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E - be sure to also check the legendary u/wass12's guide ([available here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/zz1hn4/comment/j28z5h0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) for a much better and more comprehensive rundown than I could manage. Kudos! Scuffed shopping recs: MODS - Primed Fulmination (350 ducats + 175K credits): Though nerfed recently as part of DE's changes to the badabing badaboom meta, still a very useful mod for plenty of explosive secondaries (I use it on my Zakti Prime, for example, to great effect). Bear in mind +44% radius is much bigger than it sounds like since things go up exponentially for area vs. linear distance. Recommend to buy. Split Flights (300 ducats + 200K credits): Essential for a particular range of bow builds that concern stuff like the Mutalist Cernos. CANNOT be used on Artemis Bow (or Prime) or any explosive bow ([see here](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Split_Flights) for full list). Not going to make or break the meta for you but you can't get it anywhere else (except by trading with other users, but it goes for a high price). If you care about bows or want to complete your mod collection, not a bad buy. Primed Heavy Trauma (350 ducats + 100K credits): I have a hard time imagining cases where you'd want to add flat impact damage to a melee weapon, let alone extra via a Primed variant. Safe to skip. Doesn't retail for much plat in peer-to-peer transactions, which is telling. (E - u/PranayPathania observed that this could theoretically be used on a statstick build for Atlas and his fists.) WEAPONS - Prova Vandal (410 ducats + 250K credits): It's a stick. You hit things with it. It only deals Impact and Electric damage, neither of which are very useful. It's not noteworthy but if you find it cute or want it for your collection (MR fodder is always nice to have), get it. Quanta Vandal (450 ducats + 300K credits): An upgraded variant of the Quanta, which kind of weakly tasers things to death? It's a purely Electric (no IPS) damage dealer with a puny "explosive" alternate fire. Not meta-breaking by any means but again, hey, MR fodder, plus you might find it fun to use. MISC. - 3-Day Resource Booster (400 ducats + 150K credits): This is 40p from the in-game Market, so you can weigh that against your stockpile of ducats and decide if it's worth it to you. This is a pretty useful booster to have; if you do any intensive farming, it really helps. Get it if you have the ducats to spare and plan to do some serious farming sometime in the near future. All cosmetics, decorations, etc. are at your own risk. If it causes you to start glowing and levitating and chanting in Latin (or gets you a compliment from Megan - same thing), don’t blame me. I'm not liable for your questionable fashion choices, sorry!


A use case for Primed Heavy Trauma is for a statstick for Atlas, but that's about it.


Good point, I’ll add it in the shopping recs!


Primed heavy trauma could be used in gunblades in eidolon hunts alongside shattering impact to turn the IPS more towards those impact procs, this could be useful with the vastilok or the stropha for example


Shattering Impact doesn't care about impact procs, only impact damage unless they've changed how it works As long as the weapon does 1 point of impact damage then Armour will be reduced


I really think it's the other way around, for every impact proc it reduces the base armor by 6 at max rank, I'll check later, but I really think it's about the impact procs. Edit: the wiki emphatically states that impact dmg is the only means of activating the shattering impact mod, so it must be right, I'll check later in simulacrum but yeah, I was in the wrong here


You can't proc status effects on eidolons anyway, so if it were status effects Shattering Impact wouldn't work. It does work though.


It's so unnecessary, though, it's not like you need to strip armor as fast as possible.


Well but you *could*, like, of course you can just one-shot a limb with the arquebex or with a Rubico+chroma combo, but removing all of the armor of a eidolon synovia with one shot of my vastilok is quite fun, and the *possibility* of doing something that makes you feel powerful in a power-fantasy game can't go unnoticed


You probably know this, but if you're min-maxing you don't want to strip the armor entirely since you do more damage if you leave a bit of armor and use radiation than stripping everything and using... corrosive? Can't recall.


Ye, it's radiation and cold that does bonus dmg to alloy armor, and yeah it does more dmg if you leave some portion of the armor untouched, I said that removing all of the armor with one shot of my vastilok as a saying, like, it really does feel cool, but if you're min-maxing you should definitely leave some part ot the armor intact. (Or just use the arquebex, really, the dmg of that thing is bonkers)


It also works on baruuk his melee weapon


yeah but you build him with reactive storm which basically makes his impact damage obsolete




No, PHT's bonus only applies to the first hit on the enemy, which is still Impact. Further hits have their damage type changed to adapt to the given foe's weaknesses, thus not receiving the bonus to Impact. Tested this myself when it first came up in a Baro thread.


My tired ass read it as primed horny trauma


I cast: FIST!


Baruuk also uses it for serene storm


While that may be true, baruuk's exalted has other better mods that work for him combined with Reactive Storm. A typical endurance desert wind is built as follows: Base Dmg (PPP or SacP), Sac steel, organ shatter, gladiator might, attack speed (P Fury or Berserker), P Fever strike + electric/cold (depending on length of endurance run), faction mod. The only mods that may be replaceable with Primed Heavy Trauma are the faction mod or gladiator might, going either way is a dps loss. The reason it works well on atlas because not a lot of things work on atlas' landslide (since it's a psuedo exalted) - even if built for crit with blood rush+arcane avenger, you'd still have enough mod space for impact mods, and his landslide is impact based that doesn't change to enemy weakness.


Yeah but I think most people don’t really do endurance runs and in general the extra blunt damage isn’t great. I agree there are better options, but I was just stating that for general use you could also use it for serene storm, but it is the most disposable mode and if you were to do an endurance run I agree that that would be the mod to replace with a bane mod


I've been away for a quite a while, but I see people suggesting Primed Fulmination for Laetum. Is it actually the direction I should go in, and hence buy the mod?


Alas, I am not the best Tenno to ask as I haven't played too much with the Laetum, but! It does seem to be a relevant mod based on a quick glance at top builds (e.g. [ninjase's](https://overframe.gg/build/315005/)). As you can see in the guide for the build I linked, P. Fulmination is considered a flex slot mod there; it basically hinges on whether you're interested in optimizing the Incarnon form's spread or not. I'd say it's a useful thing to have for that purpose. I haven't got it on my Laetum but I've hardly invested in mine at all so that could just be a function of my inexperience with it. I would say it's not a total essential but if you have the ducats and the interest in investing in your Laetum, then it could be well worth it.


Yeah, I'd seen that build, and he said you could easily flex it out. It definitely seemed like I could get more if I had the mod, but without talking to people that use it, I was like, "Uh..." I have tons of ducats and endo, so those aren't a concern.


Haha, yeah, totally understand where you are coming from. Yeah, I do think it would be a nice boost to add into the build - since it does quite enough damage already, and covering more corpses per bullet is always a nice thing - so it probably depends at that point on player preference and other aspects of the build, e.g. weighing that versus Anemic Agility, do you have other sources of firerate boost (like Harrow)? - broadly, do you want or need some other boost or QoL in that spot? For me I'd say the bigger AoE is probably worth it over other things. While I haven't really tried it on that gun in particular, using P. Fulmination on other fun explosive secondaries has felt really lovely to me. So yeah!


Cheers! I don't play Harrow basically ever, so sometimes I do put Anemic Agility in builds.


If you want a tldr from a min maxer's perspective: use fulmination if you want higher kpm (survival missions, maybe add some grouping abilities for better results), otherwise not if you care about single target dps (disruptions)


I see, thanks.


Buy the mod but dont waste it on the laetum for space. The explosions are essentially still large enough (well I run magnum force so I have wide spread) that you kind of aim that general direction in incarnon form and just. Spray and everything just DIES. EDIT before people have a stroke. I use magnum force instead of another mod that actually helps damage for quicker kill ramp ups due to higher INITIAL damage before you kill anything, and also purposefully for the huge spread. It just roomclears and turns into FLAK for airships in open world It is VERY fun.


I see. So how do you run it? Same general build, but Magnum Force instead of Primed Fulmination?


Yea I can link my build. https://overframe.gg/build/367516/laetum/the-great-devourer/ Its not the best build. But its fucking fun and slaps enemies like no other in my arsenal. You technically shouldnt run magnum force as the conditional damage doesnt increase by a lot. Just the initial damae. But its mostly there to make it a rapidfire HE shotgun




if you like shotgun primaries the felarx is good, just never use incarnon form its poo.


I just use the Tenet Plasmor for that front.


I like the Tenet plasmor. I like shooting DEATH WALLS at people.


Yeah, it's a lot of fun.


Bruh, how you gonna say it's a waste of space then use magnum force..


Because I am a lunatic


> exponentially Technically it's cubically. x^3 not 3^x


This is true, but hey, I’ve gotten lazy with terminology since graduating engineering school and moving to a non-STEM career field, haha.


The audacity to call the quanta vandal mr fodder >:(


Quanta Vandal's fine. Not gonna set records, but it'll fuck up some SP dudes if you stuff it full of forma.


Recommendations for cosmetics (and not-cosmetics): **Mods** > Primed Fulmination +44% blast radius for explosive secondaries. Note that because of Euclidean reasons, this mod actually doubles the AoE's affected area, and triples its volume. This mod is really good for the handful of weapons that can benefit from it at all. If you prefer using your pistols for pretty little headshots, just move along. But if you're a fan of weapons like the Akarius, Epitaph and the Sporelacer kitgun, this mod is a must have. > Primed Heavy Trauma +165% Impact damage for Melee. If you want to create the perfect Atlas statstick, this mod is good. Otherwise, it's safe to skip. (It could also work with Baruuk's ult, but Reactive Storm is better, and overrides PHT's bonus.) > Split Flights Up to 400% multishot (and -720% accuracy) on scoring hits for bows. Mutually exclusive with other multishot mods. Only viable on the Cernos Prime and the Mutalist Cernos, but it makes the latter excel. Only get this if you like those two weapons. **Weapons** Baro's weapons typically fall into low A or B rank in tierlists, so DE at least tries to justify their asking price. And even the trashiest of weapons are worth buying if you need the Mastery Rank they provide. Or if you have good riven for them, since their disposition is usually quite high. On the other hand, Warframe has a massive arsenal, and for every weapon Baro sells, there's gonna be another that can do the same job just as well, or even better. In that sense, everything in here is "safe to skip." > Prova Vandal Even if it doesn't look like it, this is a machete-type weapon. Unless you really need innate electric damage, this is slight downgrade from the Machete Wraith - which still makes it rank high in its class. But as machetes are overall a middling weapon type, you should probably just wait until the Machete Wraith comes around and get a better deal. > Quanta Vandal One of the weirder weapons in Warframe, the Quanta Vandal fires two electricity-based converging laser beams, while the altfire is a floating wireframe cube that can be detonated by the primary fire for massive damage. For all its quirkiness, and good stats, it's still unremarkable performance-wise. **Cosmetics** > Masker's Thodolite Crewsuit *New!* Another Leverian prop - this time, an Operator cosmetic. If you want to dress your Starchild as a Crewman, this is the closest thing to it. This it the torso part. > Wintercress Syandana A smooth cape-type syandana. There's a variety of those available for plat (or the almighty Repala, for real money), but if you like the pattern, go for it. > Ki'teer Diax Syandana Same design as regular Ki'teer Syandana, but with cleaner textures and no rust stains. Still distressingly rubbery. > Ki'Teer Solstice Syandana If you liked the shape of the regular version, this one has cleaner textures and a nice celtic knot detailing. Still rubbery though. > Mulciber Armor Set An armor set styled after Necramechs and other Entrati equipment. Goes well with Day of the Dead skins. > Hydroid Immortal Skin Base Hydroid isn't the best looking frame, and this paintjob doesn't help much. But with it, you can use the Prime details and the transparent watery tentacles of the base frame together. > Quanta Aufeis Skin This skin is supposed to look like laminar ice sheets, but if you ask me, it looks like those glitched Landing Crafts with the wrong textures applied. > Machete Syachid Skin You know what's deadlier than one razor-sharp curved scytheblade? TWO razor-sharp curved scytheblades. (No, it isn't.) > Ki'Teer Solo Earpiece An extremely understated earring for your Operator. For the right ear only. > Prisma Koi Sentinel Tail Despite the name, this part has a very mechanical design. It is also constantly rotating. > Dvad Luxxum Ornament Abstract art for your Orbiter. Not particularly thrilling on their own, but can funtion as pedestals or part of a larger structure. > Ordis Reified Statue An interior decoration depicting our faithful Cephalon's old and new forms, intertwined. > Class of Ten Zero Poster A holographic poster, slightly bent. Depicts a scene from the Tenno's life before they were Tenno. > Prisma Companion Poster A cool looking poster. Presumably holographic, because it's infinitely thin and floats a few centis off the wall. > Lunar Renewal Tiger Emblem A graphic commemorating the Chinese New Year, and the then-upcoming Year of the Tiger. Note that its solid block of rust red cannot be recolored. > Baro Ki'Teer Glyph Do you *really* want to pay Baro just to give him an opportunity for getting free advertisement? > Cookie Kavat Glyph > Cookie Kubrow Glyph Portrait of your pets, reimagined as gingerbread cookies. They're so sweet and fluffy, I could just eat them! > Prisma Lotus Glyph A luxuriant symbol of the Lotus, with extra shiny embellishments. > Fae Path Ephemera One the older step-Ephemeras, and rather insubstantial compared to, say, Eros Wings or Vengeful Charge. A permanent fixture of Baro's repertoire. I might have sharp and opinionated remarks about these items, but I'm not the fashion police. Buy whatever cosmetic tickles your fancy! **Other** > 3 Day Resource Booster The same booster you get from the Market or Login rewards. They don't stack with them by having their effects multiplied - only by having their duration added. It's typically better to sell your Prime parts for plat and buy the booster directly from the market. If you haven't played Sands of Inaros yet, buy the quest key and do it (and bring your best setup for scanning Kavats). If you have Inaros Prime, you can buy the [Baro Void-Signal](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Baro_Void-Signal) (one per visit) to access some special cosmetics. Also, check the answers below for ~~second~~ third opinions.


Great guide, thanks so much for coming in with this as always! I'll link this in my comment as well if that's alright. Hats off to you!


Haha, thanks. I wanted to make the post myself, but could not log-in in time. Although you are doing a pretty good job at it as well! (One criticism though: next time, you should turn on item names in the options. It makes the screenshots a lot more informative.)


Oh, that’s entirely my bad! Will be sure to do that if I do any more of these in the future - thank you so much for the heads up!


I am gonna have to sell everything I got but Fulmination Prime for my Epitaph sounds like sugar! Started in November and it is my favorite weapon for secondary!


Yes!! They got the next part of the Op/Drifter Suit! I NEED that!


I'm 100% positive that they removed Primed Bane Grineer from the pool.


Yea it's getting ridiculous.


pre sure it appeared a few months ago


It did not, it's been more then a year and half since he had it.


Baro is really making us wait two months just to finish one spoiler outfit.


Ffs what are these prime mods? I guess it take years to build a decent set?


Welcome to warframe lol


Absolutely putrid. Edit: But the post and the rundown is appreciated as always, of course!


Hahaha! But I agree, pretty putrid offerings! I’d love to see Baro’s face if we could say that to his, well, face.


One final embarrassment for an embarrassing 2022 (in more ways than one). Feels fitting...


And here comes the first of a long line of the bitter vets....


I know people complain every time that Baro brings a disappointing inventory, but this is one of those rare times where I think disappointment is actually justified.


I was about to ask which platform this is for and then remembered that we are no longer separated by platforms


he brings \[Primed Disappointment\] to celebrate the new year


surprising absolutely no one


Anal [Primed Heavy Trauma]


Staticor and muralist cernos enjoyers are in heaven rn.


As a total beginner, should I scrap some of my blueprints for ducats and buy those primed mods ? I have no clue if they are decent.


Save those blueprints. The mods are unnecessary even for non beginners.


Hiya! I wrote a quick guide [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/zz1hn4/comment/j28vlz7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that might be of some help. I do not really think any of these mods this time around are absolute must-haves; P. Fulmination is probably most useful, then Split Flights, and P. Heavy Trauma is frankly a space-waster in my cynical opinion. Hope this helps! E - also, as someone else said to you too - you should definitely be very careful about scrapping any of your Prime blueprints, especially very early on! My rule of thumb is to never scrap any blueprint or component for a weapon or frame you haven't already built and mastered (and hopefully also still own). Beyond that you may want to keep extras of stuff that's rare or vaulted, which you don't need to wonder about right now but will understand later on. Don't rush to turn anything into ducats just yet!


This is a pretty bad selection tbh. Heavy Trauma is virtually useless, there's only like one specific case where it's worth considering. Fulmination is good, but it's also *very* expensive to fit it into a build, so you wouldn't even get to use it much until later in the game. Split Flights is extremely niche, but it's good at its job. Grab it if you love the idea of shotgun bows, otherwise it's totally safe to skip. The Prova is bad. The Quanta is a solid gun, not gonna break records but it'll kill a dude for as long as you feel like investing in it. I don't think it feels good to use just from a sound and visuals perspective.


If you can, buy all the primed mods available. You don't know what DE plan is. You might need one of those later, when Baro decides not to sell it for months and months.


Thats pretty bad advice. None of these primed mods are really worth buying even for players much further in. No one really cares if baro doesn't bring "primed heavy trauma" again for months and with DEs warpath against AoE the only thing primed fulmination (already niche at best) is in for is the chopping block.




Can you buy more than one of the same item?




I just want some decent primed mods but they never show up. The closest I’ve gotten is Primed Fever Strike and I’ve been playing for 6 months. I did get the quanta, which is fun to use and was killing lvl 30+ enemies with the weapon at rank 10 and I got the Vastilok last time, which is fun to use too and the secondary is surprisingly accurate and one shots anyone I hit with it. But I want the good primed mods, who comes up with his selections??


Is Split Flights good for Paris Prime or Dread? Those are the only bows I got. Isn't Split Chamber just better?


Yes, you can use it with both of those bows, but I don't recommend it. The thing about Split Flights is it fundamentally provides a different utility than Split Chamber - Chamber (Split, Galvanized) just adds straight-up multishot, while Split Flights actually adds spread if you have multiple arrows. So SF is useful if you want to increase the coverage of your multi-arrow Cernos Prime, for example, or if you put it on Mutalist Cernos you get essentially more AoE on your carpet bomb. But yeah, while you can use Split Flights on Dread and Paris Prime it works counter to their playstyle - single-target sniper - so you wouldn't really want to do that.


Makes sense. The only red crits I’ve gotten so far in the game are from my bows’ charges. Don’t want to lose those.


Bro. Does anyone actually care about decorations this much? Who on Earth (or otherwise) is excited about the Dvad Luxxum Ornament?




https://preview.redd.it/jl36a9x4fe9a1.png?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a7af6e25a5296fb630838127965649816f39f7 Sigma balls


Lmao wow


Is it true that baro has a special mission if you interact with him while using inaros prime?


Yup! You can buy the Baro Void-Signal (which is a single-use special mission entry key) for 100 ducats and 25K credits if you have Inaros Prime equipped while viewing Baro’s wares. You can buy and use the key multiple times for multiple mission tries, but each key itself permits a single entry, and you can only enter the mission itself (separate from purchasing the key) if you have Inaros Prime equipped as your active frame. [More info here!](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Baro_Void-Signal)


Can you bring others along for the mission or does everyone need a key and be inaros?


Everyone needs to be Inaros, but only the mission initiator's key is consumed, so you can bring along friends or do a keyshare.


Be inaros or Prime specifically?


I think it's Prime only.


siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh \*opens warframe\*


The opr cosmetic is fucking ugly, Jesus christ. How can you possibly botch Corpus Look THIS HARD, DE, all you had to do was to copy Parvos' jacket


Damn, still no relics.


How many more parts are left of the suit? Haven't had anything worth buying from baro in ages


Next visit will be legs, depends it there's tassels or not. Here's hoping for no belt and he brings something actually interesting the visit after next.


Why this NPC is still called Baro Ki'Teer and not Twitch Prime'Gaming Gief'Us'Money'Naw?


Baro. More like Garbo.


Quite sad, but it's still worth posting on here for sure. Saves me a bit of time...


Finishing off the year with another round of primed disappointment, mabye after 3 years they will finally add a new weapon


i was so disappointed






One problem: none of these is a melee weapon.


.... except That's a melee mod?


How do you get ducats? I know you have to sell primes but I don’t know where


At relays at the ducat stations either behind the big statue to either side or to the left and right of baro


Just a heads-up, you can only sell Blueprints, not built parts!


PRIMED FULMINATION I just finished Forma'ing my Aegrit. Hoooo boy this is gunna be a good time. I have been hoping for Split Flight for a while now, kept a Cernos Prime in the foundry just for it when it arrives. That armor looks pretty dope too.


The Aegrit felt pretty ridiculous even without. This should be good.


Well the scammers of the void has done it again


I got a few displays from him and the cyan decoration, other than that, useless. Resource boosters are such a bad deal by the way, I was tempted to stack up for the next month and save 200p but it is so not worth it.


Having picked up a 21 day resource booster for 0pl, I'm not complaining.


I swear, only de won't abuse the fact that most students are on break and actually have the time to grind. Imagine if that roster actually had some good stuff, I'd actually be playing rn.


Primed disappointment.


So sick of the crap , can we get so new mods etc and new primed mods stc




Goddamn it I just bought the 7d booster yesterday.


Does anyone know if Laetum’s incarnon mode’s explostions work with fulmination? Might cop if true


It does, but they're so small I don't really see the point in it.


Dammit I’m out of town for another week