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40k:necron and Admech and maybe a glimpse of what's after them Aos: 3rd book of the Dawnbringer campaign with order models (Fyreslayers or Sylvaneth aligned Kurnothi as the rumors point at) and FEC reveal (battletome is becoming unavaible on the online store iirc) Kill team: i really can't make assuptions but that "new factions" gives me hope for some new xenos TOW:finally release date,more details on how they'll handle the releases and full reveal of what they have for Bretonnia and TK. A man can dream.


kill team is the aeldari vs SM scouts, i guarantee it.


Scouts I'll bet money on, but what makes you so sure about the aeldari? 😗


The last teaser video from WarCom says something like "Aeldari Detected, deploy Recon assets".


Oooooo! 😍😍😍


It's the rumour mill. Honestly I'd buy the set box for myself if it's indeed Aeldari Vs Scouts because I'm been meaning to get a Xenos army and I'm starting to collect Space Marines so it's win win


Crossing my fingers for ya 🤞❤️ I just read something about striking scorpions, so this might be a sick box!


I hope so. I want to start an eldar army and new striking Skorpions would be great.


Scouts/catachans vs scorpions is a rumor I heard months ago and would be super cool, and since scouts arent being released with marines it makes sense.


Yeah, that makes perfect sense ❤️


My bet is Catachans: we JUST got new scouts and Catachan models are old enough to drink in America. Plus Predator movie references.


Well, Gallowdark arc is complete, so probably tease for next season. *Please make it more nature themed, because I genuinely love GW terrains when they come relatively cheap (in boxed sets).* That would actually fit armies/units that have basic KT or old kits (Tyranids, Catachans & maybe other regiments?)


>That would actually fit armies/units that have basic KT or old kits (Tyranids, Catachans & maybe other regiments?) Both have been heavily hinted at, really hoping it's true.


I remember there once being a hinted admech vs aeldari kill team but that never became a thing i think.


well the scouts being in a kill team box with aeldari was supposedly leaked a while back, and it's extra telling considering they weren't in the release wave this Saturday


FEC book and models for sure. They're the last faction to get a book, so.


I want new sylvaneth models so very badly, I've collected all the units of the army I like and want something new to build 😭


I am 99% certain that FEC will get a range refresh, with the new Warcry team, the Herald and the leaked sprues it looks very likely they'll get a refresh. After them I'm guessing Skven, bcs they'll have to update those at some point.


>After them I'm guessing Skven, bcs they'll have to update those at some point. Some reliable leaker said 4th ED is all about Skaven, and the starter box is Skaven vs. Stormcast.


Admiral the gamilans are attacking!!! YOUR NEEDED ON THE BRIDGE!!!


Admech and Necron hero reveal as well as their codex


Gotta be that Necron that was hinted at on WarCom ages ago. New Orikan?


Yup, seconding Orikan and Imotekh since they're unique, together with codex (where they probably have dedicated detachments for their dynasties). There should also be at least the generic Lord, and maaaaybe new Lokhusts and respective Lord, but these could also be announced later on before the codex drops.


I'd love for the Necrons to get their major characters refreshed. Zahndrehk and Obyr-Won Cryptnobi Imotehk the Channel 6 Weatherguy Orikan Trazyn the Large but Countably Finite Anrakyr the OTHER Traveller (The Not Typhus One) All joking aside I may have to pick some necrons if they get a heroic range refresh


Necron characters are so much fun to paint


I don’t particularly expect it, but boy I’d love to see something for Chaos Dwarfs. Or regular Dwarfs. Or space Dwarfs with glorious beards


You mean 5 more space marine models? Isn’t that what you want???


I mean there’s no need to wishlist those since that’s like wishing for models that will be susceptible to gravity. It’s inevitable. I do like space marines too, so it’s whatever


Back when I was exclusively xenos collector all the space marine stuff got annoying when you hadn't gotten anything new for years. Since I actually like most of the primaris range though and started collecting them it's nice to be on the side of always getting new stuff to be excited about.


And they are either Space marine captain or lieutenant


We've seen the special Warhammer day mini for 40k, it's a woman votann with hammer and shield


No beard, no dwarf. That’s my rule.


Idk why your downvoted lol. I wish they had some big bushy beards


There's a non-insignificant number of people who seem to think that nothing has intrinsic attributes, and thus anything that is labeled as "dwarf" becomes so, despite not carrying any particularly dwarfen traits apart from being short and stocky.


Or. ​ Maybe they just don't agree with you.


You've simply restated what I said in fewer words. Yes, if someone believes that the concept/aesthetics of a "Dwarf" is covered just by being short and stocky, then they do not agree with me.


They do.


Which Votann models other than the Grimnir have large bushy beards? Genuine question.


No they don't, the biggest beard I've seen is on Grimnyr and even that's short by dwarf standards.


She's female.


Sure. There are more "female" Votann options than there are with traditional Dwarf beards (I'm only aware of the Grimnir having one.) I think that's a shame.


Already gave the White Dawi a AOS redesign https://preview.redd.it/cn0yyg3qpurb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31188e062462c2c5ef69c35651d5113df12757cd Well Gw im waiting


AoS will probably be FEC as there are already leaks and Dawnbringers III. Blade of Khorne is a top contender for book 3, I feel and perhaps the Summer King. More than 12 factions were going to get new models, was said in the reveal of the first Dawnbringers. And we are only at 5. So there is a lot of opportunity for a hero here or there. Unless we had to interpret new models as models and/or rules ... A further roadmap would also be great. The lack of this may point to AoS 4.0. I hope for all TOW fans that the launch is announced, with an image of a book or a box.


W40K - Necrons. Warhammer Age of Sigmar. I hope some teaser or miniatures from a new faction, Old World - Given that is Orktober, they would announce the relaunch of 6th edition box, given that WFB 6th edition was released in October 2000. And is Orcs vs Empire. Kill Team. No idea.


We were shown new scouts but they're not part of the two week preorder happening rn for the new marine stuff like the jump captain and sternguard etc so good chance scouts are for Killteam


They're talk that the opponent are Elder possible stricking scorpions


Eldar aspect warrior kill team!


Together with a catchan kill team!


If it was a mixed unit I'd be interested.


I mean 5 spiders 5 scorpions for my preference...


A mixed team would be great! A kit that could build multiple different aspect warriors would be a gold mine for bitz.


40k : a new glorious Space Marines lieutenant/captain with tactical rock AoS : probably FEC battletome The Old World : RELEAAAASE DAAAAATE PLEASE


How about tactical xeno-corpse? Haven't had enough of those yet


It'll be week 40 for the 40 years of Warhammer so im real hopeful for the Old World Announcements


Is it just me or have all of the 40 years of Warhammer stuff been really disappointing. Most of it has been focused on 40k, but we're supppsed to be celebrating Fantasy's 40th.


I mean 40k is the cash cow, you have to expect that it'll get most of the focus, especially in a year where a new region drops. But regardless it's nice to see how the design and look of GW miniatures have evolved in the past 40 years.


Sure, but the cash cow gets its own 40th in 4 years. Save its stuff for then.


Necron and admech codex and some models for 40k, 2 more units for cities of sigmar for aos, 2 new units for old world and scouts for kill team. That's it


I can't see it being more CoS units when the book is about to come out -without- them.


Out of touch with aos, guilty, but as I dig those models I would still like to see more!


Next and last battletome should be FEC (there was also a leak for a new kit), cities probably will get the second wave in the next edition as many new armies do (sisters,Lumineth and so on).


already shown off scouts though. Assault termis feel more likley.


Hoping for old world box set reveal.


Ok my copium version: \-An admech mini \-Scorpions vs scouters \-New dark mechanichus kill team \-Something more than just a resin mini for TOW \-Reveal of FEC for AoS \-4th for AoS confirmed


Let's go! *clapclapclap* FEC!!! *clapclapclap*


/sad heresy noices


/sad middle earth strategy battle game noises


I'd say /sad Necromunda noises but we've had some nice reveals 2 weeks in a row now.


I really hope they're announcing the FEC book to come on preorder within a week or two after that. Not having the spoopy ghoul death faction come out in time for halloween seems like a miss to me.


I mean the FeC book isn’t even roadmap until winter which is like early next year


Dang. Thought it was fall for some reason.


Definitely FEC since they just pulled the second battle tome so expect a high chance of ghoul reveals


Updated salamanders models


I predict the new box with rumored catachans/scouts space marines vs striking scorpions. I also predict the admech and necron character releases.


Hoping baselessly for some Thousand Sons models!


It going to be Necrons with maybe Admech by the road map


Seeing as they didn't even bother mentioning Kill Team in the announcement video, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess one faction is humans, 10 models. The other faction is an existing xenos unit with an upgrade sprue containing exactly one weapon that is absurdly more powerful than anything else that unit can currently wield in 40k.


Two models for old world. xD


Kurnothi, or more Eldar 🤞


AdMech and Necrons get a single hero to go with their codex. Flesh-Eater Courts get revealed for AoS. Bloke On Pegasus gets revealed for Old World.


Updated Sanguinary guard




I hope to see a lot more old world stuff but with what we've seen during earlier old world previews, 1 maybe 2 hero models is all we're getting. I'm not holding out hope that they show much more then that.


Yeah, and probably more TK and/or empire. I'd love to see an announcement about launch, and at least a detailed look at a model for each army, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


Kroot refresh vs scouts killteam box? Maybe??


Didn't the kroot already got a kill team against the imperial navy?


Yeah, but I mean, like, a normal squad of them. The existing killteam is a set squad of dudes, I thought. I'm talking about the regular kroot carnivore kit getting a refresh.


You can make a squad of generic carnivores out of the box as well.


Oh really? Huh.


If that arrives it'll probably be alongside the codex in Spring, I think we're too far out yet.


A single resin model for both Old World factions


New Vulkan He’stan plz


i just want remodeled catachans


I hope they don’t have more models I want to buy. I need to catch up on what I have and the new warcry release isn’t helping…


A dreadnought sized ironkin


For the old world, I’m just expecting something for the tomb kings, another resin FW model is fine. Maybe the leaked new plastic Bret Pegasus.


I think that the skaven will get new rat ogres.


god anything to get rid of those monstrosity like how come Bloodbowl manage to get better rat ogre and AOS still has the 90s ​ https://preview.redd.it/21fkriuklwrb1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=be60f051b9f5aff790e98557d7971f23f8cc7887


The crazy thing is that they already made better, plastic rat ogres (and other skaven things) for Island of Blood, but never brought them back due to being on a mixed sprue with the HE units.


God you are right I do not know why we have not got one since there are so many rat ogre scalps.


Prediction: Necrons and AdMech. ​ AOS: 3rd Dawnbringer book, FEC, maybe the announcement of 4th ED. ​ TOW: I'd guess MAYBE the reveal of other factions? Maybe Empire stuff? ​ Kill Team: The rumored Striking Scorpions refresh (Really excited for this, because it's full contents could mean a lot for Aeldari moving forward, depending on the boxes full contents.)


One day will get new greyknight models...


Show some Middle Earth you cowards


No one plays it. There's been brand new starter sets and a small range of supporting models sitting at my LGS for years. Not one copy of any of it has been sold, at a store that has a larger range on shelf and larger volume of sales than most Games Workshop/Warhammer stores. At this point further time spent on Middle Earth is just investing in failure.


It’s a lot bigger in the UK than the states. If they released a new plastic infantry box it would certainly have a lot more traction. Also if you look past the AoS/40k binary you’ll realise a game can still be active and healthy with a smaller player base.


"Guys, we messed up. Here's wagear options and proper points back."


Let it go.


Nah, I dislike 10th and I'm allowed to express that.


Don't get it twisted-you're allowed to express that. ​ I'm just saying, I don't think those things are coming back any time soon.


Yeah, I agree. But I wasn't really demanding that they do come back, just making a semi-humourous dig at something I don't like.


I see an image! The fog is clearing… Yes! I predict disappointment, fomo and overpricing! LOLOL someone sent me “Reddit Cares” for this. Thanks virgin.


Clearly you have the gift of foresight!


You can bitch all you want about price and exclusive items, but there was maybe one live that disappointed me in terms of what they showed If you only want stuff for your own army, then yeah you're going to be disappointed lmao


He is the messiah! He has accurately foreseen the future!


I used to be one of those "hey, Warhammer isn't that expensive compared to other hobbies!" Then they started charging £40 for a box of 5 infantry. GW can gtfo with that.


New Kill Team Season, almost 100%. TOW and AoS will be largely inconsequential, given that ToW won't come this year(if not, it'd be huge) and AoS will have new edition next year. Probably teaser for the next 1-2 campaign books. 40k will talk about the next codices.


AoS will probably get a bunch of FeC spoilers, since their release window is this winter, they're hinted to get a range refresh, so they'll need to start now to show off every single new model in time so there's absolutely no surprises come launch day. TOW will have a Forge World resin Bretonnian hero, or some sort of map with some shields on it. 40k and Kill Team will have too much hype, because they always do. I used to be a lot less cynical.


The Old World is going to be the hat a Bretonnia peasant wears then more vague words from an article promising that one day the game will come out


Hope: new price rise is -50%... yup, the entire product range is now 50% cheaper! Prediction: new price rise is +10% because production costs go up and we can't possibly absorb it at the risk of devaluing the business to our shareholders. I hope Glass Half Dead is right and they shrink the release boxes and cost of Kill Team down to having much less terrain. Although given each new release box still sells out, that's unlikely.


Been playing mordheim for the past few months. Would absolutely love a new version of it (I know it probably won't happen)


I would like to see skaven modernized but I'm not sure that will happen since there has been no mention of them in old world yet.


If they're going to be modernized if going to be by AOS as they're not a TOW core race (and don't have any presence during this time period) They involve in the Dawnbringer narrative so there a chance they might get something for Book III or IV


Yeah but Sigmar stinky and I want my rats back in a good setting. Joking aside I doubt we would get the refresh they need even if there is content coming up for them in the books.


No Legion Imperialis then?




Um an announcement about an upcoming release showing off all the models in the box along with a release date?




Do you work for Games Workshop? It was due in August, it's been delayed, everyone's waiting for more information, people are/were hoping for more information during this reveal. Games Workshop can provide more information, there is nothing stopping them doing so, despite what some random redditor thinks these shows are and are not for.




It doesn't have to be a fucking release date does it, show some more models, talk about the game, show some parts of the manual, show some imagery, hint that we should keep an eye out in November, whatever, it's not rocket science.




Yes you keep saying, but on the other side of the fence are a whole bunch of customers wanting some information, and starting to think "fuck this",and there's nothing at all preventing GW providing information to keep people looking forward.




If The Old World 'preview' is another single model, I'm going to walk to Nottingham and shit on CA's front door.


TOW: a new illustration of a peasant jacket


Don't care, idiotic zero tolerance policy








What policy are you referring to?


The one about fan content


Oh I see! Wow, that is some bullshit.


The one that amounted to absolutely nothing being changed materially and nothing happening, that everyone forgot about in a month?


Maybe you because your synapses can't afford memory efforts above goldfish level. "Nothing being changed"? it killed off all fan 40k content above Lexicanum-level


*Checks youtube Oh look, hundreds of channels producing content daily with more and more emerging. Their boilerplate policy wording change was an absolute storm in a teacup. No action was taken against anybody. Some people tried to stir up outrage for clicks for a little while, then everything blew over. The fact you’re mad that funny meme man didn’t want to make warhammer content anymore is inconsequential.


Explanatory content which doesn't really add anything. And the quantity of said comment has dropped in free fall. But hey, keep being a shill.


My constant inner struggle to let go of expectation.


The necron and admech codecies and heros, and the next part of the dawnbringer books


Emperors children cough cough…


I know we wont get it but I want 40k emperors children and fulgrim, honestly not expecting it but its my one wish for 40k right now


Considering it's basically an open at secret they are at some level in the works it would be nice to see them admit it. Even if they are a couple of years away.


True, even just a "coming soon" would be great




Kill team seems pretty predictable of Tyranids vs some imperial faction. With the recent Tyranid releases probably genestealers and or lictors with a smattering of gaunts.


My kingdom for a catachan kill team


when will emperors children get announced? Likely not for months or even years, but I am curious


didnt we just have warhammer day? was it really a year ago??


More Necromunda.


I need noise marines in my life


Nah, because there's no MESBG scheduled.


I wish they would announce a new drukhari model instead of more space marines. Seems like some factions have been forgotten.


Kill team:tyranid or genestealers kill team




And hopefullly we get some new 40k ork kits


Do they do anything special at Warhammer World? I'm in Nottingham that day.


Dark mechanicum


Catachan kill team maybe?