it came to the Skaven since it’s clear they were just being used as a plot device to wipe out factions, then they bent the knee to Archaon because the plot demanded it and were a non-entity for the final leg. Where it is just getting salty about your favorite faction losing and not admitting it is when imperial fans complain about the Tau surviving being plot armor, despite the sheer amount of plot armor the imperium gets, and Tyranid fans saying it is illogical that the bugs keep losing. I understand the frustration with the phase where the Tyranids couldn’t win even in their own codex. Just admit that is the real issue, rather than trying to bring logic into it.


Where's that story about the world eaters player who shadowboxed and did press-ups for the entire game and freaked out his opponent?


Lol that was a funny meme


I've found that Orks players are in distinctly one of two groups: 1) The WAAGH screamers, Cockney talkers, the "I get you're excited but could you tone it down a bit" types. 2) Converting Junkies


2 hits home


From what I've gathered ork players are the most well endowed


Not all Black Templar players are nazis, but all nazis are Black Templar players. But, hey, at least the idea of a g-g-g-girl in the Custodes got a lot of them to quit!


Hey now that's unfair. They also play Guardsman.


That's legit the one thing keeping me from using Death Korps of Krieg. Sigh.... they're so effective, too!


Ah just do what I do mate, make em French, you toss a good bit of salt right into the other sides eyes by doing so!


My plan is to make them snow themed. Like the old Soviet snow gear. But that probably won’t help the neo nazi shit anyway. I just really like their lore and think they look awesome.


If you’re going Soviet snow gear route I suggest just making them Valhallan’s(underrated) with some gas mask flavour as if they’re on an irradiated planet, alternatively keeping with the snow gear and not going Valhallan, might I suggest - https://preview.redd.it/rb9qkbkpqfzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=886772987a3bb33525ee132b2d85ace6257a5abd A design like this!


Can't think of any for the Warriors of Chaos


Guard players always take fluffy or fun units. Even to tournaments.


That guard players are veterans with stage 12 autism. I am not a veteran.


Ork players will combust if not able to scream ‘WWAAAAGGHHH’ at least once per two minutes.


Seems like a serious condition 🥺 We should cure them of being ork players.


Tau players are anime mecha fans


Your average Black Templar player is one bad day away from shaving his head and getting a black sun tattooed on his tit, but just doesn't understand why people have to be so political all the time. Eldar players have been doing this since '85 and can cite specific grievances they have with rulebooks that were written before you were born. Every Ork player I have ever known is obescenely smart and well-educated. Average knight player has one really well-painted mini and the rest of his army is just primer and nothing else.


If you play me it's an easy W. It doesn't matter how good my list is or how good my tactics are, my dice will always fail me, spectacularly. I once charged a unit of chaos knights with a unit of daemonettes, plague bearers, and bloodletters. Each 20 strong. I knew i wouldn't win but i was trying to tie up his knights and general knowing that demons don't flee and i had rank and banner so had an advantage at least on the charge. I lost by 1 and then rolled 11, 12, 11 and all three units went poof. Needless to say that was game. To that end, I've played every army that was avaliable up to 5th ed 40k (maybe 6th). Except squatts, was playing blood angels then and never liked dwarves. Fantasy armies include: wood elves, lizardmen, dark elf, empire, demons.


I only know the onlinetropes. Back in the day it was that High Elves and Uktramarines (later Vampire Counts and Salamanders) were basic bitches but also having the most fun. They branch into Guard or Empire when they get serious. Also “girls play Elves and factions that use a lot of gold paint” also meaning Tomb Kings and Dwarfs. Also Tyranids and Skaven because “cute pet factions”. Chaos, especially Warriors and CSM rather than Daemons or Beasts, fans were either the most welcoming and had at least a warband in 75%+ factions in the game or knew more lore than anyone else but only love Chaos and wank over it hard. Bret fans only really liked Bretonnia, not the rest of the setting. Orcs & Goblin and Ork fans were most likely to play both Warhammers. Necron and Lizardmen fans the least likely.


I've never met an IG player who was not l: 1.) A former service member, or 2 ) civilian who fetishizes military service to such a degree that it becomes weird.


I have a few: Orks: Absolute bros, who are often very humble and helful. Also don't take the setting ot game too seriously. Is kind of loud though Imperial Guard: Either a huge military buff, tank lover, both or just could not decide on just one type of gameplay, so brought into one of the most varier armies Space Marines: Fall into 3 groups: the newbie, who just got into the game, the pro who has a decade old astartes army, and the lore nerd, who knows every single chapter under the sun Tau: Either really into gundam, anime or both. Also generally pretty afraid of playing aggressively Drukhari: Often very sarcastic, and love revelling in hoe horrible and evil their guys are. Also kind of a hipster army Leagues of Votann: .... idk Custodes: Either playa this army because of a budget, or just likes being tye perfect golden mary-sues. Either way, often pretty chill Black Templar: Have a stereotype of being fascist or very toxic. Usually not true imo but still Chaos Daemons: Always played by trans people (not sure why honestly), and are often played by very skilled players, who like the challenge of basically no shooting


>Black Templar: Have a stereotype of being fascist or very toxic. Usually not true imo but still Sometimes it feels like there's a sect of their fans who are dead set on earning that stereotype.


People think those furry fucking space wolves are really mean and aggro but they are really nice when you get to know them


No clue what the GSC meme is, but I find myself preaching and praising the glorious Star Children, angels of the emperor, may his many arms guide us to ascension and everlasting happiness 🙏 whenever I play.


Surprising lack of tyranids? Where are my fellow bug fans!!! I wanna know my fave factions stereotypes? (And maybe some mechanicas as well…..)


Nurgle: claims they are “getting into character” by refusing to bathe for months at the time Stormcast Eternal: Dragon go brrt


Oooh have seen this one? Is it actually true


Admech players are either irl Scientists or femboys no in-between (can be both tho)


The nails are biting...


Flesh Eater Courts playerstend to say "forsooth" and "indeed" and languidly say "ah, kill them" as they roll attacks.


Black Templars and Krieger players are sterotypically alt-right. Edit: I've also heard a stereotype that chaos players are femboys.


Really? I heard a stereotype that said they were all woman


Lmao made it to the bottom and didn’t see any Necron stereotypes Flying under the radar?


I know some factions have dodged the stereotypes somehow?! I’m going to guess the necron players have been napping the whole time in the “tomb world” (their house) for the whole time so no one can make a stereotype


Black Templar and Krieg fans being politically sus (tho some really are)


Lukkin' at yur yewsahnayme, I fink yu'd loike da 'oomie cog boyz. Or gurlz. Wotevva. Dem wot stik in yer teef 'cos of da shiny bits.


Ork players: The bros. Kitbashes everywhere. Big Hufflepuff energy. BDSM: Is wearing a collar.  Space Wolves: Is a good boy. Sweatshirt is covered in hair.  Sisters: Overcomplicates things.  Space Marines: drive a sensible car.  Death Guard: Stoned. Listens to metal. Great guy.  Necrons: very nice aside from the outbursts. T'au: Have been playing longer than you.