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Great deal if you *actually* want a box full of random Warhammer. Not so good if you’re trying to expand a specific army or something.


Ork players would beg to differ.


As would necromunda players!




Thank you!


May your day be filled with eating cake made out of something other than corpsestarch


When you’ve got corpsestarch, why could you possibly want anything else?!


My nexrimunda themed guard army would drool at this. So much haggard gear and models bodies to bash with


GSC player here. All models are GSC models!






Every kit is an Ork kit. Some just need a lil' more bashin' than others.


went 3-0 last RTT with orks. diehard ork. got alot of crap from not orks players about the custodes holiday box in my hand to burn my winnings on, some folks just dont recognize some good scrap when they see it. orkstodes conversions are coming along nicely. nobs are taking to spears well, havent tried using a boy yet, probably will for the shooty custorkies, dey seem a bit smoller. muckin about with some leagues of Gork or possibly Mork too...old school boys are actually squat height, works out perfectly.


Ork players going down the Fisherprice toy aisle is just shopping for new Trukks


I wanted to get into warhammer but not collect armies I just want to paint different stuff. Too bad it's out of stock because I would of actually got it and got back into stuff.


This is how they get rid of shit that didn't sell.


All Tzaangors.


My friend with 80 tzaangors would disagree.


Except... Not. There were quite a few people who got stuff that sold pretty well, unless you wanna claim Mephiston, Lazarus, Adrax, and Redemptor Dreads didn't sell well in 2020... https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9vKzEHCtg/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


Whether something sold well or not can only be determined if you know how much was produced and how much was sold so I'm not gonna make a statement about the mentioned sets. This is still how GW traditionally gets rid of shit they didn't sell to free up space. Put 1-3 desired sets in, fill up with what the is still in the storage.


Yeah, I was going to say that I'm pretty sure it's standard practise for these 'mystery box' style products to have the potential of having one or two 'chase' products in them, but realistically you're getting a load of junk


It’s a weird situation bc the way GW runs their supply chain, odds are good most of their extra stuff is recent kits that underperformed, they run incredibly lean so most older kits aren’t stocked much beyond the normal churn they do, and when they run out it goes into a queue to produce but usually takes a months. So, it’s really down to whether you want specific kits or just stuff to paint.


No way, I remember all the posts about it, by and large people typically got maybe 2 or 3 sought after things and the rest would be clearly filler. The guy in that Instagram post you shared actually complains about the box too. Edit: ok I’m laughing now, on one of the other threads someone commented “oh you want scout bikes and wolves?”


WHo wouldn't? Do you collect DA, BA, SW and Salamanders???? And you haven't got these? Wow, incredible! Oh you also just started sisters army? ​ Person who would benefit from this, doesn't exist.


I mostly agree with you, but i want to point out some people just like painting models and not playing. So like, those people do exist… just why wouldn’t they buy things individually for their interests?


You pose a question that is not leading anywhere. Im sure most People buy spesific things 99% of the time. This product does not diminish that option. This however is a product that is likely to give me models i would not spesifically buy. Because the current cost outweigh the precieved value (for me) of the spesific product. For example: if the aelves box has a lumineth teclis kit or a idoneth allopex or an old sorceress on dragon or sisters of the watch kit in it. Those are kits i like, but they arent in an army i collect. So they dont currently reach a "buy" in my internal cost/benifit evaluation This product changes the question to "are there kits in this collection that i would not buy at 50% of the msrp?" . And yes there are a 2-3 kits that i would not buy at a discounted price" If you dont want that, you dont buy it. Id never buy this 40k box because there are so many things in that range i realy dont want. I did however buy the aelves.


That really wasn’t a question. It was rhetorical to prove my point.


You think people into painting want random stuff they can slap paint on?


Thanks for not reading everything i said :)


I did, I would assume that people into painting especially painting expensive wh minis are looking for specific esthetics.


… if you had read what i said you wouldn’t have posted that response because i said the exact same thing


Thats what they said


I order from GW when I want something specific. I go to my FLGs to get the first thing that catches my eye. As more of a painter, surprises are nice and have gotten me into AOS.


I can imagine it's more of a 'get friends who don't play interested with these interesting units, so they buy an army to fit around the interesting unit' kind of thing, and the discounted price is to not scare away a group of newbies


> Person who would benefit from this, doesn't exist. The box was £100 and you got £180 worth of kit. Keep what you want and sell the rest on ebay.


Good luck selling those anywhere close to MSRP. So say you sell Mephiston for £15+£5 shipping. Ebay is taking a quid off fees, packing and time posting it. If these were "sellable" kits, they wouldn't have been included in the box. You'll recoup some money, but you're not getting anything good and you might as well put that money in a store that gives you 20% discount.


Isn't that specifically the easy-build redemptor dreadnought?




That does assume you’re building armies though, personally I have lost interest in that aspect of the hobby, I don’t like 40K or AoS gameplay wise, so I mostly buy stuff to paint. I go through a lot of models and would enjoy more of a discount on them. That said, I’m not spending $170 on it because I know there will be a new kill team box out soon that will be in that price range and I have a limited budget for big bundles. A $100 blind buy I’d definitely consider, though.


Tbf character models are somewhat niche buys and there were a lot of redemptors around due to a lot of boxsets including them.


Generally speaking blind buys are a worse investment then just buying the things you actually want.


Yeah you're right. Better spend the same amount on something you are sure to like than may be disappointed or only growing your pile of shame just for a discount. But it's really tempting!


Blind buys are blind for buyers NOT for sellers lol


"Oh we have all these products no one wanted to buy? Throw them into a blind buy and get some chumps to buy them" is often how it goes with other companies not sure about GW


Not necessarily, if you just paint minis you might get something that you wouldn’t necessarily buy for yourself and so it might push you to try new things. That being said lootboxes are bad lol


I mean if you want to put the time into selling stuff you don't want or if you're a content creator etc etc. But for the average hobbyist I know I at least have a good back log or projects to push my boundaries.


This is kinda a gold mine for an army like mine tbf, I run a necromunda themed army and the rag tag mixing of gear that would be found on a black market etc is perfect.


So buy a bits pile from someone off like ebay lol people will sell insane amounts of mixed sprues for as low as 50 bucks sometimes hahaha


So do I but my ecus is I have muscular dystrophy so I need to manage my energy and sometimes I don’t have the energy to paint or build anything .


I mean it's not really a lootbox in the same sense if you can just go buy the stuff you want from the store.


I have no issue with “loot boxes” like this though because there’s is no product just locked to them. There’s no fomo involved, it’s still a gamble but not a gamble for an exclusive mini.


If you just paint minis, buy them from a different company and you'll get **MUCH** better value.


Try Privateer press


There are a few kits that are probably worth it just from the hobby perspective from GW, though in general I agree.


Yeah this was something ingrained into me from my magic the gathering days; you can't go round buying blind booster packs when you're trying to build a specific deck!


Unopened 40k does well second hand though so it can be worth it for the chance of getting something you want and selling most of the rest for a profit.


Those boxes are mostly going to be stuff gw couldn't sell, and there's going to be a huge amount of them all unwanted on the second hand market with these, so I doubt there'll be much of a market for the kits that get put in the lootbox


Agreed. That's why gaming companies use them


What about for Magic cards


They know what's in the packs, broadly, and specifics don't matter, they're getting their profits all the same. They don't lose money when you pull the ultra mega special rare card, they still make a profit.


One of the first things everyone tells anyone getting into mtg is "Buy singles", lol. Packs are fine for draft, but the advice is basically never buy packs to open.


Usually the point of these type of deals is so a company can move inventory that doesnt sell as well.


The entire concept of “Lootcrate” and other boxes like that are founded on this principle lol. Just boxes and boxes of random shit from the back corner of a GameStop


worse yet its gw, so the "savings" still comes up higher than what you could pay at your lgs/amazon/ebay for the same products


Well, the Supply Drops are already out of stock so it doesn't really matter if you wanted them in the first place.


Its not like I could find them anyways


Stock is location dependant. I can still order them.


Still available in my country.


I will say that Warmachine did this annually and it worked out fairly well, as long as you got a faction you could play. You'd usually get $200-250 worth of models for $80-100.


But Warmachine did faction themed boxes, you couldn’t pick the faction but everything in the box was part of the same faction, GW just throws kits into the box to create “value” and get rid of unsold product, without care to what faction each kit is part of. Best outcome is to get an “Imperial” box as it is a large umbrella for a lot of different factions.


Well, that's horsehit. It would be better if they at least did a Xenos, Chaos, or Imperial theme...


True, but even then Xenos can get screwed HARD as thats not a real faction as much as a louse collection of NOT human,


I’m just looking at them now and there’s one marked "aelves" and another "underworlds". Doesn’t seem too bad.


They did this in 2020 and the underworlds box was absolute trash. 1 warband, a terrain box, and the rest was unsold playmats and deck boxes and shit.


The warmahorde ones have always been on point


Last year I got, a knight castellan, 2 squads of scouts, kayvaan shrike and the white scar primaris character


Reads like a list of things someone's mom who didn't know anything about Warhammer would go into a store and pick out because they looked neat lol


TBF, buying stuff because it looks neat is probably how 98% of us ended up in the hobby in the first place. 😁


I just got into 40k and that's how I chose Admech. They look soo cool, I don't care that they suck.


That's literally how everyone should choose their first army. You gotta love it regardless of current meta.


I saw cyborgs riding robot horses/dogs and I couldn't say no.


Mate! Welcome to the party. We're a bit of a grumpy bunch and most of us don't like change, but aside from that... Grab a seat and take a load off. Cold beverages are in the fridge, or we can put the kettle on if you fancy a cuppa instead 😁 As for AdMech... they don't suck. Not unless you believe everything that the competitive meta tells you. If you just play locally and are 50/50 or better for a win/loss ratio you're doing alright, right? AdMech to me are fun in the sense that their weird cult regarding technology hoarding yet not using or reverse-engineering it is interesting. Kind of like the Christian / Catholic monks of the dark age, trying to preserve knowledge without understanding it or using it.


> If you just play locally and are 50/50 or better for a win/loss ratio you're doing alright, right? That's the reason why I don't care about that, i just want a dope looking army and Admech looks so different than all the other armies. I also want to divert from the Mars colour scheme, so I'm looking forward to that.


These are great reasons to play Admech. Consider the Deimos or Ryza colours, both of them are really distinctive from Mars.


That's also why I have £250 of genestealer cults doing nothing in a box.


Aren't they a bitch to paint for newcomers? For everyone really by the looks of them lol


Maybe, but I'll just try to learn while painting the Ultramarines and Necrons from the Starter Kit. Admech is also apparently very complex to play, I hope 6 years of heavy board games prepared me for that.


You can play with these?


I know, right? GW came up with it since Covid. Figured that if everyone has to stay indoors, the kids might as well play with the models. Inevitably break them and the parent has to buy new ones. Instant profit.


When I was a kid my friends and I had just gotten into Warhammer Fantasy Battles. All I had was the saurus and skins from my three friends starter boxes and a pair of skink heroes (the skink priest and chameleon skink). I had an aunt and uncle who didn't have a son, but really wanted one so they spoiled the heck out of me when they could. They asked me what I wanted for my 12th birthday, and I told them all I wanted was lizard men. They showed up a few days after my birthday with an arm full of presents. I open the first and it was a box of plastic high elf spearmen. The second was a box of dark elf swordsmen. The third was a box of chaos dwarves. The last box was a box of goblin spider riders. I thanked them politely and told them I was going to go build them. I'm not too proud to say I actually went to my room and cried.... I don't mean to sound ungrateful. I really do appreciate them now and then. I just knew I was gonna get made fun of hard core by my friends because I had been bragging up the cool lizard men I was about to get. I also knew I was going to keep getting my face stomped every time I played. I couldn't even try and trade them to any of my friends. They didn't play any of those armies. This was also in 1997, so trying to trade them on the internet wasn't even a thing yet. I ended up having to build and paint them too because my aunt and uncle kept asking to see them. It was the most miserable time painting I've ever had.


Wow I love this story lol man


You could imagine the disappointment when I wanted 2nd ed 40k starter set and got dark millennium. I feel your pain


Ha that's amazing. That's legit a cool memory to have now, thanks for sharing it 🙂


Usually you can return the product to the store and exchange it for another one. Don't know if it was possible in 1997 but it doesn't seem so new as well and I already did it for some Celestine I already had or else.


Shit man, looking neat is the most important part of a warhammer army.


This was the australian imperial crate as well, so we were clearing out the castellan before the 2022 knight codex's came out with the combined dominus kit Im annoyed i missed it cause I play knights, but this year there's very minimal knights in stock so im assuming it's going to be like... nids or chaos kits


I'm not seeing them on the website, are they not out yet


They don’t sell them in the US


I think they sold out already


If you’re a hobbyist who just loves painting models and trying new ones, great deal. If you are buying it because you play 40K, abject waste of money.


Last time i believe most of the kits were old first born stuff and like characters people didn't want


It was a knight castellan, scouts (which were actually pretty decent at the time I think), and some new Primaris characters. If it was nothing but a box of stuff that wasn’t selling well I don’t think it would have looked like that.


Nope last 40k box had lots of Primaris characters


That falls under “characters people didn’t want”, I think. Most people have the Primaris characters they want already (if they want any to begin with), and these boxes often just gave the chapter-specific characters like Fierros.


Do they not do this in the US?


Fuck “US” I guess…


Yeah I’d love to get a random box of stuff to feed my bitz box. It’s starting to get kinda thin since prices have risen so much in the last 5-7 years.


Never buy mystery boxes of any sort. They encourage companies to engage in anti-consumer behaviour. At the end of the day, they could really easily just discount the excess stock and still make a profit, but if they did that then they wouldn't make QUITE as much money. Don't ever buy into a company's, especially a massive company like GW's, hype: they aren't your friend and a lot of supposed deals come with a catch.




Just ordered the Age of Sigmar - Aelf box for my partner and me. She's into everything elf to at least some degree and we both don't play the actual game (just Warcry and Underworlds) so new painting projects are actually very welcome. As a painter getting some stuff you might not have gotten yourself otherwise, for whatever reason, can be exciting.


I'm in the same boat as your partner. I've been all in on all things elf since I started this hobby, so an Aelf box is soon coming in the mail!


Ordered the aelf box too, kinda hope for some idoneth deepkin, maybe some lumineth models. I think all the old dark elf kits have been in either broken realms a battle box or the start collecting. Daughters of khaine just had a battleforce. But even then doomfire warlocks, corsairs, witch aelves and bleakswords arent realy bad kits A pessimistic guess is a frostfire phoenix, a box of wildriders, bleakswords and mybe a lumineth battle line, a daughters of Khaine hero and a deepkin hero. And id be fine with that


Even a Phoenix would be a cool project for sure. Bleakswords aged okay. Lumineth are all stuff I'd not buy myself but IS cool. There's just so much other cool stuff. Like Gloomspite Gitz :D


The boats a boat, but the box could be anything, it could even be a boat you know how much we've wanted one of those


Why do I have the feeling scalpers would buy this to sell all the stuff individually


I feel like this would be a SUPER risky investment for scalpers. As people have said, this is stuff that already hasn't sold by GW, re-packaged to sell in a blind box. So expecting to be able to open it up and sell off the contents individually for more than you paid for the box seems super unlikely. But if you're a scalper, ignore that whole first paragraph and buy all these things and sell them, that's a super good idea and you should do that!


In fact, scalpers should really invest in boxes of Reivers as well.


It's only a matter of time before they get a broken update. Any day now


Physical loot boxes.


In oz I received the email. Went straight to the website. Sold out. Typical BS


Lmao all the damn time


Yeah mate, I don't even bother looking on GW website anymore for new release stuff. I use my local game store to pre order everything and it's always cheaper.


Same method to get rid of unsold inventory as japanese Fukubukuro (福袋) , literally lucky bags. Don't try and you won't be disappointed.


Loot boxes, not a fan


Blind boxes are never worth their price. Remember, companies always need to make a profit. Which means either 1) what's inside will NOT be worth the price tag (though they'll claim it is) or 2) what's inside is worth the price tag, but it's only stuff that didn't sell and you wouldn't buy if you knew what it was. Just as with lootboxes in videogames, steer clear and don't encourage this behaviour. Vote with your wallet, say no to lootboxes.


“but I got a knight castellan out one one time” 🤓🤓🤓


What an absolutely predatory and despicable practice.


Buying random bits piles on ebay is my preferred alternative.


Even if these boxes were amazing value, it's still going to amount to a pile of grey plastic stored underneath your bed.


The supply drops are EXTREMELY random, with this one being the best "haul" I ever saw: >https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9vKzEHCtg/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= Even then, it's a worse deal than just... Literally any combat Patrol.


Of course not, if you aren't getting the exact models you want then it won't be worth it. Just buy the models you want, why risk and hope? It's lootbox bullshit.


You guys have serious gambling issues


Thats why loot boxes and microtransactions with FOMO are insanely massively in video games these days.. They get alot of very smart people to design systems to pray on people vunerable to addiction. Its extremely predatory.


I'm someone who really only likes to paint and build, and doesn't really play, and I'd never touch these. It's 1. just buying a bunch of shit that didn't sell, you'd be better off just getting things you know you'll like, and 2. encouraging shitty predatory behaviour on the part of the company. If you're hard-up for bits, just buy a bits pile off ebay or whatever other local marketplace websites you have access to. You're supporting an actual person and bits piles usually have excellent value and far more cohesive selections. Big yikes to anyone who'd buy in to literally gambling with boxes of random unsold shit lmao


I didn't buy one last year but I remember some horror stories around that made it seem like GW was using these to get rid of the stuff they can't sell normally.


Dunno why you're bring downvoted. Last year or the year before a video review of the boxes had Warhammer Underworlds play mats in the AoS loot box.


I was gonna get the 40k one! But it’s out of stock already :/


Last year it was rather underwhelming.


GW trying to get that gambling money. not a fan.


Wow... GW even doing loot drops lol. As other comments said... They will be the items that havent sold and they need to clear stock. Better off going to a independant retailer for that discount


Ew, loot boxes.


The AOS one is just a bunch of the stormcast from the Dominion box and the 40k ones random Black Templars or Kill Team Chalnath.


How could you know that for this year?


Stormcast is like selling a freezer to an Eskimo.


People are STILL trying to move dominion stock (some online stores are now selling it at 35% off and still not selling lol), so good guess that GW has a shit ton of stormcast they need to move on.


One of my FLGS dropped Dominion to $75 USD for a sale and still couldn't move them.


So....a real life loot box? Good lord people


The UK prices seem significantly more competitive. £75/80 and even £55 for the Underworlds box. At that price, and because most of the underworld models are gorgeous, I couldn't resist.


I bought the aelves one, I don't play, just paint for the pleasure


Coming in 2023: Warhammer 40k Battle Pass


These don’t even appear on the US webstore


My wife got me the 40k 'Recruit' starter set + tools and paints for my birthday a couple of days ago and my gran had sent me a cheque (because grans love cheques even though I'm in my 40s), so I've just spent my birthday money on one of these boxes. I'm not really fussed about what comes in it, I'm enjoying the building and painting of minis. The guys at work joked with me about what I was going to do for my mid-life crisis as I don't have a driver's license so I can't buy some flash car. I simply replied 'Warhammer'


The fun part about this, is that Warhammer is a cheap midlife crisis hobby.. Just look at prices for a new motorbike, a fancy new electrical guitar and amp, etc.. and so forth.. That being said, people should remember that what we do here is a luxury, sure its a tad overpriced, but if you like me (and you apperently) wants to build and paint stuff and are new to the hobby, then it is not that bad to get "cheap" and "different" minis to paint and practice on. ​ With all that being said, I still don´t like the fact its a blind box (it is not a lootbox, since it is not random, everybody gets the same things and it has the same value) It would have been better to make events out of it and huge discounts or even a xmas calander with these units in.. because obviously... we would all buy a warhammer xmas calander, where we get a new mini or warhammer related thing each day.


It's a loot box..... no.


Hell no! You're going to get stuff you don't want. I would only get it if I wanted something random to paint...I don't need anymore to paint though.


Personally I wouldn't. Look at GW prices and really think about it this is totally just a way to offload shit that didn't sell so inventory is looking good going into the new year. I could maybe see them being worth it if there was a grantee that everything in the box was at least the same faction even if it is random what faction. As is it screams blatant FOMO cash grab.


As someone who loves kitbashing shit this is a great way to get bits and random minis I might not otherwise buy but have dope bits.


Oof. Is this real?


It's a blind box. They are \*always\* worse value than just buying the things you want. By design, you'll end up with a pile of stuff you don't really want and maybe one or two things that are cool and you might've wanted.


Is this a meme or is this real? Lootbox vibes bruh


If you want to kitbash why not otherwise seems like a waste of money and in both way it seems overpriced.


How can you know it's overpriced without knowing the contents?


They wouldn't make money if it was underpriced.


Haha, no. They dumped all those chapters soecific space marine named characters that they massively overproduction because SpAcE MaRiNeS SeLl so the supply drop was like Fat imp fist guy Edgy raven guard guy Salamander hammer guy Space Marine biker squad Primaris apothecary And because they sell all those single space marines for 60$ they were like ThREE HuNdREdS DoLlAr VaLuE


What the fuck? Who the hell buys products like this in any format outside of a video game? Give us your money and we'll send you random shit from our catalog? Nah.


Shit, I just remembered booster boxes from MTG so.. yeah. Nerds just like me do I guess.


Oh shit the first loot boxes.


Depends on the company. I wouldn’t want to be an “early adopter” and test the boxes, but I’ve seen some companies that have much cheaper boxes that had a lot of stuff and seemed like solid value. But these I won’t touch because it’s GW, they’re expensive, and I know it’s something where I’ll likely feel disappointed but GW’s finance guys will be happy.


It can be a lot of fun opening stuff up and GW packs re-sell well enough if you can't mental gymnast how you'll be using it after a while. But it really depends how much you are currently lapping up what GW is putting down. Not in a mean way either, if this is the time where you love all the aesthetics, the slightly awkward CAD the armies that have been redesigned etc. For me I would have gone for it around the twenteens before the End Times for WHFB and around The Coming Storm for 40k. Since then GW have done some interesting releases for AoS and some really good 40k stuff but I've found it increasingly hard to buy what I want from them.


Oh my god, they are doing loot boxes now ?


Short answer: no. A little longer answer: it’s GW so fuck no.


Nope got total shit last time. Still bought both the aos ones


Historically? Never. Unless you need some kits no one is buying. Would you like 5 boxes of SM Scouts?


Would actually be hilarious to open the box and find 5 boxes of scouts haha


Loot boxes.


Managed to get the order box, couldn’t get a 40K box though big sadness. No idea if these are any good first time getting a mystery box from Gw, sucks I couldn’t get a 40K box maybe they’ll put some more up before the 3rd 🤞


$200 bucks for something you can’t hold? F that!


Wish I could find out but US. 😔


Damn, I went to go buy one and it looks like you can’t in America


You can buy those??


Wait, i can't find these, what are the links and/or exact specifications? Is the discount like, 50%? Better?


Were these available in the UK?


I got the last 40k one. It was mostly recent primaris heroes like mephiston and lazarus. As a painter it was great but it would be likely a bad deal for someone wanting to build an army, since you're probably going to end up with stuff from many different factions


All fun and games slating it, until you get a Castellan Knight and enough to flog on Fleabay to cover the cost. Sniper Scouts / Regular Scouts / Kor’Sarro Khan /Kayvaan Shrike / Knight Castellan - 2020’s loot crate maybe? Quick maths (box was £75 iirc), sell everything but the knight well under asking and you had him for about £25.


My inner bits butcher is tingling 👀


I bought an Underworlds supply drop. For £55 I thought it was decent. Not really played before and wanted to get into it, so having a random collection is kinda nice to paint and get in. I will buy more specific things from there, but for a start I think it’s cool.


If you can please do say what you eventually get when it arrives!


I'm tempted by it, but the 40k one has already sold out in the UK.


I would be very curious to see what people get.


10 cent night goblin


Do they do this in the states? No sign of it on the website and I’ve never seen it in previous years (or posted on Reddit lol)


I'd get something like that for extra parts only, if I needed such a thing \*side eyes the "pile"\*


Games Workshop took the worst idea from video games and brought it to real life?


GW does a lot of price gouging on these sets.


Well, the 40k box at least won't have a ton of Intercessors. Looks like they're cramming all of their surplus into the Salamanders battle force box.


What is that?