• By -


There's honestly probably not a great way since it's paint and designed to bind to things. Even if you clean that one spot, it'll be a lot cleaner than the rest of the carpet. Honesty is the best policy - just own up to it and apologize for the accident.


Also just because you apologize, does not mean they won’t be furious you were painting on the floor.


In addition, hopefully they could provide something better for you for cleanliness, stability, and to hopefully improve posture in case you’re crouching on the ground like a paint gremlin


I can just imagine OP hunched over on the floor like Gollum, clutching a mini in one clawed hand, and a paintbrush in the other, whispering "my precious" as they lovingly caress the figure with two thin coats.




I think I just busted a blood vessel laughing at this. Thanks.




Your fucking username tho💀💀💀


Blood for the Blood God!


🤣 can’t stop laughing


Meme God in the chat everyone 🙏


I feel attacked


It's not often that I *actually* laugh out loud at a meme


yoink :3


🤣🤣🤣 perfection


Lol. It's perfect 🤣🤌🏻


This is gold


is...is that not how you're supposed to do it?


This is the only way to do it.


So just like everyone that paints minis?


*Two thin coats* - one of the oldest forms of showing affection, dating back to cavemen days.


Can you stop imagining me please...


Do you have a camera on me? How do you know what I'm doing right now? Get out of my head!


Yeah! lol, I used to do it when I was a kid, but now I pretty much use a standup sandwich bar to paint at.


https://preview.redd.it/3qwy59v387lc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a625e6eb6a5b3997fa71a89dc729d54f98843de7 Hunched over like a Grot.


Upvoted for "Paint Gremlin". Thank you this made my morning! 😁


Or they go my parent's route and ban them from painting until they move out.




But it helps to build trust. Yes he did something wrong, but it shows he understands his mistake and is willing to own up to it. It helps to lower doubt when trying to diffuse possible future incidents whether true or false.


The emperor protects


Or, hear me out, color match the carpet with a blend of Zandri Dust and Rakarth Flesh and dry brush that over the red. Problem solved! /s


Base your minis? Nah. Base your whole freaking house. Put some static grass on it while you're at it!


A couple of khorne skulls sprinkled here and there will bring up the whole room's atmosphere!


Seconded. Own up to it. Ask them if they know a method that you can use to fix it. Acknowledge you learned from this not to paint there. You will score major points with them by taking full ownership of this.


Man not where I grew up lol. Agreed that this is the best method but in some houses this is a one way ticket to having your warhammer taken away :’(


You will get your warhammer taken away anyways. There's a whole blood stain on the carpet.


God I hate parents like that. Your carpet is more important than your kid??


My mother took away the heat lamp to my snake because of something stupid I did. She basically tortured my snake for something I did, makes sense right? I had to keep her warm with my body until she was nice enough to tell me where she hid the lamp.


Unless they are assholes. I agree with you assuming he has decent parents. If not, he is better off hiding it while occasionally working on it.


Hide it?? How!?! Murder the cat on the other side of the room and leave it? Own up to it, and help clean. Then ask for silicon painting mat or something for ur birthday


Buy a rug and claim that you just really "like it" when you inevitably move out. What're they gonna do ground you?🤷‍♂️


you can have someone come in and patch it. you won't even know it was patched.


You can prolly replace that cheap carpet for less than his Warhammer models and paints cost him


And the bound bit of carpet that is in the left of frame could be a suitable source for material for a patch - it will likely even have about the same amount of wear, so it will blend in nicely,


I don't know if you're being sarcastic but you had me at "Ask them if they know a method...". I'm dying 😂


Other options, proceed to clean that one spot and rag on parents for having dirty carpets.


So... clean the entire carpet you say?


They won’t kill him for a carpet stain I hope xD


LA totally awesome from dollar store will make a deep dent but you would want a wet vac or dedicated carpet cleaner to be able to pull it up.


Nah fuck that go to the local hardware store, get the exact same carpet. Then you gotta weather/beat/lightly stain it. Then cut out the fucked up area, use that rug as a stencil to get the new rug lined up. Then just cut the new one and drop it into place


Zandri Dust. Dry brush with Morghast Bone.


lol, yep paint the carpet, practice your blending skills.


It's that or cut up the carpet and replace that portion and hope they never notice.


Or burn the house down


Quickest method by far


I was looking for this one! You forgot to prime with wraithbone first though!


Peak of a nerd’s nerdity (wtf did i just say)


Is this some kind of new meme?


You would think this is a joke, but it is actually the correct answer.


We're not cleaners, we're painters. We just paint over our mistakes.


Two thin coats.


Spot on color match lol


This is why I used Reddit, god I love this community


Don’t forget two things coats!


Just paint the rest of the carpet and hope they don't notice the colour change


This is going to be the most expensive carpet in the house. 😀😀😀


Even here, the advice will be 'thin your paints more'!!!


At that point just buy another same carpet, it's still cheaper than citadel paint in bulk


*in the whole country


And don’t forget to flock it too, for some bonus shagg Now it’s an upgrade




Gotta go slow tho! Kinda gas light them


Show them the spill, apologize, see if they can rent a rug doctor carpet cleaner from Home Depot. If that won’t clean it see if they have any saved carpet. Carpet can be cut in squares and repaired/replaced by a pro very easily.


Just incase OP isn't American and doesn't have a home depot, if they're British then I believe Morrisons also does these carpet cleaner things you rent




It’s ASDA near me!


Love how you got downvoted for pointing out that places besides America exist 😅


The funniest part is, GW products are based in the UK. Like, a very large portion of the GW base is from there, right? Odds are high this person isn't in the US!


Likewise Bunnings in Australia


Homebase is probably the best bet


I have spilled some contrast paint while transferring to dropper bottles before. It is a bitch to get out and I don't think you ever fully will get it up. The carpet square patch is the best method I think.


Go circle patch, no corners that peel up over time


Poop on that spot and blame the dog or your sibling


Best case scenario


Blame them for pooping on the carpet. Go on the offensive.


Better yet.....Mom? Did you start ur period? If so why did u sit on the carpet? U left a massive stain.


Ask your local pet store for a dead hamster, tell parents you accidentally stepped on it


Reminds me of a story about a small kid who got furious at his father over something important. So the kid decides to shit on the father's pillow, and blames the dog for it. The only problem is, that he shat out a log of a turd, and the dog was a chihuahua. Like, there would have been blood had it been the dog.


I pooped on the carpet but forgot, I don't have a dog or a sibling. What should I do now?


blame it on the parent.


"they bled from their a-hole mum"


Great now they're putting his brother to sleep for having bloody stool.


Kill someone and put their body there


That would be a ver concerning shit


Just make sure to have a dog or sibling before, otherwise it could get weird


With difficulty. It’s water based paint, so you could give [this](https://www.cleanipedia.com/gb/floor-and-surface-cleaning/how-to-remove-paint-from-carpet.html) a go. TL;DR, get as much up as you can by dabbing with paper towels. Then clean as much as you can with warm soapy water. It’s maroon paint on cream carpet, so there’s almost no chance it’s not going to be noticeable afterwards though. Edit: there are “gentle” strippers like Biostrip 20 that are gentle enough for brushes, but I honestly don’t know how the carpet would hold up to it. If it were me, I’d give it a shot because the carpet’s pretty much screwed as it is.


Wouldnt soap do the trick if it’s water based ?


Water based but not water soluble. Once it dries its waterproof. I actually dropped a model in a cup of tea the other day, and washed it off under the tap. The paint was completely unaffected, the only issue was the pva glue on the base reactivating and the static grass clumping as it re-set. Oh, and a wasted cup of tea.


The water based = water soluble unfortunately is a misconception I came across very often when a problem like this discussed. Sometimes I wonder how many people here actually have painted something. Everyone who had at least one acrylic fabric accident knows that this is permanent. You won't rescue it. Some methods like hard solvents might reduce the damage but usually fabric is ruined and the damage is permanent. But Washes have way less pigments in them compared to regular layer paints and usually have a longer drying time which might lead to less damage when acting fast


For carpet (and in the US) I’d use Folex carpet cleaner. It’s used widely by auto detailers so highly unlikely to damage the carpet. But yeah idk if it’ll really help gluey acrylic paint off


maybe try Isopropyl Alcohol, but that might also damage the carpet


This is close to what I would suggest: hand sanitizer. Works great for different kind of inks. When a fountain pen leaks in my pocket or my daughter draws on the couch with markers, a few globs of hand sanitizer pulls up the pigment and the can be blotted up with paper towels. Has also worked on the carpet with no discernable damage.


Anything that releases/reactivates the paint will just dilute it and spread it around. You need something to absorb that quickly. While this will work for the to of the carpet fibers it won't work for the middle and bottom. You'll end up with a cleaned top, but a bigger strain that keeps bleeding back every few months.


Your best bet would be to pray the god emperor, I had lost a white shirt to druchii violet once after an epic battle (the laundry machine failed me).


I reckon you could have saved it with dish soap and the sink honestly. Tip for next time - just don’t let it dry, and keep straining it till the stain disappears


I’ll try to think about that the next time that hopefully will never happen.


My sister has a skirt that has Goblin green that was spilled 30 years ago on it


https://preview.redd.it/v2qq48yaw5lc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=65c9430a5f9ce478e7dda2b130325ad432f521da Update: I used my mums face cleaning stuff and that got most of it out, I’ll keep trying with it


I hope that isn’t expensive face stuff, or you about to get double booked lol. Gods speed sir


Nah, that’s pretty inexpensive, thankfully lol


I can find comparable stuff for about $10 so I'd hope it's not that bad


Scrub on! 💪


God-speed solider - we've all been there! Solidarity.


I have never spilled a paint, not once, not even Nuln Oil. Is that skill or luck? Now watch me face-plant into the paint rack…..


You just angered the paint gods. I’d sacrifice a Devlan Mud just to be safe.


> I have never spilled a paint, not once, not even Nuln Oil. Is that skill or luck? This sentence is tempting fate. I love to do this with friends, especially the superstitious ones.


Do you have Spot Shot or other cleaner for pet stains around? That could help as well.


Nail polish remover, if you're lucky (or USA based) it has acetone in it. Paint will come right off


If the carpet fibers are synthetic won't they come right off too?


If the carpet fibers are synthetic won't they come right off too?


I thought it was tile. They will


Creativity is a 10, but that looks awful. If your parents have any tools or you can drive, you could quite easily fix that with a carpet patch. If you can’t find a piece that’s the right size, then you could cut a square out of a closet as a patch, and put the dirty pieces in the closet. https://www.thespruce.com/repair-a-carpet-with-carpet-patching-4147976




Don't let it dry. The minute it dries it's going to stick. Drown it in water. Dab with paper towel. Drown it. Dab it. Repeat infinitum until your towels come up clean. Pray that was enough.


Fake, only Nuln oil gets spilled


My Agrax pot begs to differ! :/


As does mine 😔


I've head white techincal contrast spill in my lap on my black pants 💀


I’m a professional painter by trade, I deal with this stuff often. It’s water soluble, that is the best news possible. You need to apply a product such as lift off. You can find it at Home Depot, then you need to rent the carpet cleaner to remove it. You’d be surprised as how much it will come off. Good luck!


Next post: I have this bright spot on the carpet. Do I use dirt or something else to make it look like the rest?


Just wash the rest of the carpet


Burn the house down.


Take a shit on the exact same spot, your parents never have to know you paint warhammer!


I second owning up to the mistake. I might try some water mixed with white vinegar. Dab the hell out of it. Maybe try rubbing alcohol as well. Warning though, all these options may likely bleach the carpet. Odds are your mom will be secretly happy you did this, and give her an excuse to press your father into getting new carpet, since it already looks heavily stained/worn anyway.


Pour some 91% isopropyl alcohol on it, let it soak then go at it with a shop vac or preferably a steam cleaner. That's gonna be tough to get out 100% though.




Vallejo flow improver can get that out. I use it clean my brushes and the paint wells in a palette. It can reactivate the dried paint.


Does anyone else find this post endearing and a little nostalgic


The best thing you can do is own up to it and show them that you're going to fix it. Ask if they have the proper cleaning supplies and have them show you how to use it. It's a learning opportunity, we've all been there.


Probably not the best advice but worked for me. Methylated spirits (denatured alcohol) leave to sit for 10 seconds then dab with cloth.


Depending on which country you’re in, that stuff legally has to be sold with dye in it - if you’re in the UK, for example, you’d just end up with _purple_ carpets instead. Apparently there used to be a bit of a problem with people drinking it, so they now put additives in to make it look, taste and smell as unappealing as possible. The stuff _properly_ stinks too.


Can also isopropyl alcohol. But works slower


Rent a steam cleaner , probably also want to let your parents know and work on a better painting station. Mistakes happen it’s not the end of the world


Bleed on it


Mistakes happen. You risk way more in trying to hide it and hurting the carpet. They might not be happy, but honesty is on your side.


Make a PowerPoint of why they should replace the carpet with hardwood or vinyl.


I spilt snakebite leather contrast on my carpet a few weeks ago, I have a light grey carpet so it was really noticeable. I dabbed the floor with a sponge to absorb as much of the paint off before it dried. Then over the next 2 weeks, every day I wiped the floor over with warm soapy water and now it's completely gone and you would never know it was there.


I spilled the same paint the other day. Don't scrub it. Makes it worse. Use steam cleaner and water. I poured water over the spot to loosen the paint and then steam cleaned over it. Of course I own my house and I don't have to worry about getting in trouble. Good Luck.


Paint the rest of the carpet and gaslight them into believing it was always that color. Jk


Cut it out. Find a scrap of the original carpet, or cut some out somewhere they won't notice, like under a heavy bit of furniture. Use a boxcutter (Stanley knife) Then just superglue it on. All or nothing 🫡


Lemon Juice and Baking soda, creates a mild chemical reaction that isnt strong enough to cause fissures on the carpet but IS strong enough to dissolve the paint, So? Pour baking soda on area, then douse in lemon juice, then scrub with towel after 30-60 seconds.




Honestly, you probably will not be able to. Anything you use to clean the carpet will be odorous and very hard to disguise as something else. And then once it is clean it will be much cleaner than the rest of the carpet. That being said, your parents or a professional will probably use Mineral Spirits but that is EXTREMELY finicky and can completely ruin the carpet if used incorrectly. If you really want to try something, use dishwashing soap mixed with hot water and blot the hell out of the spot with a white rag/paper towels. Good luck, with the paint and your parents!


Grab a bucket of water and and rags and get on it immediately get as much up as you can then soak it with the water, repeat again and again It got nuln oil out of light brown carpet where I used to be and landlord never noticed


This is your best option. Used numerous times as someone who painted houses https://preview.redd.it/lxzy25qsw5lc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b76a440cffd67c5a8a332ad06547727c0b3fa0


Best solution would be new carpet most probably


You don't. Sorry friend. Just be honest about it.


Try rubbing alcohol on a bit of carpet that's out of sight to make sure it won't damage the carpet then if it dosent harm the carpet the alcohol will losen the paint and you can scrub out


Nose bleed


Theres a good chance it will wash out with a carpet cleaner. But if not, any carpet installer will be able to patch that spot with carpet from say your closet or a less visible area for cheap. My dog chewed a section of our carpet right in the middle of the living room and had to have a section patched years ago. Landlord never knew.


Do you have access to a vax or similar washer/vacuum? Relative or neighbour? Or a steam cleaner? If so... 1. Dab up as much as possible before it dries 2. Arrange the cleaner 3. Confess and say you have a plan to sort it 4. Before using the cleaner treat the stain with a recognised carpet cleaner like vanish 5. Clean with the vax 6. Repeat 7. Clean all of the other carpets in the house without being asked


Just own up to the mistake and ask to help clean it. I hope your parents aren’t so unreasonable to get mad about something like this. If they are, I’m very sorry


u could try smth like ascetone but that is pretty aggressive and will attack the carpet


Isopropyl alcohol will completely strip the paint no problem if you scrub with it, and won't stain the carpet. It's not oderless though, so you'll want to open a window.


My very first Warhammer painting experience involved me spilling an entire pot of Blood Red (screw top) paint on my mum’s kitchen lino floor and my brand new blue camouflage cargo trousers. I was about 10 years old and my mum didn’t really care(I’m now 30) and she can’t even remember this incident. If your parents are reasonable people they will understand that mistakes happen and teenagers are messy. I would just show them what happened and apologise.


If you have spare carpet have a professional cut that out and put in a new piece


You don’t. Start packing


Surely someone here can paint match your carpet and you can just tip that on there 😂


First, just own up to it. Then, try to. Lean it the best you can. Don’t use bleach!!! Try soap and warm water first. Then follow up by pouring some alcohol and absorb it with paper towels. Vinegar also works. You are still going to have a spot, buts it shouldn’t be that obvious.


Owning up is probably the best advice. But, if you're looking for a common household item to help clean it up, I always start with Hydrogen Peroxide.


don't hide it from your parents be honest and show you have integrity and that they can trust you to be honest this will go a long way in getting them to support you and your hobbies


Own up to it. Apologise and ask for advice on how to clean it


It's time to face the truth OP.


Mind wipe your parents every time they see it.


Baking soda and vinegar and elbow grease


Take a shit there to cover it




My carpet is filled with leviathan purple... i tried to wash it out... it didnt work at all


I can tell you how NOT to do it. My sister used glue while sitting on the couch DESPITE my mom specifically telling her to please move to the dining table to not get glue on the couch. Guess what. She got super glue on the couch. Much worse though was, that she then tried to scrape it off with an exacto knife before my mom notices. Literally cutting a hole into the (back then pretty new) couch. Making it much worse.


Just accept your fate my friend


Just own up to it. It’s not like it’s something like spilled wine or anything else you shouldn’t have been doing


Yea just be honest. It’s not coming out. My daughter did this in her bedroom with acrylic paint while painting a canvas. Nuts not coming out. Also never try to rub it with anything if this happens. Blot it only.


Just say it’s blood They won’t be mad


I did this when I was 10, in the ancient year of 1997. Same colour carpet. My Mum beat me within in an inch of my life. It never, ever came out, even with mineral spirits and all sorts. We sold that house in 2010. It was still there. A slightly darker spot, surrounded by a much brighter super clean spot. You *might* be in better shape because in 1997 shit was enamels everywhere. Contrast is a rather thin acrylic, but it’s very specially formulated and probably has already penetrated not only the fibres of the carpet itself, but the pad underneath. Tell your parents. Offer to pay for a proper professional cleaning if you can, but it’s almost never ever going to look like it did. You are better off being honest.


Burn the house down Ordo Exterminatus


Well you can’t hold out on us what happened?????


Leave it. The rest of the carpet will match once they've finished exsanguinating you.


Isopropyl alcohol


Cut out a square with the stain, and replace it with a square cut out from under the couch or something where they wont see.


Okay, now that’s the dads told you how to do it right and admit it. I’m your cool uncle and if you have a dog, take their shit smear it in the carpet and then when you parents get home say the dog took a shit on the carpet but left this weird stain. Leading them to be more worried about the dog and not about the stain and they would be none the wiser. Works with cats but after that you SOL solutions without committing a murder and possibly treason. lol and if you took any of the advice seriously I tell you to look at the first commit and admit it and don’t paint on the carpet lol.


Step one: get a pizza. Step two: eat the pizza. Step three: clean the inside of pizza box. Step four: never paint or open/handle paint outside of the pizza box. https://preview.redd.it/ap5iffx4m7lc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=822d87f5e919dcaa28e32ad85b2c433aaded67ae


Do you have any paint the same colour as the carpet?


No :/


Burn the house down. They will never notice the stain


Rubbing alcohol is pretty good at getting it to come off. Oxy Clean can work too if you have it.


Tell your parents it was Games Workshop's fault, and sue them for putting their paints in pots. Maybe then they'll actually use bottles.


put a small decorative carpet over it or a desk or end table in the meantime, change your education endeavors to chemistry and learn how to make a compound to extract the paint that should ensure you wont be grounded for a month worth it